[ A. Aglio]
[ J. B. Morando]
[ J.-J. Blaise]
[A. Aglio]
[A. Guérin]
[A. Stevenson]
[Alexo Infante]
[Arthus Bertrand]
[Baldwin, Cradock & Joy]
[Baldwin, Cradock, and Jo
[Benjamin Hudson]
[Bernardino Ruiz, for the
[C. Sepp Jansz.]
[C. Whittingham, for John
[Carey, Lea & Carey ...
[Chez Arthus-Bertrand ...
[Chez Chaumerot]
[Chez Lenormant, ... Lero
[Colburn & Bentley]
[Collins and Hannay]
[Constable & Co.]
[Courcier & Dentu]
[D. Fenton]
[Dalla tipografia dell '
[de Munier]
[Desiderio Marques Leão]
[Dufart, père]
[E. Wallis]
[Ernst Fleischer]
[Everat, imprimeur-librai
[F. Buisson]
[F. Drekhslera]
[F. Dufart, père]
[F. Schoell]
[Firmin Didot Frères]
[for J. Mawman, ... by R.
[François Bohn]
[G. Schulze]
[Gabriel de Sancha]
[Giambattista Sonzogno]
[Hartlebens Verlagsexped
[Henry Berthoud ... Sutt
[Henry Berthoud]
[I. Mawman]
[im Bureau für Litteratur
[imprimerie de Crapelet]
[J. Blackwell ... Miss Ga
[J. Conrad & Co.]
[J. Fairburn]
[J. Morlent]
[J. Tastu]
[J. W. Marriott]
[James Cundee]
[Johann Conrad Hinrich]
[John Murray]
[John Stockdale]
[José del Collado]
[José Mariano de Zúñiga y
[L. Haussmann et d'Haute
[L. Haussmann]
[Longman, Hurst, Rees, Or
[Longman, Hurst, Rees, O
[Longman, Hurst, Rees, Or
[Longman, Hurst, Rees, O
[Longman, Hurst, Rees, Or
[Longman, Hurst, Rees, Or
[Longman, Rees, Orme, Bro
[Longman, Rees, Orme, Bro
[Luc Sestié]
[Manoel Antonio da Silva
[Maria Fernandez Jauregui
[Mariano de Zúñiga y Ont
[Mariano Valdés Tellez Gi
[Na Typographia da mesma
[Nella Stamperìa Italiana
[Orphans Press]
[P. Bertrand, & Ve. LeVra
[P. Bertrand, ... LeVraul
[P. Mauro]
[Paul Renouard]
[Pieter Meijer]
[Pillot, frères]
[Presso il Salomoni]
[Presso la Società Tipogr
[Richard Grace]
[Royal Press for Orphans]
[Royal Press]
[Samuel Augustus Mitchell
[Sherwood, Neely, and Jon
[Smith, Elder & Co.]
[Société des Beaux-Arts]
[T. Cadell, W. Davies, Co
[Thomas Coke]
[Thomas Desilver]
[Thomas Kirk]
[Treuttel and Wurtz]
[W. Meyler ... G. and J.
[W. Reed]
[White, Cochrane, and Co.
[White, Cochrane, and Co]
[Widow and heirs of Marín
[William Blackwood ... an
[William Kidd]
[Zacharias Haeggström]
A Rider
A. Constable & Co.
A. do Carmo
A. M. Skene
A. Masson
A. Redouté
A. Rich.
A. Riché
A. Rider
A. Saint Aulaire
A. St. Aulaire
A. Stevenson At the Guia
A.M. Skene
Adrien et Ci[e].
Adrien et Cie.
Aert Schouman
Agostino Aglio
Agostino Brunias
Albion Press Printed: Pub
Alcide Dessalines d'Orbi
Alex. Giboy, A. F.
Alexander Lawson
Alexander von Humboldt
Andrien et Cie:
André, Jean-François, b.
Angelica Clarke
Anghiera, Pietro Martire
Antoine Maurin
Antonasio Davalos G.
