Browse All : Images from 1671

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Callao de Lima
Spanish America
Callao de Lima
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
Callao de Lima
Source place of publication
Source date
The legend of Captaine Jones. the first & 2d. part.
The legend of Captaine ...
Lloyd, David, 1597-1663
Image title
The legend of Captaine Jones. the first & 2d. part.
Source place of publication
Source date
[Animals of Tobago]
Caribbean Islands
[Animals of Tobago]
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
[Animals of Tobago]
Source place of publication
Source date
De Nieuwe en onbekende Weereld: of Beschryving van America en 't Zuid-Land, : vervaetende d'oorsprong der Americænen en Zuid-Landers, gedenkwaerdige togten derwaerds, gelegendheid der vaste kusten, eilanden, steden, sterkten, dorpen, tempels, bergen, fonteinen, stroomen, huisen, de natuur van beesten, boomen, planten en vreemde gewasschen, gods-dienst en zeden, wonderlijke voorvallen, vereeuwde en nieuwe oorloogen: Verciert met af-beeldsels na 't leven in America gemaekt, /
De Nieuwe en onbekende ...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
by Jacob Meurs boek-ver...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Dapper, Olfert, 1635 or 1636-1689.]
[America--Discovery and exploration., Indian linguistics--Tupi language., Indian linguistics--Mapuche language., Imprint 1671.]
Relation historique de la découverte de l'isle de Madere. /
Relation historique de ...
Alcoforado, Francisco.
Chez Louis Billaine au ...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Zarco, João Gonçalves,--approximately 1380-1460., Madeira Islands--Description and travel., Madeira Islands--Discovery and exploration., Imprint 1671.]
Carta que escriuiò /
Carta que escriuiò /
García Racimo, Juan, ac...
[Mary,--Blessed Virgin, Saint--Apparitions and miracles--Philippines--Cavite Province., Imprint 1671., Catholic Church--Missions--Philippines., Catholic Church--Missions--Japan., Catholic Church--Missions--China., Catholic Church--Missions--Asia., Franciscans--Missions--Philippines., Franciscans--Missions--Japan., Franciscans--Missions--China., Franciscans--Missions--Asia.]
Q. D. B.V. Disputatio juridica, De jure portuum vom Recht der Meer-Haven, quam adsistente divina gratia auctoritate & consensu magnifici JCtorum ordinis /
Q. D. B.V. Disputatio j...
Retz, Johann Friedrich,...
Literis Friderici Eicho...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Weger, Albert, 1644-1711.]
[Maritime law., Commercial law., Tobacco., Imprint 1671.]
The legend of Captain Jones: : the first and second part. Relating his adventure to sea: his first landing, and strange combat with a mighty bear. His furious battel with his six and thirty men against the army of eleven kings, with their overthrow and deaths. His relieving of Kemper castle. His strange and admirable sea-fight with six huge gallies of Spain, and nine thousand souldiers. His being taken prisoner, and hard usage. His being set at liberty by the kings command, and return for England. Also, his other incredible adventures and atchievements by sea and land; continued to his death.
The legend of Captain J...
Lloyd, David, 1597-1663...
Printed for Francis Hal...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Smith, John,--1580-1631--Satire., Smith, John,--1580-1631--Poetry., Sailors--England--Satire., Sailors--England--Poetry., Maya language--Poetry., Indian linguistics--Maya language., Imprint 1671.]
Aeloude en hedendaegsche scheeps-bouw en bestier: : waer in wijtloopigh wert verhandelt de wijze van scheeps-timmeren, by Grieken en Romeynen: scheeps-oeffeningen, strijden, tucht, straffe, wetten, en gewoonten. Beneffens evenmatige grootheden van schepen onses tijts, ontleet in alle hare deelen: verschil van bouwen tusschen uitheemschen en onzen landaert, Indisch vaertuygh: galey-bouw: hedendaegsche scheeps-plichten: verrijckt met een reex verklaerde zee-mans spreeck-woorden en benamingen. Doorgaens mit vele kopere platen. /
Aeloude en hedendaegsch...
Witsen, Nicolaas, 1641-...
By Casparus Commelijn B...
Author (contributor)
[Fogel, Martin., Hooghe, Romeyn de, 1645-1708.]
[Shipbuilding., Naval art and science., Imprint 1671.]
Admirabilis vita S. Rosae a. Sancta Maria virginis Peruanae Tertiae Regulae Ordinis S. Dominici : quam Clemens X. solemni canonizationis ritu, sanctorum catalogo adscripsit anno 1671. 12. aprilis. Iuxta exemplar Romae impressum.
Admirabilis vita S. Ros...
Lucchesini, Giovanni Lo...
Apud Michaelem Dementiu...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864, former owner., González de Acuña, Antonio, -1682.]
[Rose,--of Lima, Saint,--1586-1617., Christian saints--Peru., Imprint 1671.]
