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27,451-27,500 of 27,512
Description de la Louisiane, nouvellement decouverte au sud' oüest de la Nouvelle France, par ordre du roy. : Avec la carte du pays: Les moeurs & la maniere de vivre des sauvages, dediée a Sa Majesté. /
Description de la Louis...
Hennepin, Louis, active...
Chez Amable Auroy ruë ...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America--Mississippi River Valley., New France--Discovery and exploration., Louisiana--Description and travel., Mississippi River--Discovery and exploration., Mississippi River Valley--History--To 1803., Imprint 1684.]
Dialoghi di M. Speron Speroni,
Dialoghi di M. Speron S...
Speroni, Sperone, 1500-...
in casa de' figliuoli d...
Author (contributor)
Augustus Frederick, Prince, Duke of Sussex, 1773-1843
[Imprint 1544., Imprint 1545.]
Dialoghi di M. Speron Speroni,
Dialoghi di M. Speron S...
Speroni, Sperone, 1500-...
in casa de' figliuoli d...
Author (contributor)
Augustus Frederick, Prince, Duke of Sussex, 1773-1843
[Imprint 1544., Imprint 1545.]
Visita espiritual, devoto septenario en memoria, honor, culto, y reverencia del gloriosisimo transito de Sr. San Joseph, : que sus devotos pueden hacer el mes de julio, ô cada mes, según el fervor y devocion. Breve resumen de su nacimiento, dones, hermosura, y dichosa muerte: con sus meditaciones, y jaculatorias. /
Visita espiritual, devo...
Perea, Pedro de.
En la imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Joseph,--Saint--Prayers and devotions., Catholic Church--Prayers and devotions., Devotional exercises--Catholic Church., Imprint 1777.]
Visita espiritual, devoto septenario en memoria, honor, culto, y reverencia del gloriosisimo transito de Sr. San Joseph, : que sus devotos pueden hacer el mes de julio, ô cada mes, según el fervor y devocion. Breve resumen de su nacimiento, dones, hermosura, y dichosa muerte: con sus meditaciones, y jaculatorias. /
Visita espiritual, devo...
Perea, Pedro de.
En la imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Joseph,--Saint--Prayers and devotions., Catholic Church--Prayers and devotions., Devotional exercises--Catholic Church., Imprint 1777.]
Zehender Theil der Orientalischen Indien begreiffendt Eine kurtze Beschreibung der neuwen Schiffart gegen NordtOften, vber die Amerische Inseln in Chinam vnd Iapponiam, von einem Engelländer Henrich Hudson newlich erfunden, beneben kurtzer Andeutung der Inseln vnd Oerter, so auff derselben Reyse von den Holländern hiebevor endeckt worden, auss Johann Hegen von Lintschotten Reise gezogen. : Item ein Discurs an Jhr. Kön. Maj. in Spanien, wegen dess fünfften Theils der Welt, Terra Australis incognita genannt, von einem Capitein Petro Ferdinandes de Quir, &c. vbergeben. Beneben einer Delineation vnnd Beschreibung der Länder der Samojeden vnd Tingoesen, in der Tartarey gegen Morgen der Enge oder Vberfahrt bey Weygats gelegen, so newlich von den Mosscowitern endecket vnd eingenommen. /
Zehender Theil der Orie...
Gerritsz, Hessel, appro...
Durch Matthias Beckers ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Hudson, Henry,---1611., Queirós, Pedro Fernandes de,---1615., Massa, Isaac,--1587-1635., Samoyeds., Northeast Passage., Northwest Passage., Imprint 1613.]
