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Plan of the Town of Basse Terre the Capital of Guadaloupe from an Authentic Survey.
Plan of the Town of Bas...
Jefferys, Thomas, d. 17...
Map title
Plan of the Town of Basse Terre the Capital of Guadaloupe from an Authentic Survey.
Thomas Jefferys
Plan of the Town and Citadel of Fort Royal the Capital of Martinico. with the Bay of Cul de Sac Royal.
Plan of the Town and Ci...
Jefferys, Thomas, d. 17...
Map title
Plan of the Town and Citadel of Fort Royal the Capital of Martinico. with the Bay of Cul de Sac Royal.
Mr. de Caylus
Plan of the Town and Fort of Grenada.
Plan of the Town and Fo...
Jefferys, Thomas, d. 17...
Map title
Plan of the Town and Fort of Grenada.
[Thomas Jefferys, Mr. de Caylus]
The Island and Colony of Cayenne subject to the French, on the Continent of South America.
The Island and Colony o...
South America
Jefferys, Thomas, d. 17...
Map title
The Island and Colony of Cayenne subject to the French, on the Continent of South America.
Thomas Jefferys
Plan of the Town of Cayenne and Fort St. Michael.
Plan of the Town of Cay...
South America
Jefferys, Thomas, d. 17...
Map title
Plan of the Town of Cayenne and Fort St. Michael.
[Thomas Jefferys, Chevalier de Marechais]
A Plan of the City of Philadelphia, with the Country Adjacent.
A Plan of the City of P...
North America
Map title
A Plan of the City of Philadelphia, with the Country Adjacent.
J. Gibson
A Plan of the City of Quebec, and its Fortifications
A Plan of the City of Q...
North America
Map title
A Plan of the City of Quebec, and its Fortifications
J. Gibson
A Plan of the City of Louisbourg, with its Fortifications.
A Plan of the City of L...
North America
Map title
A Plan of the City of Louisbourg, with its Fortifications.
J. Gibson
A new map of Canada, also the north parts of New England and New York with Nova Scotia and Newfoundland from the Sr. Robert with improvements
A new map of Canada, al...
North America
Map title
A new map of Canada, also the north parts of New England and New York with Nova Scotia and Newfoundland from the Sr. Robert with improvements
A chart of the Harbour of Halifax, in Nova Scotia with Jebucto Bay and Cape Sambro ... survey'd, by order of ... Brigadier General Lawrence, Governour ..., by Charles Morris, chief surveyor, 1759. Published by command of the ... Lords of Trade & Plantations ...
A chart of the Harbour ...
North America
Map title
A chart of the Harbour of Halifax, in Nova Scotia with Jebucto Bay and Cape Sambro ... survey'd, by order of ... Brigadier General Lawrence, Governour ..., by Charles Morris, chief surveyor, 1759. Published by command of the ... Lords of Trade & Plantations ...
Morris, Charles, surveyor
A new map of Canada, also the north parts of New England and New York with Nova Scotia and Newfoundland from the Sr. Robert with improvements
A new map of Canada, al...
North America
Map title
A new map of Canada, also the north parts of New England and New York with Nova Scotia and Newfoundland from the Sr. Robert with improvements
A new map of the most frequented part of New Found Land [cartographic material] / by Thos. Kitchin, geogr
A new map of the most f...
North America
Map title
A new map of the most frequented part of New Found Land [cartographic material] / by Thos. Kitchin, geogr
Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784
Mappa della California suo Golfo della na Nuova Spag.
Mappa della California ...
North America
Map title
Mappa della California suo Golfo della na Nuova Spag.
An eye draft of Logger-head Cay near to Cape Catoche in 21 de: 20 mi: N: L:
An eye draft of Logger-...
North America
Map title
An eye draft of Logger-head Cay near to Cape Catoche in 21 de: 20 mi: N: L:
Plan of the attack against Fort Louis now Fort George, at Point à  Pitre on the island of Guadaloupe By a Squadron of his Majesty's Ships of War detached from Commodore Moore, & Commanded by Capt. Wm. Harman, on the 14 February 1759. Drawn on the spot by Lieut. Col. Rycaut of the Marines
Plan of the attack agai...
Map title
Plan of the attack against Fort Louis now Fort George, at Point à  Pitre on the island of Guadaloupe By a Squadron of his Majesty's Ships of War detached from Commodore Moore, & Commanded by Capt. Wm. Harman, on the 14 February 1759. Drawn on the spot by Lieut. Col. Rycaut of the Marines
Rycaut, Edward, fl. 1756-1763
Plan of the town and citadel of Fort Royal, the capital of Martinico with the bay of Cul de Sac Royal by Mr. de Caylus, Engineer General of the French Islands
Plan of the town and ci...
