Browse All : Columbus, Christopher

1-37 of 37
Hesper Appearing to Columbus in Prison
Hesper Appearing to Col...
Barlow, Joel, 1754 -181...
Image title
Hesper Appearing to Columbus in Prison
Source place of publication
Source date
[Columbus's landfall]
Caribbean Islands
[Columbus's landfall]
Image title
[Columbus's landfall]
Source place of publication
In het ligt gegeven te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
An Indian Cacique of the Island of Cuba, addressing Columbus concerning a future state.
1794 Novr. 18
Caribbean Islands
An Indian Cacique of th...
Edwards, Bryan, 1743-18...
Image title
An Indian Cacique of the Island of Cuba, addressing Columbus concerning a future state.
Source place of publication
Source date
Columbus cum fratre Bartholomaeo captus in Hispaniam mittitur.
Caribbean Islands
Columbus cum fratre Bar...
Image title
Columbus cum fratre Bartholomaeo captus in Hispaniam mittitur.
Source place of publication
Francofurtensi [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
M D XCIIII [1594]
Pugnainter Columbum & Franciscum Poresium.
Caribbean Islands
Pugnainter Columbum & F...
Image title
Pugnainter Columbum & Franciscum Poresium.
Source place of publication
Francofurtensi [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
M D XCIIII [1594]
Columbus primus inventor Indiae Occidentalis.
Caribbean Islands
Columbus primus invento...
Image title
Columbus primus inventor Indiae Occidentalis.
Source place of publication
Francofurtensi [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
M D XCIIII [1594]
Prima Columbi in Indiam navigatio. Anno 1492.
Prima Columbi in Indiam...
Image title
Prima Columbi in Indiam navigatio. Anno 1492.
Source place of publication
Francofurtensi [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
M D XCIIII [1594]
Columbus supplicium ab Hispanis seditiosis sumit.
Caribbean Islands
Columbus supplicium ab ...
Image title
Columbus supplicium ab Hispanis seditiosis sumit.
Source place of publication
Francofurtensi [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
M D XCIIII [1594]
Columbus in India primo appellens, magnis excipitur muneribus ab Incolis. IX.
Caribbean Islands
Columbus in India primo...
Image title
Columbus in India primo appellens, magnis excipitur muneribus ab Incolis. IX.
Source place of publication
Francofurtensi [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
M D XCIIII [1594]
Christophorus Columbus ligur, indiaru[m] prim'inve[n]tr. Ao. 1492
Christophorus Columbus ...
Image title
Christophorus Columbus ligur, indiaru[m] prim'inve[n]tr. Ao. 1492
Source place of publication
Franc. [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
M D XCV. [1595]
El Almirante don Christoval Colon vireÿ, ÿ Governador General en todas las Indias
El Almirante don Christ...
Herrera y Tordesillas, ...
Image title
El Almirante don Christoval Colon vireÿ, ÿ Governador General en todas las Indias
Source place of publication
En Amberes [Antwerp]
Source date
M.D.CC.XXVIII [1728]
El Almirante Christoval Colon Descubre la Isla Española, ÿ haze poner una Cruz, etc.
Caribbean Islands
El Almirante Christoval...
Herrera y Tordesillas, ...
Image title
El Almirante Christoval Colon Descubre la Isla Española, ÿ haze poner una Cruz, etc.
Source place of publication
En Amberes [Antwerp]
Source date
M.D.CC.XXVIII [1728]
Columbus, der Erste Erfinder von America.
Columbus, der Erste Erf...
Image title
Columbus, der Erste Erfinder von America.
Source place of publication
Source date
Francisco de Porras con los amotinados ÿ el Adelantado Christophoro Colon, pelean, que es la primera Batalla, que uvo entre Castellanos de las Indias
Caribbean Islands
Francisco de Porras con...
Herrera y Tordesillas, ...
Image title
Francisco de Porras con los amotinados ÿ el Adelantado Christophoro Colon, pelean, que es la primera Batalla, que uvo entre Castellanos de las Indias
Source place of publication
En Amberes [Antwerp]
Source date
M.D.CC.XXVIII [1728]
Columbus verspottet seine Verächter sittlich und glimpsslich.
Columbus verspottet sei...
Image title
Columbus verspottet seine Verächter sittlich und glimpsslich.
Source place of publication
Franckfurt am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
[Christopher Columbus encounters native Americans]
Caribbean Islands
[Christopher Columbus e...
Du Boccage, Madame (Mar...
