[ J. B. Morando]
[ Jan ten Hoorn]
[ T. Jefferys]
[A Bettesworth, J. Batley
[A costa de Miguel Capila
[A. Bettesworth & J. Osbo
[Alex. Hogg]
[Alonso Escriuano]
[Andreas Cratander]
[Andreas Frisius]
[Andreas Linde ... I.W. S
[André Cailleau]
[Annisson, Posuel & Rigau
[Antonio Barneoud]
[Antonio de Sancha]
[Antonio Gonsaluez]
[Antonio Marin]
[Antonio Zatta]
[Appresso i Giunti]
[apud Franciscum Hackium,
[Arkstee & Merkus]
[Arkstée & Merkus]
[Arnould Leers]
[Aux despens de Iean Pill
[Awnsham and John Churchi
[B. and J. White]
[B. White]
[Baldwin, Cradock, and Jo
[Balthasaris Moreti]
[Bernard Lintot ... Edwar
[Bernard Romans]
[Bernardini Pomatelli]
[Bonaventure & Abraham E
[Bonaventure & Abraham El
[Broer Jansz]
[By Anthony Schouten]
[By Richard Ihones]
[by Zacharias Heijns]
[C. Plantin]
[Carey, Lea & Carey ...
[Carlos Gibert y Tutó]
[Charles-Antoine Jombert]
[Chez Arnould Leers]
[Chez Arnout Leers]
[Chez de Bure, l'Ainé, ..
[chez Herman Uytwerf]
[Chez Iean Girin & B. Riv
[chez l'auteur, ... De Bu
[Chez Nyon, ... Didot, ..
[Chez Pierre Humbert]
[Christian Friedrich Boss
[Christoph Gerhard, for w
[Christophe Plantin]
[Christophle Plantin]
[Claude Collet]
[Colburn & Bentley]
[Compagnie des libraires]
[Constable & Co.]
[D. Henry and R. Cave]
[Dalla tipografia dell 'e
[de Bure, l'Ainé, ... La
[Dufart, père]
[Duplain, Dubuisson, Debu
[E. van Harrevelt ...]
[Edward and Charles Dilly
[Edward Luther Low]
[Elie Luzac, fils]
[Elizabeth All-de, for Ro
[En casa de Martin de Mon
[Enla empre[n]ta de Iuam
[Ernst Fleischer]
[Et se trouve a Paris, ch
[Etienne Ganeau]
[Etienne Roger]
[ex officina Krausiana]
[F. Dufart, père]
[F. Newbery]
[Felipe de Zúñiga y Ontiv
[Felix Kyngston]
[Fernando Diaz]
[Fielding & Walker]
[Firmin Didot Frères]
[Francesco Rampazetto]
[Francisco de Rivera Cald
[Franciscum Hackium & Lu
[François Haack & Louis E
[Frères l'Honoré]
[G. G. J. and J. Robinson
[G. Widdowes]
[Gabriel de Sancha]
[Gebrüden van Dûren]
[Geo. Bickham]
[Giambattista Sonzogno]
[Giovacchino Pagani]
[Giuseppe Marelli]
[Gregorio Biasini]
[Guillaume Cavelier]
[Guillaume Macé]
[Hans Christopher Schrøde
[Hartlebens Verlagsexpedi
[Heinrich Petri]
[Heirs of Avondo]
[Heirs of Maurice de la
[Heirs of Maurice de la P
[Heirs of Phillip, Martin
[Heirs of Thomas von Wier
[Henrique Valente de Oliu
[Henry des Bordes]
[Henry Hughs]
[heritiers de Maurice de
[Hermanus Uytwerf]
[Hieronymo Gallern]
[Hieronymus Galler]
[Humphrey Moseley]
[I. Thomas and E. T. Andr
[Ian Canin]
[Ibrahim Mutafarika]
[Ibrahim Mutafarrika, at
[imprenta de la Capitanía
[imprenta real de los Niñ
[Imprimerie royale]
[in Verlegung Johann And
[in Verlegung Johann Andr
[in Verlegung Johann Andr
[in Verlegung Johann Andr
[Ioannis Gottlob Rothe]
[Isaiah Thomas and Ebenez
[Isaiah Thomas]
[J. and F. Rivington ...]
[J. Cooke]
[J. Frederic Bernard]
[J. Johnson]
[J. Millan]
[J. Newbery]
[J. Roberts]
[J. Senex, W. and J. Inny
[J. Tastu]
[J. van Schoonhoven & Co.
