Browse All : Images from 1695

1-36 of 36
To the Right Honorable William Earl of Craven Palatine ... This New Map of the Cheif Rivers, Bayes, Creeks, Harbours, and Settlements in South Carolina ...
To the Right Honorable ...
North America
Map title
To the Right Honorable William Earl of Craven Palatine ... This New Map of the Cheif Rivers, Bayes, Creeks, Harbours, and Settlements in South Carolina ...
Pas-Kaart vande Zee Kusten van Niew Nederland anders genaamt Niew York tusschen Renselaars Hock en de Staaten Hoek door C.J. Vooght geometra
Pas-Kaart vande Zee Kus...
North America
Map title
Pas-Kaart vande Zee Kusten van Niew Nederland anders genaamt Niew York tusschen Renselaars Hock en de Staaten Hoek door C.J. Vooght geometra
Vooght, Claes Janszoon, d. 1696
Mappemonde ou carte marine universelle reduite où sont l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Europe, l'Amerique septentrionale, l'Amerique meridionale / par Pierre Moullart-Sanson, geographe du Roi
Mappemonde ou carte mar...
Map title
Mappemonde ou carte marine universelle reduite où sont l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Europe, l'Amerique septentrionale, l'Amerique meridionale / par Pierre Moullart-Sanson, geographe du Roi
Moullart-Sanson, Pierre
A Prospect of Bridge Town [in Barbados. 1695 By Samuel Copen.]
Caribbean Islands
A Prospect of Bridge To...
Image title
A Prospect of Bridge Town [in Barbados. 1695 By Samuel Copen.]
[A Prospect of Bridge Town] in Barbados. 1695 By Samuel Copen.
Caribbean Islands
[A Prospect of Bridge T...
Image title
[A Prospect of Bridge Town] in Barbados. 1695 By Samuel Copen.
[Title page]
[Title page]
Berkel, Adriaan van
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Tot Amsterdam
Source date
Schrikkelyke Handeling omtrent de gevangenen die inde Krygstogt gevange werden.
Schrikkelyke Handeling ...
Berkel, Adriaan van
Image title
Schrikkelyke Handeling omtrent de gevangenen die inde Krygstogt gevange werden.
Source place of publication
Tot Amsterdam
Source date
Wonderlyke Manier hoc een Indiaan tot Capityn gemaakt werd.
Wonderlyke Manier hoc e...
Berkel, Adriaan van
Image title
Wonderlyke Manier hoc een Indiaan tot Capityn gemaakt werd.
Source place of publication
Tot Amsterdam
Source date
[Sir Francis Drake]
[Sir Francis Drake]
R. B., 1632?-1725?
Image title
[Sir Francis Drake]
Source place of publication
Source date
The conquests and triumphs of grace: : being a brief narrative of the success which the gospel hath had among the Indians of Martha's Vineyard (and the places adjacent) in New-England. With some remarkable curiosities, concerning the numbers, the customs, and the present circumstances of the Indians on that island. Further explaining and confirming the account given of those matters, by Mr. Cotton Mather, in the Life of the renowned Mr. John Eliot. /
The conquests and trium...
Mayhew, Matthew, 1648-1...
Printed for Nath Hiller...
Author (contributor)
[Mather, Increase, 1639-1723., Mather, Nathanael, 1631-1697.]
[Eliot, John,--1604-1690., Imprint 1695., Wampanoag Indians--Missions., Indians of North America--Massachusetts., Indians of North America--New England., Indians of North America--Massachusetts--Missions., Indians of North America--New England--Missions., Missionaries--New England--Biography., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1695., Martha's Vineyard (Mass.)--History.]
Annuente numine, gratiosissimae medicae facultatis consensu, De tabaco, : in alma viadrina, /
Annuente numine, gratio...
Letsch, Johann Theophil...
Literis Christophori Ze...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Albinus, Bernhard, 1653-1721.]
[Tobacco., Smoking., Imprint 1695.]
Los siete angeles del Apocalypsis en siete sermones de los siete miercoles de Quaresma, /
Los siete angeles del A...
Salduendo, Francisco Ja...
A costa de Joseph de Co...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909]
[Christianity., CSAIP., Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1695.]
Voyage de la terre australe par Mr. Sadeur. : Avec ses avantures dans la découverte de ce pays jusques icy inconnu & les particularités du sejour qu'il y fit pendant trente-cinq ans & son retour. Contenant les coutumes et les moeurs des Australiens, leurs religions, leurs exercices, leurs études, leurs guerres, les animaux particuliers de ce pays & toutes les raretés curieuses qui s'y trouvent.
Voyage de la terre aust...
Foigny, Gabriel de, app...
Chez Jean-Bapt & Nicola...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Voyages, Imaginary., Australia--Description and travel., Imprint 1695.]
