Browse All : Images from 1777

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Recherches historiques et géographiques sur le Nouveau-Monde. /
Recherches historiques ...
Schérer, Jean-Benoît, 1...
Chez Brunet libraire ru...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians--Social life and customs., Indians--Languages., Indians--Origin., Indians of North America--Transpacific influences., Language and languages--Origin., Imprint 1777.]
Réglement provisoire, en vertu des ordres du ministre du 12 décembre 1777, : pour déterminer les fonctions de MM. le commandant-général des troupes, le commandant en second & le major-général.
Réglement provisoire, ...
de l'Imprimerie royale ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)]
[Military administration--Haiti., Armed Forces--Officers--Haiti., Imprint 1777.]
Journals of Congress. Containing the proceedings from Sept. 5. 1774. to Jan. 1. 1776. Published by order of Congress. Volume I.
Journals of Congress. C...
United States. Continen...
Printed and sold by R A...
Imprint 1777.
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou; /
Les Incas, ou, La destr...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
chez Bassompierre fils ...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Incas--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou; /
Les Incas, ou, La destr...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
chez Bassompierre fils ...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Incas--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
Letters from the island of Teneriffe, Brazil, the Cape of Good Hope, and the East Indies. /
Letters from the island...
Kindersley, Mrs.
printed for J Nourse in...
[Canary Islands--Description and travel., Brazil--Description and travel., Cape of Good Hope (South Africa)--Description and travel., India--Description and travel.]
Panegyrico que ao muito alto, muito poderozo Rey fidelissimo nosso senhor o senhor D. Pedro III. /
Panegyrico que ao muito...
Vasconcellos, Manoel de...
Na Officina de Joaõ An...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Pedro--III,--King, consort of Maria I, Queen of Portugal,--1717-1786., CPJCB., Imprint 1777.]
A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. /
A philosophical and pol...
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796....
Printed for T Cadell in...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Justamond, J. O. -1786. (John Obadiah),]
[Colonization--History., Commerce--History., East Indies., America--Discovery and exploration., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1777., Imprint 1777.]
A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. /
A philosophical and pol...
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796....
Printed for T Cadell in...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Justamond, J. O. -1786. (John Obadiah),]
[Colonization--History., Commerce--History., East Indies., America--Discovery and exploration., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1777., Imprint 1777.]
A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. /
A philosophical and pol...
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796....
Printed for T Cadell in...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Justamond, J. O. -1786. (John Obadiah),]
[Colonization--History., Commerce--History., East Indies., America--Discovery and exploration., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1777., Imprint 1777.]
A philosophical and political history of the settlements and trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. /
A philosophical and pol...
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796....
Printed for T Cadell in...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Justamond, J. O. -1786. (John Obadiah),]
[Colonization--History., Commerce--History., East Indies., America--Discovery and exploration., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1777., Imprint 1777.]
Essai sur le commerce de Russie, : avec l'histoire de ses découvertes.
Essai sur le commerce d...
Marbault, -approximatel...
[Russia--Commerce., Russia--Commerce--America., Russia--History--Catherine II, 1762-1796., Russia--Description and travel., America--Discovery and exploration--Russian., Imprint 1777.]
Chilidúǵu sive Res Chilenses : vel descriptio status tum naturalis, tum civilis, cum moralis regni populique Chilensis, inserta suis locis perfectæ ad Chilensem linguam manuductioni, Deo O.M. multis ac miris modis juvante /
Chilidúǵu sive Res Ch...
Havestadt, Bernhard, 17...
sumptibus Bernardi Have...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pomey, François, 1618-1673.]
[Catholic Church--Catechisms--Mapuche., Catholic Church--Hymns., Mapuche language., Chile--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Mapuche language.]
Chilidúǵu sive Res Chilenses : vel descriptio status tum naturalis, tum civilis, cum moralis regni populique Chilensis, inserta suis locis perfectæ ad Chilensem linguam manuductioni, Deo O.M. multis ac miris modis juvante /
Chilidúǵu sive Res Ch...
Havestadt, Bernhard, 17...
sumptibus Bernardi Have...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pomey, François, 1618-1673.]
[Catholic Church--Catechisms--Mapuche., Catholic Church--Hymns., Mapuche language., Chile--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Mapuche language.]