[J. Wechel, for T. de Bry
[J. Wenman]
[Jacob Bertsche]
[Jacob Meurs]
[Jacques Leken]
[James & Johnson]
[Jan van Dalen]
[Jansson van Waesberge]
[Jean Boudot]
[Jean Frederic Bernard]
[Jean Girin & Barthélémy
[Jean Mariette]
[Jean-Luc Nion and Franço
[Jo. Jacobi Palmii]
[Joachin Ibarra]
[Joam da Costa]
[Joannem Oosterwyk]
[Joaõ Porcopio Correa da
[Joaõ Procopio Correa da
[Joh. David Jungnicol]
[Johan Cristoph Groth]
[Johan Frederik Schultz]
[Johan Naumans und Jurgen
[Johan Ten Hoorn]
[Johann & Wolfgang Endter
[Johann Andreas Endter]
[Johann Feyerabend, Theod
[Johann Heinrich Schuboth
[Johann Herbordt Kloss]
[Johann Justinus Gebauer]
[Johannes Grieninger]
[Johannes Oosterwijk]
[Johannes Oosterwyk]
[Johannes Ribbius]
[John and Paul Knapton]
[John Brickell]
[John Murray]
[John Norton]
[John Stockdale, Scatcher
[Joseph Greenleaf]
[Joseph Mongé]
[Joseph von Kurböck]
[José del Collado]
[José Mariano da Conceiça
[João Procopio Correa Sil
[Juan Bautista Verdussen]
[Juan de Junta]
[L. Davis]
[L. Haussmann et d'Haute
[L. Haussmann]
[Lars Nielsen Svare]
[Levinus Hulsius]
[Lockyer Davis]
[Longman, Hurst, Rees, Or
[Longman, Hurst, Rees, Or
[Louïs Billaine]
[Ludovici Vlas-blom]
[Ludovicum et Danielem El
[Luigi Perego]
[M. Bentley ...]
[M. Brown]
[M. Gillyflower ... W. Fr
[Marc-Michel Rey & Jean M
[Marco Coltellini]
[Mark Catesby ... ]
[Mark Catesby ...]
[Mark Catesby, W. Innys,
[Martin de Montesdoca]
[Martin de Victoria]
[Matthäus Merian]
[Michel Brunet]
[Michiel Colijn]
[Miguel de Capila]
[Nath. Crouch]
[Nella stamperìa di S. To
[Nicholas de Ville]
[Nicolas Le Gras]
[Nyon ... Ganeau ... Quil
[P. van Thol en R.C. Albe
[Par la Compagnie]
[Paul Renouard]
[Paul Straub]
[Pedro Balli]
[Pedro Bombelli]
[Peter Conrad Monath]
[Pierre Giffart]
[Pierre L'Huillier]
[Pierre-François Didot je
[Pierre-François Giffart]
[Pieter Meijer]
[Pieter van der Aa]
[Pietro Giacopo Petrucci]
[Plantin Office (Balthaz
[Por Francisco Cavallo]
[Presso la Società Tipogr
[Printed by B.M. for the
[Printed by Tiebout and O
[Printed for Benjamin Wh
[Printed for the author]
[R. & G. Wetstein]
[Regia Officina Typografi
[Reinier Boitet]
[Remon de Petras]
[Richard Field]
[Robert Faulder]
[Royal Press]
[Rudolf en Gerard Wetstei
[rue S. Jacques, chez Pi
[S.J. Baalde & Barthelemy
[Sam. Smith and Benj. Wal
[Samuel Augustus Mitchell
[Samuel Hall]
[Saugrain l'aîné ... Char
[Schüppelschen Buchhandlu
[Sebastianum Cramoisy, et
[Simon Le Moyne]
[Simão Thaddeo Ferreira]
[Société des Beaux-Arts]
[Stanno Hammiano]
[T. & J. Swords]
[T. Bensley ...]
[T. Jeffery]
[T. Jefferys]
[T. Lowndes]
[T. Osborne and J. Shipt
[T. Warner]
[T. Woodward ... ]
[T.H. for John Stephenson
[the Proprietors]
[Theodorus Crajenschot]
[Thomas Dobson]
[Thomas Iolly ]
[Thomas Iolly]
[Thomas Jolly]
[Thomas Purfoot]
[Treuttel and Wurtz]
[Typis Edmanmianis]
[Typis Ioannis Feyrabend]
[University Press]
[Vernor and Hood, by T. B
[veuve Herbault..., Delal
[Vitale Mascardi]
[viuda de D. Joaquin Ibar
[W. and A. Strahan]
[W. Botham, for James Kna
[W. Rawlins]
[White, Cochrane, and Co.
[White, Cochrane, and Co]
[Widow and heirs of Marín
[Widow and son of Petro M
[Widow of Christoph Runge
[Widow of Paul Marret]
[Willyam Norton]
[Wolffgang Richter]
[Zacherie Chatelain]
A Clouwet
A costa de Miguel Capila
A Rider
A spese di Giovacchino Pa
A. Arrowsmith, Charles St
A. Redouté
A. Rich.
A. Riché
A. Rider
A. Smith
A.M. Skene
Acosta, Cristóbal, ca. 15
Ad Moenum Typis Ioannis W
Aert Schouman
Agnese, Battista, fl. 153
Alcide Dessalines d'Orbig
Alexander Lawson
Alexander von Humboldt
Anderson, Johann, 1674-17
Andrea Scacciati
André Bouys
Antonio Gregori
Appresso Francesco Rampaz
Appresso i Giunti
Apud Beteta
apud Franciscum Hackium,
apud Henrichum Petri
apud Iohannem Elsevirivm,
Apud Iohannem Henricum Sc
apud Joannem Boudot, Regi
apud Joannem Oosterwyk.
