Media Group: Parasol indiano

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[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
[Allegory of exploration]
[Allegory of exploratio...
Bellegarde, M. l'abbé d...
Image title
[Allegory of exploration]
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam
Source date
M. DCCVIII. [1708]
Robinson Crusoe.
Spanish America
Robinson Crusoe.
Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-17...
Image title
Robinson Crusoe.
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam
Source date
MD CCXX. [1720]
[top] Honneurs funébres, rendus aux Grands, du Perou apres leur mort. [bottom] Maniere d'ensevelir les Grands, du Perou.
Spanish America
[top] Honneurs funébres...
Image title
[top] Honneurs funébres, rendus aux Grands, du Perou apres leur mort. [bottom] Maniere d'ensevelir les Grands, du Perou.
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam
Source date
M.DCCXXIII. [1723]
This Plate (representing a Negroes Dance in the Island of Dominica) is humbly dedicated to the Honble. Charles O'Hara
Caribbean Islands
This Plate (representin...
Image title
This Plate (representing a Negroes Dance in the Island of Dominica) is humbly dedicated to the Honble. Charles O'Hara
A beautiful View of the remarkable Cascade on the White River, in Jamaica.
Caribbean Islands
A beautiful View of the...
Moore, John Hamilton, d...
Image title
A beautiful View of the remarkable Cascade on the White River, in Jamaica.
Source place of publication
Source date
[ca. 1785?]
Deja la Cama y se arrodilla entierra el Bto., y en esta postilra espera le traigan el S S. Sacram[en]to.
Spanish America
Deja la Cama y se arrod...
Ximénez, Mateo
Image title
Deja la Cama y se arrodilla entierra el Bto., y en esta postilra espera le traigan el S S. Sacram[en]to.
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Source date
Puesto en tierra de rodillas el Bt. adora el SSo. Sacrem[en]to. ia que no lo pudo recivir por sus continuos bomitos
Spanish America
Puesto en tierra de rod...
Ximénez, Mateo
Image title
Puesto en tierra de rodillas el Bt. adora el SSo. Sacrem[en]to. ia que no lo pudo recivir por sus continuos bomitos
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Source date
[Title page]
[Title page]
Sack, Albert, baron von
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
View of the pass from Quindio, in the province of Popayan, & cargueros (or carriers) who travel it.
Spanish America
View of the pass from Q...
Hamilton, John Potter, ...
Image title
View of the pass from Quindio, in the province of Popayan, & cargueros (or carriers) who travel it.
Source place of publication
Source date
[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Xerez, Francisco de, b....
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Seuilla [Seville]
Source date
Alagoa ad Austrum
Alagoa ad Austrum
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
Alagoa ad Austrum
Source place of publication
Source date
[Native Americans walk through forest]
North America
[Native Americans walk ...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
[Native Americans walk through forest]
Source place of publication
Source date
Pagus Hispanorum in Florida
Spanish America
Pagus Hispanorum in Flo...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
Pagus Hispanorum in Florida
Source place of publication
Source date
[Title page]
Caribbean Islands
[Title page]
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
't Amsterdam
Source date
B. T. Limam humiliter ingreditur.
Spanish America
B. T. Limam humiliter i...
Montalvo, Francisco Ant...
Image title
B. T. Limam humiliter ingreditur.
Source place of publication
En Roma [Rome]
Source date
[Indians of Florida]
[North America, Spanish...
[Indians of Florida]
Happel, Eberhard Werner...
Image title
[Indians of Florida]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Native Americans throw man into a river]
Caribbean Islands
[Native Americans throw...
Image title
[Native Americans throw man into a river]
Source place of publication
In het ligt gegeven te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
[Markets of Mexico City]
Spanish America
[Markets of Mexico City...
Image title
[Markets of Mexico City]
Source place of publication
In het ligt gegeven te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
[Two men carry another on a hammock]
[Two men carry another ...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
[Two men carry another on a hammock]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
MDCCXVI [1716]
[Inca or Indians of Peru]
Indigenous peoples
[Inca or Indians of Per...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
[Inca or Indians of Peru]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Inca and Indians of Peru]
Spanish America
[Inca and Indians of Pe...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
[Inca and Indians of Peru]
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
[Two men carry another on a hammock]
[Two men carry another ...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
[Two men carry another on a hammock]
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
[Account of America]
[Account of America]
Hübner, Johann, 1668-17...
Image title
[Account of America]
Source place of publication
Napechatano v Moskvie [Moscow]
Source date
Voyage de Thomas Gage Tome. I.
Spanish America
Voyage de Thomas Gage T...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Voyage de Thomas Gage Tome. I.
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam
Source date
M. DCCXX. [1720]
[Tascaluca meets the Spanish]
North America
[Tascaluca meets the Sp...
Vega, Garcilaso de la, ...
Image title
[Tascaluca meets the Spanish]
Source place of publication
A Leide [Leiden]
Source date
MDCC XXXI. [1731]
[Mort de trois Espagnols, & les tourmens que souffrit Jean Ortis.]
North America
[Mort de trois Espagnol...
Vega, Garcilaso de la, ...
Image title
[Mort de trois Espagnols, & les tourmens que souffrit Jean Ortis.]
Source place of publication
A Leide [Leiden]
Source date
MDCC XXXI. [1731]
[Inca and Indians of Peru]
Spanish America
[Inca and Indians of Pe...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
[Inca and Indians of Peru]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. XXXII. [1732]
[Inca and Indians of Peru]
Spanish America
[Inca and Indians of Pe...
Frézier, Amédée Françoi...
Image title
[Inca and Indians of Peru]
Source place of publication
Source date
[top] Afbeelding van de Water Mool--en Kookhuys; staande op de Plantagie Solitude [bottom] [Tent boat]
[top] Afbeelding van de...
