Browse All : Images by Walter, Richard, 1716?-1785

1-48 of 48
Plan of St. Julian's Harbour on the Coast of Patagonia Laying in the Latd. of 49:30 S° & Wt. Longd. from London 70:44-174 0/1.
Plan of St. Julian's Ha...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
Plan of St. Julian's Harbour on the Coast of Patagonia Laying in the Latd. of 49:30 S° & Wt. Longd. from London 70:44-174 0/1.
Seale, Richard William
A Chart of the Southern Part of South America; With the Track of the Centurion from the Island of St. Catherines to the Island of Juan Fernandes ...
A Chart of the Southern...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A Chart of the Southern Part of South America; With the Track of the Centurion from the Island of St. Catherines to the Island of Juan Fernandes ...
Seale, Richard William
A Survey of the north east side of Juan Fernandes Island in the South Sea.
A Survey of the north e...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A Survey of the north east side of Juan Fernandes Island in the South Sea.
A plan of Juan Fernandes Island in the South Sea, lying in the Latitutde of 33d. 40m. South and West from th Continent of Chili 110 Leagues.
A plan of Juan Fernande...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A plan of Juan Fernandes Island in the South Sea, lying in the Latitutde of 33d. 40m. South and West from th Continent of Chili 110 Leagues.
A plan of a Bay and Harbour on the Coast of Chili: Dscovered by a Victualler to Connodore Anson's Squadron in the South Sea, 1741.
A plan of a Bay and Har...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A plan of a Bay and Harbour on the Coast of Chili: Dscovered by a Victualler to Connodore Anson's Squadron in the South Sea, 1741.
Seale, Richard William
A Plan of the Town of Payta in the Kingdom of Santa-Fee Lying in the Latitude of 5d.12m.S°
A Plan of the Town of P...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A Plan of the Town of Payta in the Kingdom of Santa-Fee Lying in the Latitude of 5d.12m.S°
A Plan of the East End of the Island of Quibo.
A Plan of the East End ...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A Plan of the East End of the Island of Quibo.
A Chart of the Channels in the Philippine Islands through which the Manil Galeon passes together with the adjacent Islands.
A Chart of the Channels...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A Chart of the Channels in the Philippine Islands through which the Manil Galeon passes together with the adjacent Islands.
Seale, Robert William
The Form of cruising off Acapulca on the Coast of Mexico in the South Seas, in the Year 1742 by his Majesty's Ships, Centurion, Gloucester, Tryal Prize, Carmila Prize, Carmin Prize.
The Form of cruising of...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
The Form of cruising off Acapulca on the Coast of Mexico in the South Seas, in the Year 1742 by his Majesty's Ships, Centurion, Gloucester, Tryal Prize, Carmila Prize, Carmin Prize.
The Bay and Rocks of Petaplan
The Bay and Rocks of Pe...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
The Bay and Rocks of Petaplan
A Plan of the Harbour of Chequetan or Seguataneo Lying in the Latd. of 17d. 36m. N°
A Plan of the Harbour o...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A Plan of the Harbour of Chequetan or Seguataneo Lying in the Latd. of 17d. 36m. N°
[top] View of the Ladrone Islands. [left] A Plan of the Harbour of Acapulco on the Coast of Mexico in ye South Sea ... [right] A Plan of the Bay of Manila.
[top] View of the Ladro...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
[top] View of the Ladrone Islands. [left] A Plan of the Harbour of Acapulco on the Coast of Mexico in ye South Sea ... [right] A Plan of the Bay of Manila.
Seale, Robert William
A Chart of the Pacific Ocean from the Equinoctial to the Latitude of 39 1/2d. No.
A Chart of the Pacific ...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
A Chart of the Pacific Ocean from the Equinoctial to the Latitude of 39 1/2d. No.
Seale, Robert William
[Title page]
[Title page]
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
[Title page]
[Title page]
[Title page]
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
[Title page]
Carte du Canal des Iles Philippines Par lequel passe le Galion de Manille et les Iles voisine de ce canal
Carte du Canal des Iles...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
Carte du Canal des Iles Philippines Par lequel passe le Galion de Manille et les Iles voisine de ce canal
Plan du Port d'Acapulco sur la Côte du Mexique dans la Mer du Sud.
Plan du Port d'Acapulco...