Zehender Theil der Orientalischen Indien begreiffendt Eine kurtze Beschreibung der neuwen Schiffart gegen NordtOften, vber die Amerische Inseln in Chinam vnd Iapponiam, von einem Engelländer Henrich Hudson newlich erfunden, beneben kurtzer Andeutung der Inseln vnd Oerter, so auff derselben Reyse von den Holländern hiebevor endeckt worden, auss Johann Hegen von Lintschotten Reise gezogen. : Item ein Discurs an Jhr. Kön. Maj. in Spanien, wegen dess fünfften Theils der Welt, Terra Australis incognita genannt, von einem Capitein Petro Ferdinandes de Quir, &c. vbergeben. Beneben einer Delineation vnnd Beschreibung der Länder der Samojeden vnd Tingoesen, in der Tartarey gegen Morgen der Enge oder Vberfahrt bey Weygats gelegen, so newlich von den Mosscowitern endecket vnd eingenommen. /
Zehender Theil der Orie...
Gerritsz, Hessel, appro...
Durch Matthias Beckers ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Hudson, Henry,---1611., Queirós, Pedro Fernandes de,---1615., Massa, Isaac,--1587-1635., Samoyeds., Northeast Passage., Northwest Passage., Imprint 1613.]
Zehender Theil der Orientalischen Indien begreiffendt Eine kurtze Beschreibung der neuwen Schiffart gegen NordtOften, vber die Amerische Inseln in Chinam vnd Iapponiam, von einem Engelländer Henrich Hudson newlich erfunden, beneben kurtzer Andeutung der Inseln vnd Oerter, so auff derselben Reyse von den Holländern hiebevor endeckt worden, auss Johann Hegen von Lintschotten Reise gezogen. : Item ein Discurs an Jhr. Kön. Maj. in Spanien, wegen dess fünfften Theils der Welt, Terra Australis incognita genannt, von einem Capitein Petro Ferdinandes de Quir, &c. vbergeben. Beneben einer Delineation vnnd Beschreibung der Länder der Samojeden vnd Tingoesen, in der Tartarey gegen Morgen der Enge oder Vberfahrt bey Weygats gelegen, so newlich von den Mosscowitern endecket vnd eingenommen. /
Zehender Theil der Orie...
Gerritsz, Hessel, appro...
Durch Matthias Beckers ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Linschoten, Jan Huygen van, 1563-1611., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Hudson, Henry,---1611., Queirós, Pedro Fernandes de,---1615., Massa, Isaac,--1587-1635., Samoyeds., Northeast Passage., Northwest Passage., Imprint 1613.]
Tractatus politico-juridicus de iure mercatorum et commerciorum singulari ... : Accesserunt in fine tractatus ipsa privilegiorum, constitutionum, statutorum, pactorum, &c. exemplaria, peculiari designatione, juxta seriem alphabeti, summis vigiliis atq[ue] impensis, in gratiam lectoris, passim conquisita, partim verò nunquam publicè visa. /
Tractatus politico-juri...
Marquart, Johann, 1610-...
ex officinâ Thomæ Matt...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Usselincx, Willem, 1567-approximately 1647.]
[Söder compagniet (Sweden), Maritime law., Commercial law., Imprint 1662.]
Cartography of Rhode Island /
Cartography of Rhode Is...
Chapin, Howard M., 1887...
Preston & Rounds Co
[Cartography--Rhode Island--History., Rhode Island--Maps--History.]
Lettre /
Lettre /
Imprimerie de Selligue ...
Author (contributor)
[Favard, M., Sully-Brunet, E., Foignet, Alexandre., Cools, A. de, baron, Fleuriau de Bellevue, M. de 1761-1852. (Louis-Benjamin),]
[Slavery--Saint Lucia., Slavery--Martinique., Imprint 1832.]
The tenth muse lately sprung up in America. Or Severall Poems, compiled with great variety of vvit and Learning, full of delight. : Wherein especially is contained a compleat discourse and description of the four elements, constitutions, ages of man, seasons of the year. Together with an exact epitomie of the four monarchies, viz. The Assyrian, Persian, Grecian, Roman. Also a dialogue between old England and New, concerning the late troubles. With divers other pleasant and serious poems. /
The tenth muse lately s...
Bradstreet, Anne, 1612?...
For Stephen Bowtell at ...