Apud Beteta
Apud Marianum Zunnigam &
Arago, Jacques, 1790-1855
Arnaldi Guillelmi
Arthus Bertrand
Arthus Bertrand, editeur
Arthus Bertrand, librai
Augustine Aglio
Augustus Earle
Azara, Félix de, 1746-182
B. R. Baker
Baldwin, Cradock & Joy
Barlett [sic] and Welfor
Barlett and Welford
Barlow, Joel, 1754 -1812
Barrutia, Francisco Javie
Bayley, F. W. N. (Frederi
Beauchamp, Alph. de, 1767
Beechey, Frederick Willia
Benard et Frey
Benjamin Trott
Benjamin West
Benoit, P. J. (Pierre Ja
Benoit. P. J. (Pierre Jac
bey Johann Conrad Hinrich
Bij C. Sepp Jansz.
Bij de erven François Boh
bij de erven François Boh
bij de erven François Boh
Bij François Bohn
Bij François Bohn,
Bingley, William, 1774-18
Black, Young & Young, Tav
Black, Young and Young, 2
Bonaparte, Charles Lucia
Bryant, Joshua
Bullock, W. (William), f
By H. Gartman en P.J. Uyl
By Henry Berthoud, No. 6
by John Trumbull, No. 108
C. Adrien
C. Beyer
C. Heath
C. Hullmandel
C. Lassalle
C. Motte
C. Motte & Co.
C. R. Leslie
C. Schmelz
C. Shoosmith
C. Tiebout
C. Turner
C. Vauthier
Cadell & Davies, Strand
Callcott, Maria, Lady, 1
Calle des Bautisterio de
Campo y Rivas, Manuel del
Captn. Lyon
Carel Christiaan Anthony
Carel Christian Anthony d
Carey, Lea & Carey - Che
Casas, Bartolomé de las,
Catherwood, Frederick
Ch. Motte
Chappell, Edward, 1792-18
Charles Grignion
Charles Haghe
Charles Knight Ludgate St
Charles Motte
Charles Philibert, Comte
Charles-Estienne Motte
Chex Courcier ... Dentu
Chez Arthus-Bertrand, lib
chez Chaillou, editeur, r
Chez Chaumerot, libraire,
Chez Dubroca, Libraire, r
Chez F. Buisson, Imprimeu
Chez F. Schoell, libraire
Chez J.-J. Blaise, Librai
chez J.E. Gabriel Dufour,
Chez Jean rue Jean de Bea
chez l'Auteur rue St. Jac
Chez Lenormant, Imprimeur
Chez Manget et Cherbuliez
Chez P. Bertrand, éditeu
Chez Pillot, frères, libr
Chez Tiger, Imprimeur-Lib
Chez Tiger, imprimeur-lib
Choris, Louis, 1795-1828
Church, Benjamin, 1639-17
Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-18
Cochrane, Charles Stuart
Coke, Thomas, 1747-1814
Colburn & Bentley
Collot, Georges Henri Vic
Constable & Co.
Cousin d'Avallon, 1769-18
Cranz, David, 1723-1777
D. B. Douglass
D. Havell
D. Vrydag
Dalla tipografia dell 'e
Dalla tipografia di Giam
Dallas, Robert Charles, 1
Daniel Havell
Daniel I. Veelwaard
David Edwin
de l'imprimerie de Crapel
De l'Imprimerie de Crapel
De l'imprimerie de F. Duf
De L'Imprimerie de L. Ha
De L'Imprimerie de L. H
De l'Imprimerie de Langlo
De La Beche, Henry T. (He
Debret, Jean Baptiste,
Dentu, imprimeur-libraire
Descourtilz, M. E. (Mich
Desmarest, A.-G. (Anselme
Drawn by a Native
Dubroca, 1757-ca. 1835
Dubroca, 1757-ca.1835
Dufart, père, libraire-é
Díaz Calvillo, Juan Bauti
E. Smith
E.N. Kendall
Earle, William, Junior
Edward Dayes
Edward Francis Finden
Edwards, Bryan, 1743-1800
Elliston, George A.
Em. Alvarez
Emile Lassalle
En casa de Rosa, librero,
En la Imprenta de Arizpe
en la Imprenta de D. José
En la Imprenta de doña Ma
En la imprenta de la viud
en la imprenta real de lo
En la oficina de Arizpe
En la Oficina de D. Mari
en la Oficina de D. Maria
En la Oficina de Don Mari
En la Real Imprenta de Ni
Engelmann & Co.
