Who What Where When



  1. 1751


  1. [D. Henry, and R. Cave] (1)
  2. [E. Cave] (1)
  3. [Francisco da Silva] (1)
  4. [J. Newbery] (1)
  5. [Widow of Abram Vandenhoe … (2)
  6. Alvarenga, Manuel José C … (1)
  7. Après de Mannevillette, J … (1)
  8. Arndt, Johann, 1555-1621. (1)
  9. Arze y Miranda, Andrés de … (1)
  10. Bartram, John, 1699-1777. (1)
  11. Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, … (12)
  12. Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766. (2)
  13. Bory, Gabriel de, 1720-18 … (1)
  14. Bosman, Willem. (2)
  15. Bouguer, M. 1698-1758. (P … (1)
  16. Brentano, Carolo, 1674-ap … (1)
  17. Bromsen, Maury A. (1)
  18. Brot, Paul (1)
  19. Brot, Paul. (1)
  20. Catholic Church. Pope (17 … (1)
  21. Cigni, Dominicus (1)
  22. Cigni, Julio Cesare (1)
  23. Colegio de Propaganda Fid … (1)
  24. Colegio del Espíritu San … (1)
  25. Convento de San Antonio d … (1)
  26. Convento do Carmo (Lisbon … (1)
  27. Crespel, Emmanuel. (1)
  28. Cruz Joaquim Ignacio da. (1)
  29. Debrie, Gabriel François … (1)
  30. Dickinson, Moses, 1695-17 … (1)
  31. Diéreville. (1)
  32. Duplessis, Marie-Andrée, … (1)
  33. Díaz Cueva, Miguel. (1)
  34. Emanuel Bowen (1)
  35. Ericeira, Luís de Menese … (4)
  36. Fabre, André Vincens (1)
  37. Fabre, André Vincens. (1)
  38. Fleuriau, Bertrand Gabrie … (1)
  39. Franklin, Benjamin, 1706- … (2)
  40. French Americana Digitiza … (9)
  41. Gabbani, Roberto. (1)
  42. German Americana Digitiza … (8)
  43. Gordon, George. (2)
  44. Granger, -1737. (1)
  45. Guerra, Miguel de la, act … (1)
  46. Haiti Digitization Projec … (1)
  47. Hobart, Noah, 1706-1773. (1)
  48. Indigenous Languages Digi … (1)
  49. Ioa. Petroschi caracteres … (1)
  50. John IV, King of Portugal … (1)
  51. Joseph, King of Portugal, … (7)
  52. Juchereau, Jeanne-Françoi … (1)
  53. Lelarge de Lignac, Joseph … (2)
  54. León, Nicolás, 1859-1929 (3)
  55. Malpica Diosdado, José Fr … (1)
  56. Manso de Velasco, José A. … (1)
  57. Manuel, de Monforte, -171 … (1)
  58. Martine, George, 1702-174 … (1)
  59. Mascarenhas, Inácio Manue … (1)
  60. Mascarenhas, José Freire … (1)
  61. Mascarenhas, José Freire … (2)
  62. Na Officina de Francisco … (1)
  63. Niels Hansen Møller (18)
  64. Oronsoro, Jose de. (1)
  65. Pascal (Lawyer) (1)
  66. Pascal, avocat (1)
  67. Patoun, Archibald. (1)
  68. Peru Digitization Project … (1)
  69. Pimentel, Thomas, active … (1)
  70. Pinho Junior, Antonio Jos … (4)
  71. Plymouth Company (1749-18 … (1)
  72. Portugal and Brazil Digi … (22)
  73. Portugal. (8)
  74. Portugal. Sovereign (1640 … (1)
  75. Portugal. Sovereign (1750 … (8)
  76. Printed and sold by E. Ca … (1)
  77. Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 155 … (2)
  78. Rodrigo de Jesús Sacramen … (1)
  79. Roman (Lawyer) (1)
  80. Roman, avocat (1)
  81. Salgado, Matias António, … (2)
  82. Sansevero, Raimondo di Sa … (1)
  83. Santana, José Pereira de … (1)
  84. Santana, José Pereira de, … (1)
  85. Schreger, Odilo, 1697-177 … (1)
  86. Schwäbische Gmünd (Germ … (1)
  87. Serpa, José de Oliveira. (1)
  88. Short, Thomas, 1690?-1772 … (1)
  89. Smith, William, surveyor. (2)
  90. Society for Promoting Chr … (1)
  91. Sola y Fuente, Geronymo. (1)
  92. Sower, Christopher, 1721- … (1)
  93. Spanish America Digitizat … (4)
  94. Stake, Eduard. (1)
  95. Sulpician Seminary (Paris … (1)
  96. T. Jefferys (1)
  97. Thomas von Imbroich, 1533 … (1)
  98. Varenius, August, 1620-16 … (1)
  99. Verlegts Abram Vandenhoek … (1)
  100. Weissbach, Christian, 168 … (1)
  101. Wilson, John, late inspec … (1)
  102. Wilson, Thomas, 1663-1755 … (1)

Browse All : Images from 1751

51-80 of 80
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Eu Elrei. Faço saber aos que este meu alvará em fórma de lei virem, que sendo-me presente em consulta do meu Conselho Ultramarino a grande desordem, com que no Brasil se estaõ extrahindo, e passando negros para os dominios, que me naõ pertencem
Eu Elrei. Faço saber a...