Apud Ludovicum et Daniele
apud Petrum Conradum Mona
Apud Petrumiccobum Potrut
Apud Sebastianum Cramoisy
Apud viduam et filium Pet
Arago, Jacques, 1790-1855
Arthus Bertrand
Arthus Bertrand, editeur
Arthus Bertrand, libraire
Aublet, Fusée, 1720-1778
Auguste-Denis Fougeroux d
aux depens d'Etienne Roge
Aux despens de Iean Pille
Azara, Félix de, 1746-182
B Cole
B. Cole
Bacqueville de La Potheri
Bacqueville de La Potheri
Baldwin, Cradock & Joy
Balmis, Francisco Xavier
Baptista van Doetechum
Barrutia, Francisco Javie
Bartolache, José Ignacio,
Bartram, William, 1739-18
Beauchamp, Alph. de, 1767
bei Christian Friedrich B
bei Peter Conrad Monath
Bellegarde, M. l'abbé de
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas,
Benedetto Bordiga
Benjamin Tanner
Benoit, P. J. (Pierre Ja
Benoît-Louis Prévost
Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 151
Beresford, William, fl. 1
Berkel, Adriaan van
Bernard Picart
Bernard, Jean Frédéric, d
Bernhard Havestadt
bey Andreas Linde, I.K.H.
bey den Gebrüden van Dûre
bey Hieronymo Gallern
Bey Johann George Hüneln
bey Johann Justinus Gebau
bey Wolff Richtern
Bey Wolffgang Richter
Bickham, George, 1684?-17
Bigges, Walter, d. 1586
bij de Elzeviers.
Bij Joannes Oosterwyk Boe
Black, Young & Young, Tav
Bonaparte, Charles Lucia
Bonoeil, John
Boreman, Thomas, 18th. ce
Brickell, John, 1710 ?-17
Brouwer, Hendrick, 1581 o
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-1
Bry, Johan Theodor de, 15
Buc'hoz, Pierre-Joseph, 1
By Anthony Schouten
By Hermanus Uytwerf, boek
By I. Thomas and E. T. An
By Isaiah Thomas and Eben
By Isaiah Thomas, Sold at
By J. van Schoonhoven en
By Jacob Meurs Boek-verk
By Jan ten Hoorn, boekver
by Jan van Dalen, boekver
by Joannes Oosterwyk, bo
By Johan Ten Hoorn, boekv
By Johannes Oosterwyk, bo
By Johannes Ribbius, boec
by John Norton
By Michiel Colijn, boeckv
By Michiel Colijn, boeckv
by P. van Thol en R.C. Al
By R. en G. Wetstein
by R: en G: Wetstein
By Reinier Boitet
by Richard Field, dwellin
By Richard Ihones
By Rudolf en Gerard Wetst
By Theodorus Crajenschot,
by Zacharias Heijns, inde
Byam, Lydia, fl. 1797 -
C. A.
C. Bergquist
C. Inselin
C. J. de Huyser
C. Lempriere
C. Mathey
C. Motte
C. Philips Jacobsz.
C. Schmelz
C. Vauthier
C. Zinck
Capt. Dixon [George Dixon
Carey, Lea & Carey - Che
Carver, Jonathan, 1710-17
Caspar Bauhin
Caspar Luyken
Castiglioni, Luigi, 1757
Catesby, Mark , 1683-174
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174
Ch. Motte
Chambon, M.
Champlain, Samuel de
Champlain, Samuel de, 156
Chappe d'Auteroche, abbé,
Charles Plumier
Chatelain, Henri Abraham
Chez André Cailleau, Plac
Chez Arkstee & Merkus
Chez Arkstée & Merkus
Chez Arnould Leers
Chez Arnout Leers
Chez Bonaventure & Abrah
Chez Buisson, Libraire-Im
Chez Charles-Antoine Jomb
chez Claude Collet, au Pa
Chez de Bure, l'Ainé, ..
Chez Didot, Libraire, Qua
Chez Duplain, rue & cour
Chez E. van Harrevelt, D.
Chez Etienne Ganeau, Libr
Chez F. Schoell, libraire
Chez Gobreau, libraire, Q
Chez Guillaume Cavelier
Chez Guillaume Macé au mo
Chez Henry des Bordes
chez Herman Uytwerf
Chez J. Frederic Bernard
chez J.E. Gabriel Dufour,
chez Jacques Lekens libra
Chez Jean Frederic Bernar
Chez Jean Mariette, ruë S
Chez Jean-Geoffroy Nyon .
Chez Jean-Luc Nion, au pr
chez Joseph Mongé, ruë S.
chez l'auteur, rue de la
Chez l'éditeur, Rue des M
Chez la veuve de Paul Mar
Chez la veuve Herbault ..
