Who What Where When



  1. 1772


  1. [C. Pugh] (2)
  2. [Chez T. R. Delorme, impr … (1)
  3. [J. van Schoonhoven & Co. … (2)
  4. [José de Jauregui] (1)
  5. [Solomon Southwick] (2)
  6. [T. Spilsbury] (1)
  7. [Tobias Conrad Lotter] (1)
  8. Alday y Aspee, Manuel de, … (2)
  9. Alzate y Ramírez, José An … (1)
  10. Amat y Junient, Manuel de … (1)
  11. American Antiquarian Soci … (1)
  12. Amirauté de Rouen (1)
  13. Amirauté de Rouen. (1)
  14. Anville, Jean Baptiste Bo … (2)
  15. Bachmair, John James, -17 … (1)
  16. Baegert, Jacob, 1717-1772 … (1)
  17. Bexon, Gabriel Léopold … (35)
  18. Bougainville, Louis-Antoi … (5)
  19. Brown University. Library (2)
  20. Brown, Moses, 1738-1836 (2)
  21. Brown, Nicholas, 1729-179 … (1)
  22. Brown, Nicholas, 1769-184 … (2)
  23. Bucareli y Ursúa, Antonio … (2)
  24. Bueno, Cosme, 1711-1798. (1)
  25. Buffon, Georges Louis Le … (58)
  26. Burgess, Ebenezer. (1)
  27. By J. van Schoonhoven en … (3)
  28. C. J. de Huyser (2)
  29. C. Philips Jacobsz. (1)
  30. Calcott, Wellins. (1)
  31. Catholic Church. Diocese … (2)
  32. Catullus, Gaius Valerius. (1)
  33. Charles III, King of Spai … (1)
  34. Chastellux, François Jean … (1)
  35. Chatard (Apothecary) (1)
  36. Chatard, apothicaire (1)
  37. Chez T. R. Delorme, impri … (1)
  38. Church, Benjamin, 1639-17 … (2)
  39. Church, Benjamin, 1639-17 … (1)
  40. Church, Thomas, 1674-1746 … (1)
  41. Cockings, George, -1802. (1)
  42. Cofradía de la Milagrosa … (1)
  43. Convento Grande de Santo … (2)
  44. Daubenton, M. 1716-1799. … (23)
  45. De Brahm, John Gerar Will … (1)
  46. Dickinson, Jonathan, 1663 … (1)
  47. Dubois, G. (1)
  48. Dubois, G. fmo RPJCB (1)
  49. Dubois-Fontanelle, Jean G … (1)
  50. Durán, José Miguel. (1)
  51. Durán, José Miguel. (1)
  52. Dussaut, Rubén J. (1)
  53. Edwards, Jonathan, 1703-1 … (1)
  54. Elie de Beaumont, Jean-Ba … (1)
  55. Elie de Beaumont, Jean-Ba … (1)
  56. En la Imprenta de la Bibl … (1)
  57. Espiñeira, Pedro Angel de … (2)
  58. Falkner, Thomas, 1707-178 … (2)
  59. Forster, Georg, 1754-179 … (24)
  60. France (1)
  61. France. (1)
  62. France. Marine. (1)
  63. France. Sovereign (1715-1 … (2)
  64. French Americana Digitiz … (57)
  65. Freneau, Philip Morin, 17 … (1)
  66. Gallegos y Castro, José … (1)
  67. Gamberrias, Manoel Dias. (1)
  68. Gates, Hezekiah, 1700-177 … (1)
  69. German Americana Digitiz … (59)
  70. Gillies, John, 1712-1796. (1)
  71. Gordon, William, 1728-180 … (1)
  72. Gossey, A (1)
  73. Gossey, A. (1)
  74. Grand Ohio Company. (1)
  75. Great Britain. Army. (1)
  76. Great Britain. Court of K … (1)
  77. Great Britain. War Office … (1)
  78. Green, John, d. 1757 (1)
  79. Guéneau de Montbeillard … (35)
  80. Haiti Digitization Projec … (5)
  81. Hargrave, Francis, 1741?- … (1)
  82. Hemmenway, Moses, 1735-18 … (1)
  83. Hooper, William, M.D. (2)
  84. Hope, John, 1739-1785. (1)
  85. Horace. (1)
  86. Indigenous Languages Digi … (1)
  87. J. v. Schoonhoven & Comp. … (1)
  88. JCB Redwood Digitization … (1)