Admirabilis vita, virtus, gloriae à S. Rosae à S. Maria virginis Limanae Ordinis Praedicatorum : primi ex Occiduis [sic] Indiis amoenae sanctitatis fructus, S. Catarinae Senensis ejusdem ordinis, sed alterius orbis, seraphicae discipulae ejusque heroicarum virtutum, mirabiliumq[ue] operum, non tam aemulatricis quàm haeridis à P.M. Clemente IX. anno MDCLXVIII. die xv. aprilis beatis à S.D.N. Clemente X. die XII. aprilis hoc anno MDCLXXI. ab ortu illius LXXXV. ab obitu LIV. solemni canonizationis ritu sanctorum catalogo inscriptae compendio enarrata iuxta exemplar Romanum cum facultate superiorum.
Admirabilis vita, virtu...
Lucchesini, Giovanni Lo...
Typis Simonis Uzschneid...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), González de Acuña, Antonio, -1682.]
[Rose,--of Lima, Saint,--1586-1617., Christian saints--Peru., Imprint 1691.]
Festiua pompa, culto religioso, veneracion reuerente, fiesta, aclamacion, y aplauso. : A la feliz beatificacion de la bienauenturada virgen Rosa de S. Maria. Tercera del Orden de Predicadores. Segunda Catalina Senense de la Iglesia. Primera fragrante flor, y fruto opimo [sic] desta plaga meridional. Tesoro escondido en el campo fertil desta muy noble, y muy leal Ciudad de Lima. Descubierto por N.B.P. Clemente Nono. Patrona tutelar vniuersal de su dichosa patria, y dilatados Reynos del Peru. En este Conuento del SS. Rosario de la misma orden. /
Festiua pompa, culto re...
Meléndez, Juan, fray
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Rose,--of Lima, Saint,--1586-1617., CSAIP., Imprint 1671.]
Sermão que pregou o R.P. Antonio Vieira da Companhia de Iesus, na Capella Real o primeiro dia de Janeiro do anno de 1642.
Sermão que pregou o R....
Vieira, António, 1608-1...
Na officina de Thome Ca...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Jesus Christ.
Het wonder leven, van de H. Rosa de S. Maria, van Lima in Peru, maghet uyt de Derde Order van den H. Dominicus, : ghebeatificeert door Clemens IX. 12. Febr. 1668. Ghecanonizeert door Clemens X. 12. April 1671. /
Het wonder leven, van d...
Hansen, Leonhard, 1603-...
by Philips Vleugaert ac...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hansen, Leonhard, 1603-1685., Wouters, Joannes Baptista.]
[Rose,--of Lima, Saint,--1586-1617., Rose,--of Lima, Saint,--1586-1617--Miracles., Saints--Cult--Peru., Imprint 1671.]
Oracion euangelica de los dos pechos de la esposa de Christo: : Domingo luz del mundo, y Francisco apostólico. Dedicala a N. M. R. P. F. Luis Zerbela, padre perpetuo de la santa prouincia de Santiago: y comissario general de todas las del Peru, Tierrefirme, y Chile. /
Oracion euangelica de l...
Bravo de Lagunas, Ferna...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Dominic,--Saint,--1170-1221--Sermons., Francis,--of Assisi, Saint,--1182-1226--Sermons., Sermons, Spanish--Peru., Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1671.]
Petri Lambecii Hamburgensis In v. cl. Philippi Clüveri Introductionem geographicam tabvlæ synopticæ, : facilioris cognitionis & repetionis causâ, /
Petri Lambecii Hamburge...
Lambeck, Peter, 1628-16...
typis Johannis Ludolphi...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Clüver, Philipp,--1580-1622.--Introductionis in universam geographicam, tam veterem quam novam, libri VI., Geography--Tables., Imprint 1671.]
Het wonder leven, van de H. Rosa de S. Maria, van Lima in Peru, maghet uyt de Derde Order van den H. Dominicus, : ghebeatificeert door Clemens IX. 12. Febr. 1668. Ghecanonizeert door Clemens X. 12. April 1671. /
Het wonder leven, van d...
Hansen, Leonhard, 1603-...
y Philips Vleugaert ach...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hansen, Leonhard, 1603-1685., Wouters, Joannes Baptista.]
[Rose,--of Lima, Saint,--1586-1617., Rose,--of Lima, Saint,--1586-1617--Miracles., Saints--Cult--Peru., Imprint 1671.]
America: being the latest, and most accurate description of the Nevv VVorld; : containing the original of the inhabitants, and the remarkable voyages thither. The conquest of the vast empires of Mexico and Peru, and other large provinces and territories, with the several European plantations in those parts. Also their cities, fortresses, towns, temples, mountains, and rivers. Their habits, customs, manners, and religions. Their plants, beasts, birds, and serpents. With an appendix, containing, besides several other considerable additions, a brief survey of what hath been discover'd of the unknown South-Land and the Arctick region. /
America: being the late...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
printed by the author a...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Brown University., Underwood, John, senior., Middleton, John., Ogilby, John, 1600-1676.]
