Map title
Carte du théatre de la guerre entre les Anglais et les Américains Dressée d'après les cartes anglaises les plus modernes par M. Brion de la Tour, ingénieur-geographe du roi
Brion de la Tour, Louis
Map title
A topographical map of the northn. part of New York Island exhibiting the plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen, with the rebels lines to the southward, which were forced by the troops under the command of the Rt. Honble. Earl Percy on the 16th. Novr. 1776, and survey'd immediately after by order of His Lordship by Claude Joseph Sauthier. To which is added the attack made to the northd. by the Hessians, survey'd by order of Lieutt. Genl. Knyphausen
Sauthier, Claude Joseph
Map title
A plan of the operations of the King's army under the command of General Sr. William Howe, K.B. in New York and east New Jersey, against the American forces commanded by General Washington, from the 12th. of October, to the 28th. of November 1776. Wherein is particularly distinguished the engagement on the White Plains, the 28th. of October by Claude Joseph Sauthier. Engraved by: Wm. Faden
Sauthier, Claude Joseph
Map title
The provinces of New York, and New Jersey with part of Pensilvania and the province of Quebec. Drawn by Major Holland, Surveyor General of the Northern District in America Corrected and improved, from the original materials, by Governr. Pownall. Hen. Contger, Sculp. Mog
Pownall, Thomas, 1722-1805
Map title
A plan of the City and environs of Philadelphia survey'd by N. Scull and G. Heap
[Faden, William, 1749-1836, Scull, Nicholas, 1686?-1761?]
Map title
A topographical map of the northn. part of New York Island exhibiting the plan of Fort Washington, now Fort Knyphausen, with the rebels lines to the southward, which were forced by the troops under the command of the Rt. Honble. Earl Percy on the 16th. Novr. 1776, and survey'd immediately after by order of His Lordship by Claude Joseph Sauthier. To which is added the attack made to the northd. by the Hessians, survey'd by order of Lieutt. Genl. Knyphausen
Sauthier, Claude Joseph
Map title
[top half: map of North Carolina]
Mouzon, Henry
Map title
Plan of the town of St. Augustine, the capital of East Florida | The Bay of Espiritu Santo on the western coast of East Florida
Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771
Map title
[bottom half: map of South Carolina]
Mouzon, Henry
Map title
Mapa de una parte de Chile, que comprehende el terreno donde pasaron los famosos hechos entre Españoles y Araucanos Compuesto por el mapa manuscito de poncho Chileno: Por D. Tomás Lopez ...
López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás, 1731-1802
Map title
Plan de l'Isle et du Port de Ste Catherine, située en la côte du Brésil et dans les possessions Portugaises Avec l'indication des principaux forts, retranchemens et batteries qui la defendoient, à l'arrivée de l'Escadre Espagnolle qui s'en empara le 23 Fevrier 1777
[Buache, Jean-Nicolas, 1741-1825, Dezauche, J.]
Map title
A new map, or chart in Mercators projection of the Western or Atlantic Ocean, with part of Europe, Africa and America
Herbert, William, 1718-1795
Map title
A new map, or chart in Mercators projection of the Ethiopic Ocean with part of Africa and South America
Map title
A chart of part of the coast of Labradore[sic], from Cape Charles to Sandwich Bay. Survey'd by order of the Honble. Commodore Byron, Governor of Newfoundland, Labradore [sic], &c. in the years 1770 and 1771 by Michael Lane
[Lane, Michael, fl. 1768-1784, Faden, William, 1749-1836]
Map title
The Province of New Jersey, divided into east and west, commonly called the Jerseys
[Faden, William, 1749-1836, Croisey, Ratzer, Bernard]
Map title
Province de New-York en 4 feuilles par Montresor
Montrésor, John, 1736-1799
Map title
Planta ichorographica[sic] de la Casa grande del Rio Gila
Font, Pedro, -1781
Map title
[Map of North America from Saint Lawrence River to Georgia]
[Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767, Gibson, J. (John),|dfl. 1750-1792, Pownall, Thomas, 1722-1805]
Map title
[Map of North America including the West Indies]
[Gibson, J. (John),|dfl. 1750-1792, Pownall, Thomas, 1722-1805, Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767]
Map title
Carte nouvelle des posséssions angloises en Amérique dressée pour l'intelligence de la guerre présente et divisée suivant les prétentions des Anglois traduite de l'Anglois d'après Thos. Gefferys ... revue et corrigée par M. Moithey ..
[Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771, Moithey, Maurille Antoine, 1732-ca. 1810]
Image title
John Aitken. Commonly called John the Painter. Convicted of setting Fire to Portsmouth Dock.
Source place of publication
Winton [i. e. Winchester]
Source date
Image title
James Aitken, alias John the Painter.
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Friedensthal in St. Croix ...
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Bethanien in St. Jan ...
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Aussicht von Neu-Herrnhut auf St. Thomas von der Ostseite. ...
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Die Insel Sainte Croix mit den Namen der Plan-tagen die bestaendig sind.
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Die Insel Sanct Thomas mit den mehresten Plantagen
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
[Aztec glyphs]
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Amor Increatus in Creaturas effusus
Source place of publication
Monasterii Westphaliae [Münster]
Source date
Image title
Mappa Geographica exhibens Provincias, Oppida, Sacella &c quae Mensibus Novembri ac Decembri anni 1751 et ... anni 1752 peragravit ad Indorum Chilensium terras ...
Source place of publication
Monasterii Westphaliae [Münster]
Source date
Image title
Ynca Manco Capac Vater Seines Volks.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Opfer welches die Floridaner der sonne mit ihrer erst-gebuhrt bringen.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Witwen aus Florida die ihre Haare auf das Grab ihrer Maenner streuen
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Floridanerinnen die ihre Maenner im Krige verlohren haben und ihre caciquen um Beystand anflehen
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Opferung eines gefangenen bey de Antiern
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Der Sonnen-Tempel.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Rittermachen der Incas
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Der Yncas verheirathung der Prinzen von geblüte.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Bezeigen der Peruaner bey einer Mond finsterniss.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Religions Tanz der Brazilianer.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Schlange Göttlich verehrt von den Guaÿacuruern.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
Opfer welches die Floridaner der Sonne mit einem Hirsche bringen.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Image title
John Hankock Praesident des American Congresses
Source place of publication
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]
Source date
Image title
George Washington. Esqr. Americanischer Generalissimus.
Source place of publication
Nürnberg [Nuremberg]
Source date
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
[Native Americans at a council of war]
Source place of publication
Source date
Image title
Source place of publication
Göttingen und Leipzig
Source date
Image title
Ein amerikanischer Sätschem der seine Landsleute zum Krieg ermahnt.
Source place of publication
Göttingen und Leipzig
Source date