Chez les Fréres [sic] l'H
Chez les heritiers de Ma
Chez Louïs Billaine, dans
Chez Maradan, Libraire, H
Chez Marc-Michel Rey, lib
Chez Nicholas de Ville, r
Chez Nicolas Le Gras, au
Chez Nyon, ... Didot, ...
Chez P. Bertrand, éditeur
Chez Pierre Humbert.
chez Pierre L'Huillier,
Chez Pierre van der Aa, m
Chez Pierre-François Dido
Chez Pierre-François Dido
Chez Pierre-François Giff
Chez S. J. Baalde. Chez B
Chez Saugrain l'aîné, Qua
Chez Saugrain, Quay de Ge
Chez Thomas Iolly, au pal
Chez Zacharie Chatelain
Choris, Louis, 1795-1828
Christoffel Jeghers
Cieza de León, Pedro de,
Clavigero, Francesco Save
Clavigero, Francisco Save
Clusius, Carolus, 1526-16
Collegio romano. Museo
Collings & W. Lewin
Colnett, James, 1755?-180
Constable & Co.
Cook, James, 1728-1779
Coreal, Francisco, 1648?-
Cornut, Jacques Philippe
Costa, Christovam da, ca.
Cramer, Peter, 1726-1782
Dalla tipografia dell 'ed
Dalla tipografia di Giamb
dans l'Isle du Palais, su
Darly & Edwards
Darton, William, 1755-181
Darwin, Erasmus, 1731-180
De l'Imp. d'Elie Luzac, f
De l'imprimerie de Chris
De l'Imprimerie de Didot
De l'imprimerie de F. Duf
De L'Imprimerie de L. Ha
De L'Imprimerie de L. H
De l'Imprimerie de Langlo
De l'imprimerie royale.
Debret, Jean Baptiste, 1
Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731
Dentu, imprimeur-libraire
Descourtilz, M. E. (Mich
Desmarest, A.-G. (Anselme
Diego d[e] Villanueva
Diego Valades
Dobrizhoffer, Martin, 171
Door Pieter Vander Aa, bo
Drake, Edward Cavendish
druckts und verlegts Joh.
Du Creux, François, 1596?
Du Pinet, Antoine, 16th c
Du Tertre, Jean Baptiste,
Dufart, père, libraire-é
Dufour, Philippe Sylvestr
Durch Matthaeum Merian, B
Dutrône de La Couture, Ja
E dn
Eder, Francisco Javier, 1
Edward Francis Finden
Edwards & Darley
Edwards, Bryan, 1743-1800
Egede, Hans, 1686-1758
Egede, Poul Hansen, 1708-
El[izabe]th. Haussard
Ellis, Henry, 1721-1806
Ellis, John, 1710?-1776
Em. Alvarez
En casa de Alonso Escriua
En casa de Fernando Diaz
en casa de Miguel de Capi
En casa de Pedro Balli
En la imprenta de Carlos
en la Imprenta de D. José
En la imprenta de la Capi
En la imprenta de la viud
En la imprenta de la viud
en la Imprenta de la Viud
En la imprenta real de lo
En la Oficina de Joachin
Enla empre[n]ta de Iuam C
Er. Nordwall
Ercilla y Zúñiga, Alfonso
Ernst Fleischer
Et se trouve a Paris, che
Ex officina Christophori
Ex officina Janssonio-Wae
ex officina Krausiana
ex officina Plantiniana
Ex officina Platiniana, A
Ex officina Rungiana
Ex Typographeio Vitalis M
Ex typographia Academico-
Ex typographia patriarcha
excudebat prelum Thomae P
F. de Bakker
F. Garden
F. Gregori
F. Patton
F. Sansom
F. W. Beechy
Fabricius, Otto, 1744-182
Favanne Fils
Fe. Bocquet
Fe. Boquet
Felix Kingston
Felix Kyngston
Ferdinand Bauer
Ferdinando Gregori
Fermin, Philippe, 1729-18
Fernández de Oviedo y Val
Feuillée, Louis, 1660-1
Firmin Didot Frères, imp
Firmin Didot Frères, impr
Fischer, Christian August
Fletcher, Henry? d. 1802
Fme. Bocquet
Fme. Boquet
For Black, Young and Youn
Forster, Johann Reinhold,
Fr. Suria
France. Commission scien
Francesco Faccenda
Francisci, Erasmus, 1627
Franciscum Hackium & Lud
Franciscus Sansom
Franklin, John, Sir, 1786
Frans de Bakker
Franz Andreas Bauer
Frederic Greuter
Frederick Christian Lewis
Frederik Ottens
Fries, Lorenz, ca. 1490-1
Froger, François, b. 167
Frézier, Amédée François
Funnell, William
G. Allen
G. Cooke
G. G. & J. Robinson
G. G. J. and J. Robinson,
G. Stubbs
G. van den Heuvel
g.S. de la haye
G[erard]. Valck
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-1656
Gandavo, Pero de Magalhãe
gedruckt by Broer Jansz,
Gedruckt und verlegt bey
gedruckt und verlegt dur
Gemelli Careri, Giovanni
Geo. Goulding, Haydn's he
Georg Dionysius Ehret
George Back
George Bickham
George Francis Lyon
George Scharf the elder
Gerard van der Gucht
Gerard, John, 1545-1612
Gilii, Filippo Salvadore,
Giovanni Fabbri
Giovanni Fabri
Giuseppe Maria Terreni
Gottfried, Johann Ludwig,
Grainger, James, 1721?-17
Grew, Nehemiah, 1641-1712
Gumilla, Joseph, d. 1750
H Roberts
H.D. Symonds
Hariot, Thomas, 1560-1621
Harris, John, 1667?-1719
Harrison & Co.
