Browse All : Images by Mark Catesby

1-27 of 27
Red Oak; The Pigeon of Passage.
North America
Red Oak; The Pigeon of ...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
Red Oak; The Pigeon of Passage.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
Tapia &c.; Cancer terrestris.
Caribbean Islands
Tapia &c.; Cancer terre...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
Tapia &c.; Cancer terrestris.
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC XLIII. [1743]
An Acarauna &c.
Caribbean Islands
An Acarauna &c.
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
An Acarauna &c.
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC XLIII. [1743]
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of shrubs]
North America
[Leaves, flowers, and b...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of shrubs]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of vines and tree]
North America
[Leaves, flowers, and b...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of vines and tree]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of trees]
North America
[Leaves, flowers, and b...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of trees]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
[Cypress, sweet gum, tulip, and tupelo tree.]
North America
[Cypress, sweet gum, tu...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
[Cypress, sweet gum, tulip, and tupelo tree.]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
[Small ornamental trees]
North America
[Small ornamental trees...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
[Small ornamental trees]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of various briars and a tree]
North America
[Leaves, flowers, and b...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of various briars and a tree]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of trees]
North America
[Leaves, flowers, and b...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of trees]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of trees]
North America
[Leaves, flowers, and b...
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
[Leaves, flowers, and berries of trees]
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
North America
Catesby, Mark, 1683-174...
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
M DCC LXVII [1767]
[The Baltimore Bird.] Arbor Tulipifera. The Tulip Tree. Icterus. The Baltimore Bird.
North America
[The Baltimore Bird.] A...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The Baltimore Bird.] Arbor Tulipifera. The Tulip Tree. Icterus. The Baltimore Bird.
Source place of publication
Source date
[The Yellow-rump.] Helleborine Lilij folio; Parus uropygeo luteo; The yellow-rump; Apocynum Scandens
[Caribbean Islands, Nor...
[The Yellow-rump.] Hell...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The Yellow-rump.] Helleborine Lilij folio; Parus uropygeo luteo; The yellow-rump; Apocynum Scandens
Source place of publication
Source date
[The King's-Fisher.] Ispida &c.; Myrtus &c.
[Caribbean Islands, Nor...
[The King's-Fisher.] Is...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The King's-Fisher.] Ispida &c.; Myrtus &c.
Source place of publication
Source date
[The Red Curlew.] Numenius &c.
Caribbean Islands
[The Red Curlew.] Numen...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The Red Curlew.] Numenius &c.
Source place of publication
Source date
[The Pied-bill Dobchick] Podicipes &c.
North America
[The Pied-bill Dobchick...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The Pied-bill Dobchick] Podicipes &c.
Source place of publication
Source date
[The round-crested Duck.] Mergus.
North America
[The round-crested Duck...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The round-crested Duck.] Mergus.
Source place of publication
Source date
Carduelis Americanus. The American Goldfinch. Acacia abruoe folijs &c.
North America
Carduelis Americanus. T...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
Carduelis Americanus. The American Goldfinch. Acacia abruoe folijs &c.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
Althea Floridana. Avis Tricolor. The Painted Finch.
[Caribbean Islands, Nor...
Althea Floridana. Avis ...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
Althea Floridana. Avis Tricolor. The Painted Finch.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
Linaria coerulea. The Blew Linnet. Solanum &c flore carneo.
[Caribbean Islands, Nor...
Linaria coerulea. The B...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
Linaria coerulea. The Blew Linnet. Solanum &c flore carneo.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
Smilax &c. Hirundo Purpurea. The Purple Martin.
North America
Smilax &c. Hirundo Purp...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
Smilax &c. Hirundo Purpurea. The Purple Martin.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
Smilax &c. Muscicapa cristata. The Crested Flycatcher.
[Caribbean Islands, Nor...
Smilax &c. Muscicapa cr...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
Smilax &c. Muscicapa cristata. The Crested Flycatcher.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
Cistus flore Periclymini. Parus cristatus. The crested Titmous.
North America
Cistus flore Periclymin...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
Cistus flore Periclymini. Parus cristatus. The crested Titmous.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
[The blew Heron.] Ardea caerulea
[Caribbean Islands, Nor...
[The blew Heron.] Ardea...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The blew Heron.] Ardea caerulea
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
[The small Bittern.] Ardea Stellaris; Fracinus &c.
[Caribbean Islands, Nor...
[The small Bittern.] Ar...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The small Bittern.] Ardea Stellaris; Fracinus &c.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
[The White-Face Teal.] Querquedula &c.
[Caribbean Islands, Nor...
[The White-Face Teal.] ...
Catesby, Mark , 1683-17...
Image title
[The White-Face Teal.] Querquedula &c.
Source place of publication
Source date
MDCCXXXI. [1731]
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