Pistorius, Thomas
Image title
[top] Afbeelding van de Water Mool--en Kookhuys; staande op de Plantagie Solitude [bottom] [Tent boat]
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
Price Reduced. To the Nobility, Gentry, and the Curious for inspecting most Extraordinary Human Beings, of the wild Species born. ...
Price Reduced. To the N...
Image title
Price Reduced. To the Nobility, Gentry, and the Curious for inspecting most Extraordinary Human Beings, of the wild Species born. ...
Ontmoeting van Cortes met Montezuma.
Spanish America
Ontmoeting van Cortes m...
Cortés, Hernán, 1485-15...
Image title
Ontmoeting van Cortes met Montezuma.
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
MDCCLXXX. [1780]
Vue du Cap Francois, Isle St. Domingue, prise du Chemin de l'embarcadère de la petite Anse.
Caribbean Islands
Vue du Cap Francois, Is...
Ponce, Nicolas, 1746-18...
Image title
Vue du Cap Francois, Isle St. Domingue, prise du Chemin de l'embarcadère de la petite Anse.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
[Shipping sugar.]
Caribbean Islands
[Shipping sugar.]
Image title
[Shipping sugar.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[top] Retour, a la Ville, d'un Propriétaire de Chacra. [bottom] Litière pour Voyager dans l'Interieur.
[top] Retour, a la Vill...
Debret, Jean Baptiste, ...
Image title
[top] Retour, a la Ville, d'un Propriétaire de Chacra. [bottom] Litière pour Voyager dans l'Interieur.
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCCC XXXV [1835]
[top] Vue de l'Entrée de la Baie de Rio de Janeiro. [bottom] Vue G[énéra]le. de la Ville de Rio de Janeiro.
[top] Vue de l'Entrée d...
Debret, Jean Baptiste, ...
Image title
[top] Vue de l'Entrée de la Baie de Rio de Janeiro. [bottom] Vue G[énéra]le. de la Ville de Rio de Janeiro.
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCCC XXXV [1835]
Panorama de L'Intérieur de la Baie de Rio de Janeiro. Déssiné du Plateau de la montagne dite Le Corcovado. (Pic nommé le Bossu).
Panorama de L'Intérieur...
Debret, Jean Baptiste, ...
Image title
Panorama de L'Intérieur de la Baie de Rio de Janeiro. Déssiné du Plateau de la montagne dite Le Corcovado. (Pic nommé le Bossu).
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCCC XXXIX. [1839]
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae descriptio per Gerardum a Schagen.
Novissima et Accuratiss...
Western hemisphere
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Map title
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae descriptio per Gerardum a Schagen.
Gerrit Lacasz. van Schagen
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae descripto per Johanem Ogiluium
Novissima et Accuratiss...
Western hemisphere
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Map title
Novissima et Accuratissima Totius Americae descripto per Johanem Ogiluium
F. Lamb
Afrique Moderne
Afrique Moderne
Manesson-Mallet, Allain...
Map title
Afrique Moderne
Novissima et Accuratissime Septentrionalis ac Meridionalis Americae Descriptio
Novissima et Accuratiss...
Western hemisphere
Map title
Novissima et Accuratissime Septentrionalis ac Meridionalis Americae Descriptio
Frederick de Wit
De Kusten van Guzaratte, Malabaar, Bengale en Malacca met die van't Magtig Koninkryk Siam tot aan China bestevend
De Kusten van Guzaratte...
Map title
De Kusten van Guzaratte, Malabaar, Bengale en Malacca met die van't Magtig Koninkryk Siam tot aan China bestevend
Aethiopie of Abissine, In't gemeen 't Land van Preste Ian Genoemd
Aethiopie of Abissine, ...
Map title
Aethiopie of Abissine, In't gemeen 't Land van Preste Ian Genoemd
De Moluccos, of Speceri-dragende Eilanden Tussen Gilolo en Celebes gelegen.
De Moluccos, of Speceri...
Map title
De Moluccos, of Speceri-dragende Eilanden Tussen Gilolo en Celebes gelegen.
De Persiaanze Zee Medt de Eylanden in desebre Tussen Kusten van Arabie en Persie Gelegen tot aan den Indus Vloed De Voorkusten van Guzaratte en Malabaar Tot aan Kaap Komoryn
De Persiaanze Zee Medt ...
Map title
De Persiaanze Zee Medt de Eylanden in desebre Tussen Kusten van Arabie en Persie Gelegen tot aan den Indus Vloed De Voorkusten van Guzaratte en Malabaar Tot aan Kaap Komoryn
To the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Sunderland, and Baron Spencer ... This map of South America, ...
To the Right Honourable...
South America
Map title
To the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Sunderland, and Baron Spencer ... This map of South America, ...
[George Vertue, Bernard Lens, Herman Moll]
To the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Sunderland, and Baron Spencer ... This map of South America, ...
To the Right Honourable...
South America
Map title
To the Right Honourable Charles Earl of Sunderland, and Baron Spencer ... This map of South America, ...
Moll, Herman, d. 1732
Les Côtes de la Virginie, les Detroits de Forbisher [sic] et de Hudson
Les Côtes de la Virgini...
North America
Map title
Les Côtes de la Virginie, les Detroits de Forbisher [sic] et de Hudson
Novus Orbis sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis
Novus Orbis sive Americ...
Western hemisphere
Map title
Novus Orbis sive America Meridionalis et Septentrionalis
Matthäus Seutter
Americae Mappa generalis ...
Americae Mappa generali...
Western hemisphere
Map title
Americae Mappa generalis ...
[Michael Rössler, August Gottlob Böhme]
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