Havestadt, Bernhard, 1714
Hawkesworth, John, 1715?-
Hayman, Robert d.1631 ?
Hennepin, Louis, 17th cen
Henri Joseph Redouté
Henry Colburn and Richard
Hern?ndez, Francisco, 15
Hernandez, Francisco, 151
Hernández, Francisco, 1
Herrera y Tordesillas, An
Hieronymus Strübel
Hooghe, Romeyn de, 1645-1
Houet fils
Hughes, Griffith, b. 170
Humboldt, Alexander von,
Hübner, Johann, 1668-1731
I Haas
I. Clark
I. Mawman
I. Pine
I. Stockdale, Piccadilly
I. van Vianen
I. W. Lowry
I. W. Schleuen
I.C. Bock
Ian Canin
Impensis Ioannis Gottlob
Impensis Levini Hulsii
Impreso con licencia de l
Imprimerie de J. Tastu, r
Imprimé chez Paul Renouar
In der Schüppelschen Buch
In Hartlebens Verlagsexpe
In officina Fleischeriana
In Verlag Philips, Martin
in Verlegung Johann Andr
In Verlegung Johann Andre
in Verlegung Johann Andre
in Verlegung Johann Andre
In Verlegung Paul Fürsten
In Verlegung, Johann Andr
In Verlägung Johan Nauman
Iohn Murray, Albemarle St
Isid. Galvez
Isidro Gálvez
J Mulder
J. B. Elwe
J. Barlow
J. Curtis
J. Delarue
J. J. Wagner
J. Johnson, St. Paul's C
J. M. Vega
J. Mulder
J. Mynde
J. N. Joby
J. Noual
J. v. Schoonhoven & Comp.
J. Wandelaar
J: Goeree
Jacob Folkema
Jacques Arago
Jacques Barraband
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph,
Jacquin, Nikolaus Joseph,
James Colnett
James Roberts
James Waddel
James Watson
James Weddell
Jean Baptiste Debret
Jesuits. Letters from mis
Johann Fritzsche
Johann Joseph Fleischman
Johannes Oosterwijk
John Curtis
John Faber Jr.
John James Audubon
John Miers
John Murray
John Murray, Albemarle St
John Murray, Albemarle-S
John Murray, Albemarle-St
John Murray, Publisher t
John Webber
John White
Josselyn, John, fl. 1630
José Casildo España
Juan Moreno Tejada
Jul. Dietz
Julio Peña
Kalm, Pehr, 1716-1779
Koster, Henry, 1793-ca.18
L. Boudan
L. Guerrini
La Peyrère, Isaac de, 159
La Pérouse, Jean-Françoi
la Ves. Deportes
la Vesse de Portes
la Vesse. de Portes
la Vesse. de Portès
la Vtesse Paule. de Porte
la Vtesse Paule. de Portè
Labat, Jean Baptiste, 166
Labat, Jean Baptiste, 16
Laet, Joannes de, 1593-1
Lafitau, Joseph François,
Lafitau, Joseph-François,
Lahontan, Louis Armand de
Lambert, Aylmer Bourke,
Lars Nielsen Svare
Lawson, John, d. 1711
Le Beau, Claude
le Clerc
Le Page du Pratz, d. 177
Le Vaillant, François, 17
Leop. Müller
Levrault Editeur
Le�n Pinelo, Antonio de,
Lieut. Beechey
Ligon, Richard
Linné, Carl von, 1707-177
Lloyd, David, 1597-1663
Lochner, Michael Friedric
Longman & Co. Paternoster
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orm
Louis Choris
Louis Feuillée
Lse. Fse. Jacquinot Fme.
Lyon, G. F. (George Franc
López de Gómara, Francisc
López de Gómara, Francis
López de Hinojosos, Alons
M V dr Gucht
M. Lowry
Mal. Rodriguez
Manby, George William, 17
Marcello Cavello
Mark Catesby
Martyn, William Frederic
Mawe, John, 1764-1829
Me. la Vesse Paulne. de P
Meares, John, 1756?-1809
Melle. Coignet Jne.
