Browse All : Images by Veer, Gerrit de.

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Warhafftige Relation. Der dreyen newen vnerhörten, seltzamen Schiffart, so die holländischen vnd seeländischen Schiff gegen Mitternacht, drey Jar nach einander, als Anno 1594. 1595. vnd 1596. verricht. : Wie sie Nottvvegen, Lappiam, Biarmiam, vnd Russiam, oder Moscoviam (vorhabens ins Königreich Cathay vnd China zukommen) vmbsegelt haben. Als auch wie sie das Fretum Nassoviae, VVaygats, Novam Semblam, vnd das Land vnter dem 8o. Gradu Latitud. so man vermeint das Groenland sey, gefunden: vnd was für gefahr, wegen der erschröcklichen Bern, Meerwunder, vnd dem Eyss, sie aussgestanden. /
Warhafftige Relation. D...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Impensis L Hulsij
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hulsius, Levinus, -1606.]
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Voyages and travels., Arctic regions., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Lapland--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1598.]
Tre nauigationi fatte dagli Olandesi, e Zelandesi al Settentrione nella Noruegia, Moscouia, e Tartaria verso il Catai, e regno de'Sini, doue scopersero il mare di Veygatz, la Nuoua Zembla, et et vn paese nell' ottantesimo grado creduto la Groenlandia. : Con vna descrittione di tutti gli accidenti occorsi di giorno in giorno à' nauiganti, et in particolare di alcuni combattimenti con orsi marini, e dell' eccesiuo freddo di quei paesi; essendo nell' ultima nauigatione restata la naue nel ghiaccio, onde li marinari passorono infinite difficoltà, per lo spatio di diece mesi, e furono forzati alla fine di passare con li batelli trecento miglia di mare pericolosissimo. /
Tre nauigationi fatte d...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Appresso Gio Battista C...
Author (contributor)
Parisio, Giovan Giunio.
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Heemskerck, Jacob van,--1567-1607., Rijp, Jan Cornelisz.,--approximately 1570-, Plancius, Petrus,--1552-1622., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Imprint 1599.]
Dritte Theil, Warhafftige Relation[.] Der dreyen newen vnerhörten, seltzame[n] Schiffart, so die holländischen vnd seeländischen Schiff gegen Mitternacht, drey Jar nach einander, als An[n]o 1594. 1595. vnd 1596. verricht. : Wie sie Nordvvegen, Lappiam, Biarmiam, vnd Russiam, oder Moscoviam (vorhabens ins Königreich Cathay vnd China zu kommen) vmgebsegelt haben. Auch wie sie das Fretu[m] Nassoviae, Waygats, Novam Semblam, vnd das Landt vnter dem 8o. Gradu Latitud, so man vermeint das Gronland sey, gefunden: vnd was für gefahr, der erschrecklichen Bärn, Meerwunder, vnd dem Eyss, sie aussgestanden. /
Dritte Theil, Warhaffti...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Impensis L Hulsii
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hulsius, Levinus, -1606.]
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Voyages and travels., Arctic regions., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Lapland--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1602.]
Verhael van de eerste schip-vaert der Hollandische en Zeeusche schepen, door 't Way-gat, : by Noorden Noorweghen, Moscovien ende Tartarien om, na de coninckrijcken Cathay ende China. Met drie schepen, uyt Texel ghezeylt. Hier achter is by-ghevoeght de beschrijvinghe van de landen Siberia, Samoyeda, ende Tingoesa. Seer vreemt en vermaacklijck om te lesen.
Verhael van de eerste s...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Voor Joost Hartgers Boe...
Author (contributor)
[Muller, Frederik, 1817-1881., Pontanus, Johannes Isacius, 1571-1639.]
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Voyages around the world., Northeast Passage., Arctic regions., Nova Zemlia (Russia), Imprint 1650.]
Tertia pars Indiae Orientalis: qua continentur I. Secunda pars nauigationum à Ioanne Hugone Lintschotano Hollando in Orientem susceptarum; & maximè situs illarum regionum, & in his insulàrum, fluminum, riparum, portuum, &c. tum in transitu, tum ipsa India sitorum: vbi iuxta etiam vniuersa, quae autor illic, & postea in reditu versus Hollandiam vidit & notauit, diligenter designantur. : II. Nauigatio Hollandorum in insulas Orientales, Iauan & Svmatram: vbi pariter de morbius, vita, & religione incolarum quaedam haud iniucunda traduntur. III. Tres nauigationes Hollandorum in modo dictam Indiam per septentrionalem seu glacialem oceanum, vbi mira quaedam & stupenda  denarrantur. Quibus iam de nouo accesserunt aliae de anno M.D.XVIII. vsq[ue] M.D.C.XXIX. historiae memorabiles, & notatu dignissimae. /
Tertia pars Indiae Orie...
Linschoten, Jan Huygen ...
Sumptibus Wilhelmi Fitz...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Veer, Gerrit de., Lodewycksz, Willem, active 16th century., Houtman, Cornelis de, -1599., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609., Strobaeus, Bilibaldus.]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Lapland--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1629., Houtman, Cornelis de,---1599., Veer, Gerrit de., East Indies--Description and travel., India--Description and travel., Indonesia--Description and travel., Brazil--Description and travel., Arctic regions., Northeast Passage.]