Tratado preliminar de paz, e de limites na America meridional, relativo aos estados, que nella possuem as coroas de Portugal e de Hespanha, : assinado em Madrid pelos plenipotenciarios de Suas Magestades fidelissima, e catholica, em o primerio de outubro de MDCCLXXVII, e ratificado por ambas as magestades.
Tratado preliminar de p...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Spain. 1777 Oct. 10.]
[Portugal--Foreign relations--Spain., Portugal--Colonies--Boundaries.--America, Brazil--Boundaries., Spain--Foreign relations--Portugal., CPJCB., Imprint 1777.]
Histoire de l'Amérique, /
Histoire de l'Amérique...
Robertson, William, 172...
chez Panckoucke librair...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Jansen, Hendrik, 1741-1812., Suard, J. B. A. 1734-1817. (Jean Baptiste Antoine),]
[America--History., America--Discovery and exploration., Latin America--Bibliography.]
Histoire de l'Amérique, /
Histoire de l'Amérique...
Robertson, William, 172...
chez Panckoucke librair...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Jansen, Hendrik, 1741-1812., Suard, J. B. A. 1734-1817. (Jean Baptiste Antoine),]
[America--History., America--Discovery and exploration., Latin America--Bibliography.]
Histoire de l'Amérique, /
Histoire de l'Amérique...
Robertson, William, 172...
chez Panckoucke librair...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Jansen, Hendrik, 1741-1812., Suard, J. B. A. 1734-1817. (Jean Baptiste Antoine),]
[America--History., America--Discovery and exploration., Latin America--Bibliography.]
The Incas: or, The destruction of the empire of Peru. /
The Incas: or, The dest...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
Printed for J Nourse P ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Clarke, Godfrey., Clarke, C. H. Butler.]
[Incas--Fiction., Indians of South America--Peru--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
The Incas: or, The destruction of the empire of Peru. /
The Incas: or, The dest...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
Printed for J Nourse P ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Clarke, Godfrey., Clarke, C. H. Butler.]
[Incas--Fiction., Indians of South America--Peru--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
La milagrosa imagen de Nuestra Señora de Copacavana la que para entender sus portentos .
La milagrosa imagen de ...
Cofradía de la Milagro...
En la Calle de Juan de ...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library]
[Confraternities--Peru--Lima., Cofradías (Latin America), CSAIP., Broadsides, etc.--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1777.]
Le guide du commerce de l'Amérique, : principalement par le port de Marseille. Contenant le détail de la découverte de l'Amérique & de l'établissement des Européens dans cette partie du monde. Celui des isles Antilles & de leurs productions. Le recueil des lettres-patentes du mois d'avril 1717 & du mois d'avril 1719, portant réglement pour le commerce de l'Amérique; avec des observations & des explications, & une suite d'arrêts & déclarations du Conseil d'etat, servant de code pour faire ce commerce: avec des éclaircissemens. Le commerce de Guinée, de Canada, de la Louisiane, avec le code pour la traite des negres & les privileges qui y sont attachés, &c. &c. Ouvrage utile aux négocians qui font ce commerce & aux personnes curieuses de connoître l'histoire de nos colonies. Le tout orné de cartes & de figures en taille-douce. /
Le guide du commerce de...
Chambon, M.
Chez Jean Mossy imprime...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Robinson, Charles.]
[Commerce--France--Marseille., Slave trade--Africa., Marseille (France)--Commerce., France--Commerce--America., America--Commerce--France., France--Commercial policy., France--Colonies--Administration., Imprint 1777.]
Le guide du commerce de l'Amérique, : principalement par le port de Marseille. Contenant le détail de la découverte de l'Amérique & de l'établissement des Européens dans cette partie du monde. Celui des isles Antilles & de leurs productions. Le recueil des lettres-patentes du mois d'avril 1717 & du mois d'avril 1719, portant réglement pour le commerce de l'Amérique; avec des observations & des explications, & une suite d'arrêts & déclarations du Conseil d'etat, servant de code pour faire ce commerce: avec des éclaircissemens. Le commerce de Guinée, de Canada, de la Louisiane, avec le code pour la traite des negres & les privileges qui y sont attachés, &c. &c. Ouvrage utile aux négocians qui font ce commerce & aux personnes curieuses de connoître l'histoire de nos colonies. Le tout orné de cartes & de figures en taille-douce. /
Le guide du commerce de...
