Browse All : Images from 1755

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[Sheet 6: Quebec, New England, New York, and Pennsylvania]
[Sheet 6: Quebec, New E...
North America
Mitchell, John, 1711-17...
Map title
[Sheet 6: Quebec, New England, New York, and Pennsylvania]
Mitchell, John, 1711-1768
[Sheet 7: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida]
[Sheet 7: Virginia, Nor...
North America
Mitchell, John, 1711-17...
Map title
[Sheet 7: Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida]
Mitchell, John, 1711-1768
[Sheet 8: Louisiana territory]
[Sheet 8: Louisiana ter...
North America
Mitchell, John, 1711-17...
Map title
[Sheet 8: Louisiana territory]
Mitchell, John, 1711-1768
Carte des possessions angloises & françoises du continent de l'Amérique septentrionale Kaart van de Engelsche en Fransche bezittingen in het vaste land van Noord America, 1755
Carte des possessions a...
North America
Map title
Carte des possessions angloises & françoises du continent de l'Amérique septentrionale Kaart van de Engelsche en Fransche bezittingen in het vaste land van Noord America, 1755
Palairet, Jean, 1697-1774
Carte de L'Amerique Septentrionale Depuis le 28. Degré de Latitude jusqu'au 72. Par M. Bellin
Carte de L'Amerique Sep...
North America
Map title
Carte de L'Amerique Septentrionale Depuis le 28. Degré de Latitude jusqu'au 72. Par M. Bellin
Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772
[Map of North America]
[Map of North America]
North America
Anville, Jean Baptiste ...
Map title
[Map of North America]
[Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782, Haye, G. de la]
[Map of North America from the Saint Lawrence River to New York]
[Map of North America f...
North America
Anville, Jean Baptiste ...
Map title
[Map of North America from the Saint Lawrence River to New York]
[Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782, Haye, G. de la]
[Map of North America from the Chesapeake to Florida]
[Map of North America f...
North America
Anville, Jean Baptiste ...
Map title
[Map of North America from the Chesapeake to Florida]
[Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782, Haye, G. de la]
[Map of the Saint Lawrence River]
[Map of the Saint Lawre...
North America
Anville, Jean Baptiste ...
Map title
[Map of the Saint Lawrence River]
[Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782, Haye, G. de la]
A new and accurate map of North America (wherein the errors of all proceeding British, French and Dutch maps, respecting the rights of Great Britain, France & Spain & the limits of each of his majesty's provinces, are corrected) humbly inscribed to the honorable Charles Townshend ... by his most obliged, most obedient and very humble servant Huske
A new and accurate map ...
North America
Map title
A new and accurate map of North America (wherein the errors of all proceeding British, French and Dutch maps, respecting the rights of Great Britain, France & Spain & the limits of each of his majesty's provinces, are corrected) humbly inscribed to the honorable Charles Townshend ... by his most obliged, most obedient and very humble servant Huske
[Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784, Huske, John, 1721?-1773]
A Sceene of Sceenes. Elizabeth Cannings Dream, for ye good of her Native country, which she Dreamt soon after her arival in America.
North America
A Sceene of Sceenes. El...
Image title
A Sceene of Sceenes. Elizabeth Cannings Dream, for ye good of her Native country, which she Dreamt soon after her arival in America.
[American baidar]
[American baidar]
Krasheninnikov, Stepan ...
Image title
[American baidar]
Source place of publication
V Sanktpeterburgie [St. Petersburg]
Source date
[Irsiola, Zeugitis]
Caribbean Islands
[Irsiola, Zeugitis]
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Irsiola, Zeugitis]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Triumfetta and Caryophyllus]
Caribbean Islands
[Triumfetta and Caryoph...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Triumfetta and Caryophyllus]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Vine and branch]
Caribbean Islands
[Vine and branch]
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Vine and branch]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Breynia, Canella, and Rodwood [?]]