Verhael van de eerste schip-vaert der Hollandische ende Zeeusche schepen, door't Way-Gat, by noorden Noorwegen, Moscovien ende Tartarien om, na de coninckrijcken Cathay ende China. Met drie schepen, uyt Texel ghezeylt in den iare 1594. : Hier achter is by-ghevoeght de beschrijvinghe van de landen Siberia, Samoyeda, ende Tingoesa. Seer vreemt en vermaackelijck om lesen.
Verhael van de eerste s...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Voor Ioost Hartgers Boe...
Author (contributor)
Pontanus, Johannes Isacius, 1571-1639.
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Hudson, Henry,---1611., Heemskerck, Jacob van., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Imprint 1648.]
Tertia pars Indiae Orientalis: qua continentur I. Secunda pars nauigationum à Ioanne Hugone Lintschotano Hollando in Orientem susceptarum; & maximè situs illarum regionum, & in his insularum, fluminum, riparum, portuum, &c. tum in transitu, tum ipsa India sitorum: vbi iuxta etiam vniuersa, quae autor illic, & postea in reditu versus Hollandiam vidit & notauit, diligenter designantur. : II. Nauigatio Hollandorum in insulas Orientales, Iauan & Sumatram: vbi pariter de morbius, vita, & religione incolarum quaedam haud iniucunda traduntur. III. Tres nauigationes Hollandorum in modò dictam Indiam per septentrionalem seu glacialem oceanum, vbi mira quaedam & stupenda  denarrantur. /
Tertia pars Indiae Orie...
Linschoten, Jan Huygen ...
Excudebat Matthaeus Bec...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Veer, Gerrit de., Lodewycksz, Willem, active 16th century., Houtman, Cornelis de, -1599., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609., Strobaeus, Bilibaldus.]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Lapland--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1601., Houtman, Cornelis de,---1599., Veer, Gerrit de., East Indies--Description and travel., India--Description and travel., Indonesia--Description and travel., Brazil--Description and travel., Arctic regions., Northeast Passage.]
Trois nauigations admirables faictes par les Hollandois & Zelandois au Septentrion : lesquelles ont descouuert la mer Vueygats, la Nouuelle Zemble & le païs qui est dessous le huicatãtiesme degré, que l'on estime estre Groenlandie, où iamais personne parauant n'auoit abordé: plusieurs cruels ours & autres monstres marins; auec grands dangers & incroyables difficultez: vtiles & fort necessaires, à tous pilotes, nautõniers & autres gens de marine /
Trois nauigations admir...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Chez Guillaume Chaudier...
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Heemskerck, Jacob van,--1567-1607., Rijp, Jan Cornelisz.,--approximately 1570-, Plancius, Petrus,--1552-1622., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Imprint 1599.]
Dritter Theil Indiae Orientalis, darinnen erstlich das ander Theil der Schifffahrten Johann Huygens von Lintschotten auss Holland, so er in Orient gethan, begriffen, vnd fürnemlich alle Gelegenheit derselbigen Landen, Insulen, Meerpforten, &c. so vnterwegen auffstossen, vnd dann in India fürkommen, wie auch alles, was der Author allda im Land, vnd nachmals auff seiner Widerreyse nach Holland gesehen vnd erfahren, eygendlich beschrieben wirt. : II. Der Holländer Schifffahrt in die Orientalische Insulen, Javan vnd Sumatra, sampt Sitten, Leben vnd Superstition, &c. der Völcker. III. Drey Schifffahrten der Holländer nach obermelten Indien, durch das Mittnächtige oder Eiss Meer, darinnen viel vnerhörte Abenthewr. Alles auffs trewlichst von neuwem auss den Niderländischen Exemplarien in Hochteutsch bracht, vnd in guter Disposition zusammen gefügt. /
Dritter Theil Indiae Or...
Linschoten, Jan Huygen ...
Bey Hieronymo Gallern i...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Veer, Gerrit de., Lodewycksz, Willem, active 16th century., Houtman, Cornelis de, -1599., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609., Strobaeus, Bilibaldus.]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Lapland--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1616., Houtman, Cornelis de,---1599., Veer, Gerrit de., East Indies--Description and travel., India--Description and travel., Indonesia--Description and travel., Brazil--Description and travel., Arctic regions., Northeast Passage.]
Dritter Theil Indiae Orientalis, darinnen erstlich das ander Theil der Schifffahrten Joann Huygens von Lintschotten auss Hollandt, so er in Orient gethan, begriffen, vnd fürnemlich alle gelegenheit derselbigen Landen, Insulen, Meerpforten, &c. so vnterwegen auffstossen, vnd dann in India fürkommen, wie auch alles, was der Author allda im Landt, vnd nachmals auff seiner Widerreyse nach Hollandt gesehen vnd erfahren, eygentlich beschrieben wirdt. : II. Der Holländer Schifffahrt in die Orientalische Insulen, Iauan vnd Sumatra, sampt Sitten, Leben vnd Superstition, &c. der Völcker. III. Drey Schifffahrten der Holländer nach obermeldten Indien, durch das Mittnächtigsche oder Eissmeer, darinnen viel vnerhörte Ebentewer. Alles auffs trewlichst von neuwem auss den Niderländischen Exemplarien in Hochteutsch Bracht, vnd in guter Disposition zusammen gefügt. Sampt vielen schönen künstlichen Figurn, vnd Landtafeln, in Kupffer gestochen, vnd an Tag geben, durch Io. Theodor vnd. Io. Israel de Bry, Gebrüder.