Author (contributor)
[Ward, Nathaniel, 1578-1652., Woodbridge, John, 1614-1695.]
[Elizabeth--I,--Queen of England,--1533-1603--Poetry., Sidney, Philip,--1554-1586--Poetry., Du Bartas, Guillaume de Salluste,--seigneur,--1544-1590--Poetry., American poetry--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., American poetry--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775--Women authors., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775--Poetry., Imprint 1650.]
A letter from a gentleman of the city of New-York to another, : concerning the troubles which happen'd in that province in the time of the late happy revolution..
A letter from a gentlem...
Gentleman of the city o...
Printed and Sold by Wil...
Author (contributor)
[England and Wales. Sovereign (1689-1694 : William and Mary), New York (Colony). General Assembly. House of Representatives., Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864, Nicholson, Francis, 1655-1728., Mary II, Queen of England, 1662-1694., William III, King of England, 1650-1702.]
[Leisler, Jacob,---1691., New York (State)--Politics and government--To 1775., New York (State)--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1698.]
Copie d'une lettre de l'Assemblée coloniale, : portant pour adresse: Messieurs les citoyens françois formant l'équipage & la garnison du vaisseau national le Léopard, en rade au Port-au-Prince; et Décret de ladite assemblée concernant le vaisseau le Léopard..
Copie d'une lettre de l...
Saint-Domingue. Assembl...
De l'imprimerie de Moza...
Author (contributor)
[Peinier, Louis Antoine Thomassin, comte de, Millet, T. (Thomas)]
[Haiti--History--To 1791., Haiti--Politics and government--To 1791., Imprint 1790.]
Extrait des registres des délibérations de la paroisse de la Croix-des-Bouquets, partie de l'ouest de Saint-Domingue..
Extrait des registres d...
Croix-des-Bouquets (Hai...
De l'Imprimerie de Moza...
[Croix des Bouquets (Haiti)--History., Croix des Bouquets (Haiti)--Politics and government., Haiti--History--To 1791., Haiti--Politics and government--To 1791., Imprint 1790]
Kozmograffia Cžeská : To gest wypsánij, o položenij kragin neb zemij y obyčegijch národuow wsseho swieta, a hystorygij podlé počtu leth naněm zběhlých, prwé nikdá tak pospolku w žádném iazyku newidaná
Kozmograffia Cžeská :...
Münster, Sebastian, 148...
w pátek den powyssenij...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Geography--Early works to 1800., Imprint 1554.]
La cosmographie vniuerselle, contenant la situation de toutes les parties du monde, auec leurs proprietez & appartenances. : La description des pays & regions diceluy ... /
La cosmographie vniuers...
Münster, Sebastian, 148...
Laquelle a este acheué...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Du Pinet, Antoine, active 16th century.]
[Geography., Mexico City (Mexico)--Maps., Imprint 1568.]
Les estats, empires, et principautez du monde, representés par la description des pays, mœurs des habitans ... Auec l'origine de toutes les religions, & de tous les cheualiers & ordres militaires. /
Les estats, empires, et...
Avity, Pierre d', 1573-...
Chez Iacques Cailloüé...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[World history., Geography., Orders of knighthood and chivalry., Monasticism and religious orders., Europe., America--Discovery and exploration.]
Jo. Petri Lotichii Rerum Germanicarum, sub Matthia, Ferdinandis II. & III. Impp. gestarum, : libri LV quibus dicta, facta que, memorabilia, quae quidem Imperio Romano-Germanico, externisque regnis, ac provincijs, ab anno MDCXVII. sive Bohemicorum motuum initijs, ad annum usque MDCXXXIII. sive excessum Gustavi, Sueciae regis, acciderunt, ordine recensentur : adjectiis iconibus personarum genuinis, figuris item & descriptionibus praeliorum, obsidionum, &c. in aes incisis, ab iss, qui pleraque oculis hausére, fideliter communicatis.
Jo. Petri Lotichii Reru...
