Browse All : Images by Thomas, Gabriel.

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Continuatio der Beschreibung der Landschafft Pensylvaniae an denen End-Gräntzen Americae. : Uber vorige des Herrn Pastorii Relationes. In sich haltend: die Situation, und Fruchtbarkeit des Erdbodens. Die Schiffreiche und andere Flüsse. Die Anzahl derer bisshero gebauten Städte. Die seltsame Creaturen an Thieren, Vögeln und Fischen. Die Mineralien und Edelgesteine. Deren eingebohrnen wilden Völcker Sprachen, Religion und Gebräuche. Und die ersten Christlichen Pflantzer und Anbauer dieses Landes. /
Continuatio der Beschre...
Thomas, Gabriel.
zu finden bey Andreas O...
Author (contributor)
[German Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Falckner, Daniel, 1666-]
[Pennsylvania Dutch., Indian linguistics--Delaware language., Imprint 1702., Germans--Pennsylvania., Indians of North America--Pennsylvania., Indians of North America--Pennsylvania--Social life and customs., Delaware Indians., Delaware Indians--Social life and customs., Delaware language--Texts., Pennsylvania--Description and travel., Pennsylvania--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775.]
An historical and geographical account of the province and country of Pensilvania; and of West-New-Jersey in America. : The richness of the soil, the sweetness of the situation, the wholesomness of the air, the navigable rivers, and others, the prodigious encrease of corn, the flourishing condition of the city of Philadelphia, with the stately buildings, and other improvements there. The strange creatures, as birds, beasts, fishes, and fowls, with the several sorts of minerals, purging waters, and stones, lately discovered. The natives, aborogmes [sic] their language, religion, laws, and customs; the first planters, the Dutch, Sweeds, and English, with the number of its inhabitants; as also a touch upon George Keith's new religion, in his second change since he left the Quakers. With a map of both countries. /
An historical and geogr...
Thomas, Gabriel.
Printed for and sold by...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Pennsylvania Dutch., Pennsylvania--Description and travel., Pennsylvania--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., New Jersey--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Indian linguistics--Delaware language., Imprint 1698., Germans--Pennsylvania., Indians of North America--Pennsylvania., Indians of North America--Pennsylvania--Social life and customs., Indians of North America--New Jersey., Indians of North America--New Jersey--Social life and customs., Delaware Indians., Delaware Indians--Social life and customs., Delaware language--Texts.]
An historical and geographical account of the province and country of Pensilvania; and of West-New-Jersey in America. : The richness of the soil, the sweetness of the situation, the wholesomness of the air, the navigable rivers, and others, the prodigious encrease of corn, the flourishing condition of the city of Philadelphia, with the stately buildings, and other improvements there. The strange creatures, as birds, beasts, fishes, and fowls, with the several sorts of minerals, purging waters, and stones, lately discovered. The natives, aborogmes [sic] their language, religion, laws, and customs; the first planters, the Dutch, Sweeds, and English, with the number of its inhabitants; as also a touch upon George Keith's new religion, in his second change since he left the Quakers. With a map of both countries. /
An historical and geogr...
Thomas, Gabriel.
Printed for and sold by...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Pennsylvania Dutch., Pennsylvania--Description and travel., Pennsylvania--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., New Jersey--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Indian linguistics--Delaware language., Imprint 1698., Germans--Pennsylvania., Indians of North America--Pennsylvania., Indians of North America--Pennsylvania--Social life and customs., Indians of North America--New Jersey., Indians of North America--New Jersey--Social life and customs., Delaware Indians., Delaware Indians--Social life and customs., Delaware language--Texts.]
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