Ernst Fleischer
Everat, imprimeur-librair
F. Hegi
F. W. Beechy
F.T. d'Almeida
Fe. Bocquet
Fe. Boquet
Female Society, for Birm
Firmin Didot Frères, imp
Firmin Didot Frères, imp
Firmin Didot Frères, imp
Fischer, Christian Augus
Fme. Bocquet
Fme. Boquet
For Black, Young and Youn
for Henry Colburn
Formentin & C[ompan]ie
Formentin & C[ompan]ie.
France. Commission scie
Francesco Bartolozzi
Francisco Aguera
Francisco Cabrera
Franciscus Sansom
Franklin, John, Sir, 178
Franz Andreas Bauer
François Bonneville
Frederick Christian Lewi
G. & W. Nicol
G. A.
G. Cooke
G. Harley
G. van den Heuvel
gedruckt auf Kosten des
Geo Cook
George Back
George Francis Lyon
George Scharf the elder
Gerrit Groenewegen
Gilbert Stuart
Giovanni Antonio Sasso
Gomes, Bernardino Antonio
Goodman and Piggot
Guillermin, Gilbert
H.D. Symonds
H.D. Symonds, Paternoster
H.P. Hoppner
Hamilton, John Potter, 17
Harvey & Darnton
Havell & Son
Henderson, James, 1783?-
Henri Joseph Redouté
Henry Colburn
Henry Colburn & Co.
Henry Colburn & Richard B
Henry Colburn and Richar
Henry Colburn and Richard
Henry Hoppner Meyer
Henry Inman
Henry T. De La Beche
Heredia y Sarmiento, Jose
hos Zacharias Haeggström
Houet fils
Humboldt, Alexander von,
Humboldt, Alexander von,
Hunter, John Dunn, 1798?-
I. Bushnan
I. Clark
I. Mawman
I. Murray
I. Murray [John Murray]
I. Murray, Albemarle Stre
I. Stockdale, Piccadilly
I. W. Lowry
im Bureau für Litteratur
Impresa en casa de Arizpe
Impresa en el Armadillo p
Imprimerie de J. Morlent,
Imprimerie de J. Tastu, r
Imprimerie de Munier, a
Imprimé chez Paul Renouar
Imprimé par G. Schulze, 1
In Hartlebens Verlagsexp
Infant School Society Dep
Iohn Murray, Albemarle St
Iohn Stockdale, Piccadill
Isaac Weld
Isabelle, Arsène, 1794 or
Isid. Galvez
Isidro Gálvez
J. B. Elwe
J. Barlow
J. Boosey & Co.
J. Bushnan
J. Clark
J. Conrad & Co.
J. Curtis
J. Delarue
J. Fulz [?]
J. Hawksworth
J. Hibbert Junr.
J. J. de Souza
J. J. Schmuzer
J. J. Wagner
J. L. R. Alconedo
J. M. Vega
J. Mitchell
J. N. Joby
J. Pye
J. Robins & Co.
J. Smith
J. Storer
J. Sun
J. Vallance
J. Walker
J. Wood
J.A. Wright
J.C. Russell
J.S. Rochard
J.S. Templeton
Jacques Arago
Jacques Barraband
Jamaica Royal Gazette
James Cundee
James Henderson
James Paroissien
James Sargant Storer
James Waddel
James Watson
James Weddell
Jas. Harrison
Jean Baptiste Debret
Jean-Baptiste Madou
Johann Ernst Heinsius
John Booth, Duke Street,
John Curtis
John James Audubon
John Mawe
John Miers
John Murray
John Murray Albemarle St
John Murray, Albemarle St
John Murray, Albemarle-
John Murray, Albemarle-St
John Murray, Publisher t
John Murray. Albemarle St
John Neagle
John Sackheouse
John Shillibeer
John Swaine
John Trumbull
John Wilson
Jong van Rodenburgh, Corn
Joseph Partridge
Joseph Smith
Joshua Bryant
José Casildo España
José de Nava
José Gil de Castro
José Maria Montes de Oca
Jul. Dietz
Kingsborough, Edward King
Koster, Henry, 1793-ca.18
L. B. Seeley & Son, 169 F
L. Letronne
L. Portman
L. Rados
L. Stobwasser
la Ves. Deportes
la Vesse de Portes
la Vesse. de Portes
la Vesse. de Portès
la Vtesse de Portes
la Vtesse de Portès
la Vtesse Paule. de Porte
la Vtesse Paule. de Portè
la Vtesse. de Portes
Ladies' society for promo
Lady Maria Callcott
Landsdorff, G. H. von (Ge
Las publica R. Ackermann,
Laurent Impr.