Lotichius, Johann Peter...
Typis exscripti Wolfgan...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Philadelphia Mercantile Library., Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650.]
[Carrillo de Mendoza y Pimentel, Diego,--active 16th century-17th century., Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648., Germany--Description and travel., Germany--History--1618-1648., Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Mexico--History--Spanish colony, 1540-1810., Imprint 1646.]
Oracion funebre, que a las honras del venerable padre fray Francisco Camacho : religoso de nuestro padre San Juan de Dios difunto en el Co[n]vento de Lima a 23. de diziembre de 1698. años /
Oracion funebre, que a ...
Buendía, José de, 1644-...
Por Ioseph de Contreras...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Kurtz, Alice W.]
[Camacho, Francisco,--1629-1698., CSAIP., Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1701.]
Relation et detail general : de toutes les nouvelles provenantes de la cour, sur tout ce qui s'est passé à la Martinique & à la Guadeloupe; avec une liste de tous les vaisseaux armés à Brest, à l'Orient, à Rochefort & à Toulon, & dans tous les ports de France; leurs noms, & celui de tous les officiers qui les montent & commandent; le nom de tous les vaisseaux arrivés de la Martinique dans tous nos ports, richement chargés, ainsi qu'on le va voir par ce qui fuit.
Relation et detail gene...
Permis d'imprimer & dis...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe)--History., Guadeloupe--History., Martinique--History., Great Britain--History--George II, 1727-1760., France--History--Louis XV, 1715-1774., Broadsides, etc.--France--Rouen., Imprint 1759.]
Collecçaõ dos breves pontificios, e leys regias, que faraõ expedidos, e publicadas desde o anno de 1741., sobre a liberdade das pessoas, bens, e commercio dos Indios do Brasil; : dos excessos que naquelle estado obraram os regulares da Companhia denominada de Jesu; .
Collecçaõ dos breves ...
Impressa na Secretaria ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph)., Catholic Church. Pope (1740-1758 : Benedict XIV)., Silva, H. Antonio Caetano de., Pombal, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Marquês de, 1699-1782.]
[Jesuits--Portugal., Jesuits--Brazil., Jesuits--Paraguay., Indians of South America--Brazil., Seven Reductions, War of the, 1754-1756., Brazil--History--To 1822., Paraguay--History--To 1811.]
Lettre de l'Assemblée générale de la partie françoise de Saint-Domingue, : aux chambres du commerce et manufactures du royaume.
Lettre de l'Assemblée ...
Saint-Domingue. Assembl...
de l'Imprimerie de Dido...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Assemblée nationale constituante (1789-1791), Augy, d']
[Haiti--History--To 1791., Haiti--Politics and government--To 1791., Imprint 1770.]
Loi relative aux droits d'entrée sur les denrées coloniales. : Donnée à Paris, le 29 Mars, 1791.
Loi relative aux droits...
de l'Imprimerie de JJ A...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Assemblée nationale constituante (1789-1791)]
[Sugarcane--Economic aspects--West Indies, French., Coffee--Economic aspects--West Indies, French., Indigo--Economic aspects--West Indies, French., Cocoa--Economic aspects--West Indies, French., Tariff--Haiti., Tariff--Martinique., Imprint 1791.]
[John Carter Brown Microfilm Collection]
[John Carter Brown Micr...
John Carter Brown Libra...
Author (contributor)
[John Carter Brown Library., Bonwick, Colin, 1935-., Brown, Larissa V., Adams, Thomas Randolph, 1921-2008., Winship, George Parker, 1871-1952., Bartlett, John Russell, 1805-1886.]
[America--History., America--Discovery and exploration., Latin America--History.]
Proclama del superior gobierno. Ciudadanos: algunos españoles enemigos de nuestra libertad habian combinado con los xefes de Montevideo el iniquo proyecto de dar un golpe mortal á la vida de la patria, .
Proclama del superior g...
Río de la Plata (Vicer...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Chiclana, Feliciano Antonio de, 1761-1826., Dominguez, Luis L.]
