Browse All : Images by Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.

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The speech of Joseph Galloway, Esq; one of the members for Philadelphia county: : in answer to the speech of John Dickinson, Esq; delivered in the House of Assembly, of the province of Pennsylvania, May 24, 1764. On occasion of a petition drawn up by order, and then under the consideration of the House; praying His Majesty for a royal, in lieu of a proprietary government.
The speech of Joseph Ga...
Galloway, Joseph, 1731-...
Printed and sold by W D...
Author (contributor)
[Pennsylvania. Provincial Assembly., Moore, William (Country musician), Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.]
[Dickinson, John,--1732-1808.--Speech delivered in the house of Assembly of the province of Pennsylvania, May 24th, 1764., Pennsylvania--Politics and government--To 1775.]
The speech of Joseph Galloway, Esq; one of the members for Philadelphia county: : in answer to the speech of John Dickinson, Esq; delivered in the House of Assembly, of the province of Pennsylvania, May 24, 1764. On occasion of a petition drawn up by order, and then under the consideration of the House; praying His Majesty for a royal, in lieu of a proprietary government.
The speech of Joseph Ga...
Galloway, Joseph, 1731-...
Printed and sold by W D...
Author (contributor)
[Pennsylvania. Provincial Assembly., Moore, William (Country musician), Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.]
[Dickinson, John,--1732-1808.--Speech delivered in the house of Assembly of the province of Pennsylvania, May 24th, 1764., Pennsylvania--Politics and government--To 1775.]
The interest of Great Britain considered, with regard to her colonies, and the acquisition of Canada and Guadaloupe. .
The interest of Great B...
Franklin, Benjamin, 170...
printed for P Wilson an...
Imprint 1760.
The interest of Great Britain considered with regard to her colonies and the acquisitions of Canada and Guadaloupe. To which are added, observations concerning the increase of mankind, peopling of countries, &c. ... As the very ingenious, useful, and worthy author of this pamphlet (B------n F------n, LL.D.) is well known and much esteemed by the principal gentlemen in England and America; and seeing that his other works have been received with universal applause; the present production needs no further recommendation to a generous, a free, an intelligent, and publick-spirited people. And yet it can be recommended further, by an extract from the Gentleman's magazine .
The interest of Great B...
Franklin, Benjamin, 170...
London printed MDCCLX B...
Author (contributor)
Jackson, Richard, -1787.
Imprint 1760.
La science du Bonhomme Richard, ou Moyen facile de payer les impôts. /
La science du Bonhomme ...
Franklin, Benjamin, 170...
Chez Ruault libraire ru...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), L'Ecuy, J.-B. 1740-1834. (Jean-Baptiste),, Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 1739-1817., Quétant, Antoine-François, 1733-1823., Great Britain. Parliament. House of Lords (1776), Pennsylvania., Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons (1766)., Echeverria, Durand., Tocaven, François., Durand, Adrien., Martin, Paul., Penn, Richard, approximately 1736-1811.]
[Great Britain.--Stamp Act (1765), Success., United States--History--Causes.--Revolution, 1775-1783, Pennsylvania--Politics and government--1775-1865., Booksellers' catalogs--France--1778., Imprint 1778.]
Des troubles qui divisent l'Angleterre et ses colonies, ou Réponses de M. Franklin, aux interrogations que lui a faites le parlement d'Angleterre.
Des troubles qui divise...
Great Britain. Parliame...
Chez Desaint libraire r...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790.]
[Great Britain.--Stamp Act (1765), Imprint 1768.]
Mémoires de la vie privée de Benjamin Franklin, /
Mémoires de la vie pri...
Franklin, Benjamin, 170...
Chez Buisson libraire r...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Assemblée nationale constituante (1789-1791), Saunders, Richard, 1706-1790., Quétant, Antoine-François, 1733-1823., Gibelin, Jacques, 1744-1828.]
[Franklin, Benjamin,--1706-1790., Statesmen--United States--Biography., Imprint 1791.]
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