Caribbean Islands
[Breynia, Canella, and ...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Breynia, Canella, and Rodwood [?]]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Crateva, Cithorexylon, and Moniera]
Caribbean Islands
[Crateva, Cithorexylon,...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Crateva, Cithorexylon, and Moniera]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Triopteris, Nama, and Mesosphaerum]
Caribbean Islands
[Triopteris, Nama, and ...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Triopteris, Nama, and Mesosphaerum]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Sciodaphyllum and Achras]
Caribbean Islands
[Sciodaphyllum and Achr...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Sciodaphyllum and Achras]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Sapindus and Scarlet-seed tree]
Caribbean Islands
[Sapindus and Scarlet-s...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Sapindus and Scarlet-seed tree]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Volkameria and Parsonsia]
Caribbean Islands
[Volkameria and Parsons...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Volkameria and Parsonsia]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Acisanthera, Stemodiacra, Zygia, Omphalandria, and Vimen]
Caribbean Islands
[Acisanthera, Stemodiac...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Acisanthera, Stemodiacra, Zygia, Omphalandria, and Vimen]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Logwood and Samyda]
Caribbean Islands
[Logwood and Samyda]
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Logwood and Samyda]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Melastoma and Hairy Melastoma]
Caribbean Islands
[Melastoma and Hairy Me...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Melastoma and Hairy Melastoma]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Achimenes and Clerodendrum]
Caribbean Islands
[Achimenes and Cleroden...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Achimenes and Clerodendrum]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Galega, Brya, Amerimnon, Stizolobium, and Lagetto]
Caribbean Islands
[Galega, Brya, Amerimno...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Galega, Brya, Amerimnon, Stizolobium, and Lagetto]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Ecastaphyllum and Galactia]
Caribbean Islands
[Ecastaphyllum and Gala...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Ecastaphyllum and Galactia]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Trixis and Solidago (?)]
Caribbean Islands
[Trixis and Solidago (?...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Trixis and Solidago (?)]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Dalea, Struchium, Kleinia (?), and Chrysocoma (?)]
Caribbean Islands
[Dalea, Struchium, Klei...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Dalea, Struchium, Kleinia (?), and Chrysocoma (?)]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Acalypha and Adelia]
Caribbean Islands
[Acalypha and Adelia]
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Acalypha and Adelia]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Erythroxylum and Pharus]
Caribbean Islands
[Erythroxylum and Pharu...
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Erythroxylum and Pharus]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Various mollusks]
Caribbean Islands
[Various mollusks]
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Various mollusks]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
[Fish and crab]
Caribbean Islands
[Fish and crab]
Browne, Patrick, 1720?-...
Image title
[Fish and crab]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCLVI [1756]
Der Engländischen Pflanzstädte in Nord-America Geschichte und Handlung : nebst einer zuverlässigen Nachricht : von der gegenwärtigen Anzahl der dasigen Einwohner, und einer umständlichen Beschreibung der Landesverfassung, absonderlich was Neu-England, Pensylvanien, Carolina und Georgien betrifft. /
Der Engländischen Pfla...
Butel-Dumont, Georges-M...
Im Verlag Johann Benedi...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Forbonnais, François Véron Duverger de, 1722-1800.]
[Great Britain--Colonies--America., Great Britain--Colonies--Commerce., United States--Description and travel., Canada--Description and travel--Early works to 1800., Imprint 1755.]
Noticia certa, e manifesto publico da grande batalha, que tiveraõ os francezes, e inglezes, junto ás ribeiras do Obio em 9 de julho de 1755. : Com a noticia individual de todas as acçoens obradas nesta expediçaõ. Morte do celebre General Braddock, e de outros officiaes, e soldados, ficando muitos prisioneiros; tomadias de náos, assaltos, e outras expedįcoens militares.
Noticia certa, e manife...
Na Offic de Domingos Ro...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Braddock's Campaign, 1755., United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763., CPJCB., Imprint 1755.]
A treatise upon husbandry or planting. /
A treatise upon husband...
Belgrove, William.
Printed by D Fowle in A...
Author (contributor)
Drax, Henry.
[Sugar growing--West Indies., Agriculture--West Indies., Imprint 1755.]
Carta pastoral exortatoria a penitencia, /
Carta pastoral exortato...
Catholic Church. Archdi...
En la Imprenta de Joach...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Parreño, Albert J., Figueredo y Victoria, Francisco José de.]
[Repentance., CSAIP., Earthquakes--Portugal--Lisbon--1755., Imprint 1756.]
Copia fiel de huma carta escrita de Halifaz em 28 de junho do presente anno /
Copia fiel de huma cart...
Lawrence, Charles, 1709...
Na officina de Pedro Fe...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763--Sources., Nova Scotia--History., CPJCB., Imprint 1755.]
A congratulatory letter from a gentleman in the west, to his friend in the east; upon the success of his letter, entituled, The present state of the colony of Connecticut considered.
A congratulatory letter...
Hobart, Noah, 1706-1773...
Printed by James Parker...