[Argentina--History--War of Independence, 1810-1817., CSAIP., Broadsides, etc.--Argentina--Buenos Aires., Imprint 1812.]
Voyage de Dentrecasteaux, envoyé à la recherche de La Pérouse. : Publié par ordre de Sa Majesté l'empereur et roi, sous le ministère de S. E. le vice-amiral Decrès, comté de l'empire. /
Voyage de Dentrecasteau...
Entrecasteaux, Antoine ...
De l'Imprimerie impéri...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), De Grey, Thomas Philip De Grey, Earl, 1781-1859, Beautemps-Beaupré, Charles François, 1766-1854., Rossel, M. de 1765-1829. (Elisabeth Paul Edouard),]
[La Pérouse, Jean-François de Galaup,--comte de,--1741-1788., Recherche (Ship), Espérance (Ship), Voyages and travels., Australia--Description and travel., Islands of the Pacific--Description and travel., Oceania--Description and travel., Imprint 1807., Imprint 1808.]
The new found vvorlde, or Antarctike, : wherein is contained wo[n]derful and strange things, as well of humaine creatures, as beastes, fishes, and serpents, trées, plants, mines of golde and siluer: garnished with many learned aucthorities, /
The new found vvorlde, ...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
And are to be sold at h...
Author (contributor)
Horne, W.; Hacket, Thomas, active 1560-1590.
Indians--America.; Voyages and travels.; America--Description and travel.; America--Discovery and exploration.; Africa--Description and travel.; Imprint 1568.
Friendly advice to the gentlemen-planters of the East and West Indies. : In three parts. I. A brief treatise of the most principal fruits and herbs that grow in the East and West Indies; giving an account of their respective vertues both for food and physick, and what planet and sign they are under. Together with some directions for the preservation of health and life in those hot climates. II. The complaints of the negro-slaves against the hard usage and barbarous cruelties inflicted upon them. III. A discourse in way of dialogue, between an Ethiopean or negro-slave, and a Christian that was his master in America. /
Friendly advice to the ...
Tryon, Thomas, 1634-170...
Printed by Andrew Sowle
Author (contributor)
Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864
Enslaved persons--Social conditions.; Slavery--Jamaica.; Slavery--Barbados.; Tropical medicine--West Indies.; Natural history--West Indies.; Jamaica--Description and travel.; Barbados--Description and travel.; Imprint 1684.
Bibliotheca Americana : catalogue of the John Carter Brown Library in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Bibliotheca Americana :...
John Carter Brown Libra...
The Merrymount Press; P...
Author (contributor)
Wroth, Lawrence C. 1884-1970. (Lawrence Counselman),; Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941.
America--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Brown, John Carter,--1797-1874--Library--Catalogs.; Hulsius, Levinus,---1606--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Theodor de Bry (Firm)--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Early printed books--Catalogs.; Library catalogs--Rhode Island--Providence.
Bibliotheca Americana : catalogue of the John Carter Brown Library in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Bibliotheca Americana :...
John Carter Brown Libra...
The Merrymount Press; P...
Author (contributor)
Wroth, Lawrence C. 1884-1970. (Lawrence Counselman),; Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941.
America--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Brown, John Carter,--1797-1874--Library--Catalogs.; Hulsius, Levinus,---1606--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Theodor de Bry (Firm)--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Early printed books--Catalogs.; Library catalogs--Rhode Island--Providence.
Bibliotheca Americana : catalogue of the John Carter Brown Library in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Bibliotheca Americana :...
John Carter Brown Libra...
The Merrymount Press; P...
Author (contributor)
Wroth, Lawrence C. 1884-1970. (Lawrence Counselman),; Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941.
America--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Brown, John Carter,--1797-1874--Library--Catalogs.; Hulsius, Levinus,---1606--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Theodor de Bry (Firm)--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Early printed books--Catalogs.; Library catalogs--Rhode Island--Providence.