Chancellaria Mór da Co...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Slave trade., Law--Brazil., CPJCB., Broadsides, etc.--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1751.]
Eu el Rei faço saber aos que este meu Alvará virem, que por desejar, que as pessoas, que se alistarem nas companhias dos soldados auxiliares
Eu el Rei faço saber a...
Na Officna de Antonio R...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1640-1656 : John IV)., Bromsen, Maury A., John IV, King of Portugal, 1604-1656.]
[Military privileges and immunities--Portugal., Military privileges and immunities--Portugal--Colonies., Portugal--Armed Forces--Officers., Portugal--Colonies--Armed Forces--Officers., Imprint 1651.]
A patent for Plymouth in New-England. To which is annexed, extracts from the records of that colony, &c. &c.
A patent for Plymouth i...
Plymouth Company (1749-...
Printed by John Draper
Imprint 1751.
Eine nützliche Anweisung oder Beyhülfe vor die Teutschen um Englisch zu lernen: : wie es vor Neu-Ankommende und andere im Land gebohrne Land- und Handwercks-Leute, welche der Englischen Sprache erfahrne und geübte Schulmeister und Preceptores ermangelen, vor das bequemste erachtet worden; mit ihrer gewöhnlichen Arbeit und Werckzeug erläutert. Nebst einer Grammatic, vor diejenigen, welche in andern Sprachen und deren Fundamenten erfahren sind.
Eine nützliche Anweisu...
Gedruckt und zu finden ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sower, Christopher, 1721-1784.]
[English language--Textbooks for foreign speakers--German., English language--Grammar., Imprint 1751.]
El cielo venido a nuestras manos por las de Ignacio, y su compañia. : Panegyrico del glorioso patriarcha San Ignacio de Loyola, fundador de la Compañia de Jesus, predicado en su dia 31. de julio de 1751. en la Iglesia del Colegio del Espiritu Santo, en que celebró missa de pontifical el Illmo. Sr. Dr. D. Miguel Anselmo Alvarez de Abreu, y Valdes, obispo de Cisamo, y auxiliar del obispado de la Puebla, /
El cielo venido a nuest...
Arze y Miranda, Andrés ...
por la viuda de D Josep...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Colegio del Espíritu Santo (Puebla de Zaragoza, Mexico), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[Ignatius,--of Loyola, Saint,--1491-1556--Sermons., Marca de fuego., Sermons--Mexico--Puebla de Zargoza., Imprint 1751.]
Novo regimento da alfandega do tabaco.
Novo regimento da alfan...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Tobacco--Law and legislation--Brazil., Imprint 1751.]
The works of Sir Walter Ralegh, k[nigh]t.political, commercial, and philosophical; : together with his letters and poems. The whole never before collected together, and some never yet printed. To which is prefix'd, a new account of his life /
The works of Sir Walter...
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1...
Printed for R Dodsley a...
Author (contributor)
[Gordon, George., Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766.]
[Raleigh, Walter,--Sir,--1552?-1618., Raleigh, Walter,--Sir,--1552?-1618--Biography., Maxims., Political science., Conduct of life., Guyana--Discovery and exploration., Great Britain--Foreign relations--1558-1603., Great Britain--Politics and government--1558-1603., Imprint 1751.]
The works of Sir Walter Ralegh, k[nigh]t.political, commercial, and philosophical; : together with his letters and poems. The whole never before collected together, and some never yet printed. To which is prefix'd, a new account of his life /
The works of Sir Walter...
Raleigh, Walter, Sir, 1...
Printed for R Dodsley a...
Author (contributor)
[Gordon, George., Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766.]
[Raleigh, Walter,--Sir,--1552?-1618., Raleigh, Walter,--Sir,--1552?-1618--Biography., Maxims., Political science., Conduct of life., Guyana--Discovery and exploration., Great Britain--Foreign relations--1558-1603., Great Britain--Politics and government--1558-1603., Imprint 1751.]
Some considerations on The case stated, between the publick and the South-Sea Company. In a letter address'd to the author.
Some considerations on ...
printed by H Woodfall
Studiosus jovialis, seu auxilia ad jocosè et honestè discurrendum.  : In gratiam & usum studiosorum juvenum, aliorúmque litteratorum virorum, honestae recreationis amantium, collecta.  /
Studiosus jovialis, seu...
Schreger, Odilo, 1697-1...
Sumptibus Joannis Gastl...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Schwäbische Gmünd (Germany). Capuchin monastery.]