Mello, José Rodrigues de,
Mentzel, Christian, 1622-
Merian, Maria Sibylla, 1
Michaux, François André
Michaux, François Andr��,
Miers, John, 1789-1879
Moithey L'ainé
Moithey L[']ainé
Molina, Giovanni Ignazio,
Monardes, Nicolás, ca. 1
Monardes, Nicol��s, ca. 1
Montanus, Arnoldus, 1625
Moore, John Hamilton, d.
Moses Griffiths
Moses Harris
Mylius, Christlob, 1722-1
Münster, Sebastian, 1489-
N. Guérard le fils
Na Impressam Regia
Na Impressão de J. B. Mor
Na Of. de Simão Thaddeo F
Na Offic. de Joaõ Procopi
Na officina de Annisson,
Na officina de Antonio Go
Na officina de Henrique V
Na Officina de Ioam da Co
Na Officina de Joaõ Porco
Na Officina de Simão Thad
Na Regia Officina Typogra
Nella Stamperia degli Ere
Nella Stamperia di Giuse
Nella stamperia di S. Mic
Nella stamperìa di S. Tom
Nicolaes van Frankendaal
Nicolson, pere
Nieremberg, Juan Eusebio
Nigrisoli, Francesco Mari
Nikolaus Joseph, Freiherr
No Arco do Cego
Noort, Olivier van, 1558
Noël ainé
O'Reilly, Bernard
Occhiolini, Giovanni Batt
Oldmixon, Mr. (John), 167
Olof Swartz
Orbigny, Alcide Dessaline
Ordóñez de Ceballos, Pedr
Orta, Garcia de, 16th cen
Ottsen, Hendrick
Ovalle, Alonso de, 1601-1
Oxholm, Peter Lotharius,
P. Bertrand
P. Brown
P. Giffart
P. J. Bessa
P. Mazell
P. Oudart
P. Sluyter
P. Syme
Pancrace Bessa
Par la Compagnie
Par la compagnie des libr
Parra, Antonio
Parry, William Edward, S
Paul Revere
Paulus Lauters
Pena, Pierre, fl. 1535-16
Pennant, Thomas, 1726-17
Per Gregorio Biasini all'
Per Luigi Perego erede Sa
Per Marco Coltellini all
Pernety, Antoine-Joseph,
Peter Mazell
Peterkin, Joshua
Petr. Gascó
Petrucci, Giuseppe, d. 16
Philoponus, Honorius
Pierre François Giffart
Pierre Giffart
Pierre Jacques Benoit
Pierre Joseph Redouté
Pieter Balthazar Bouttats
Piso, Willem, 1611 - 1678
Piso, Willem, 1611-1678
Pistorius, Thomas
Pluche, Noël Antoine, 168
Plumier, Charles, 1646-1
Por Antonio Marin
por D. Antonio de Sancha
por el incisor Pedro Bomb
Por Francisco Cavallo
por Francisco de Rivera C
Por Ivan de Iunta
Por Juan Bautista Verduss
Por la viuda de Iuan Gon�
Por Martin de Victoria im
Porter, George Richardson
Potgieter, Barent Jansz,
Poules Churche-yearde, by
Presso Antonio Zatta, Qu:
Presso Gio. Tommaso Masi
Presso la Società Tipogra
Presso li Janssonio-Waesb
Printed and sold by Samue
Printed and sold by Thoma
Printed at the Expence of
Printed at the Expence o
Printed by A. Hamilton,
Printed by and for I. Tho
Printed by and sold at Gr
Printed by B.M. for the
Printed by Edward Luth[e]
Printed by Elizabeth All-
Printed by Henry Hughs
Printed by James & Johnso
Printed by M. Brown, at t
Printed by S. McDowall, 9
Printed by T. & J. Swords
Printed by T. Bensley, fo
Printed by T.H. for John
Printed by Tiebout and O'
Printed by W. and A. Stra
Printed by W. Botham, for
Printed by W. Botham, for
Printed by W. Rawlins, fo
Printed for A. Betteswort
Printed for A. Betteswort
Printed for Alex. Hogg, a
Printed for Archibald Con
Printed for Awnsham and J
Printed for B. and J. Wh
Printed for Baldwin, Crad
Printed for Baldwin, Crad
Printed for Benjamin Whi
Printed for Bernard Linto
Printed for D. Henry and
Printed for Edward and Ch
Printed for F. Newbery, t
Printed for Fielding and
Printed for G. Widdowes
Printed for Harrison and
Printed for Harrison and
Printed for Humphrey Mose
Printed for Humphrey Mose
Printed for J. and F. Riv
Printed for J. Cooke, at
Printed for J. Johnson,
Printed for J. Johnson, S
Printed for J. Johnson, S
Printed for J. Mawman, Lu
Printed for J. Millan, n
Printed for J. Newbery, a
Printed for J. Roberts, n
Printed for J. Senex, ...