Bibliotheca Americana : catalogue of the John Carter Brown Library in Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Bibliotheca Americana :...
John Carter Brown Libra...
The Merrymount Press; P...
Author (contributor)
Wroth, Lawrence C. 1884-1970. (Lawrence Counselman),; Ford, Worthington Chauncey, 1858-1941.
America--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Brown, John Carter,--1797-1874--Library--Catalogs.; Hulsius, Levinus,---1606--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Theodor de Bry (Firm)--Bibliography--Catalogs.; Early printed books--Catalogs.; Library catalogs--Rhode Island--Providence.
Invoice of books shipped by Henry Stevens per the steamer Cambria, from Liverpool February 4th on account and risk of John Carter Brown Esquire, of Providence Rhode Island.
Invoice of books shippe...
Stevens, Henry, Jr., 18...
Author (contributor)
Brown, John Carter, 1797-1874.
John Carter Brown Library--Archives.; Invoices--Rhode Island--Providence.; Book collecting--Rhode Island--Providence.; Manuscripts, English--Rhode Island--Providence.; Imprint 1846.
Invoice of books shipped by Henry Stevens per steamer Great Western, from Liverpool May 30th 1846, for New York, on account and risk of John Carter Brown Esquire, of Providence, Rhode Island.
Invoice of books shippe...
Stevens, Henry, Jr., 18...
Author (contributor)
Brown, John Carter, 1797-1874.
John Carter Brown Library--Archives.; Invoices--Rhode Island--Providence.; Book collecting--Rhode Island--Providence.; Manuscripts, English--Rhode Island--Providence.; Imprint 1846.
Invoice of books shipped by Henry Stevens per steamer Great Western, from Liverpool May 30th 1846, for New York, on account and risk of John Carter Brown Esquire, of Providence, Rhode Island.
Invoice of books shippe...
Stevens, Henry, Jr., 18...
Author (contributor)
Brown, John Carter, 1797-1874.
John Carter Brown Library--Archives.; Invoices--Rhode Island--Providence.; Book collecting--Rhode Island--Providence.; Manuscripts, English--Rhode Island--Providence.; Imprint 1846.
Tillinghast Family Business Records, 1747-1880 1796-1840
Tillinghast Family Busi...
Tillinghast family
Author (contributor)
Bowen, Ephraim, creator.;Tillinghast, Mary [Polly] Earle, 1753-1797, creator.;Tillinghast, Joseph, 1734-1816, creator.;Tillinghast, William, 1777-1817, creator.;Tillinghast, Allin Brown, 1778-1796, creator.;Davis, George A., creator.;Gorton, Benjamin E., 1765-1822, creator.
Lyste van de victualien, en ordre op de rantsoenen. : Ter vergaderinge van de heeren seventiene, representeerende de generale Nederlandsche Geoctroyeerde Oost-Indische Compagnie op den 10den december 1695. tot Amsterdam gearresteert, daat inne volgens opgevolgde resolutien, van den 19 juny 1702, 22 july 1706, 18 augustus 1708, 26 july 1712, 7 augustus 1713, 14 juny 1724, 21 november 1731, 4 maart 1732, 7 september 1741, 28 maart 1742, 5 september 1744, 1 october 1751, 29 september 1752, en 10 october 1754. eenige veranderingen zyn gemaakt, volgens de welke voortaan alle de kameren van de gemelte Compagnie op een eenparige voet de scheepen zo groote als kleyne, fluyten, jachten, en kleynder scheepen naar Oost-Indi�n uytgerust werdende, zullen provideeren, en waar na de opperhoofden en officieren van deselve, in 'tuytdeylen, en distribueren van de randsoenen, haar zullen hebben te reguleeren, en dat om in de voorsz. schepen enn eenparige voet en ordre te houden.
Lyste van de victualien...
Nederlandsche Oost-Indi...
by Nicolaas Byl, drukke...
Food.;Food--Storage.;Imprint 1758.
The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. / Written by himself.