North America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
Plan du Port d'Acapulco sur la Côte du Mexique dans la Mer du Sud.
Plan de la Baye de Manille
Plan de la Baye de Mani...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
Plan de la Baye de Manille
Plan du Port St. Julien, sur la Côte des Patagons
Plan du Port St. Julien...
South America
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Map title
Plan du Port St. Julien, sur la Côte des Patagons
Vue de la Place de l'Ile de Juan Fernandes ou le Commandeur avoit sa Tente.
Spanish America
Vue de la Place de l'Il...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Vue de la Place de l'Ile de Juan Fernandes ou le Commandeur avoit sa Tente.
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam et a Leipzig
Source date
MDCCLI. [1751]
Une lionne marine. Un lion marin.
Spanish America
Une lionne marine. Un l...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Une lionne marine. Un lion marin.
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam et a Leipzig
Source date
MDCCLI. [1751]
Plan d'une Baye de la Côte du Chili découverte par un des Vaisseaux d'Avituaillement de l"Escadre de Mr. Anson, en 1741.
Spanish America
Plan d'une Baye de la C...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Plan d'une Baye de la Côte du Chili découverte par un des Vaisseaux d'Avituaillement de l"Escadre de Mr. Anson, en 1741.
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam et a Leipzig
Source date
MDCCLI. [1751]
Incendie de la Ville de Paita, sur la Côte du Perou dans la Mer du Sud.
Spanish America
Incendie de la Ville de...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Incendie de la Ville de Paita, sur la Côte du Perou dans la Mer du Sud.
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam et a Leipzig
Source date
MDCCLI. [1751]
Gezigt van de Plaats op 't Eiland Juan Fernandes daar de Tent van den Kommandeur stont. ...
Gezigt van de Plaats op...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Gezigt van de Plaats op 't Eiland Juan Fernandes daar de Tent van den Kommandeur stont. ...
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam et a Leipzig
Source date
MDCCXLIX. [1749]
Eene Zee Leeuwin. Une Lionne Marine. Eeen Zee Leeuw. Un Lion Marin.
Eene Zee Leeuwin. Une L...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Eene Zee Leeuwin. Une Lionne Marine. Eeen Zee Leeuw. Un Lion Marin.
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam et a Leipzig
Source date
MDCCXLIX. [1749]
Plan van de Stad Paita in het Koninkryk Santa Fee ...; Plan de la Ville de Paita, dans le Roiaume de Santa Fé, ...
Plan van de Stad Paita ...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Plan van de Stad Paita in het Koninkryk Santa Fee ...; Plan de la Ville de Paita, dans le Roiaume de Santa Fé, ...
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam et a Leipzig
Source date
MDCCXLIX. [1749]
Incendie de la Ville de Paita, sur la Côte de Santa Fé ...; Het verbranden van de Stad Paita op de Kust van Santa Fee...
Incendie de la Ville de...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Incendie de la Ville de Paita, sur la Côte de Santa Fé ...; Het verbranden van de Stad Paita op de Kust van Santa Fee...
Source place of publication
A Amsterdam et a Leipzig
Source date
MDCCXLIX. [1749]
A view of the bay of St. Julian when Mount Wood bears W. S. W. 1/2 s. and the Port or rivers mouth S. W. distant ten miles.
Spanish America
A view of the bay of St...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A view of the bay of St. Julian when Mount Wood bears W. S. W. 1/2 s. and the Port or rivers mouth S. W. distant ten miles.
Source place of publication
Source date
A Prospect of St. Julian's River, as it appears looking up the River at low Water
Spanish America
A Prospect of St. Julia...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A Prospect of St. Julian's River, as it appears looking up the River at low Water
Source place of publication
Source date
A Prospect of Port St. Julian, as it appears at low water, looking down the river, and extending from the island of True Justice to the rivers mouth.
Spanish America
A Prospect of Port St. ...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A Prospect of Port St. Julian, as it appears at low water, looking down the river, and extending from the island of True Justice to the rivers mouth.
Source place of publication
Source date
Cape Virgin Mary at the north entrance of Magellans Streights.
Spanish America
Cape Virgin Mary at the...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
Cape Virgin Mary at the north entrance of Magellans Streights.
Source place of publication
Source date
A view of part of the N. E. side of Terra del Fuego and the entrance of streights Le Maire.