[America--Discovery and exploration., Indian linguistics--Tupi language, Indian linguistics--Mapuche language.]
America: being the latest, and most accurate description of the Nevv VVorld; : containing the original of the inhabitants, and the remarkable voyages thither. The conquest of the vast empires of Mexico and Peru, and other large provinces and territories, with the several European plantations in those parts. Also their cities, fortresses, towns, temples, mountains, and rivers. Their habits, customs, manners, and religions. Their plants, beasts, birds, and serpents. With an appendix, containing, besides several other considerable additions, a brief survey of what hath been discover'd of the unknown South-Land and the Arctick region. /
America: being the late...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
printed by the author a...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Brown University., Underwood, John, senior., Middleton, John., Ogilby, John, 1600-1676.]
[America--Discovery and exploration., Indian linguistics--Tupi language, Indian linguistics--Mapuche language.]
America: being the latest, and most accurate description of the Nevv VVorld; : containing the original of the inhabitants, and the remarkable voyages thither. The conquest of the vast empires of Mexico and Peru, and other large provinces and territories, with the several European plantations in those parts. Also their cities, fortresses, towns, temples, mountains, and rivers. Their habits, customs, manners, and religions. Their plants, beasts, birds, and serpents. With an appendix, containing, besides several other considerable additions, a brief survey of what hath been discover'd of the unknown South-Land and the Arctick region. /
America: being the late...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
printed by the author a...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Brown University., Underwood, John, senior., Middleton, John., Ogilby, John, 1600-1676.]
[America--Discovery and exploration., Indian linguistics--Tupi language, Indian linguistics--Mapuche language.]
Relation de ce qui s'est passé, dans les isles & terre-ferme de l'Amerique, : pendant la derniere guerre avec l'Angleterre, & depuis en execution du traitté de Breda. Avec un journal du dernier voyage du Sr de la Barre en la terre-ferme, & isle de Cayenne, accompagné d'une exacte description du pays, mœurs & naturel des habitans. /
Relation de ce qui s'es...
Clodoré, Jean de, -1731...
chez Gervais Clouzier a...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Elbée, d', La Barre, Sieur Le Febvre de -1688. (Antoine Joseph),]
[Anglo-French War, 1666-1667., West Indies, French--Description and travel., Africa, West--Description and travel.]
Relation de ce qui s'est passé, dans les isles & terre-ferme de l'Amerique, : pendant la derniere guerre avec l'Angleterre, & depuis en execution du traitté de Breda. Avec un journal du dernier voyage du Sr de la Barre en la terre-ferme, & isle de Cayenne, accompagné d'une exacte description du pays, mœurs & naturel des habitans. /
Relation de ce qui s'es...
Clodoré, Jean de, -1731...
chez Gervais Clouzier a...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Elbée, d', La Barre, Sieur Le Febvre de -1688. (Antoine Joseph),]
[Anglo-French War, 1666-1667., West Indies, French--Description and travel., Africa, West--Description and travel.]
Maris servitus, : praeside Conrado Samuele Schurzfleisch, defensa /
Maris servitus, : praes...
Schurtzfleisch, Konrad ...
Literis Wendianis excud...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Vasmer, Franz.]
[Freedom of the seas., Anglo-Dutch War, 1664-1667., Netherlands--Commerce., Great Britain--Commerce., Imprint 1671.]
Sermam das chagas de Christo : que pregou no mosteyro de Lorvam em 23. de outubro de 1661. /
Sermam das chagas de Ch...
Paulo, de Santa Cathari...
Na Officina da Viuva de...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Instituto Português da Sociedade Científica de Goerres.]
[CPJCB., Sermons--Portugal--Coimbra., Imprint 1671.]
Les us, et coutumes de la mer. : Divisées en trois parties. ... Avec un traitté des termes de marine, reglemens de la navigation des fleuves & rivieres; et les nouveaux edits, reglemens, arrests & jugemens rendus sur le fait du commerce de la mer.
Les us, et coutumes de ...
Cleirac, Estienne, 1583...
chez Jean Lucas
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Cleirac, Estienne, 1583-1657.]
[Maritime law., War, Maritime (International law)]
Voyage des pais septentrionaux : Dans lequel se void [sic] les moeurs, maniere de vivre, & superstitions des Norweguiens, Lappons, Kiloppes, Borandiens, Syberiens, Samojedes, Zembliens, & Islandois, enrichi de plusieurs figures. /
Voyage des pais septent...
La Martinière, Pierre M...
Chez Louis Vendosme lib...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Europe, Northern--Description and travel., Arctic regions--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1671.]
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