Browse All : Images by Combe, William, 1742-1823.

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A description of Patagonia, and the adjoining parts of South America : containing an account of the soil, produce, animals, vales, mountains, rivers, lakes, &c. of those countries; the religion, government, policy, customs, dress, arms, and language of the Indian inhabitants; and some particulars relating to Falkland's Islands. /
A description of Patago...
Falkner, Thomas, 1707-1...
and sold by T Lewis Rus...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Combe, William, 1742-1823.]
[Patagonians., Patagonia (Argentina and Chile)--Description and travel., Falkland Islands--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Moluche dialect., Imprint 1774.]
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