Browse All : Images by Andrews, William, 1671?-

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The order for morning and evening prayer, and administration of the sacraments, and some other offices of the church, : together with a collection of prayers, and some sentences of the Holy Scriptures, necessary for knowledge  practice. = Ne yagawagh niyadewighniserage yonderaenayendaghkwa orghoongene neoni yogaraskha yoghseragwegough. Neoni yagawagh sakramenthogoon, neoni oya addereanaiyent ne onoghsadogeaghtige. Oni ne watkeanissaghtough odd'yage addereansiyent, neoni siniyoghthare ne kaghyadoghseradogeaghti, ne wahooni ayagoderieandaragge neoni ayondadderighhoenie. /
The order for morning a...
Church of England.
Printed by William Weym...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (Great Britain), Fowler, Jacob., Vincent, Lewis., Johnson, William, Sir., Ogilvie, John, 1724-1774., Barclay, Henry, 1715-1764., Andrews, William, 1671?-]
[Church of England--Liturgy--Texts., Church of England--Prayers and devotions., Mohawk language--Texts., Indian linguistics--Mohawk language.]
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