  89. Joseph, King of Portugal, … (1)
  90. Kalm, Pehr, 1716-1779 (3)
  91. Kurtz, Alice W. (1)
  92. L'Isle, Guillaume de, 167 … (1)
  93. La Croix, Joseph-Vincent … (1)
  94. La Croix, Joseph-Vincent … (1)
  95. Laudati, Roger, Mrs. (1)
  96. León, Nicolás, 1859-1929 (2)
  97. León, Nicolás, 1859-1929, … (1)
  98. Llano Zapata, José Eusebi … (2)
  99. Lope del Rodo, Juan. (1)
  100. Lotter, Gustav Conrad (1)
  101. Madison, James, 1749-1812 … (1)
  102. Magra, James Maria. (1)
  103. Marimón, Juan de. (1)
  104. Marimón, Juan de. (1)
  105. Martini, Friedrich Heinr … (58)
  106. Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, … (6)
  107. Montt, Luis, 1848-1909 (6)
  108. Montt, Luis, 1848-1909. f … (1)
  109. New Spain. Viceroy (1771- … (2)
  110. Newport Mechanics and App … (1)
  111. Oliver, A. 1731-1799. (An … (2)
  112. One who was present. at t … (1)
  113. Orvilliers, M. le comte d … (1)
  114. Otto, Bernhard Christian … (58)
  115. P. Andrews (1)
  116. Palafox y Mendoza, Juan d … (1)
  117. Pando, Joseph Antonio de. (1)
  118. Parkinson, Sydney, 1745?- … (1)
  119. Paul Revere (2)
  120. Perkins, John, 1698-1781. (1)
  121. Perry, William, active 17 … (1)
  122. Peru (Viceroyalty) (2)
  123. Peru (Viceroyalty). Vicer … (1)
  124. Peru Digitization Projec … (10)
  125. Peru Digitization Project … (7)
  126. Poissonnier-Desperrières, … (1)
  127. Poissonnier-Desperrières, … (1)
  128. Polony (1)
  129. Polony. (1)
  130. Port-au-Prince (Haiti). C … (1)
  131. Port-au-Prince (Haiti). C … (1)
  132. Portugal and Brazil Digit … (3)
  133. Portugal. (1)
  134. Portugal. Sovereign (1750 … (1)
  135. Printed by John Fleeming. … (1)
  136. Printed for Carington Bow … (1)
  137. Ramler, Karl Wilhelm, 172 … (1)
  138. Raynal, abbé 1713-1796. ( … (6)
  139. Reprinted and sold sold b … (2)
  140. Robt. Sayer, map & prints … (2)
  141. Ríos, Francisco de los, 1 … (2)
  142. Salas, José Perfecto de, … (1)
  143. Saurine, Pierre (1)
  144. Saurine, Pierre. (1)
  145. Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794 (1)
  146. Schulz, Christian, activ … (23)
  147. Sold by John Wallis at hi … (1)
  148. Sommersett, James. (1)
  149. Spain. (1)
  150. Spain. Sovereign (1759-17 … (1)
  151. Spain. Sovereign (1759-17 … (1)
  152. Spangenberg, August Gottl … (8)
  153. Spanish America Digitizat … (4)
  154. Stevens, John. (1)
  155. Stevens, Philip. (1)
  156. Stiles, Ezra, 1727-1795. (1)
  157. Swettenham, George. (1)
  158. Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1 … (1)
  159. Thomas Kitchin (2)
  160. Ulloa, Antonio de, 1716-1 … (1)
  161. Valero, Jaun Bernardo (1)
  162. Valero, Juan Bernardo. (1)
  163. Vallejo, Pedro. (1)
  164. Veiga, Manuel Francisco d … (1)
  165. Viaud, Pierre. (1)
  166. Villavico. (1)
  167. Walker, Fowler, 1731 or 1 … (1)

Browse All : Images from 1772

51-100 of 167
1 2 3 4  
Elogio do illustrissimo e excellentissimo senhor José de Seabra da Silva do Conselho de Sua Magestade fidelissima seu Ministro, e Secretario de Estado /
Elogio do illustrissimo...
