Browse All : Funeral rites and ceremonies--Mexico

1-6 of 6
Cimetierre des Sacrifices.
Spanish America
Cimetierre des Sacrific...
Prévost, abbé, 1697-176...
Image title
Cimetierre des Sacrifices.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. LIV. [1754]
Begravinge van de koning der Mechaocanen
Spanish America
Begravinge van de konin...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Begravinge van de koning der Mechaocanen
Source place of publication
t' Amsterdam
Source date
[Aztec burial ceremony]
Spanish America
[Aztec burial ceremony]
Image title
[Aztec burial ceremony]
Source place of publication
In het ligt gegeven te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
[Native American funeral service]
Spanish America
[Native American funera...
Montanus, Arnoldus, 162...
Image title
[Native American funeral service]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Catafalque of Philip IV]
Spanish America
[Catafalque of Philip I...
Sariñana y Cuenca, Isid...
Image title
[Catafalque of Philip IV]
Source place of publication
En Mexico
Source date
Consuela el Bto. alos Padres de esta Donzella, y asiste a su entierro, con vela encendida
Spanish America
Consuela el Bto. alos P...
Ximénez, Mateo
Image title
Consuela el Bto. alos Padres de esta Donzella, y asiste a su entierro, con vela encendida
Source place of publication
Roma [Rome]
Source date
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