Segunda parte da Relaçam do notavel combate sucedidio nos mares da America septentrional 25 legoas ao nodnordeste distante do cabo de Raze na ilha da Terranova : no dia 10 de junho deste anno entre a nau Alcides pertencente á esquadra de França, e a esquadra britanica, commandada pelo almirante Boscawen. /
Segunda parte da Relaç...
Na Officina de Pedro Fe...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Anglo-French War, 1755-1763--Naval operations., Cape Breton Island (N.S.)--History., United States--History--Naval operations.--French and Indian War, 1754-1763, CPJCB., Imprint 1755.]
Chymische Versuche und Erfahrungen, : aus Vitriole, Salpeter, Ofenruss, Quecksilber, Arsenik, Galbano, Myrrhen, der Peruvianer Fieberrinde und Fliegenschwämmen kräftige Arzneyen zu machen. /
Chymische Versuche und ...
Bernhardt, Johann Chris...
Verlegts Bernhard Chris...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ghinolfi, A.]
[Sulfuric acid., Pharmaceutical chemistry., Cinchona bark., Chemicals--Physiological effect., Chemistry--Laboratory manuals., Imprint 1755.]
Collegii Yalensis, quod est Novo-Portu, Connecticutensium, statuta, a praeside et sociis sancita. In usum juventutis academicae.
Collegii Yalensis, quod...
Yale College (1718-1887...
Excudebat Jacobus Parke...
Imprint 1755.
Rogativa de salud, oracion, y ensalmo del Santo Fr. Luis Beltran, : con el qual curaba todas las enfermedades. Y las anotaciones, y advertencias contra la ignorancia, o malicia con que se usan de supersticiones, hechizos, y palabras mal sonantes, con nombre de ensalmo.
Rogativa de salud, orac...
en la Imprenta nueva de...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bertrán, Luis, Saint, 1526-1581.]
[Bertrán, Luis,--Saint,--1526-1581--Prayers and devotions., Imprint 1755.]
Ley sobre os casamentos com as Indias, de 4 de Abril de 1755.
Ley sobre os casamentos...
Chancellaria mòr da Co...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Indians, Treatment of--Brazil., Marriage law--Brazil., Broadsides, etc.--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1755.]
Cancion amorosa a un desengaño. /
Cancion amorosa a un de...
Arriola, Juan, 1698-
en la Imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Urzúa, José Camilo.]
[Religious poetry, Mexican., Imprint 1755.]
Lettre de Monsieur de M***, au sujet des écrits anglois, sur les limites de l'Amérique.
Lettre de Monsieur de M...
Mairobert, Mathieu Fran...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Jefferys, Thomas,---1771.--Conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia., Nova Scotia--History--To 1763., Canada--History--To 1763 (New France), United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763., Imprint 1755.]
A brief state of the province of Pennsylvania, in which the conduct of their assemblies for several years past is impartially examined, ... To which is annexed, an easy plan for restoring quiet in the public measures of that province, and defeating the ambitious views of the French ... In a letter from a gentleman who has resided many years in Pennsylvania to his friend in London.
A brief state of the pr...
Smith, William, 1727-18...
printed for R Griffiths
Imprint 1755.
A brief state of the province of Pennsylvania, in which the conduct of their assemblies for several years past is impartially examined, ... To which is annexed, an easy plan for restoring quiet in the public measures of that province, and defeating the ambitious views of the French ... In a letter from a gentleman who has resided many years in Pennsylvania to his friend in London.
A brief state of the pr...
Smith, William, 1727-18...
printed for R Griffiths
Imprint 1755.
Jubilos de Lima en la dedicacion de su Santa Iglesia Cathedral, instaurada (en gran parte) de la ruina, que padeciò con el terremoto de el año de 1746. A esfuerzos de el activo zelo de el Exmo. señor D. Joseph Manso de Velasco conde de Superunda, cavallero de el Orden de San Iago, gentil-hombre de la Camara de S.M. (que Dios guarde) theniente general de los reales exercitos, virrey governador, y capitan general de estos Reynos de el Perù. /
Jubilos de Lima en la d...
Ruiz Cano y Saenz Galia...
En la Calle de Palacio
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864, Alzugaray, Pedro de.]
[Peru--Church history--18th century., Cathedrals--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1755.]
Instituiçaõ da Companhia Geral, do Graõ Pará e Maranhaõ
Instituiçaõ da Compan...
Companhia Geral do Grão...
Na officina de Miguel R...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph)., Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Brazil--Commerce--Portugal., Portugal--Commerce--Brazil., CPJCB., Imprint 1755.]
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