Spanish America
A view of part of the N...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A view of part of the N. E. side of Terra del Fuego and the entrance of streights Le Maire.
Source place of publication
Source date
A view of Streights Le Maire between Terra del Fuego and Staten Land.
Spanish America
A view of Streights Le ...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A view of Streights Le Maire between Terra del Fuego and Staten Land.
Source place of publication
Source date
The west prospect of Staten Island.
Spanish America
The west prospect of St...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
The west prospect of Staten Island.
Source place of publication
Source date
The east prospect of the Island of Juan Fernandes in the south sea.
Spanish America
The east prospect of th...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
The east prospect of the Island of Juan Fernandes in the south sea.
Source place of publication
Source date
A view of Cumberland Bay at the Island of Juan Fernandes
Spanish America
A view of Cumberland Ba...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A view of Cumberland Bay at the Island of Juan Fernandes
Source place of publication
Source date
A View of the Commodores Tent at the Island of Juan Fernandes.
Spanish America
A View of the Commodore...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A View of the Commodores Tent at the Island of Juan Fernandes.
Source place of publication
Source date
A Sea=Lion and Lioness.
Spanish America
A Sea=Lion and Lioness.
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A Sea=Lion and Lioness.
Source place of publication
Source date
A view of the north east side of Massa-Fuero lying in the latitude of 33°5': So.
Spanish America
A view of the north eas...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A view of the north east side of Massa-Fuero lying in the latitude of 33°5': So.
Source place of publication
Source date
A view of the west side of Massa-Fuero distant 4 miles
Spanish America
A view of the west side...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A view of the west side of Massa-Fuero distant 4 miles
Source place of publication
Source date
The burning of the Town of Payta on the Coast of Santa Fee in the South Sea
Spanish America
The burning of the Town...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
The burning of the Town of Payta on the Coast of Santa Fee in the South Sea
Source place of publication
Source date
[top] A View of the hill of Petaplan and the rocks called the White Friars: Bearing SEBE distant 5 miles; [bottom] A View of the islands of Quibo and Quicara
Spanish America
[top] A View of the hil...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
[top] A View of the hill of Petaplan and the rocks called the White Friars: Bearing SEBE distant 5 miles; [bottom] A View of the islands of Quibo and Quicara
Source place of publication
Source date
A View of the Entrance of Chequetan or Seguataneo bearing N. E. distant five Miles
Spanish America
A View of the Entrance ...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A View of the Entrance of Chequetan or Seguataneo bearing N. E. distant five Miles
Source place of publication
Source date
A View of the Entrance of the Port of Acapulco
Spanish America
A View of the Entrance ...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A View of the Entrance of the Port of Acapulco
Source place of publication
Source date
A view of Cape Espiritu Santo, on Samal, one of the Phillipine Islands, in the latitude of 12d. 40m. N°. Bearing W S W distant 6 leagues. In the position here represented his Majesty's Ship the Centurion engag'd and took the Spanish Galeon call'd Nostra Seigniora de Cabadonga, from Acapulco bound to Manila.
Spanish America
A view of Cape Espiritu...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A view of Cape Espiritu Santo, on Samal, one of the Phillipine Islands, in the latitude of 12d. 40m. N°. Bearing W S W distant 6 leagues. In the position here represented his Majesty's Ship the Centurion engag'd and took the Spanish Galeon call'd Nostra Seigniora de Cabadonga, from Acapulco bound to Manila.
Source place of publication
Source date
A view of the north entrance of the harbour of St. Catherines.
A view of the north ent...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A view of the north entrance of the harbour of St. Catherines.
Source place of publication
Source date
A View of the N.E. End of the Island of St. Catherines on the Coast of Brasil.
A View of the N.E. End ...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
A View of the N.E. End of the Island of St. Catherines on the Coast of Brasil.
Source place of publication
Source date
[top] Cape Blanco bearing S.W. distant five leagues. [bottom] Cape Blanco on the coast of Patagonia: Bearing S b W 1/2 W distant 4 leagues.
Spanish America
[top] Cape Blanco beari...
Walter, Richard, 1716?-...
Image title
[top] Cape Blanco bearing S.W. distant five leagues. [bottom] Cape Blanco on the coast of Patagonia: Bearing S b W 1/2 W distant 4 leagues.
Source place of publication
Source date
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