Act for a company tradeing to Affrica, and the Indies. June 26. 1695..
Act for a company trade...
Printed by the heirs an...
Author (contributor)
Scotland. Parliament.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., Imprint 1695.]
An act of Parliament of Scotland for encourageing the Scots Affrican and Indian Company..
An act of Parliament of...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Scotland. Parliament.
[Imprint 1695., Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland.]
Relacion completa, y exacta del auto publico de fe, que se celebro en esta ciudad de Lima a 20. de diziembre de 1694. : adjunto otro precedente del ano de 1693. : Con el preludio panegirico de catholicos progressos, que resuenan en los numeros, y clausulas de un historico compendio encomiastico. /
Relacion completa, y ex...
Hoyo, Joseph del.
En la Imprenta Real por...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Tribunal de la Inquisición de Lima., Francisco de Buenos Aires., Bromsen, Maury A.]
[Inquisition--Peru., Imprint 1695.]
La gran fee del centurion español: : Sermon moral que en la Capilla del Santo Oficio de la Inquisicion desta ciudad de los Reyes Lima, el primer iueues de Quaresma /
La gran fee del centuri...
Diez de San Miguel y So...
Por Joseph de Contreras...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library
[CSAIP., Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1695.]
Don Melchor Portocarrero Lasso de la Vega, conde de la Monclova, : comendador de la Zarza en el Orden y Caualleria de Alcantara, del Consejo de Guerra de su Magestad, y Junta de Guerra de Indias, virrey, gouernador, y capitan general de estos, Reynos, y Prouincias del Perù, Tierrafirme, y Chile, &c. Por aver dado forma su Magestad (que Dios guarde) a los lutos, y pompa funeral en cedula de veinte y dos de marzo de mil seiscientos, y noventa, y tres .
Don Melchor Portocarrer...
Peru (Viceroyalty)
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Spain. Sovereign (1665-1700 : Charles II), Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (1689-1700 : Monclova)]
[Mourning customs--Latin America., Mourning customs--Law and legislation., CSAIP., Imprint 1695.]
Sermon de la gloriosa virgen, y martyr Santa Barbara mistico tres superiormente ajustado con sus virtudes, laureolas, y singularidad, por las voces de la solfa, /
Sermon de la gloriosa v...
Contreras y Pacheco, Mi...
Por los herederos de la...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Barbara,--Saint--Sermons., Sermons--Mexico., Imprint 1695.]
Sermon a la publicacion del edicto de la fee, del sancto Tribunal de la Inquissicion. : Que se publicò en la Iglesia parrochial de la ciudad de Tehuacan en la dominica tercera de quaresma, el dia seis de mar̦c̦o del año de 1695. Por orden del Br. Andres del Moral su comissario en ella. /
Sermon a la publicacion...
Torres Cano, Juan, acti...
Por Iuan Joseph Guillen...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Inquisition--Mexico., Sermons--Mexico--Tehuacán., Imprint 1695.]
Dispertador de noticias de los santos sacramentos. Primer tomo. : Que a N.M.R.P. Fray Juan Capistrano, colegial del mayor de San Pedro y San Pablo de la Vniversidad de Alcalà, lector jubilado, guardian, que ha sido en el convento de San Antonio de Padua de Sevilla en la Santa Provincia de Los Angeles de la regular observancia de N.P.S. Francisco, y commissario general de todas las provincias de esta Nueva-España, /
Dispertador de noticias...
Ledesma, Clemente de.
por doña Maria de Bena...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Convento Franciscano de Santa María de Gracia Acámbaro (Guanajuato, Mexico), Santuario de Nuestra Señora de El Pueblito (Querétaro, Mexico), Romero, Irma de., Echeverría, Sebastían de.]
[Sacraments--Catholic Church., Marca de fuego., Imprint 1695.]
An act of the Parliament of Scotland for erecting an Eat-India Company in that kingdom..
An act of the Parliamen...
And re-printed at Londo...
Author (contributor)
Scotland. Parliament.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., Imprint 1695.]
Sermon del domingo de ramos, que en la Santa Iglesia Cathedral de la Puebla de los Angeles. /
Sermon del domingo de r...
Avendaño Suárez de So...
en la imprenta de Juan ...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), González de Valdeoceras, Miguel, active 1695.]
[Palm Sunday--Sermons., Sermons--Mexico--Puebla., Imprint 1695.]
Sermon que a la solemne, annual, y titular fiesta del gloriosissimo principe de los apostoles, San Pedro, : que celebrò su eclesiastica congregacion en la iglesia collegio, y hospital de la Santissima Trinidad de Mexíco en la dominica infraoctavã de su fiesta /
Sermon que a la solemne...
Millán de Poblete, Juan...
Por Iuan Ioseph Guillen...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Peter,--the Apostle, Saint--Sermons., Sermons--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1695.]
