Browse All : Images by Falkenberg, Hendrick Jacobs, approximately 1640-approximately 1712.

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A true account of the dying vvords of Ockanickon, an Indian king, : spoken to Jahkursoe, his brother's son, whom he appointed king after him..
A true account of the d...
Ockanickon, -1682?
Printed for Benjamin Cl...
Author (contributor)
[Huth, Henry, 1815-1878, Falkenberg, Hendrick Jacobs, approximately 1640-approximately 1712., Cripps, John, of Burlington, New-Jersey, Jahkursoe.]
[Delaware Indians., Indians of North America--New Jersey., Inheritance and succession--New Jersey., New Jersey--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1682.]
A true account of the dying words of Ockanickon, an Indian king. Spoken to Jahkursoe, his brother's son, whom he appointed king after him.
A true account of the d...
Ockanickon, -1682?
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
[Falkenberg, Hendrick Jacobs, approximately 1640-approximately 1712., Cripps, John, of Burlington, New-Jersey, Jahkursoe.]
[Ockanikon,---1682?, Delaware Indians., Indians of North America--New Jersey., Inheritance and succession--New Jersey., New Jersey--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1683.]
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