Map title
Plan of the town and citadel of Fort Royal, the capital of Martinico with the bay of Cul de Sac Royal by Mr. de Caylus, Engineer General of the French Islands
Caylus, Anne Claude Philippe, comte de, 1692-1765
Paraquariæ Provinciæ Soc[ietatis] Jesu Cum Adiacentib[us] Novissima Descriptio Post iterata peregrinationes & plures observationes Patrum Missionariorum eiusdem Soc[ietatis] tum huius Provinciæ cum & Peruanæ accuratissime delineata & emendata Anno[o] 1732
Paraquariæ Provinciæ So...
South America
Map title
Paraquariæ Provinciæ Soc[ietatis] Jesu Cum Adiacentib[us] Novissima Descriptio Post iterata peregrinationes & plures observationes Patrum Missionariorum eiusdem Soc[ietatis] tum huius Provinciæ cum & Peruanæ accuratissime delineata & emendata Anno[o] 1732
[Machoni, Antonio, 1671-ca. 1755, Petroschi, Giovanni]
Carte Hydrographique & Chorographique des Isles Philippines (Dediée à Sa Majesté Catholique, par le Brigadier Don Ferdinand Valdes Tamon, Chevalier de l'ordre de St. Iaques, Gouverneur & Capitaine Général des dites Isles.) Dressée par le R. Pere Pierre Murillo Velarde, de la C. de Gieusu sur les Cartes, les Rélations et les Navigations les plus exactes à Manille 1734. Par ordre de Sa Majesté. Tirée de l'Original, et réduite en cette forme par George Maurice Lowitz, Profess. en Mathem. à Nuremberg l'an 1750
Carte Hydrographique & ...
Map title
Carte Hydrographique & Chorographique des Isles Philippines (Dediée à Sa Majesté Catholique, par le Brigadier Don Ferdinand Valdes Tamon, Chevalier de l'ordre de St. Iaques, Gouverneur & Capitaine Général des dites Isles.) Dressée par le R. Pere Pierre Murillo Velarde, de la C. de Gieusu sur les Cartes, les Rélations et les Navigations les plus exactes à Manille 1734. Par ordre de Sa Majesté. Tirée de l'Original, et réduite en cette forme par George Maurice Lowitz, Profess. en Mathem. à Nuremberg l'an 1750
[Murillo Velarde, Pedro, 1696-1753, Lowitz, George Maurice]
Kort over Øen Celebes eller Macassar til den almindelige Historie over Reiserbeskrivlse.
Kort over Øen Celebes e...
Map title
Kort over Øen Celebes eller Macassar til den almindelige Historie over Reiserbeskrivlse.
Kort over Riget Japon til den almingelige Reise beskrivelse af Hr. Bellin Ingr. de la Marine.
Kort over Riget Japon t...
Map title
Kort over Riget Japon til den almingelige Reise beskrivelse af Hr. Bellin Ingr. de la Marine.
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
Mignatur Kort over Magellans Straede udkastet efter de Sofarendes Dagböger af Hr. Bellin Ing. de la Mar. Medlem udi det Kongel. Videnskabers Societet i London 1753
Mignatur Kort over Mage...
South America
Map title
Mignatur Kort over Magellans Straede udkastet efter de Sofarendes Dagböger af Hr. Bellin Ing. de la Mar. Medlem udi det Kongel. Videnskabers Societet i London 1753
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
Kort over Øen Caienne og omliggende Pladse. Til den almindel. Reisebeskrivelse af Hr. Bellin, Ing. de la Marien samt Medlem i det Kongel. Viden skabers Societet i London
Kort over Øen Caienne o...
South America
Map title
Kort over Øen Caienne og omliggende Pladse. Til den almindel. Reisebeskrivelse af Hr. Bellin, Ing. de la Marien samt Medlem i det Kongel. Viden skabers Societet i London
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
Staden Cayenne til den almindelige Reyse Beskrivelse udkaftet 1753
Staden Cayenne til den ...
South America
Map title
Staden Cayenne til den almindelige Reyse Beskrivelse udkaftet 1753
I. Haas
Mignatur Kort over den Sydlige Deel af America Til den almindelige Reysebeskrivelse. Af Hr. Bellin, Ingr. de la Marine samt Medlem i videnskabarnes Soc: i London.
