Browse All : Images from 1763

101-150 of 169
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Description et histoire naturelle du Groenland, /
Description et histoire...
Egede, Hans, 1686-1758.
Chez les fréres C & A ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Desroches de Parthenay, Jean-Baptiste, 1690-1766.]
[Lutheran Church--Catechisms--Kalâtdlisut dialect., Indian linguistics--Kalâtdlisut dialect., Indian linguistics--Eskimo languages., Imprint 1763., Lutheran Church--Creeds., Eskimos--Greenland., Eskimos--Greenland--Social life and customs., Natural history--Greenland., Kalâtdlisut dialect--Grammar., Kalâtdlisut dialect--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Greenland--History., Greenland--Description and travel.]
Description geographique de la Guiane.
Description geographiqu...
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas...
De l'imprimerie de Dido...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of South America--Guiana., Guyana--Description and travel.]
Das Neue Testament unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi, /
Das Neue Testament unse...
Gedruckt und zu finden ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Kuhn, H. H. former owner., Roberts, Dwight, former owner., Sower, Christopher, 1721-1784., Luther, Martin, 1483-1546.]
Imprint 1763.
Das Spanische Reich in Amerika, oder, Kurze Beschreibung aller spanischen Pflanzstädte und Besitzungen : vornemlich in dem südlichen Theile desselben und der merkwürdigen Oerter in Nord-Amerika ingleichen einiger in den mexicanischen Meerbusen gelegenen Inseln. Zum Gebrauch bey den gegenwärtigen Kriegsunruhen in diesem Weltheile herausgegeben.
Das Spanische Reich in ...
bey Gottlob Hebold
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Campbell, John, 1708-1775.]
Decreto. : Por quanto resulta grande inconveniente a meu serviço da frouxidaõ, com que se fazem os lançamentos do subsidio militar das decimas, e as remessas ao thesouro geral; ..
Decreto. : Por quanto r...
Portugal. Sovereign (17...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1640-1656 : John IV)., Moura, Jayme de., John IV, King of Portugal, 1604-1656., Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Taxation--Portugal., Portugal--History--Joseph, 1750-1777., Imprint 1762.]
The mariner's compass rectified; : containing tables, shewing the true hour of the day, the sun being upon any point of the compass: with thetrue time of the rising and setting of the sun and stars, and the points of the compass upon which they rise and set: with tables of amplitudes. Which tables of sun-dials, semidiurnal-arches and amplitudes are calculated from the Equator to 60 degrees of latitude, either north or south. : With the description and use of those instruments most in use in the art of navigation. : Also a table of the latitudes and longitudes of places. /
The mariner's compass r...
Wakely, Andrew.
Printed for W and J Mou...
Author (contributor)
[Mountaine, William, -1779., Atkinson, James, active 1667-1715.]
[Navigation--Tables., Compass., Navigation., Nautical astronomy.]
Mélanges intéressans et curieux ou Abrégé d'histoire naturelle, morale, civile, et politique de l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amérique, et des terres polaires. /
Mélanges intéressans ...
Rousselot de Surgy, Jac...
Chez Durand libraire ru...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Albespy, M.]
[Asia., Africa., Arctic regions., Imprint 1763., Imprint 1766.]
Mélanges intéressans et curieux ou Abrégé d'histoire naturelle, morale, civile, et politique de l'Asie, l'Afrique, l'Amérique, et des terres polaires. /
Mélanges intéressans ...
Rousselot de Surgy, Jac...
Chez Durand libraire ru...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Albespy, M.]
[Asia., Africa., Arctic regions., Imprint 1763., Imprint 1766.]
Mémoire /
Mémoire /
Kerlérec, Louis Billoua...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Kerlérec, Louis Billouart,--chevalier de,--1704-1770., Rochemore, Marie-Madeleine Gaston,--dame de, Rochemore, Vincent-Gaspard-Pierre,--sieur de, Louisiana--History--To 1803., Louisiana--Politics and government--To 1803., Imprint 1763.]
The life, travels, exploits, frauds and robberies, of Charles Speckman, alias Brown, who was executed at Tyburn, on Wednesday the 23d of November, 1763. ... Written by himself, whilst under sentence of death in Newgate.
The life, travels, expl...
Speckman, Charles, -176...
printed for J Fuller
Imprint 1763.