Le Vaillant, François, 17
Leitão, Antonio José Osor
Leop. Müller
Levrault Editeur
Levrault Libraire
Libraire de A. Guérin, pa
Lieut. Beechey
Lieut. Hoppner
Lisiansky, Urey, 1773-183
Longman & Co.
Longman & Co. & J. Murra
Longman & Co. Paternoster
Longman, Hurst, Rees & Co
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orm
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orm
Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orm
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brow
Longman, Rees, Orme, Brow
Louis Choris
Lse. Fse. Jacquinot Fme.
Luis Rezende
Lyon, G. F. (George Fran
M. Lowry
M. N. Bate
Mackenzie, Alexander, Sir
Manby, George William, 17
Manuel Lopez Lopez
Manuel Portillo
Marcelo Cabello
Marcus Rainsford
Marquez, Pietro, 1741-182
Mathison, Gilbert Farquha
Mawe, John, 1764-1829
McQueen & Co.
McQueen & Co:
Me. la Vesse Paulne. de P
Me. Pauline de Portès
Melle. Coignet Jne.
Michaux, François André
Michaux, François Andr��,
Miers, John, 1789-1879
Miguel Jerónimo Zendejas
Montes de Oca, José, 1668
Montgomery, James, 1771-1
Mr. Turner, 50 Warren Str
N. Chaler & Co.
N. Finart
Na Impressam Regia
Na Impressão de J. B. Mor
Na Impressão Regia
Na Typ. de Desiderio Marq
Na Typog. de Manoel Anton
Na Typographia da mesma A
Neele & Son
Neele & Son 352 Strand
Nella Stamperìa Italiana
Noël ainé
Noël ainé et Cie.
Noël et Cie.
O'Reilly, Bernard
Orbigny, Alcide Dessalin
P. Bertrand
P. J. Bessa
P. Oudart
P. Syme
Pagnerre, libraire-éditeu
Palaiseau, Mlle. de
Pancrace Bessa
Parry, William Edward, S
Paulus Lauters
Pavel Petrovich Svin'in
Peter Condé
Peter Maverick
Peter Schmidtmeyer
Pierre Jacques Benoit
Pierre Joseph Redouté
Por D. Mariano de Zúñiga
por don Mariano de Zúñiga
por R. Ackermann
Porter, George Richardson
Presso il Salomoni
Presso la Società Tipogra
Prieux [?]
Printed & Sold by Thomas
Printed and published by
Printed and sold by Howar
Printed and sold by J. Bl
Printed by A Strahan, Pri
Printed by A. Strahan, Pr
Printed by and for F. Hou
Printed by Benjamin Huds
Printed by Richard Grace,
Printed by S. McDowall,
Printed by Thomas B. Wait
Printed by Thomas Kirk, M
Printed by W. Bulmer & Co
Printed by W. Meyler, and
Printed for Archibald Co
Printed for Archibald Con
Printed for Baldwin, Crad
Printed for Baldwin, Cra
printed for Charles Knigh
Printed for E. Wallis, 4
Printed for Edward Suter
Printed for F. Schoell, b
Printed for G. and W. Nic
Printed for Henry Colburn
Printed for Henry Colburn
Printed for J. Mawman, Lu
Printed for J. Mawman, Lu
Printed for John Booth ..