Mignatur Kort over den ...
South America
Map title
Mignatur Kort over den Sydlige Deel af America Til den almindelige Reysebeskrivelse. Af Hr. Bellin, Ingr. de la Marine samt Medlem i videnskabarnes Soc: i London.
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
Kort over le Maires Straede udkftet efter de Soefarendes Dagböger af Hr. Bellin Ingeniuer de la Marine et du Dépost des Plans de l'Acadmie de Marine samt Medlem i det Kongl. Societet i London 1753.
Kort over le Maires Str...
South America
Map title
Kort over le Maires Straede udkftet efter de Soefarendes Dagböger af Hr. Bellin Ingeniuer de la Marine et du Dépost des Plans de l'Acadmie de Marine samt Medlem i det Kongl. Societet i London 1753.
I. Haas
Mignatur Kort over Det Sydlige Hav til den almindelige Reysebeskrivelse af Hr. Bellin Ingr. de la Marine og Medlem i vidensk. Societet i London 1753.
Mignatur Kort over Det ...
South America
Map title
Mignatur Kort over Det Sydlige Hav til den almindelige Reysebeskrivelse af Hr. Bellin Ingr. de la Marine og Medlem i vidensk. Societet i London 1753.
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
Saerdeles Kort over Øen Juan Fernandes taget af Amiral Ansons Reÿseskrisvelse.
Saerdeles Kort over Øen...
South America
Map title
Saerdeles Kort over Øen Juan Fernandes taget af Amiral Ansons Reÿseskrisvelse.
I. Haas
Den Nordøstlige Landkand af Øen Juan Fernandes tagen af Amiral Ansons Reÿseskrisvelse.
Den Nordøstlige Landkan...
South America
Map title
Den Nordøstlige Landkand af Øen Juan Fernandes tagen af Amiral Ansons Reÿseskrisvelse.
I. Haas
Mignatur Kort over de Sydlige Lande til Reise Beskrivelsen af Hr. Bellin Ing. de la Marine samt Medlem i det Konget. Videnskabens Societet i London udkaftet 1753.
Mignatur Kort over de S...
South America
Map title
Mignatur Kort over de Sydlige Lande til Reise Beskrivelsen af Hr. Bellin Ing. de la Marine samt Medlem i det Konget. Videnskabens Societet i London udkaftet 1753.
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
Forestilling af Modvindenes almindelige Strög som pleÿer at herske paa Kÿsterne i de Atlantisee og Indianske Hav.
Forestilling af Modvind...
South America
Map title
Forestilling af Modvindenes almindelige Strög som pleÿer at herske paa Kÿsterne i de Atlantisee og Indianske Hav.
Forestilling af Modvindes almindelige Strög som pleÿer at herske paa Kÿsterne udi det store Sydlige Hav.
Forestilling af Modvind...
South America
Map title
Forestilling af Modvindes almindelige Strög som pleÿer at herske paa Kÿsterne udi det store Sydlige Hav.
Mapa mundi, o, Descripcion del globo terrestre compuesta segun las ultimas y nuevas observaviones de las Academias, y de Paris, y de Londres
Mapa mundi, o, Descripc...
Map title
Mapa mundi, o, Descripcion del globo terrestre compuesta segun las ultimas y nuevas observaviones de las Academias, y de Paris, y de Londres
North America corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London, and the Royal Academy at Paris by Iohn Senex F.R.S. 1710
North America corrected...
North America
Map title
North America corrected from the observations communicated to the Royal Society at London, and the Royal Academy at Paris by Iohn Senex F.R.S. 1710
Senex, John, d. 1740
Anno 1760 Historische Expeditionskarte derer Engellænder zur See wieder die Franzosen ... = Carte des Expeditions par Mer des Anglois contre les françois ... par Chretien Frederic de Heyden
Anno 1760 Historische E...
North America
Map title
Anno 1760 Historische Expeditionskarte derer Engellænder zur See wieder die Franzosen ... = Carte des Expeditions par Mer des Anglois contre les françois ... par Chretien Frederic de Heyden
Heyden, Christian Friederich van der
Planta y descripcion de la ymperial ciudad de Mexico en la America
Planta y descripcion de...
South America
Map title
Planta y descripcion de la ymperial ciudad de Mexico en la America
Carlos Lopez del Troncoso
A View of the Pierced island, a remarkable Rock in the Gulf of St. Laurence ... Vüe de l'Isle Percée, Rocher remarquable dans le Golfe St. Laurent
North America
A View of the Pierced i...
