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[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Schultze, Gottfried, 16...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
In 's Graven-hage [The Hague]
Source date
[Port Desire]
Spanish America
[Port Desire]
Schouten, Willem Cornel...
Image title
[Port Desire]
Source place of publication
Amsterdami [Amsterdam]
Source date
[Carolina from Cape Hatteras to below Cape Romain]
[Carolina from Cape Hat...
North America
Map title
[Carolina from Cape Hatteras to below Cape Romain]
[Native Americans worship the sun and idols, and feast on human limbs]
Spanish America
[Native Americans worsh...
Schultze, Gottfried, 16...
Image title
[Native Americans worship the sun and idols, and feast on human limbs]
Source place of publication
In 's Graven-hage [The Hague]
Source date
De lucis natura et proprietate. /
De lucis natura et prop...
Vossius, Isaac, 1618-16...
Apud Ludovicum & Daniel...
[Light., Imprint 1662.]
The covenant of nature made with Adam described, and cleared from sundry great mistakes. : I And thereby proving, I. That the kind of death that was threatned in that covenant, in Gen. 2. 17. ought not to be understood of any other kind of death but of a double spiritual death, 1. By depriving Adam of Gods concreated image: and 2. By corruption of nature that followed thereupon. II. Proving that the said covenant was totally extinguished and made utterly null, as soon as Adam had but tasted of the forbidden fruit, and received the said threatned punishment. III. Expounding Gal. 3. 10. and proving that the curse therein threatned must not be understood of the curse of the said covenant of nature, but of that curse that is threatned in the covenant of grace to the fallen posterity of Adam, for their not doing of Moses law by faith in Christ, which was given to them for the covenant of grace and reconciliation only. IV. Expounding Gen. 3. 15. of a double warlike combate; 1. Between the Devil and the now converted believing woman with all her believing seed. 2. Between the Devils potent seed, and the one single seed of the woman, (Christ.) V. Expounding Dan. 9. 24, 25, 26, 27. for the fuller explanation of the time and manner of confirming the covenant of grace and reconciliation. VI. Explaining the true nature of Gods forgiveness, and howit makes believing sinners to be perfectly righteous in Gods sight, from Ch. 15. to Ch. 23. VII. Expounding every word in Isa. 53. 5 in Ch. 24. VIII. Expounding Rom. 8. 1,  2,  3,  4,  5.  6,  6,  8. in Ch. 25. /
The covenant of nature ...
Pynchon, William, 1590-...
Printed for the author ...
Author (contributor)
Pynchon, William, 1590-1662.
[Norton, John,--1606-1663.--Discussion of that great point in divinity, the sufferings of Christ., Bible Commentaries., Bible Criticism, interpretation, etc., Atonement., Covenant theology., Election (Theology), Theology, Doctrinal, Congregational churches--Theology., Imprint 1662.]
Memoria de todos los generos, y especies de que se deven pagar diezmo, segun derecho, y costumbre assentada, en este obispado de la Puebla de los Angeles, para que sus curas, y vicarios en todo el hagan notoria a todos los dezmatarios, come se ha hecho por mandado de los señores obispos dël; /
Memoria de todos los ge...
Catholic Church. Dioces...
Author (contributor)
Osorio de Escobar y Llamas, Diego, -1673.
[Tithes--Mexico--Puebla de Zaragoza., Church tax--Mexico--Puebla de Zaragoza., Church tax--Law and legislation--Mexico--Puebla de Zaragoza., Broadsides, etc.--Mexico--Puebla de Zaragoza., Imprint 1662., Imprint 1663.]
Catalogus librorum bibliothecæ Raphaelis Tricheti du Fresne.
Catalogus librorum bibl...
Trichet du Fresne, Raph...
apud viduam & hæredes R...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Early printed books--Catalogs.
Sermon, que se predico en la fiesta del patrocinio de la Virgen Santissima Maria señora nuestra, : fiesta de su Magestad, que manda celebrar con missa, y sermon en todas las iglesias catedrales de su reyno, en el segundo domingo del mes de nouiembre de cada vn año. /
Sermon, que se predico ...
Hontón, Diego de, b. 1...
En la Imprenta de Iuan ...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Crawshaw, Edward.]
[Mary,--Blessed Virgin, Saint, CSAIP., Sermons--Peru--Cuzco., Imprint 1662.]
Primazia monarquica do pay commun dos monges N.P.S. Bento. ... /
Primazia monarquica do ...
