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P -P. P.-P[ P[-Pa Pa-Pad Pad-Pag Pag-p P-Pal Pal-Pale Pale-Palm Palm-Pam Pam-Pan Pan-Pap Pap-Par Par-Para Para-Pard Pard-Pari Pari-Parr Parr-Part Part-Pas Pas-Past Past-Pat Pat-Patr Patr-Pau Pau-Paulu Paulu-Paí Pea-Ped Ped-Pedr Pedr-Pel Pel-Pen pen-pencil and w pencil and w-P p-pencil, pencil,-P P-Penn Penn-Pens Pens-p p-P P-Pere Pere-Perf Perf-Pern Pern-Perr Perr-Pers Pers-Peru Peru-Peru (Viceroyalty). Peru (Viceroyalty).-Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (17 Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (17-Peru (Viceroyalty).- Peru (Viceroyalty).--Peru- Peru--Peru--Co Peru--Co-Peru--H Peru--H-Peru--History--E Peru--History--F-Peru--K Peru--K-Peru--P Peru--P-Peru. Peru.-Peru.- Peru.--Peruv Peruv-Pet Pet-Peti Peti-Petr Petr-Pez Pez-Ph Ph-Phars Pheli-Phi Phi-Philipp Philipp-Philippi Philippi-Philo Philo-Phy Phy-Pi Pi-Pie Pie-Piet Piet-Pil Pil-Pilo Pilo-Pim Pim-Pin Pin-Pint Pinz-Pir Pir-Pit Piu-Piñ Pla-Plan Plan-Plants Plants-Play Plaz-Po Po-Poi Poi-Pol Pol-Polit Polit-Political s Political s-Polv Polv-Pon Pon-Pont Pont-Poo Poo-Por por-P P-Por J Por J-Por M Por M-Port Port-Porta Porta-Porto Porto-Portu Portu-Portugal- Portugal--Portugal--Com Portugal--Com-Portugal--F Portugal--F-Portugal--H Portugal--H-Portugal--History--R Portugal--History--S-Portugal--P Portugal--P-Portugal. Portugal.-Portugal. S Portugal. S-Portugal. Sovereign (18 Portugal. Sovereign (18-Portugal.- Portugal.--Portugu Portugu-Pos pos-P P-Pot Pot-Pou Pou-Pow Pow-Pr Pr-Pray Pray-Pre Pre-Press Press-Pri Pri-Prim Prim-Prin Prin-Printed a Printed a-Printed b Printed b-p P-Printed by J Printed by J-Printed by T Printed by T-Printed by W Printed by W-Printed f Printed f-Printed for C Printed for C-Printed for E Printed for E-Printed for H Printed for H-Printed for J Printed for J-Printed for Jo Printed for Jo-Printed for L Printed For L-Printed f Printed f-Printed for Ro Printed for Ro-Printed for S Printed for S-Printed for T Printed for T-Printed for t Printed for t-Printed for W Printed for W-Printer Printeu-Printi Prinz,-Priv Priv-Pro Pro-Proc Proc-Prop Prop-Prov Prov-Provin Provin-Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata.- Provincias Unidas del Río de la Plata--F-Pru Pru-Pt Pt-Pu Pu-Pubd Pubd-Pubd. b Pubd. b-Publ Publ-Public r Public s-Publis publis-P P-Publishe Publishe-Published a Published a-Published as Published as-Published b Published b-Published by W Published by W-Pue Pue-Puer Puer-Puerto Rico. Puerto Rico.-Pul Pum-Pur Pur-Pé Pé-Pér Pét-PΘ


  1. publish'd ... by Tho. Jefferys Geographer to his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales near Charing Cross (1)
  2. Publish'd ... by W[illiam] Humphrey No. 227 Strand (1)
  3. Publish'd ... by W[illiam] Humphrey, Gerrard Street, Soho. (1)
  4. Publish'd ... by Wm. Wells No 132 (oposite Salisbury Court) Fleet Street (1)
  5. Publish'd ... W. Faden, successor to the late Mr. Jefferys, geographer to the King, Charing Cross (1)
  6. Publish'd according to Act (1)
  7. Publish'd According to Act of Parliament (1)
  8. Publish'd according to Act of Parliament (1)
  9. Publish'd according to Act of Parliament and Sold by Geo. Bickham in Mays Buildings, Where may be had the Preceding Work, either single or together; Bound or in Sheets, And by Iohn Bickham Engraver, opposite Fetter-Lane, Holborn. (2)
  10. Publish'd according to Act of Parliament, by Wm. Faden, Corner of St. Martin's Lane Charing Cross (1)
  11. Publish'd according to Act of Parliament. by M. Smith in Fleet Street (1)
  12. Publish'd as the Act directs (2)
  13. Publish'd as the Act directs . . . at Darly's Strand (1)
  14. Publish'd As the Act directs . . . by I. Harris, Sweetings Alley, Cornhill (1)
  15. Publish'd as the Act directs . . . by I. Harris. Sweetings Alley Cornhill. Published by W. Humphrey, No. 227, Strand" (2)
  16. Publish'd as the Act Directs ... By I [J] Langham Print Colourer No. 84 Dorset Street Salisbury Court Fleet Street (2)
  17. Publish'd as the Act directs ... by Thos. Hart. (1)
  18. Publish'd as the Act directs, . . . by I. Mills No. 1, Ratcliff Row near the French hospital Old St[reet] (1)
  19. Publish'd as the Act directs, . . . by Robt. Laurie, No. 17, Rosomonds Row. Clerkenwell. (1)
  20. Publish'd as the Act directs, . . . by Thos. Hart (1)