Veiga, Manuel Francisco...
Na Regia Officina Typog...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Seabra da Silva, José de,--1732-1813., Portugal--Politics and government--1750-1777., Imprint 1772.]
Oracion que el Illmo. y Rmo. señor D. Fr. Pedro Angel de Espiñeira, de la regular observancia de N.P.S. Francisco. Del consejo de S.M. obispo de la Concepcion de Chile, dixo en la solemnisima funcion con que el Concilio Provincial de Lima, dió principio á su segunda sesion en la Santa Iglesia Metropolitana de dicha ciudad, dia 8. de noviembre de 1772. /
Oracion que el Illmo. y...
Espiñeira, Pedro Angel ...
En la Imprenta de los H...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library
[Franciscans--Peru., Peru--Church history--18th century--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1772.]
Oracion que el señor D.D. Manuel de Alday y Aspee, del Consejo de S.M. obispo de Santiago de Chile, dixo el dia 4 de enero de 1763 en su iglesia catedral, con que dió principio al Synodo Diocesano, que celebró para el gobierno de su diocésis. Sacala a luz el D.D. Estevan Joseph Gallegos, maestre escuela de la Santa Iglesia Metropolitana de Lima.
Oracion que el s...
Alday y Aspee, Manuel d...
En la Imprenta que esta...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909]
[Catholic Church.--Diocese of Santiago (Chile).--Synod--(1763), Catholic Church.--Diocese of Santiago (Chile)--History--18th century--Sources., Chile--Church history--18th century--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1772.]
An oration, in commemoration of the founders of William and Mary College, delivered on the anniversary of its foundation, August 15, 1772. By J. Madison, student.
An oration, in commemor...
Madison, James, 1749-18...
Printed by William Rind
Imprint 1772.
El conocimiento de los tiempos. Ephemeride del año de 1773. : primero despues del bisiesto. ... /
El conocimiento de los ...
En la Imprenta Real Cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, Bueno, Cosme, 1711-1798.]
[Europe--Kings and rulers--Birthdays., CSAIP., Imprint 1772.]
Don Juan Palafox, berühmten Bischofs zu Angelopolis in Nordamerika, Briefe an Pabst Innocenz X. : Seine Streitigkeiten mit den Jesuiten betreffend. /
Don Juan Palafox, berü...
Palafox y Mendoza, Juan...
[Innocentius--X,--Pope,--d.1655., Jesuits--Mexico., Jesuits--Controversial literature.]
The true nature and cause of the tails of comets. : Elucidated in a rationale agreeing with their several phanomena [sic]. /
The true nature and cau...
Perkins, John, 1698-178...
Printed and sold by Ede...
[Comets., Astronomy., Imprint.]
O marujo saudozo : rellação curioza da carta que escreveo de Pernambuco hum marujo á sua moça, na qual lhe relata a saudoza despedida, que fizeram hum ao outro quando elle se foi embora, e hum mimo, que elle lhe manda.
O marujo saudozo : rell...
Gamberrias, Manoel Dias...
Na Offic da Viuv de Ign...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Portuguese poetry--18th century., Imprint 1772.]
Carta de hermandad de la Cofradia de la Milagrosa Imagen de Nuestra Señora de Copacabana .
Carta de hermandad de l...
Cofradía de la Milagro...
En la Oficina que esta ...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library]
[Confraternities--Peru--Lima., Cofradías (Latin America), CSAIP., Broadsides, etc.--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1772.]
Mémoire sur les avantages qu'il y auroit a changer absolument la nourriture des gens de mer. /
Mémoire sur les avanta...
de l'Imprimerie de l'Ho...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)]
[Diet in disease., Diet therapy., Nutritionally induced diseases., Scurvy., Sailors--Diseases., Imprint 1772.]
Naufragio e avventure di M. Pietro Viaud, nativo di Bordeaux capitano di nave; /
Naufragio e avventure d...
Viaud, Pierre.
Per Gio Batista Stecchi...