Printed for John Stockdal
Printed for John Stockdal
Printed for Lockyer Davis
Printed for Longman, Hurs
Printed for Longman, Hurs
Printed for M. Bentley, J
Printed for M. Gillyflowe
Printed for Nath. Crouch
Printed for R. Marriot &
Printed for Richard Phill
Printed for Robert Fauld
Printed for Sam. Smith an
Printed for Sherwood, Nee
Printed for T. Jefferys,
Printed for T. Warner, at
Printed for T. Woodward,
Printed for the Author
Printed for the author, a
printed for the author, b
printed for the author, B
Printed for the author: L
Printed for the author;
Printed for the author;
Printed for the Author; B
Printed for the editor; a
Printed for the Proprieto
Printed for Vernor and Ho
Printed for White, Cochra
Printed, and sold by the
printed; and sold by L. D
Prudhomme, Louis Marie, 1
Prévost, abbé, 1697-1763
Publish'd according to Ac
Publish'd by Smith Reed a
Published by Samuel Augus
Pursh, Frederick, 1774-18
R. Benning
R. Hancock
R. Havell & Son
R. Murray
R. Scot
R.B., 1632?-1725?
Raddi, Giuseppe, 1770-182
Ramusio, Giovanni Battist
Redi, Francesco, 1626-169
Richard Phillips
Rio, Alfonso Mariano del
Robert Benard
Robert Hood
Robinson, J. H., surgeon
Rochefort, Charles de, 1
Rogerius, Abraham, d. 164
Rogers, Woodes, d. 1732
Romans, Bernard, ca. 1720
Ross, John, Sir, 1777-185
Rottbøll, Christen Friis,
Rowney & Forster
Rubio y Enguidanos
Rue S. Jacques, chez Pie
Rue S. Jacques, chez Pier
Ruiz, Hipólito, 1754-1816
Russell, William, 1741-17
Ruusscher, Melchior de
S. Koenig
Samuel Hill
Schmidel, Ulrich, 1510?-1
Schmidtmeyer, Peter
Schouten, Willem Cornelis
Scoresby, William, 1789-1
se imprimio a costas del
Sebastien Le Clerc
Shelvocke, George
Simon Fokke
Sir John Ross
Skinner, Joseph
Sloane, Hans, Sir, 1660-
Smith, Elder & Co. Cornhi
Smith, Elder, and Co., 65
Smith, James Edward, Sir,
Société des Beaux-Arts
Société des Beaux-Arts;
Sold by B. White, at Hora
Southall, John
Stanno Hammiano
Stedman, John Gabriel, 1
Sterre, Dionysius van der
Sumptibus Andreae Frisii
Sumptibus Blasij Deuers
sumptibus J. Fraser: pros
Sumptibus Ludovici Vlas-b
Sumptibus Matthaei Merian
Sumtu Jo. Jacobi Palmii
Swartz, Olof, 1760-1818
T Smith
T. Bagg
T. H. Foljambe
T. Koehler
T. M. Baynes
T. Woolnoth
Tatham, William, 1752-181
Temple, Edmond
Theodor de Bry
Thevet, André, 1502-1590
Thierry Frères, Succ. de
Thierry Frères, succrs. d
Thiéry de Menonville, Nic
Thiéry de Menonville, Nic
Thorius, Raphael, d. 1625
Ths. Lewin
Titian Ramsay Peale
Torti, Francesco, 1658-17
Treuttel and Wurtz, Treut
Trykt hos directeur Johan
Trykt hos Johan Cristoph
Trykt i det kongelige Bai
Typis Aschendorfianis [su
Typis Bernardini Pomatell
Typis Edmanmianis.
Typis Gabrielis de Sancha
Typis Hieronymi Galleri.
typis Ioannis Iosephi Fl
Typis Josephi Nob[ilis].
Typis Universitatis
Typographia Domus Chalcog
Ulloa, Antonio de, 1716-
Valades, Diego, fl. 1580
Vallemont, abbé de (Pierr
Vandelli, Domenico, 1732
Vandiera, Domenico, of Si
Vasconcellos, Simão de, 1
Velenus, Ulrichus
Velloso, José Mariano da
Velloso, José Mariano da
venundatur apud Simonem
Veremondo Rossi
Verlegts Johann Fritzsche
Verlegts Johann Herbordt
verlegts Paul Straub, Buc
Vielheuer, Christoph
Vigo, Giambernardo
Villeneuve de
Violante Vanni
Violente Vanni
von Johannes Grieninger,
Vosmaer, A. (Arnout), 172
Vries, Simon de, b. 1630
W. & D. Lizars
W. Hooker
W. Lewin
W. Newman
Wagner, Rudolf Christian,
Walter, Richard, 1716?-17
Walter, Thomas, 1740?-178
Waterton, Charles, 1782-1
Weddell, James, 1787-1834
Wilcocke, Samuel Hull, 17
William Blake
William Marshall
William Scoresby
William Verelst
William Westall
Williams, Edward, fl. 165
Williamson, Peter, 1730-1
Winterbotham, William, 17
Worm, Ole, 1588-1654
Ximénez, Mateo
Zarate, Agustín de, b. 15
Zorgdrager, C. G. (Corne
Zwinger, Theodor, 1658-1
Zárate, Agustin de, b. 15
Browse All
Flora and fauna
Image title
Anolis Espece de petit Lezard / Gobemouche / Maboya
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. XXII. [1722]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. XXII. [1722]
Image title
Pekea, Butirosa
Source place of publication
Londres [i.e., Paris?]