A list of the Society for the encouragement of arts, manufactures and commerce. London, March 25, 1763.
A list of the Society f...
Society for the Encoura...
Printed by order of the...
Imprint 1763.
Geschichte der zehenjährigen Reisen der Mitglieder der Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Paris vornemlich des Herrn de la Condamine nach Peru in America in den Jahren 1735 bis 1745 worinne ausser verschiedenen Nachrichten von der gegenwärtigen Beschaffenheit der spanischen Colonien in America, und einer vollständigen Beschreibung des berühmten Amazonenflusses, auch noch verschiedene und besondere Anmerkungen zur Aufnahme der Sternkunde, Erdbeschreibung und Naturlehre befindlich sind, /
Geschichte der zehenjä...
La Condamine, Charles-M...
gedruckt bey Johann Fri...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Wafer, Lionel, 1660?-1705?, La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, 1701-1776., La Condamine, Charles-Marie de, 1701-1774., J. C. S.]
[Scientific expeditions., South America--Description and travel., Panama--Description and travel.]
Gründlicher Unterricht von den Metallen, : darinnen beschrieben wird, wie sie werden in der Erden generirt; und was man insgemein dabey findet. In zwey Büchern. /
Gründlicher Unterricht...
Barba, Alvaro Alonso, 1...
Gedruckt durch J Georg ...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Metals., Metallurgy., Mineral industries., Imprint 1763.]
Epanafora festiva, ou, Relaçaõ summaria das festas, com que na cidade do Rio de Janeiro capital do Brasil se celebrou o feliz nascimento do Serenissimo Principe da Beira Nosso Senhor.
Epanafora festiva, ou, ...
Na offic de Miguel Rodr...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[José,--Prince of Brazil,--1761-1788., Portugal--History--Joseph, 1750-1777., Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)--History--18th century.]
Disputatio medica generis historici de variolis.
Disputatio medica gener...
Curabat Emanuel Adam We...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bibliothek Soplüsselburg., Linker von Lützenwick family.]
[Smallpox., Imprint 1763.]
Eine Restitution, oder Eine Erklärung einiger Haupt-Puncten des Gesetzes : Wie es durch Christum erfüllet ist, und vollkommen vollendet wird werden an seinem grossen Tage; nach In halt der Heiligen Schrift, des Neuen und Alten Testaments. /
Eine Restitution, oder ...
Funck, Heinrich, -1760.
Verlegt und zum Druck b...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc., Bible Chronology., Germans--Pennsylvania.]
Memoirs of the life and adventures of Tsonnonthouan, a king of the Indian nation called Roundheads. Extracted from original papers and archives. .
Memoirs of the life and...
printed for the author
Memoirs of the life and adventures of Tsonnonthouan, a king of the Indian nation called Roundheads. Extracted from original papers and archives. .
Memoirs of the life and...
printed for the author
Nicolai Josephi Jacquin Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia, in qua ad Linn︠a︡eanum systema determinat︠a︡e descript︠a︡eque sistuntur plant︠a︡e ill︠a︡e, quas in insulis Martinica, Jamaica, Domingo, aliisque, et in vicin︠a︡e continentis parte, observavit rariores; : adjectis iconibus in solo natali delineatis.
Nicolai Josephi Jacquin...
Jacquin, Nikolaus Josep...
ex officina Krausiana
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Botany--West Indies., Botany--South America., Botany--Pictorial works., Imprint 1763.]
A letter from a member of the opposition to Lord B------
A letter from a member ...
printed for G Burnet
Imprint 1763.
Chronological annals of the war; from its beginning to the present time. In two parts. Part I. Containing from April 2. 1755, to the end of 1760. Part II. - from the beginning of 1761. to the signing of the preliminaries of the Peace. ... By Mr. Dobson.
Chronological annals of...
Dobson, Mr. (John)
at the Clarendon Press ...
Explicacion del uso de los anteojos para todo genero de personas: /
Explicacion del uso de ...
Minguet é Irol, Pablo,...
En la imprenta del auto...
Author (contributor)
Gómez de la Mata, Federico.
[Eyeglasses., Lenses., Lenses--Design and construction., Broadsides, etc.--Spain--Madrid., Imprint 1763.]