Author (contributor)
[Laudati, Roger, Mrs., Swettenham, George., Dubois-Fontanelle, Jean Gaspard, 1727-1812.]
[Viaud, Pierre., Shipwrecks--Florida., Voyages and travels., Imprint 1772.]
Dictamen que el Illmo. y Rmo. señor D. Fr. Pedro Angel de Espiñeira, de la regular observancia de N.P.S. Francisco. : Del consejo de S.M. obispo de la Concepcion de Chile, expuso al Concilio Provincial de Lima, sobre el punto VIII. de la real cedula, ò tomo regio de 21 de agosto del año de 1769. en la congregacion pùblica, celebrada el dia 26. de febrero de 1772. /
Dictamen que el Illmo. ...
Espiñeira, Pedro Angel ...
En la Imprenta de los H...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Franciscans--Peru., Religious education--Peru., Church and state--Peru., CSAIP., Imprint 1772.]
Oracion que el señor D.D. Manuel de Alday y Aspee, del consejo de S.M. obispo de Santiago de Chile, dixo en esta Santa Iglesia Metropolitana de la Ciudad de los Reyes, : la domínica infreaoctava de la Epifanía 12 de enero de 1772. en la apertura y solemnidad con que se dió principio al Concilio Provincial, á que concurrió como uno de sus sufragáneos. Sacala a luz el D.D. Estevan Joseph Gallegos, maestre escuela de dicha Santa Iglesia Metropolitana.
Oracion que el s...
Alday y Aspee, Manuel d...
En la Imprenta que esta...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, Gallegos y Castro, José Estevan, -1787.]
[Catholic Church.--Province of Lima--History--18th century--Sources., Peru--Church history--18th century--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1772.]
Memoire a consulter, et consultation, sur plusieurs questions importantes dans une affaire pendante en l'Amirauté de Rouen. : Notamment sur la question si un capitaine-géreur, domicilié à Rouen, a pu se créer, pendant le tems par lui employé aux opérations de sa commission, un domicile en Amérique, au préjudice & en fraude de ses constituans, à l'effet de se soustraire aux juges de Rouen, juges naturels du compte qu'il doit leur rendre, & de son exécution. Et sur la question si, n'y ayant pas encore de loi qui oblige par corps un capitaine-géreur de se rendre en France lorsque ses constituans l'y rappellent, aux termes de la soumission qu'il en a prise, pour y rendre son compte & payer le reliquat, ses constituans ont fait un acte oppressif de la liberté civile, en obtenant un ordre du roi, pour, sur son refus de revenir en France, même de finir à l'amiable en Amérique, le faire revenir en France devant ses juges naturels.
Memoire a consulter, et...
Saurine, Pierre.
De l'impr de L Cellot r...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Amirauté de Rouen., Elie de Beaumont, Jean-Baptiste-Jacques, 1732-1786., Gossey, A., La Croix, Joseph-Vincent de.]
[France--Commerce--Haiti., Haiti--Commerce--France., Imprint 1772.]
Memoirs of the life of the Reverend George Whitefield, M.A. late chaplain to the Right Honourable the Countess of Huntingdon: : in which everry circumstance worthy of notice, both in his private and public character, is recorded. Faithfully selected from his original papers, journals, and letters. : Illustrated by a variety of interestinng and entertaining anecdotes, from the best authorities. : To which are added, a particular account of his death and funeral; and extracts from the sermons, which were preached on that occasion. /
Memoirs of the life of ...
Gillies, John, 1712-179...
Printed for Edward and ...
Author (contributor)
[Brown University. Library, Brown, Nicholas, 1729-1791]
[Whitefield, George,--1714-1770., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1772., Imprint 1772.]
Memoirs of the year two thousand five hundred. /
Memoirs of the year two...
Mercier, Louis-Sébastie...
Printed for G Robinson ...
Author (contributor)
Hooper, William, M.D.
Memoirs of the year two thousand five hundred. /
Memoirs of the year two...
Mercier, Louis-Sébastie...
Printed for G Robinson ...
Author (contributor)
Hooper, William, M.D.
Nachrichten von der amerikanischen Halbinsel Californien : mit einem zweyfachen Anhang falscher Nachrichten. /
Nachrichten von der ame...