Printed for John Sharpe,
Printed for John Stockdal
Printed for Longman, Hur
Printed for Longman, Hurs
Printed for Longman, Hur
Printed for Longman, Hurs
Printed For Longman, Hurs
Printed for Longman, Hurs
Printed for Longman, Hurs
Printed for Longman, Hurs
Printed for Longman, Hur
Printed for R. Bowyer, th
Printed for Richard Phil
Printed for Sherwood, Nee
Printed for Sir Richard P
Printed for T. Cadell, in
Printed for T. Cadell, Ju
Printed for the Author by
Printed for the author, a
Printed for the author, s
Printed for the bookselle
Printed for the proprieto
Printed for W. Reed, law
Printed for White, Cochra
Pub'd. by Charles Knight,
Pubd. by Longman, Hurst,
Published ... by Charles
Published by A. Aglio, 36
Published by Baldwin, Cra
Published by Collins and
Published by Houlston & S
Published by J. Dainty &
Published by J. Fairburn,
Published by J. Mawman
Published by Longman, Hur
Published by Longman, Hur
Published by Longman, Hu
Published by Samuel Augus
Published by Thomas Desi
Published for Longman & R
Publié au profit des Miss
Publié au profit des Miss
Pursh, Frederick, 1774-18
Pérez Martínez, Antonio J
R. Bowyer
R. Cooper
R. Havell & Son
R. Page
R. Stennett
Raban, 1795-1870
Raddi, Giuseppe, 1770-182
Rainsford, Marcus, fl. 18
Ranking, John
Re-published by D. Fenton
Reimpreso en la oficina d
Reinier Vinkeles
Richard Evans
Richard Phillips
Richard Westall
Richardson, Lord & Holbro
Rio, Antonio del
Robert Hood
Robinson, J. H., surgeon
Robinson, William Davis,
Rodriguez, José María, Au
Roger et Cie.
Roger et Companie
Roos, Paul François, ca.
Ross, John, Sir, 1777-18
Rowney & Forster
Ruiz, Hipólito, 1754-1816
S. Croad
S. G. Drake
S. Koenig
Sack, Albert, baron von
Samuel Lovett Waldo
Samuel Middiman
Santos e Silva, Thomaz An
Sardó, Joaquín, 1760?-182
Sauer, Martin
Saunders, Prince, d. 1839
Schmidtmeyer, Peter
Schoolcraft, Henry Rowe,
Scoresby, William, 1789-
Shillibeer, John
Siendo asistente mayor te
Simon Fokke
Sir John Ross
Sir Thomas Lawrence
Skinner, Joseph
Smith, Elder & Co. Cornhi
Smith, Elder & Co. Cornhi
Smith, Elder, and Co., 65
Smith, Moses
Société des Beaux-Arts
Société des Beaux-Arts;
Sold by Arthus Bertrand,
Sold by William Blackwood
Southey, Robert, 1774-184
Stedman, John Gabriel, 1
Stobwasser, Johann Heinri
Strangeways, Thomas
Svin'in, Pavel Petrovich,
T. A. Guevara
T. Bagg
T. Brown
T. Cadell, Strand
T. H. Foljambe
T. M. Baynes
T. Webster
T. Woolnoth
T[homas]. Woolnoth
Talbot, Edward Allen, 180
Tardieu l'ainé
Temple, Edmond
Thierry Freres, Succrs. d
Thierry frères
Thierry Frères Srs. de En
Thierry frères Succ. de E
Thierry Frères Succ: de E
Thierry Frères Succrs. de
Thierry Frères Succrs. de
Thierry Frères Succrs. de
Thierry frères Succrs. En
Thierry Frères, Srs. d'En
Thierry Frères, Srs. de E
Thierry Frères, Srs. de E
Thierry Frères, Succ. de
Thierry Frères, Succ. de
Thierry Frères, Success.
Thierry Frères, succrs.