Braga, Bernardo de, 160...
por Iuam Berthelin liur...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Benedict,--Saint, Abbot of Monte Cassino, Benedictines.]
Perfecta religiosa : contiene tres libros. Libro I. De la vida de la Madre Geronima de la Asuncion de la Orden de N.M.S. Clara. Fundadora, y primera abadessa de las Descalcas de Manila en Philipinas: dechado perfecto de religiosas, y espejo admirable de todas las virtudes. Libro II. De la oracion, y exercicios, que con exemplo, y doctrina, por escrito, y de palabra enseño la M. Geronima: con documentos, y meditaciones para exercicios espirituales quotidianos, oracion mental, oficio diuino, missa, y rosario, y vn breue catalogo de indulgencias y oraciones iaculatorias. Libro III. De la regla, y constituciones, que con exemplo, y doctrina enseñô, y guardó perfectissimamente la M. Geronima, con declaraciones, resoluciones morales, y doctrinas generales para las religiosas de qualquiera orden, y documentos singulares para la confession y comunion, y escrupulos. Dedicase a la excelentissima señora sor Dorotea de Austria. /
Perfecta religiosa : co...
Letona, Bartolomé de.
Por la Uiuda de Juan de...
Author (contributor)
Women of the Page Exhibition (John Carter Brown Library)
[Jerónima de la Asunción,--madre,--1555-1630., Poor Clares--Philippines., Catholic Church--Philippines., Philippines--Description and travel., Imprint 1662.]
Señor Excelmo. Medios en servicio de Su Magestad, para que la reduccion general de los indios del Reyno del Peru a sus pueblos, : se pueda hazer con efecto en breue tiempo sin costa de la Real Hazienda.
Señor Excelmo. Medios ...
Ugarte de Hermosa y Sal...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library
[Indians of South America--Peru--History--1548-1820--Sources., Peru--History--1548-1820--Sources., CSAIP., Doctrinas de indios--Peru., Imprint 1662.]
De nieuwe bereysde wereldt ofte een korte en bondige beschryvinghe van alle landen en coningrijcken van dien. : Waer inne yder bysonderlijck zijn manieren van leven, religien, huyschoudinge en vrucktbaerheyt haerder landen werden aengewesen : mitsgaders aller pausen, keysers, konigen en vorsten successie, begin en eynde. /
De nieuwe bereysde were...
Schultze, Gottfried, 16...
by Iohannes Tongerloo
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Geography--Early works to 1800.
Heinrici Schævii, D. P. Cæs. & Gr. L. ac Poës. Profess. Sceleton geographicvm in usus poëticos & historicos adornatum.
Heinrici Schævii, D. P....
Schaevius, Heinricus, 1...
Typis Johannis Henrici ...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Geography--Early works to 1800., Imprint 1662.]
Sumario, y memorial aiustado de las probanzas, que por deposiciones de testigos, e instrumentos se an hecho por el illustrissimo senor D.D. Pedro de Villagomez, arzobispo de los Reyes, y demas señores iueces apostolicos : en la causa de la beatificacion, y canonizacion del sieruo de Dios el illustrisimo. Sor. don Toribio Alfonso Mogrovejo, arzobispo que fue desta ciudad.
Sumario, y memorial aiu...
En la Imprenta de Juan ...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Villagómez, Pedro de, 1589-1671.]
[Mogrovejo, Toribio Alfonso de,--Saint,--1538-1606., CSAIP., Imprint 1662.]
Sententie gepronuncieert den 25. januarij 1662. tot Amsterdam, iegens Isaac Coeymans, koopman en burger der selver stadt.
Sententie gepronuncieer...
By Floris Willemsen
[Coymans, Isaac,--1620-1667., West-Indische Compagnie (Netherlands), Vestindisk-Guineiske kompagni., Ghana--History--Danish Settlements, 1659-1850., Denmark--Colonies--Africa., Imprint 1662.]
Tractatus politico-juridicus de iure mercatorum et commerciorum singulari ... : Accesserunt in fine tractatus ipsa privilegiorum, constitutionum, statutorum, pactorum, &c. exemplaria, peculiari designatione, juxta seriem alphabeti, summis vigiliis atq[ue] impensis, in gratiam lectoris, passim conquisita, partim verò nunquam publicè visa. /
Tractatus politico-juri...
Marquart, Johann, 1610-...
ex officinâ Thomæ Matt...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Usselincx, Willem, 1567-approximately 1647.]
[Söder compagniet (Sweden), Maritime law., Commercial law., Imprint 1662.]
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