Chambon, M.
Chez Jean Mossy imprime...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Robinson, Charles.]
[Commerce--France--Marseille., Slave trade--Africa., Marseille (France)--Commerce., France--Commerce--America., America--Commerce--France., France--Commercial policy., France--Colonies--Administration., Imprint 1777.]
Dialogues moraux et amusants, en Anglois et Francois. : Pour l'instruction de la jeunesse. /
Dialogues moraux et amu...
Fauques, Marianne-Agnès...
Chez Edouard et Charles...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
America--Fiction--Juvenile literature.
Réglement de MM. les générals et intendant, concernant la vente & débit du tafia. /
Réglement de MM. les g...
Port-au-Prince (Haiti)....
de l'Imprimerie royale ...
Author (contributor)
[Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Vaivre, Jean-Baptiste Guillemin de, -approximately 1818., Argout, Robert, comte d']
[Rum--Law and legislation--Haiti., Sugarcane products--Law and legislation--Haiti., Liquor laws--Haiti., Imprint 1777.]
C.G.A. Oldendorps Geschichte der Mission der Evangelischen Brüder auf den caraibischen Inseln S. Thomas, S. Croix und S. Jan. /
C.G.A. Oldendorps Gesch...
Oldendorp, C. G. A. 172...
bey Christian Friedrich...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bossart, Johann Jakob.]
[Moravian Church--Missions--Virgin Islands of the United States., Missions--Virgin Islands of the United States., Natural history--Virgin Islands of the United States., Slaves--Guinea., Slave trade., Meteorology--Observations--Virgin Islands of the United States--Saint Thomas., United States Virgin Islands--Church history.]
Déclaration /
Déclaration /
France. Sovereign (1774...
de l'Imprimerie royale ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Port-au-Prince (Haiti). Conseil supérieur., Sartine, Antoine de, comte d'Alby, 1729-1801.]
[Black people--France., Slave trade--France., Slave trade--France--Colonies., Imprint 1777.]
Déclaration /
Déclaration /
France. Sovereign (1774...
chez PG Simon imprimeur...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sartine, Antoine de, comte d'Alby, 1729-1801.]
[Black people--France., Slave trade--France., Slave trade--France--Colonies., Imprint 1777.]
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou /
Les Incas, ou, La destr...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
De l'imprimerie de Stou...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Incas--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Pérou /
Les Incas, ou, La destr...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
De l'imprimerie de Stou...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Incas--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
Traité sur le gouvernement des esclaves. /
Traité sur le gouvernem...
Petit, Emilien, 1713-
Chez Knapen imprimeur d...
[Slavery--Law and legislation--Colonies.--France, Slavery--Law and legislation--Colonies.--Great Britain, Slavery--Law and legislation--Colonies.--Spain, Slavery--Law and legislation--West Indies., Imprint 1777.]
Traité sur le gouvernement des esclaves. /
Traité sur le gouvernem...
Petit, Emilien, 1713-
Chez Knapen imprimeur d...
[Slavery--Law and legislation--Colonies.--France, Slavery--Law and legislation--Colonies.--Great Britain, Slavery--Law and legislation--Colonies.--Spain, Slavery--Law and legislation--West Indies., Imprint 1777.]
The Incas: or, The destruction of the empire of Peru. /
The Incas: or, The dest...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
Printed for Messrs Pric...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), People's Library (Newport, R.I.)]
[Incas--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
The Incas: or, The destruction of the empire of Peru. /
The Incas: or, The dest...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
Printed for Messrs Pric...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), People's Library (Newport, R.I.)]
[Incas--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
A history of New-England, with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists. : Containing the first principles and settlement of the country; the rise and increase of the Baptist churches therein; the intrusion of arbitrary power under the cloak of religion; the Christian testimonies of the Baptists and others against the same, with their sufferings under it, from the begining [sic] to the present time. : Collected from most authentic records and writings, both ancient and modern. /
A history of New-Englan...
Backus, Isaac, 1724-180...
Printed by Edward Drape...
Author (contributor)
Brown, Nicolas, 1769-1841.
[Baptists--New England., New England--Church history., Booksellers' catalogs--United States--1796., Imprint 1777., Imprint 1796.]