The interesting narrati...
Equiano, Olaudah, 1745-...
Printed for, and sold b...
Author (contributor)
Cole, Henry, fmo.
African American authors--Biography.;Slavery--United States.;Imprint 1789.
The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African. / Written by himself.
The interesting narrati...
Equiano, Olaudah, 1745-...
Printed for, and sold b...
Author (contributor)
Cole, Henry, fmo.
African American authors--Biography.;Slavery--United States.;Imprint 1789.
The seaman's narrative; : containing an account of a great variety of such incidents as the author met with in the sea service. Also, a descriptive account of the discipline, allowance, and customs of His Majesty's Navy, the East India Company, and other merchants' service. To which is added, a short and plain Introduction to astronomy and geography; with a brief description of several countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, and tables of latitude and longitude, &c. &c. And an explanation of nautical terms. The whole made easy, and adapted to the capacity of youth. / By William Spavens, pensioner on the naval chest at Chatham.
The seaman's narrative;...
Spavens, William.
Printed by Sheardown an...
Great Britain.--Royal Navy;East India Company.;Merchant marine.;Seamanship.;Navigation.;Nautical astronomy.;Naval art and science.;Naval art and science--Terminology.;West Indies--Description and travel.;Charleston (S.C.)--Description and travel.;Imprint 1796.
Les arts de l'homme d'épée, ou Le dictionnaire du gentilhomme. : Divisé en trois parties, dont la première contient L'art de monter à cheval. La seconde L'art militaire. Et la troisième L'art de la navigation. Dédié à monseigneur le Dauphin. / Par le sieur de Guillet
Les arts de l'homme d'é...
Guillet de Saint-George...
Chez Adrian Moetjens, m...
Author (contributor)
Miller, William Davis, 1887-1959, former owner.
Horsemanship--Dictionaries--French.;Horses--Diseases.;Military art and science--Dictionaries--French.;Naval art and science--Dictionaries--French.;Navigation--Dictionaries--French.;Imprint 1680.
Six dialogues about sea-services. Between an high-admiral and a captain at sea. : Concerning the commanders in chief, in dialogue the first. The common mariner, in dialogue the second. The victualling out of ships, in dialogue the third. The names of all the parts of a ship, in dialogue the fourth. The choice of the best ships of war, in dialogue the fifth. The sailing, signals, chases and fights in dialogue the sixth. / By Nathaniel Boteler.
Six dialogues about sea...
Boteler, Nathaniel, act...
printed for Moses Pitt ...
Great Britain.--Royal Navy--Sea life.;Naval art and science.
De la navigation.
De la navigation.
Author (contributor)
Colbert, Jean Baptiste, 1619-1683.
Navigation.;Navigation--Handbooks, manuals, etc.;Nautical astronomy.;Nautical instruments.;Navigation--Equipment and supplies.;Globes.;Sphere.;Celestial sphere.;Armillary spheres.;Spherical astronomy.;Naval art and science.;Manuscripts--French.;Imprint 1671.
Traité de navigation : contenant les propositions et pratiques de geometrie, un traité de la sphere, de nouvelles observations et remarques sur les marées et tables de leur etablissement, des variations du compas de routte, et les moyens de l'observer, des regles generales de la navigation par le quartier de reductioner et demonstratier par les cartes marines et par les sinus, tangeantes et sextant commun que logarithmes, avec quelques sections astronomiques, le tout clairement demonstré et expliqué / fait par moy Jacques de Valiariel, a credition et du depuis a Carlisle le 24 may 1758. Volume 1er.
Traité de navigation : ...
Valiariel, Jacques de.
Author (contributor)
Faure, Antoine, fmo.
Navigation.;Nautical instruments.;Nautical astronomy.;Spherical astronomy.;Naval art and science.;Manuscripts--French.;Imprint 1758.