Dritter Theil Indiae Or...
Linschoten, Jan Huygen ...
Durch Matthæum Becker
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Veer, Gerrit de., Lodewycksz, Willem, active 16th century., Houtman, Cornelis de, -1599., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609., Strobaeus, Bilibaldus.]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Lapland--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1599., Houtman, Cornelis de,---1599., Veer, Gerrit de., East Indies--Description and travel., India--Description and travel., Indonesia--Description and travel., Brazil--Description and travel., Arctic regions., Northeast Passage.]
Tertia pars Indiae Orientalis: qua continentur I. Secunda pars nauigationum à Ioanne Hugone Lintschotano Hollando in Orientem susceptarum; & maximè situs illarum regionum, & in his insularum, fluminum, riparum, portuum, &c. tum in transitu, tum ipsa India sitorum: vbi iuxta etiam vniuersa, quae autor illic, & postea in reditu versus Hollandiam vidit & notauit, diligenter designantur. : II. Nauigatio Hollandorum in insulas Orientales, Iavan & Sumatram: vbi pariter de moribus, vita, & religione incolarum quaedam haud iniucunda traduntur. III. Tres nauigationes Hollandorum in modò dictam Indiam per septentrionalem seu glacialem oceanum, vbi mira quaedam & stupenda  denarrantur. /
Tertia pars Indiae Orie...
Linschoten, Jan Huygen ...
Excudebat Matthaeus Bec...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Strobaeus, Bilibaldus., Rhode Island Historical Society. Library. former owner., Veer, Gerrit de., Lodewycksz, Willem, active 16th century., Houtman, Cornelis de, -1599., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Clusius, Carolus, 1526-1609.]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Lapland--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1601., Houtman, Cornelis de,---1599., Veer, Gerrit de., East Indies--Description and travel., India--Description and travel., Indonesia--Description and travel., Brazil--Description and travel., Arctic regions., Northeast Passage.]
The true and perfect description of three voyages, so strange and woonderfull, that the like hath neuer been heard of before done and performed three yeares, one after the other by the ships of Holland and Zeland, on the North sides of Norway, Muscouia and Tartaria, towards the kingdomes of Cathaia & China; : shewing the discouerie of the straights of Weigates, Noua Zembla, and the countrie lying vnder 80. degrees; which is thought to be Greenland: whereneuer any man had bin before: with the cruell beares, and other monsters of the sea, and the vnsupportable an extreame cold that is found to be in those places.
The true and perfect de...
Veer, Gerrit de.
By W White For T Pauier
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Heemskerck, Jacob van,--1567-1607., Rijp, Jan Cornelisz.,--approximately 1570-, Plancius, Petrus,--1552-1622., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Imprint 1609.]
Dritte Theil, Warhafftige Relation[.] Der dreyen newen vnerhörten, seltzamen Schifffahrt, so die holländische vnd seeländische Schiff gegen Mitternacht, drey Jahr nach einander, als Anno 1594. 1595. vnd 1596. verricht. : Wie sie Nordwegen, Lappiam, Biarmiam, vnd Russiam, oder Moscoviam (vorhabens ins Königreich Cathay vnd China zu kommen) vmbgesegelt haben. Auch wie sie das Fretum Nassoviae, Waygats, Novam Semblam, vnd das Landt vnter dem 8o. Gradu Latitud. so man vermeint das Gronland sey, gefunden: vnd was für gefahr, der erschrecklichen Bärn, Meerwunder, vnd dem Eyss, sie aussgestanden. /
Dritte Theil, Warhaffti...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Bey Erasmo Kempffern in...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hulsius, Levinus, -1606.]
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Voyages and travels., Arctic regions., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Lapland--Description and travel., Greenland--Description and travel., Imprint 1612.]
Verhael van de eerste schip-vaert der Hollandische ende Zeeusche schepen, door't Way-Gat, by Noorden Noorweghen, Moscovien ende Tartarien om, na de coninckrijcken Cathay ende China. Met drie schepen, uyt Texel ghezeylt. : Hier achter is by-ghevoeght de beschrijvinghe van de landen Siberia, Samoyeda, ende Tingoesa. .
Verhael van de eerste s...
Veer, Gerrit de.
Voor Joost Hartgers boe...
Author (contributor)
Pontanus, Johannes Isacius, 1571-1639.
[Barentsz, Willem,--approximately 1550-1597., Hudson, Henry,---1611., Heemskerck, Jacob van., Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Northeast Passage., Novai︠a︡ Zemli︠a︡ (Russia)--Description and travel., Imprint 1650.]
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