Dictionnaire galibi, présenté sous deux formes; : I° Commençant par le mot françois; II° Par le mot Galibi. Precédé d'un essai de grammaire. /
Dictionnaire galibi, pr...
M. D. L. S.
Chez Bauche libraire qu...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Heber, Richard, 1773-1833, La Salle de l'Etang, M. de approximately 1700-1765. (Simon Philibert),, La Sauvage, M. de., Pelleprat, Pierre, 1606-1667.]
[French language--Dictionaries--Carib., Carib language--Dictionaries--French., Indian linguistics--Carib language., Imprint 1763.]
Dictionnaire galibi, présenté sous deux formes; : I° Commençant par le mot françois; II° Par le mot galibi. Precédé d'un essai de grammaire. /
Dictionnaire galibi, pr...
M. D. L. S.
Chez Bauche libraire qu...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), La Salle de l'Etang, M. de approximately 1700-1765. (Simon Philibert),, La Sauvage, M. de., Pelleprat, Pierre, 1606-1667.]
[French language--Dictionaries--Carib., Carib language--Dictionaries--French., Indian linguistics--Carib language.]
A review of Mr. Pitt's administration.
A review of Mr. Pitt's ...
Almon, John, 1737-1805.
Printed for G Kearsly i...
[Pitt, William,--Earl of Chatham,--1708-1778., Great Britain--Politics and government--1727-1760., Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1789.]
Rodondo; or, the state jugglers. : Canto I.
Rodondo; or, the state ...
Dalrymple, Hugh, -1774.
Printed for W Nicoll at...
[Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1789., Imprint 1763.]
Rodondo; or, the state jugglers. : Canto I.
Rodondo; or, the state ...
Dalrymple, Hugh, -1774.
Printed for W Nicoll at...
[Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1789., Imprint 1763.]
Some hints to people in power, on the present melancholy situation of our colonies in North America.
Some hints to people in...
printed for J Hinxman
Imprint 1763.
Some hints to people in power, on the present melancholy situation of our colonies in North America.
Some hints to people in...
printed for J Hinxman
Imprint 1763.
A letter from a gentleman in town to his friend in the country. Occasioned by a late resignation.
A letter from a gentlem...
Gentleman in town.
printed for T Becket an...
Imprint 1763.
A letter to the Right Honourable Ch----s T------nd, Esq;
A letter to the Right H...
printed for W Nicoll
Imprint 1763.
Serious considerations on the measures of the present administration.
Serious considerations ...
Butler, John, 1717-1802...
printed for G Kearsly
Herrn Hans Egede, Missionärs und Bischofes in Grönland, Beschreibung und Natur-Geschichte von Grönland, /
Herrn Hans Egede, Missi...
Egede, Hans, 1686-1758.
verlegts August Mylius
Author (contributor)
[German Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Heldenberg., Krünitz, J. G. 1728-1796. (Johann Georg),]
[Lutheran Church--Catechisms--Kalâtdlisut dialect., Indian linguistics--Kalâtdlisut dialect., Indian linguistics--Eskimo languages., Imprint 1763., Lutheran Church--Creeds., Eskimos--Greenland., Eskimos--Greenland--Social life and customs., Natural history--Greenland., Kalâtdlisut dialect--Grammar., Kalâtdlisut dialect--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Greenland--History., Greenland--Description and travel.]
A review of Lord Bute's administration. By the author of the Review of Mr. Pitt's.
A review of Lord Bute's...
Almon, John, 1737-1805.
printed for I Pridden
Imprint 1763.
A review of Lord Bute's administration. By the author of the Review of Mr. Pitt's.
A review of Lord Bute's...
Almon, John, 1737-1805.
printed for I Pridden
Imprint 1763.
Rodondo; or, The state jugglers. : Canto II.
Rodondo; or, The state ...
Dalrymple, Hugh, -1774.
Printed for W Nicoll at...
[Great Britain--Politics and government--1760-1789., Imprint 1763.]
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
Historia general de los viages, ó nueva coleccion de todas las relaciones de los que se has hecho por mar, y tierra, y se han publicado hasta aora en diferentes lenguas de todas las naciones conocidas ... /
Historia general de los...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
En la imprenta de don J...
Author (contributor)
Astley, Thomas.
Voyages and travels.
101-150 of 169
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