A history of New-England, with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists. : Containing the first principles and settlement of the country; the rise and increase of the Baptist churches therein; the intrusion of arbitrary power under the cloak of religion; the Christian testimonies of the Baptists and others against the same, with their sufferings under it, from the begining [sic] to the present time. : Collected from most authentic records and writings, both ancient and modern. /
A history of New-Englan...
Backus, Isaac, 1724-180...
Printed by Edward Drape...
Author (contributor)
Brown, Nicolas, 1769-1841.
[Baptists--New England., New England--Church history., Booksellers' catalogs--United States--1796., Imprint 1777., Imprint 1796.]
A history of New-England, with particular reference to the denomination of Christians called Baptists. : Containing the first principles and settlement of the country; the rise and increase of the Baptist churches therein; the intrusion of arbitrary power under the cloak of religion; the Christian testimonies of the Baptists and others against the same, with their sufferings under it, from the begining [sic] to the present time. : Collected from most authentic records and writings, both ancient and modern. /
A history of New-Englan...
Backus, Isaac, 1724-180...
Printed by Edward Drape...
Author (contributor)
Brown, Nicolas, 1769-1841.
[Baptists--New England., New England--Church history., Booksellers' catalogs--United States--1796., Imprint 1777., Imprint 1796.]
Journals of Congress. Containing the proceedings in the year, 1776. Published by order of Congress. Volume II.
Journals of Congress. C...
United States. Continen...
Printed and sold by R A...
Imprint 1777.
Les Incas, ou, La destruction de l'empire du Perou; /
Les Incas, ou, La destr...
Marmontel, Jean-Françoi...
chez E van Harrevelt
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Incas--Fiction., Peru--History--Fiction.--Conquest, 1522-1548, Imprint 1777.]
De tetano tentamen medicum, : quod, Deo duce & auspice Dei-parâ, in augustissimo Ludoviceo medico Monspeliensi, tueri conabitur /
De tetano tentamen medi...
Chotard, Claude-Léonard...
Apud Joannem-Franciscum...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Tetanus., Imprint 1777.]
Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains, ou Mémoires intéressants pour servir à l'histoire de l'espece humaine. /
Recherches philosophiqu...
Pauw, Cornelius, 1739-1...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pernety, Antoine-Joseph, 1716-1801.]
[Indians., Imprint 1777.]
Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains, ou Mémoires intéressants pour servir à l'histoire de l'espece humaine. /
Recherches philosophiqu...
Pauw, Cornelius, 1739-1...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pernety, Antoine-Joseph, 1716-1801.]
[Indians., Imprint 1777.]
Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains, ou Mémoires intéressants pour servir à l'histoire de l'espece humaine. /
Recherches philosophiqu...
Pauw, Cornelius, 1739-1...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pernety, Antoine-Joseph, 1716-1801.]
[Indians., Imprint 1777.]
Défense des Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains, /
Défense des Recherches...
Pauw, Cornelius, 1739-1...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Pauw, Cornelius,--1739-1799.--Recherches philosophiques sur les Américains., Pernety, Antoine-Joseph,--1716-1801.--Dissertation sur l'Amérique et les Américains., Indians., Imprint 1777.]
Visita espiritual, devoto septenario en memoria, honor, culto, y reverencia del gloriosisimo transito de Sr. San Joseph, : que sus devotos pueden hacer el mes de julio, ô cada mes, según el fervor y devocion. Breve resumen de su nacimiento, dones, hermosura, y dichosa muerte: con sus meditaciones, y jaculatorias. /
Visita espiritual, devo...
Perea, Pedro de.
En la imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Joseph,--Saint--Prayers and devotions., Catholic Church--Prayers and devotions., Devotional exercises--Catholic Church., Imprint 1777.]
Visita espiritual, devoto septenario en memoria, honor, culto, y reverencia del gloriosisimo transito de Sr. San Joseph, : que sus devotos pueden hacer el mes de julio, ô cada mes, según el fervor y devocion. Breve resumen de su nacimiento, dones, hermosura, y dichosa muerte: con sus meditaciones, y jaculatorias. /
Visita espiritual, devo...
Perea, Pedro de.
En la imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Joseph,--Saint--Prayers and devotions., Catholic Church--Prayers and devotions., Devotional exercises--Catholic Church., Imprint 1777.]
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