Some considerations upon the late act of the Parliament of Scotland, for constituting an Indian company. : In a letter to a friend..
Some considerations upo...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Paterson, William, 1658-1719.
[Scotland.--Act for a company trading to Africa and the Indies, Imprint 1695., Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
Testament politique du marquis de Louvois premier ministre d'etat, sous le regne de Louis XIV. roy de France. : Ou l'on voit ce qui s'est passé de plus remarquable en France jusqu'a sa mort.
Testament politique du ...
Courtilz de Sandras, Ga...
Chez le Politique
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Autel.]
[Louvois, François-Michel Le Tellier,--marquis de,--1641-1691., France--History--Louis XIV, 1643-1715., France--Colonies--America., America--Emigration and immigration., Imprint 1695.]
Memorial /
Memorial /
Calderón, Pedro, -1708.
En la oficina de Herman...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Consejo de Indias (Spain), Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, former owner., Lezcano y Sepulveda, Geronimo.]
[Quesada, Ignacio de.--Memorial sumario en la causa del Real Collegio de San Fernando, y universidad de Santo Thomàs., Dominicans--Ecuador., Jesuits--Ecuador., Church history--Ecuador., Imprint 1695.]
Sermon de gracias por la justa eleccion, en que saliò electo por ministro provincial de esta Santa provincia de Santiago de Xalisco N.M.R.P Fr. Joseph Azpilcueta lector jubilado, y padre diffinidor habitual en ella. /
Sermon de gracias por l...
Rio, Joseph del, active...
en la imprenta de Juan ...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Azpilcueta, Joseph,--active 1695., Franciscans.--Provincia de Santiago de Xalisco, Installation sermons--Mexico., Sermons--Mexico., Imprint 1695.]
Las cinco piedras de la honda de David en cinco discursos morales, predicados en Roma a la reyna de Suecia, Christina Alexandra, en lengua italiana, /
Las cinco piedras de la...
Vieira, António, 1608-1...
En la Officina de Migue...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[CPJCB., Sermons--Italy--Rome., Imprint 1695.]
Les voyages du sieur Le Maire aux isles Canaries, Cap-Verd, Senegal, et Gambie. : Sous monsieur Dancourt, directeur general de la Compagnie roïale d'Affrique.
Les voyages du sieur Le...
Le Maire, Jacques-Josep...
Chez Jacques Collombat ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Saviard, Barthélemy, 1656-1702.]
[Africa, West--Description and travel., Canary Islands--Description and travel., Cabo Verde--Description and travel., Senegal--Description and travel., Gambia--Description and travel., Catalogs, Booksellers'--France--1695., Imprint 1695.]
Proposals for a fond [sic] to cary [sic] on a plantation..
Proposals for a fond [s...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Scotland. Parliament.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Land companies--Scotland., Trading companies--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony), Imprint 1695.]
A treatise touching the East-Indian-trade: : or, A discourse (turned out of French into English) concerning the establishment of a French company for the commerce of the East-Indies. To which are annexed the articles, and conditions, whereupon the said company for the commerce of the East-Indies is established..
A treatise touching the...
Charpentier, M. 1620-17...
Re-printed by the heirs...
Author (contributor)
[Brome, Henry., Compagnie des Indes orientales.]
[Compagnie des Indes orientales., Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., France--Commerce--East Indies., East Indies--Commerce--France., 1695]
Sermam na solemnissima, e anniversaria festa, que a Real Irmandade dos escravos do SS. sacramento lhe faz na igreja parochial d'Odivellas, em satisfaçaô do barbaro desacato com que alli foy offendido; : prégado em 11 de mayo de 1695. /
Sermam na solemnissima,...
Sousa, Manuel Caetano d...
Na Officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Lord's Supper--Sermons., Sermons, Portuguese., Sermons--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1695.]
Sermon de la portentosa, y sin igual imagen de Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu /
Sermon de la portentosa...
Calderón, Juan.
Por Juan Joseph Guillen...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Aránzazu, Nuestra Señora de., Mary,--Blessed Virgin, Saint, Sermons--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1695.]
Literae patentes seu concessus, sub magno Scotiae sigillo, societati in Affricam & Indias commercium agenti. /
Literae patentes seu co...
excudebant haeredes And...
Author (contributor)
Scotland. Parliament.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., Imprint 1695.]
Les avantures de Jacques Sadeur dans la decouverte et le voyage de la terre australe. : Contenant les coûtumes et les moeurs des Australiens, leur religion, leurs exercices, leurs études, leurs guerres, les animaux particuliers de ce païs, & toutes les raretez curieuses qui s'y trouvent.
Les avantures de Jacque...
Foigny, Gabriel de, app...
Chez David Mortier libr...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Voyages, Imaginary., Australia--Description and travel., Imprint 1732.]
1-36 of 36