Smyth, Hervey
Image title
A View of the Pierced island, a remarkable Rock in the Gulf of St. Laurence ... Vüe de l'Isle Percée, Rocher remarquable dans le Golfe St. Laurent
Source place of publication
Source date
V. P. Juan Antonio de Oviedo, Americano, de la Compañia de Jesus, murio de edad de 87 años.
Spanish America
V. P. Juan Antonio de O...
Lazcano, Francisco Javi...
Image title
V. P. Juan Antonio de Oviedo, Americano, de la Compañia de Jesus, murio de edad de 87 años.
Source place of publication
En Mexico
Source date
A defence of the conduct of Barbadoes, during the late expedition to Martinique and Guadaloupe. In a letter to the Right Hon. Gen. Barrington. By a native, resident in the island.
A defence of the conduc...
Alleyne, Sir John Gay, ...
printed for R and J Dod...
A vindication of the conduct of the present war, in a letter to ******
A vindication of the co...
Printed for J and R Ton...
Imprint 1760.
Cartas al Ilmô, y Rmô p. Mrô F. Benito Geronymo Feyjoô Montenegro, que le escribia, sobre el Theatro critico universal, /
Cartas al Ilmô, y Rmô...
Cigala, Francisco Ignac...
Con licencia en la impr...
Author (contributor)
[Rice, José Rafael., Soria, Francisco de, active 1760-1784.]
[Aristotle., Feijoo, Benito Jerónimo,--1676-1764.--Theatro critico universal., Peripatetics., Logic., Imprint 1760.]
A copy of a letter from a gentleman in Guadaloupe, to his friend in London.
A copy of a letter from...
printed in the year
Imprint 1760.
A state of the trade carried on with the French on the island of Hispaniola, : by the merchants in North-America, under colour of flags of truce. Occasioned by some captures of the said flags, lately made by His Majesty's ships under the command of Admiral Cotes. /
A state of the trade ca...
and sold by H Gaine boo...
Author (contributor)
Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[United States--History--Commerce.--French and Indian War, 1754-1763, United States--Commerce--Hispaniola., Hispaniola--Commerce--United States., United States--Commerce--Haiti., Haiti--Commerce--United States., Great Britain--Commerce--France., France--Commerce--Great Britain., West Indies--Commerce., Imprint 1760.]
Considerations on the present German war.
Considerations on the p...
Mauduit, Israel, 1708-1...
printed for John Wilkie
Imprint 1760.
Considerations on the present German war.
Considerations on the p...
Mauduit, Israel, 1708-1...
printed for John Wilkie
Imprint 1760.
Considerations on the present German war.
Considerations on the p...
Mauduit, Israel, 1708-1...
printed for John Wilkie
Imprint 1760.
Commentarius de republica in America Lusitana, atque Hispana a' [sic] Jesuitis instituta, : belloque ab his cum Hispaniæ, Lusitaniæque exercitibus gesto, ex iis quæ asservantur in secretioribus conclavibus legatorum, qui cum plena regum postestate negotia huc pertinentia in America administrabant, aliisque instrumentis certæ auctoritatis concinnatus. /
Commentarius de republi...
Pombal, Sebastião José ...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Jesuits--Paraguay., Seven Reductions, War of the, 1754-1756., Paraguay--History--To 1811., Brazil--History--To 1822.]
The conduct of the ministry impartially examined. And the pamphlet entitled Considerations on the present German war, refuted from its own principles.
The conduct of the mini...
printed for R Griffiths
Imprint 1760.
Chrysal; or the adventures of a guinea. Wherein are exhibited views of several striking scenes, with curious and interesting anecdotes of the most noted persons in every rank of life, whose hands it passed through ... By an adept. .
Chrysal; or the adventu...
Johnstone, Charles, 171...
printed for T Becket
Imprint 1760.
Chrysal; or the adventures of a guinea. Wherein are exhibited views of several striking scenes, with curious and interesting anecdotes of the most noted persons in every rank of life, whose hands it passed through ... By an adept. .
Chrysal; or the adventu...
Johnstone, Charles, 171...
printed for T Becket
Imprint 1760.
A collection of testimonies concerning several ministers of the gospel amongst the people called Quakers, deceased: with some of their last expressions and exhortations.
A collection of testimo...
printed and sold by Luk...
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