Browse All : mezzotint engraving
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The Honble. John Hancock. of Boston in New-England; President of the American Congress.
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Simón Bolívar. Libertador de Colombia y del Peru; y Fundador de Bolivia ...
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Charles Lee, Esqr. Major General of the Continental-Army in America.
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Colonel Arnold. Who Commanded the Provincial Troops sent against Quebec ...
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Doctissimo y Clarissimo Señor H. H. Yshack. Aboab. Rabino del K. K. de Amsterdam.
Source place of publication
De Amsterdam
Source date
5441 [i.e., 1681]
Image title
Major Robert Rogers, Commander in Chief of the Indians in the Back Settlements of America.
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Israel Putnam Esqr. Major General of the Connecticut Forces, and Commander in Chief at the Engagement on Bunckers-Hill near Boston, 17 June 1775.
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David Wooster, Esqr. Commander in Chief of the Provincial Army against Quebec.
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Major General John Sullivan, A distinguish'd officer in the Continential Army.
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Sir. Jeffery Amherst, Knight of the most honorable Order of the Bath, Governor of Virginia, ... & Commander in Chief of His Majesty's Forces in North America from 1758 to 1764.
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Gen. Washington [on the battle field at Trenton] Engraved by W. Warner from the original picture by Col. John Trumbull in possession of Yale College N. Haven
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His Excellency John Ld. Carteret, One of the principal secretary's of State & one of his Majesties Most Honourable Privy Councill.
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The Honble. Brigadier Thomas Wentworth Esqr. Commander in chief of his Majes. Land Forces in ye West Indies
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Cottonus Matherus S. Theologiae Doctor Regiae Societatis Londinensis Socius et Ecclesiae apud Bostonum Nov=Anglorum nuper Praepositus.
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Tee Yee Neen Ho Ga Row, Emperour of the Six Nations
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Sa Ga Yeath Qua Pieth Ton King of the Maquas
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Ho Nee Yeath Tan No Ron King of the Generethgarich
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Tomo Chachi Mico or King of Yamacraw, and Tooanahowi his Nephew, son to the Mico of the Etchitas.
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Major General James Wolfe. Commander in Chief of his Majestys Forces on the Expedition against Quebec
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[Cunne Shote, the Indian chief, a great warrior of the Cherokee nation]
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The Right Honble. Charles Mountague. One of the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury &c.
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Joseph Tayadaneega called the Brant, the Great Captain of the Six Nations
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George Washington, Esqr. General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army in Anerica
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The Death of General Wolfe on the 13th. Septr: 1759, at Quebec.
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D. Beniamin Fraencklin. Grand Com[m]issaire plenipotentiaire du Congres d'Amerique en France né à Boston 1706 en 17 Janvier.
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Thomas Pownall Esqr. member of Parliament, late Governor Captain General and Commander in Chief; and Vice Admiral of His Majesty's Provinces Massachusetts Bay & South Carolina; & Lieutt. Governor of New Jersey
Source place of publication
Source date
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