Browse All : Images by Virginia Company of London.

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A true discourse of the present estate of Virginia, and the successe of the affaires there till the 18 of Iune 1614. : Together. With a relation of the seuerall English townes and forts, the assured hopes of that countrie and the peace concluded with the Indians. The christening of Powhatans daughter and her mariage with an English-man. /
A true discourse of the...
Hamor, Ralph, -1626.
By Iohn Beale for Willi...
Author (contributor)
[Virginia Company of London., Rolfe, John, 1585-1622., Gouge, William, 1578-1653., Whitaker, Alexander, 1585-1617., Dale, Thomas, Sir, -1619.]
[Pocahontas,---1617., Powhatan Indians., Indians of North America--Virginia., Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1615.]
Virginia's God be thanked, or A sermon of thanksgiving for the happie successe of the affayres in Virginia this late yeare. /
Virginia's God be thank...
Copland, Patrick, appro...
Printed by Iohn Dawson ...
Author (contributor)
[Virginia Company of London., Brown, Harold, 1863-1900, Pope, Peter, active 1622.]
[Virginia Company of London., Sermons--England--London., Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1622.]
The relation of the right honourable the Lord De-La-Warre, lord gouernour and captaine generall of the colonie, planted in Virginea.
The relation of the rig...
De la Warr, Thomas West...
Printed by William Hall...
Author (contributor)
[Virginia Company of London., Counseil for Virginia (England and Wales)]
[Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1611.]
A declaration of the state of the colony and affaires in Virginia. : With a relation of the barbarous massacre in the time of peace and league, treacherously executed by the natiue infidels vpon the English the 22 of March last. Together with the names of those that were then massacred; that their lawfull heyres, by this notice giuen, may take order for the inheriting of their lands and estates in Virginia. And a treatise annexed, written by that learned mathematician Mr. Henry Briggs, of the Northwest passage to the South Sea through the continent of Virginia, and by Fretum Hudson. Also a commemoration of such worthy benefactors as haue contributed their Christian charitie towards the aduancement of the colony. And a note of the charges of necessary prouisions fit for euery man that intends to goe to Virginia. Published by authoritie.
A declaration of the st...
Waterhouse, Edward, col...
By G Eld for Robert Myl...
Author (contributor)
[Virginia Company of London., Briggs, Henry, 1561-1630.]
[Northwest Passage., Virginia--Description and travel., Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1622.]
The new life of Virginea: : declaring the former successe and present estate of that plantation, being the second part of Noua Britannia. /
The new life of Virgine...
Johnson, Robert, active...
Imprinted by Felix Kyng...
Author (contributor)
[Virginia Company of London., Counseil for Virginia (England and Wales), Johnson, Robert, active 1586-1626.]
[Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1612.]
His Maiesties gracious letter to the Earle of South-Hampton, treasurer, and to the Councell and Company of Virginia heere: commanding the present setting up of silke works, and planting of vines in Virginia. : And the letter of the treasurer, councell, and company, to the gouernour and councell of state there, for the strict execution of His Maiesties royall commands herein. Also a treatise of the art of making silke: or, Directions for the making of lodgings, and the breeding, nourishing, and ordering of silkewormes, and for the planting of mulbery trees, and all other things belonging to the silke art. Together with instructions how to plant and dresse vines, and to make wine, and how to dry raisins, figs, and other fruits, and to set oliues, oranges, lemons, pomegranates, almonds, and many other fruits, &c. And in the end, a conclusion, with sundry profitable remonstrances to the colonies. Set foorth for the benefit of the two renowned and most hopefull sisters, Virginia, and the Summer-Ilands. /
His Maiesties gracious ...
Bonoeil, John.
Printed by Felix Kyngst...
Author (contributor)
[Virginia Company of London., England and Wales. Sovereign (1603-1625 : James I), Southampton, Henry Wriothesley, Earl of, 1573-1624., James I, King of England, 1566-1625.]
[Sericulture--Virginia., Sericulture--Bermuda Islands., Viticulture--Virginia., Viticulture--Bermuda Islands., Agriculture--Virginia., Agriculture--Bermuda Islands., Imprint 1622.]
Good newes from Virginia. : Sent to the Counsell and Company of Virginia, resident in England. From Alexander Whitaker, the Minister of Henrico in Virginia. : Wherein also is a narration of the present state of that countrey, and our colonies there. /
Good newes from Virgini...
Whitaker, Alexander, 15...
imprinted by Felix Kyng...
Author (contributor)
[Virginia Company of London., Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864, Crashaw, William, 1572-1626.]
[Virginia--Description and travel., Imprint 1613.]
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