Baegert, Jacob, 1717-17...
gedruckt in der Churfü...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Jesuits--Mexico--Baja California (Peninsula)., Indians of Mexico--Missions., Cochimi language., Baja California (Mexico : Peninsula)--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Cochimi language.]
L'an deux mille quatre cent quarante. : Rêve s'il fût jamais.
L'an deux mille quatre ...
Mercier, Louis-Sébastie...
François Grasset & Com...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
L'an deux mille quatre cent quarante. : Rêve s'il en fut jamais.
L'an deux mille quatre ...
Mercier, Louis-Sébastie...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Copia de carta, que con fecha de 29. de abril de 1774. /
Copia de carta, que con...
Llano Zapata, José Euse...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Catholic Church. Diocese of Panama. Bishop (1770-1776 : Ríos), Ríos, Francisco de los, 1720-1776.]
[Ávalos y Chauca, José Joaquín de., Scholars--Peru., Imprint 1774.]
Idea sucinta del probabilismo, : que contiene la historia abreviada de su origen, progresos, y decadencia: el examen criticio de las razones, que lo establecen, y un resumen de los argumentos, que lo impugnan /
Idea sucinta del probab...
Lope del Rodo, Juan.
En la Imprenta Real Cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Dussaut, Rubén J., Salas, José Perfecto de, 1714-1778., Vallejo, Pedro.]
[Probabilism., CSAIP., Imprint 1772.]
An essay on comets, in two parts. : Part I. Containing an attempt to explain the phaenomena of the tails of comets, and to account for their perpetual opposition to the sun, upon philosophical principles. Part II. Pointing out some important ends for which these tails were probably designed: wherein it is shewn, that, in consequence of these curious appendages, comets may be inhabited worlds, and even comfortable habitations; notwithstanding the vast excentricities of their orbits. The whole interspersed with observations and reflections on the sun and primary planets. /
An essay on comets, in ...
Oliver, A. 1731-1799. (...
Printed and sold by Sam...
Author (contributor)
[Brown, Moses, 1738-1836, Brown, Nicholas, 1769-1841]
[Comets., Comets--Orbits., Planets., Astronomy., Sun., Imprint 1772.]
An essay on comets, in two parts. : Part I. Containing an attempt to explain the phaenomena of the tails of comets, and to account for their perpetual opposition to the sun, upon philosophical principles. Part II. Pointing out some important ends for which these tails were probably designed: wherein it is shewn, that, in consequence of these curious appendages, comets may be inhabited worlds, and even comfortable habitations; notwithstanding the vast excentricities of their orbits. The whole interspersed with observations and reflections on the sun and primary planets. /
An essay on comets, in ...
Oliver, A. 1731-1799. (...
Printed and sold by Sam...
Author (contributor)
[Brown, Moses, 1738-1836, Brown, Nicholas, 1769-1841]
[Comets., Comets--Orbits., Planets., Astronomy., Sun., Imprint 1772.]
Frey don Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursúa, Henestrosa, Laso de la Vega, Villacís y Cordova, caballero comendador de la Bóbeda de Toro en el Orden de San Juan, teniente general de los reales exércitos de S.M., virrey, governador y capitan general del Reyno de Nueva España, Presidente de su Real Audiencia, Superintendente General de Real Hacienda y Ramo del Tabaco, juez conservador de este, presidente de su junta y subdelegado general de la Renta de Correos en el mismo reyno. : Por quanto S. M. (que Dios guarde) fue servido de expedir, dirigida á el Excmó Sr. Marquès de Croix.
Frey don Antonio Maria ...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Coinage--Law and legislation--New Spain.
El Maestro de Sagradas Ceremonias de la Santa Metropolitana Iglesia de esta Ciudad de Goathemala, : en cumplimiento del auto, que en 26. del presente mes de mayo de 1772 .
El Maestro de Sagradas ...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), American Antiquarian Society., Kurtz, Alice W.]
[Catholic Church--Liturgy., CSAIP., Broadsides, etc.--Guatemala--Guatemala., Imprint 1772.]
Signaux généraux pour l'Escadre du Roi, /
Signaux généraux pour...
Orvilliers, M. le comte...
chez Romain Malassis im...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Marine.]
