Browse All : Images by Byron, John, 1723-1786.

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Des Commodore Johann Byron Erzählung der grossen Unglücksfälle die er nebst seiner Gesellschaft von dem Jahre 1740. an, bis zu seiner Ankunft in England 1746. auf der Küste von Patagonien ausgestanden hat: nebst einer Beschreibung von St. Jago in Chili und der Sitten und Gebraüche der Einwohner dieses Landes. /
Des Commodore Johann By...
Byron, John, 1723-1786.
verlegts Christoph Rieg...
[Shipwrecks., Patagonia (Argentina and Chile)--Description and travel., Santiago (Chile)--Description and travel.]
The narrative of the Honourable John Byron (Commodore in a late expedition round the world) containing an account of the great distresses suffered by himself and his companions on the coast of Patagonia, from the year 1740, till ... 1746. With a description of St. Jago de Chili, ... Also a relation of the loss of the Wager man of war, ... Written by himself, and now first published.
The narrative of the Ho...
Byron, John, 1723-1786.
printed for S Baker and...
Imprint 1768.
A voyage round the world, in His Majesty's ship the Dolphin, commanded by the honourable Commodore Byron. : In which is contained, a faithful account of the several places, people, plants, animals, &c. seen on the voyage: and, among other particulars, a minute and exact description of the Streights of Magellan, and of the gigantic people called Patagonians. Together with an accurate account of seven islands lately discovered in the South Seas. /
A voyage round the worl...
and F Newbery in Pater-...
Author (contributor)
[Collyer, Joseph, 1748-1827., Suard, J. B. A. 1734-1817. (Jean Baptiste Antoine),, Clerke, Charles, 1741-1779., Byron, John, 1723-1786.]
[Byron, John,--1723-1786., Dolphin (Frigate), Voyages around the world., Patagonians., Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina), Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1767., Imprint 1767.]
Reizen rondom de weereld, ondernomen op bevel van zyne Majesteit den tans regeerenden Koning van Groot-Brittanje : tot het doen van ontdekkingen in het Zuider halfrond en volvoert door den kommandeur Byron, kaptein Wallis, kaptein Carteret en den luitenant Cook, met de schepen de Dolphyn, de Zwaluw en de Ondernemer: /
Reizen rondom de weerel...
Hawkesworth, John, 1715...
by Reinier Arrenberg
Author (contributor)
[Banks, Joseph, 1743-1820., Wallis, Samuel, 1728-1795., Cook, James, 1728-1779., Byron, John, 1723-1786., Carteret, Philip, -1796.]
[Voyages around the world., Oceania--Discovery and exploration.]
The narrative of the Honourable John Byron ... containing an account of the great distresses suffered by himself and his companions on the coast of Patagonia, from the year 1740, till ... 1746. ... Written by himself.
The narrative of the Ho...
Byron, John, 1723-1786.
printed for S Baker and...
Imprint 1768.
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