The seaman's complete daily assistant and new mariner's compass: being an easy method of keeping a journal at sea. : Containing rules for working the cases in plane, middle latitude, and Mercator's sailing, by the tables of difference of latitude and departure. The method to find the latitude, longitude, and variation of the compass; how allowances are to be made for leeway, variation, heave of the sea, setting of the currents, and to correct the dead reckoning by an observation for a single day or many; with all the tables requisite to be used at sea. The whole exemplified in a journal from the Lizard to the island of St. Mary, and every days's work pricked off upon a Mercator's chart. To which is prefixed, a short and easy treatise on arithmetic: containing the necessary rules of common arithmetic, decimal fractions, the extraction of the square and cube roots, with their use in measuring all kinds of boards, planks, cases, casks, bales, and packages usually taken on board. The gauging of casks, and finding a ship's tonnage, worked by figures, Gunter's scale and logarithms. Likewise the methods of keeping a ship's accounts, disbursements, the forms of cargo-books, receipts for wages, invoice and manifest of goods, bills of parcels, and letters of credit. To this edition is added, the use of Hadley's quadrant, and Mercator's chart, with many valuable improvements. / By John Hamilton Moore, teacher of navigation, hydrographer and chart-seller to His Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence.
The seaman's complete d...
Moore, John Hamilton, -...
Printed for and sold by...
Author (contributor)
Curtis, Moses., fmo;Patten, Robert., fmo;Brewington, Dorothy E. R., fmo
Navigation--Handbooks, manuals, etc.;Logbooks--Handbooks, manuals, etc.;Nautical astronomy--Handbooks, manuals, etc.
[Tovar Codex]
[Tovar Codex]
Tovar, Juan de, approxi...
[between 1582 and 1587]
Author (contributor)
Acosta, José de, 1540-1600.;Durán, Diego, -1588?;Heber, Richard, 1773-1833, fmo;Phillipps, Thomas, Sir, 1792-1872, fmo.
Manuscripts, Mexican.;Aztecs--Religion.;Aztec mythology.;Nahuatl language--Writing.;Indians of Mexico--History.;Indians of Mexico--Social life and customs.;Manuscripts--Indian languages.;Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language.;Imprint 1582.;Imprint 1587.
The state of the navy consider'd in relation to the victualling, particularly in the Straits, and the West Indies. : With some thoughts on the mismanagements of the Admiralty for several years past, and a proposal to prevent the like for the future. / Humbly offer'd to the honourable House of commons, by an English sailor.
The state of the navy c...
printed for A. Baldwin ...
England and Wales.--Admiralty;England and Wales.--Royal Navy--History--17th century.;England and Wales.--Royal Navy--Supplies and stores.;Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1699.;Imprint 1699.
Moyens de conserver la santé aux equipages des vaisseaux: : avec la maniere de purifier l'air des salles des hôpitaux; en une courte description de l'Hôpital Saint Louis, à Paris. / Par M. Duhamel du Monceau, de l'Académie royale des Sciences; de la Société royale de Londres; des Académies de Palerme & de Besançon; honoraire de la Société d'Edimbourg & de l'Académie de Marine; inspecteur général de la Marine. Avec figures.
Moyens de conserver la ...
Duhamel du Monceau, M.,...
Chez H.L. Guerin & L.F....
M. DCC. LIX. [1759]
Hôpital Saint Louis (Paris, France);Medicine, Naval.;Sanitation.;Hospital buildings--Design and construction.;Imprint 1759.
Arrimage des vaisseaux, : publié par ordre du roi, sous le Ministère de M. le comte de la Luzerne, ministre & secrétaire d'état, ayant le Département de la marine & des colonies. / Par M. de Missiessy Quiés, lieutenant de vaisseau.
Arrimage des vaisseaux,...
Burgues Missiessy, Édou...
De l'Imprimerie royale.
M. DCC. LXXXIX. [1789]
Author (contributor)
La Luzerne, César Henri, comte de, 1737-1799.;France. Ministère de la marine et des colonies.
Stowage.;Freight and freightage.;Naval art and science.;Imprint 1789.
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