[Signals and signaling--France., Naval art and science--France., Imprint 1772.]
Reglamento para el gobierno del Monte pio de viudas, y pupilos de oficiales militares de la comprehension del vireynato del Perù, : hecho en virtud de reales ordenes de S[u] M[agestad] con adaptacion del que se formò para los reynos de España en la real cèdula, dada en Aranjuez à 20. de abril de 1761. /
Reglamento para el gobi...
Peru (Viceroyalty)
En la oficina de la cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Spain. Sovereign (1759-1788 : Charles III)., Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (1761-1776 : Amat y Junient), Amat y Junient, Manuel de, 1707-1782., Charles III, King of Spain, 1716-1788.]
[Widows--Finance, Personal--Peru., Military pensions--Law and legislation--Peru., Legal assistance to families of military personnel--Peru., Military dependents--Peru., IMprint 1772.]
A list of the general and field-officers, as they rank in the Army; : of the officers in the several regiments of horse, dragoons, and foot, on the British and Irish establishments. (To which is now added, an alphabetical index)[.] The royal regiment of artillery, and corps of engineers, the Irish artillery and engineers, and the Marines. On full, and half-pay. With the dates of their commissions, as they rank in each corps and in the Army. The governors, lieutenant-governors, &c. of His Majesty's garrisons at home and abroad, with their allowances. All the officers on half-pay: and a succession of colonels, with the uniforms to each regiment, from the new order for clothing, &c. The whole complete for 1772.
A list of the general a...
Great Britain. Army.
printed for J Millan op...
Author (contributor)
Great Britain. War Office.
[Great Britain.--Army--Registers., Great Britain.--Army--Officers--Registers., Great Britain.--Royal Marines--Officers--Registers., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1770., Imprint 1772.]
Letters on certain proceedings in Parliament, during the sessions of the years 1769 and 1770. Written by John Hope, Esq. Late representative for the County of Linlithgow.
Letters on certain proc...
Hope, John, 1739-1785.
printed for J Almon
Imprint 1772.
Frey don Antonio Maria Bucareli y Ursúa, Henestrosa, Laso de la Vega, Villacís y Córdova, caballero comendador de la Bóbeda de Toro en el Orden de San Juan, teniente general de los reales exércitos de S.M., virrey, gobernador y capitan general de esta Nueva España, Presidente de su Real Audiencia, Superintendente General de Real Hacienda y Ramo del Tabaco, juez conservador de este, presidente de su junta, y subdelegado general de la Renta de Corréos en el mismo reyno. : Informado el rey, por la real junta que ha entendido en el arreglo de la nueva moneda .
Frey don Antonio Maria ...
New Spain. Viceroy (177...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929, Bucareli y Ursúa, Antonio María, frey, 1717-1779.]
[Coinage--Law and legislation--New Spain., Coinage ǂz New Spain ǂx History ǂy 18th century ǂv Sources., Imprint 1772.]
God's protecting providence, man's surest help and defence, in times of greatest difficulty, and most eminent danger, evidenced in the remarkable deliverance of Robert Barrow, with divers other persons, from ... the inhuman canibals [sic] of Florida. Faithfully related by one of the persons concern'd therein, Jonathan Dickenson.
God's protecting provid...
Dickinson, Jonathan, 16...
printed and sold by Mar...
Ordenanza de S.M. para el servicio del Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Marina en los departamentos, y a bordo de los navios de guerra.
Ordenanza de S.M. para ...
En la Oficina de Pedro ...
Author (contributor)
Spain. Sovereign (1759-1788 : Charles III)
[Spain.--Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Marina--Regulations., Marine engineers--Spain--Law and legislation., Imprint 1772.]
The plan of a society for making provision for widows, by annuities for the remainder of life; : and for granting annuities to persons after certain ages, with the proper tables for calculating what must be paid by the several members, in order to secure the said advantages. /
The plan of a society f...
Gordon, William, 1728-1...
Sold by Joseph Edwards ...
[Old age pensions., Annuities.]
Papel dirigido al concilio provincial Limense /
Papel dirigido al conci...
Marimón, Juan de.
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Durán, José Miguel.]
