Browse All : Images by Verheiden, Willem, 1568-1596.

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Nootelijcke consideratien die alle goede liefhebbers des vaderlandts behooren rijpelijc te overweghen, opten voorgheslaghen tractate van peys met den Spagniaerden.
Nootelijcke considerati...
Verheiden, Willem, 1568...
Netherlands--History--Eighty Years' War, 1568-1648.
A second part of Spanish practises. Or, A relation of more particular wicked plots, and cruell, in humane, perfidious, and vnnaturall practises of the Spaniards. : With, more excellent reasons of greater consequence, deliuered to the Kings Maiesty to dissolue the two treaties both of the match and the Pallatinate, and enter into warre with the Spaniards. Whereunto is adioyned a worthy oration appropriated, vnto the most mighty and illustrious princes of Christendome, wherein the right and lawfulnesse of the Netherlandish warre against Phillip King of Spayne is approued and demonstrated.
A second part of Spanis...
Verheiden, Jacob, activ...
Nicholas Okes
Author (contributor)
[Ofwod, Stephen., Scott, Thomas, 1580?-1626., Hexham, Henry, 1585?-1650?, Wood, Thomas, active 1615-1624., Verheiden, Willem, 1568-1596.]
[Netherlands--History--Eighty Years' War, 1568-1648., Spain--History--Philip IV, 1621-1665., Great Britain--Foreign relations--Spain., Spain--Foreign relations--Great Britain., Imprint 1624.]
Nootelijcke consideratien die alle goede liefhebbers des vaderlandts behooren rijpelijck te ouerweghen opten voorgheslaghen tractate van peys met den Spaengiaerden.
Nootelijcke considerati...
Verheiden, Willem, 1568...
[Indians, Treatment of--America., Netherlands--History--Eighty Years' War, 1568-1648., Netherlands--Foreign relations--Spain., Spain--Foreign relations--Netherlands., Imprint 1587.]
Guillelmi Verheden In classem Xerxis Hispani oratio. : Ad serenissimam Elisabetham Angliae reginam.
Guillelmi Verheden In c...
Verheiden, Willem, 1568...
ex officinâ Alberti He...
Author (contributor)
Verheiden, Jacob, active 1590.
[Drake, Francis,--approximately 1540-1596., Armada, 1588., Netherlands--History--Eighty Years' War, 1568-1648., Great Britain--History--Elizabeth, 1558-1603., Spain--Colonies--America., Imprint 1598.]
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