Source date
M. DCC. LXXV. [1775]
Image title
[Lichen and Mosses]
Source place of publication
Source place of publication
A Anvers [Antwerp]
Image title
[Turdus minor, cinereo-albus, non maculatus] [Cornus mas Virginiana, flosculis in corymbo digestis, perianthio tetrapetalo albo radiatim cinctis]
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
The Prickled Peare; The Blossom of the Pomegranate
Source place of publication
Image title
The Yonge Palmeto Royall
Source place of publication
Image title
The Queen's Pine.
Source place of publication
Image title
A Branch of the Humming Bird Tree.
Source place of publication
Image title
The small Sun Flower, or Marygold of America.
Source place of publication
Image title
Helonias tenax.
Source place of publication
Image title
[D'vn autre abre nommé Vhebehasou, & des mousches à miel qui le frequentent.]
Source place of publication
A Anvers [Antwerp]
Image title
Figuier Sauvage.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. XXII. [1722]
Image title
Clarkia pulchella.
Source place of publication
Image title
To Thomas Walter Esqr. this Plate of the New Auriculated Magnolia (p. 159) is presented as a testimony of gratitude & esteem, by his much obliged humble servant, John Fraser
Source place of publication
Londini [London]
Source date
Image title
Tavola. 1. Givoco il Quechucague
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Veduta di un Campo Indiano
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Source date
Source place of publication
Milano [Milan]
Source place of publication
Milano [Milan]
Source place of publication
Milano [Milan]
Image title
No. I. The Bombay Gossipium; or, silk cotton tree. ... The smaller Flower drawn with the above. The Apocynum-erectum; or Wild ipecacuan. A strong vegetable Poison and Medicine.
Source place of publication
Image title
No. II. The Poinciana pulcherrima; or, Flower fence. A Shrub extremely beautiful.
Source place of publication
Image title
Tipus sacrificiorum que in maniter indi faciebant in novo indiarum orbe precipue in Mexico
Source place of publication
Perusiae [Perugia]
Image title
[Plants of Greenland]
Source place of publication
Kjøbehavn [Copenhagen]
Image title
No. III. The Guaiacum; or Lignum vitae. Well known for its useful and Medicinal Qualities.
Source place of publication
Image title
[Whales and harpoon] Hvalfisk Finnefisk Harpun med Stok Barder Hajfisk Sverdfisk
Source place of publication
Kjøbehavn [Copenhagen]
Image title
[Whales] Eenhiörning Hvüdfisk
Source place of publication
Kjøbehavn [Copenhagen]
Image title
[Seals and bears of Greenland] Spraglet Klapmüts Svartsüde
Source place of publication
Kjøbehavn [Copenhagen]
Image title
[Seal hunting in Greenland]
Source place of publication
Kjøbehavn [Copenhagen]
Source place of publication
Source date
M.D. xxvj [1526]
Image title
The Sassafras.
Source place of publication
Source place of publication
Image title
No. IV. Rocou. This beautiful Indian Shrub grows luxuriantly, and bears large Clusters of Fruit containing Seeds of an oily Nature.
Source place of publication
Image title
Planche XL Polypodium radice Squamosa vulgò Pillabilcum
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. XIV. [1714]
Image title
[Agricultural industry in South Carolina]
Source place of publication
Milano [Milan]
Image title
[Tobacco processing in Virginia]
Source place of publication
Milano [Milan]
Image title
No. V. Ricinus Palma Christi; or Castor, The Fruit of this Shrub, which is small, grows in large Clusters, enveloped with green Husks, armed with Prickles ... .
Source place of publication
Image title
Fuchsia simplicicaulis. Fuchsia apetala.
Source place of publication
Source date
M.DCCCII. [1802]
Image title
Avena aquatica Sylvestris
Source place of publication
New York
Source date
M, DCC, LXXV [1775]
Image title
Magnolia; Hypericoides
Source place of publication
Parisiis [Paris]
Source date
M. DCCIII. [1703]
Image title
Xilon arboreum ...
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
MDCCXVI [1716]
Image title
No. VI. Syringa laciniata; or, Cut-leaved lilac. ... Drawn with the above. Haematoxylon campechensis; or, Log-wood ... .
Source place of publication
Image title
[Parus Bahamiensis] [Arbor Jasmini, floribus albis, foliis Cenchranmideae, fructu ovali, seminibus parvis nigris mucilagine involutis]
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
[Santolina and Cytisus plants]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
MDCCXVI [1716]
Image title
[Maria Sibylla Merian prepares her book]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Cassava and lizard]
Source place of publication
Image title
[West Indian jasmine and butterflies]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Alligator with snake]
Source place of publication
Source place of publication