Image title
[Christopher Columbus encounters native Americans]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. LVI. [1756]
[Native Americans greet soldiers]
Caribbean Islands
[Native Americans greet...
Du Boccage, Madame (Mar...
Image title
[Native Americans greet soldiers]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. LVI. [1756]
[European kisses the hand of a native American woman]
Caribbean Islands
[European kisses the ha...
Du Boccage, Madame (Mar...
Image title
[European kisses the hand of a native American woman]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. LVI. [1756]
The discovery of America
Caribbean Islands
The discovery of Americ...
Russell, William, 1741-...
Image title
The discovery of America
Source place of publication
Source date
Christopher Columbus first Discoverer of America. taken from a Spanish picture.
Christopher Columbus fi...
Herrera y Tordesillas, ...
Image title
Christopher Columbus first Discoverer of America. taken from a Spanish picture.
Source place of publication
Source date
M.DCC.XXV. [1725]
[Title page]
[Title page]
Winckelmann, Johann Jus...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Gedruckt zu Oldenburg
Source date
[Columbus demonstrates how to make an egg stand on end]
[Columbus demonstrates ...
Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 1...
Image title
[Columbus demonstrates how to make an egg stand on end]
Source place of publication
Te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
[Columbus departs for the New World]
[Columbus departs for t...
Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 1...
Image title
[Columbus departs for the New World]
Source place of publication
Te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
[Columbus's landfall]
[Columbus's landfall]
Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 1...
Image title
[Columbus's landfall]
Source place of publication
Te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
Christopher Columbus Genevois Vixit, 1493
Caribbean Islands
Christopher Columbus Ge...
Thevet, André, 1502-159...
Image title
Christopher Columbus Genevois Vixit, 1493
Source place of publication
Source date
Erste Indianer, die dem Chrisoph Columbus vorkom[m]en.
Caribbean Islands
Erste Indianer, die dem...
Purmann, Johann Georg, ...
Image title
Erste Indianer, die dem Chrisoph Columbus vorkom[m]en.
Source place of publication
Frankfurth am Mayn [Frankfurt am Main]
Source date
Cristofano Colombo Primo Scopritore dell'America
Cristofano Colombo Prim...
Robertson, William, 172...
Image title
Cristofano Colombo Primo Scopritore dell'America
Source place of publication
Venezia [Venice]
Source date
MCCXCIV. [1794]
[Columbus sets forth for the New World]
Caribbean Islands
[Columbus sets forth fo...
Inga, Athanasium, pseud...
Image title
[Columbus sets forth for the New World]
Source place of publication
t'Amstelredam [Amsterdam]
Source date
Montgomery, James, 1771...
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
[Columbus demonstrates his idea about his voyage]
Spanish America
[Columbus demonstrates ...
Image title
[Columbus demonstrates his idea about his voyage]
Source place of publication
In het ligt gegeven te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
[Columbus ships sail on a sea with fire in the distance]
Spanish America
[Columbus ships sail on...
Image title
[Columbus ships sail on a sea with fire in the distance]
Source place of publication
In het ligt gegeven te Leyden [Leiden]
Source date
[Columbus and his crew greet a European]
Caribbean Islands
[Columbus and his crew ...
Du Boccage, Madame (Mar...
Image title
[Columbus and his crew greet a European]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. LXI. [1761]
[Columbus speaks to native American chief]
Caribbean Islands
[Columbus speaks to nat...
Du Boccage, Madame (Mar...
Image title
[Columbus speaks to native American chief]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. LXI. [1761]
[Columbus has a vision]
Caribbean Islands
[Columbus has a vision]
Du Boccage, Madame (Mar...
Image title
[Columbus has a vision]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. LXI. [1761]
[Death of Queen Vascona]
Caribbean Islands
[Death of Queen Vascona...
Du Boccage, Madame (Mar...
Image title
[Death of Queen Vascona]
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. LXI. [1761]
Christophorus Columbus.
Christophorus Columbus.
Giovio, Paolo, 1483-155...
Image title
Christophorus Columbus.
Source place of publication
Basil [Basel]
Source date
M D LXXV. [1575]
Christophorus Columbus Ligur Terroribus Oceani superatis alterius pene Orbis regiones à se inventas Hispanis regibus addixit An. salutis
[ca. 1575-1590]
Christophorus Columbus ...
Straet, Jan van der, 15...
Image title
Christophorus Columbus Ligur Terroribus Oceani superatis alterius pene Orbis regiones à se inventas Hispanis regibus addixit An. salutis
Source place of publication
Source date
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