[Theology--Study and teaching--Peru., Imprint 1772.]
Coleccion de las aplicaciones que se van haciendo de los bienes, casas, y colegios que fueron de los regulares de la Compañia de Jesus, expatriados de estos reales dominios. : Siguiendo en todo lo adaptable las reglas que prescribe la real cèdula dada en Madrid à 9. de julio de 1769.
Coleccion de las aplica...
En la oficina de la cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Convento Grande de Santo Domingo (Santiago, Chile)., Montt, Luis, 1848-1909]
[Jesuits--Spain--History--18th century., Jesuits--Peru--History--18th century., Education--Peru--18th century--History--Sources., Universities and colleges--Peru--Lima--History--18th century--Sources., Imprint 1772., Imprint 1773.]
Coleccion de las aplicaciones que se van haciendo de los bienes, casas, y colegios que fueron de los regulares de la Compañia de Jesus, expatriados de estos reales dominios. : Siguiendo en todo lo adaptable las reglas que prescribe la real cèdula dada en Madrid à 9. de julio de 1769.
Coleccion de las aplica...
En la oficina de la cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Convento Grande de Santo Domingo (Santiago, Chile)., Montt, Luis, 1848-1909]
[Jesuits--Spain--History--18th century., Jesuits--Peru--History--18th century., Education--Peru--18th century--History--Sources., Universities and colleges--Peru--Lima--History--18th century--Sources., Imprint 1772., Imprint 1773.]
Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate du roi la Boudeuse, et la flute l'Étoile, : en 1766, 1767, 1768 & 1769.
Voyage autour du monde,...
Bougainville, Louis-Ant...
De l'Imprimerie de la S...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Boudeuse (Frigate), Etoile (Ship), Voyages around the world., Tahitian language--Vocabulary., Oceania--Description and travel., Imprint 1772.]
Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate du roi la Boudeuse, et la flute l'Étoile, : en 1766, 1767, 1768 & 1769.
Voyage autour du monde,...
Bougainville, Louis-Ant...
De l'Imprimerie de la S...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Boudeuse (Frigate), Etoile (Ship), Voyages around the world., Tahitian language--Vocabulary., Oceania--Description and travel., Imprint 1772.]
L'an deux mille quatre cent quarante. : Rêve s'il en fût jamais.
L'an deux mille quatre ...
Mercier, Louis-Sébastie...
E van Harrevelt
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Letters concerning the present state of England. Particularly respecting the politics, arts, manners, and literature of the times.
Letters concerning the ...
printed for J Almon
Imprint 1772.
Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, /
Leben des Herrn Nicolau...
Spangenberg, August Got...
zu finden in den Brüde...
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760--Bibliography., Moravians.]
Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, /
Leben des Herrn Nicolau...
Spangenberg, August Got...
zu finden in den Brüde...
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760--Bibliography., Moravians.]
Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, /
Leben des Herrn Nicolau...
Spangenberg, August Got...
zu finden in den Brüde...
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760--Bibliography., Moravians.]
Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, /
Leben des Herrn Nicolau...
Spangenberg, August Got...
zu finden in den Brüde...
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760--Bibliography., Moravians.]
Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, /
Leben des Herrn Nicolau...
Spangenberg, August Got...
zu finden in den Brüde...
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760--Bibliography., Moravians.]
Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, /
Leben des Herrn Nicolau...
Spangenberg, August Got...
zu finden in den Brüde...
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760--Bibliography., Moravians.]
Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, /
Leben des Herrn Nicolau...
Spangenberg, August Got...
zu finden in den Brüde...
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760--Bibliography., Moravians.]
Leben des Herrn Nicolaus Ludwig Grafen und Herrn von Zinzendorf und Pottendorf, /
Leben des Herrn Nicolau...
Spangenberg, August Got...
zu finden in den Brüde...
[Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760., Zinzendorf, Nicolaus Ludwig,--Graf von,--1700-1760--Bibliography., Moravians.]
Histoire philosophique et politique des établissemens & du commerce des Européens dans les deux Indes. Tome premier [-sixième]
Histoire philosophique ...
Raynal, abbé 1713-1796....
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Colonization--History., Commerce--History., East Indies., America--Discovery and exploration.]
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