Media Group: Sugar Cane

1-17 of 17
[Sugar cane]
Caribbean Islands
[Sugar cane]
Grainger, James, 1721?-...
Image title
[Sugar cane]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXV [1766]
[Sugar field, sugar cane plants, sugar production tools]
Caribbean Islands
[Sugar field, sugar can...
Oxholm, Peter Lotharius...
Image title
[Sugar field, sugar cane plants, sugar production tools]
Source place of publication
Kiöbenhavn [Copenhagen]
Source date
Cutting the sugar-cane
Caribbean Islands
Cutting the sugar-cane
Ladies' society for pro...
Image title
Cutting the sugar-cane
Source place of publication
Source date
Canna da zucchero Platazione di zucchero
Caribbean Islands
Canna da zucchero Plata...
Image title
Canna da zucchero Platazione di zucchero
Source place of publication
In Livorno [Leghorn]
Source date
[left] Fueille de Canne. [right] Partie d'une Canne a Sucre.
Caribbean Islands
[left] Fueille de Canne...
Labat, Jean Baptiste, 1...
Image title
[left] Fueille de Canne. [right] Partie d'une Canne a Sucre.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. XLII. [1742]
Canne a sucre Saccharum officinarum, L.
Caribbean Islands
Canne a sucre Saccharum...
Dutrône de La Couture, ...
Image title
Canne a sucre Saccharum officinarum, L.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
The Sugar Cane, in its four different Stages.
Decr. 1st. 1791
The Sugar Cane, in its ...
Stedman, John Gabriel, ...
Image title
The Sugar Cane, in its four different Stages.
Source place of publication
Source date
[Stages of growth of sugar cane]
Caribbean Islands
[Stages of growth of su...
Porter, George Richards...
Image title
[Stages of growth of sugar cane]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCCXXX. [1830]
[Plants and trees of Brazil]
[Plants and trees of Br...
Image title
[Plants and trees of Brazil]
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCIV [1704]
Il Zucchero
[Brazil, Caribbean Isla...
Il Zucchero
Castiglioni, Luigi, 175...
Image title
Il Zucchero
Source place of publication
Milano [Milan]
Source date
Extremité d'une Canne qui a poussé son jet et a fleury.
Caribbean Islands
Extremité d'une Canne q...
Labat, Jean Baptiste, 1...
Image title
Extremité d'une Canne qui a poussé son jet et a fleury.
Source place of publication
A Paris
Source date
M. DCC. XLII. [1742]
Zucker=Kohr Arundo Saccharifera.
Caribbean Islands
Zucker=Kohr Arundo Sacc...
Zwinger, Theodor, 1658-...
Image title
Zucker=Kohr Arundo Saccharifera.
Source place of publication
Source date
M.DC.LXXXXVI. [1696]
[Title page]
Caribbean Islands
[Title page]
Jefferys, Thomas, d. 17...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
Spanish America
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Image title
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam
Source date
M. DCCXX. [1720]
54. Cannes à sucre. 55. Cafier. 56. Cotonnier. 57. Moulin à presser la canne à sucre.
54. Cannes à sucre. 55....
Benoit, P. J. (Pierre J...
Image title
54. Cannes à sucre. 55. Cafier. 56. Cotonnier. 57. Moulin à presser la canne à sucre.
Source place of publication
Bruxelles [Brussels]
Source date
[Gestalte van een Swarte Slaaf en Slavinne]
[Gestalte van een Swart...
Herlein, J. D.
Image title
[Gestalte van een Swarte Slaaf en Slavinne]
Source place of publication
Te Leeuwarden
Source date
[Title page]
[1765 or later]
Caribbean Islands
[Title page]
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
1765 [or later]
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