Thierry Frères, Succrs. d
Thierry Frères, Succrs. E
Thierry Frères, Succs. de
Thomas Birch
Thomas Gimbrede
Thomas Stothard
Thomson, John Lewis
Thos. Wright
Ths. Lewin
Tiger, Imprimeur-Libraire
Titian Ramsay Peale
Toussaint Louverture, 174
Treuttel and Wurtz, Treut
Trumbull, Henry, 1781-184
Typis Gabrielis de Sancha
Unanue, José Hipólito, 17
Urey Lisiansky
V Tipografii F. Drekhsler
V. Ramieri
V. Ranieri
V[icom]tesse de Portes
V[icomt]esse. de Portes
Valdés, José Francisco
Velasco, Alfonso Alberto
Velloso, José Mariano da
Victor Adam
Volney, C.-F. (Constantin
Vosmaer, A. (Arnout), 172
W Hughes
W. & D. Lizars
W. Hooker
W. Hornsby
W. K[etterlinus]
W. Strickland
W. Woolnoth
W.H. Lizars
W.T. Fry
Waldeck, Frédéric de
Walker, Alexander, writer
Waller, John Augustine
Walsh, Robert, 1772-1852
Warden, David Bailie, 177
Waterton, Charles, 1782-1
Weddell, James, 1787-1834
Weld, Isaac, 1774-1856
Whitchurch, Samuel
Wied, Maximilian, Prinz v
Wilcocke, Samuel Hull, 17
Wilhelm, Gottlieb Tobias
William Bullock
William Clark
William Day
William Grainger
William Holl
William Home Lizars
William Kidd, 6, Old Bond
William Marshall Craig
William Scoresby
William Smyth
William Westall
Zimmermann, Eberhard Augu
Browse All
Images from 1801-1850
Image title
[Our Lady of Guadalupe]
Source place of publication
Reimpressa en México
Image title
[Allegorical union of Spain and Guatemala]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Monument to those killed during the defense of Buenos Aires]
Source place of publication
Image title
El Señor de Santa Teresa.
Source place of publication
Reimpreso en México
Image title
[People of ancient Mexico]
Source place of publication
Image title
Juegos Mexicanos
Source place of publication
Image title
Templo mayor de Mexico.
Source place of publication
Image title
Sacrificio ordinario.
Source place of publication
Image title
Sacrificio Gladiatorio.
Source place of publication
Image title
Aristolochia fragrantissima.
Source place of publication
En Madrid
Image title
Monnina polystachya
Source place of publication
En Madrid
Image title
Christophe Colomb.
Source place of publication
Image title
De Bougainville. Vice-Amiral des armées navales de France. Né en 1728.
Source place of publication
Image title
1. Patagon. 3. Autruche. 2. Patagone.
Source place of publication
Image title
1. Moxe du Pérou. 3. Vigogne. 2. Paysanne de Quito.
Source place of publication
Image title
Gemelli Carreri, Jurisconsulte.
Source place of publication
Image title
1. Habitant de la Californie 2. Femme de la Californie. 3. Ours noir.
Source place of publication
Image title
Lord Anson Mort à Londres en 1762.
Source place of publication
Image title
Christophe Colomb de retour de ses Voyages.
Source place of publication
Image title
N. S. de la O.
Source place of publication
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Image title
[Pyramid at Papantla]
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Image title
[Xochicalco ruins]
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Image title
[Temple at Xochicalco]
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Image title
[Temple of the Feathered Serpent, Xochicalco]
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Image title
[Apparitions of victory in the sky]
Source place of publication
Image title
La portent[os]a Ymag[e]n del Sr. del Ensino, que se venera en su Santua[ario] á estramur[os] de la Villa de Aguas Calient[es]
Source place of publication
[Aguascalientes, Mexico]
Image title
Ancient Convent at Jujui.
Source place of publication
Image title
[Native American family of Bolivia]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Mestizo women of Bolivia]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Mountain of Potosí]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Women of Bolivia]
Source place of publication
Image title
Posting in the Galéra across the Pampas.
Source place of publication
Image title
Setting out from Tarija.
Source place of publication
Image title
[Pottery and wooden vessels]
Source place of publication
Image title
Night Scene in the Curate's House.
Source place of publication
Image title
[View of a mountain]
Source place of publication
Image title
Scene in the Carnival at Potosi.
Source place of publication
Image title
Scene near San Lucas.
Source place of publication
Image title
[The author and a gaucho]
Source place of publication
Image title
How to mount on horseback in Peru.
Source place of publication
Source place of publication
Image title
[Native Americans in Argentina]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Native American hunts rhea in Argentina]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Cathedral in Córdoba, Argentina]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Armed man of Tucumán, Argentina]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Man of Tucumán, Argentina or gaucho]
Source place of publication
Image title
[Ruined church in Trancas, Argentina]
Source place of publication
Image title
Botocoudos, Bouris, Patachos et Macharis.
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Negres scieurs de long.
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCCC XXXV [1835]