[Commonplace books., Imprint 1751.]
Oraçaõ funebre nas exequias do fidelissimo rey, e senhor D. Joao V. celebradas pelo senado da Camara da Villa de S. João de ElRey, nas Minas Geraes da America Portugueza: : dedicada à augusta magestade da rainha fidelissima D. Marianna de Austria N. S. /
Oraçaõ funebre nas ex...
Salgado, Matias Antóni...
Na Officina de Franscis...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[John--V,--King of Portugal,--1689-1750., CPJCB., Sermons--Brazil--Minas Gerais., Imprint 1751.]
Oraçaõ funebre, panegyrica, e historica nas reaes exequias, que celebraram os irmãos da veneravel Irmandade do Principe dos Apostolos S. Pedro, da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. : À instancia do excellentissimo, e reverendissimo senhor D. Fr. Antonio do Desterro, bispo da mesma cidade, seu perpetuo proctetor; ... Recitada e offerecida a elrey nosso senhor D. Joseph I. /
Oraçaõ funebre, paneg...
Mascarenhas, Inácio Man...
Na Officina dos Herd de...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Desterro, António Malheyro do,--1694-1773., CPJCB., Sermons--Brazil--Rio de Janeiro., Imprint 1751.]
Decreto sobre os direitos, que deve pagar o assucar nas alfandegas deste reino. : De 27 de Janeiro de 1751.
Decreto sobre os direit...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Tobacco--Law and legislation--Brazil., Sugar laws and legislation--Brazil., CPJCB., Imprint 1751.]
Nouveau voyage de Guinée, : contenant une description exacte des coûtumes, des manieres, du terrain, du climat, des habillemens, des bâtimens, de l'education, des arts manuels, de l'agriculture, du commerce, des emplois, des langages, des rangs de distinction, des habitations, des divertissemens, des mariages, & généralement de tout ce qu'ils y a de remarquable parmi les habitans, &c.. /
Nouveau voyage de Guine...
Smith, William, surveyo...
Chez Durand rue S Jacqu...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bosman, Willem.]
[Africa, West--Description and travel., Guinea--Description and travel., Imprint 1751.]
Nouveau voyage de Guinée, : contenant une description exacte des coûtumes, des manieres, du terrain, du climat, des habillemens, des bâtimens, de l'education, des arts manuels, de l'agriculture, du commerce, des emplois, des langages, des rangs de distinction, des habitations, des divertissemens, des mariages, & généralement de tout ce qu'ils y a de remarquable parmi les habitans, &c.. /
Nouveau voyage de Guine...
Smith, William, surveyo...
Chez Durand rue S Jacqu...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bosman, Willem.]
[Africa, West--Description and travel., Guinea--Description and travel., Imprint 1751.]
Medicina Britannica: or A treatise on such physical plants, as are generally to be found in the fields or gardens in Great-Britain: containing a particular account of their nature, virtues, and uses. Together with the observations of the most learned physicians, as well ancient as modern, communicated to the late ingenious Mr. Ray, and the learned Dr. Sim. Pauli. Adapted more especially to the occasions of those, whose condition or situation of life deprives them, in a great measure, of the helps of the learned. By Tho. Short, of Sheffield, M.D. To which is added, an appendix: containing the true preparation, preservation, uses and doses of most forms of remedies necessary for private families. With a preface by Mr. John Bartram, botanist of Pennsylvania, and his notes throughout the work, shewing the places where many of the described plants are to be found in these parts of America, their differences in name, appearance and virtue, from those of the same kind in Europe; and an appendix, containing a description of a number of plants peculiar to America, their uses, virtues, &c.
Medicina Britannica: or...
Short, Thomas, 1690?-17...
London printed Philadel...
Author (contributor)
Bartram, John, 1699-1777.
Monumento do agradecimento, tributo da veneraçam, obelisco funeral do obsequio, relaçam fiel das reaes exequias, que á defunta Magestade do fidelissimo e augustissimo rey o senhor D. Joaõ V. : Dedicou o doutor Mathias Antonio Salgado vigario collado da matriz de N[ossa] Senhora do Pillar da villa de S. Joaõ del Rey[.] Offerecida ao muito alto, e poderoso Rey D. Joseph I. Nosso Senhor.
Monumento do agradecime...
Salgado, Matias Antóni...
Na Officina de Francisc...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Debrie, Gabriel François Louis, active 1733-1754., Alvarenga, Manuel José Correa e, 1717-]
[John--V,--King of Portugal,--1689-1750--Death and burial., Funeral rites and ceremonies--Portugal., Funeral rites and ceremonies--Brazil--Minas Gerais., Imprint 1751.]
Lettres a un Amériquain, : sur l'Histoire naturelle de M. de Buffon, & sur les Observations microscopiques de M. Needham. Quatrieme [-Neuviéme] partie.
Lettres a un Amériquai...
Lelarge de Lignac, Jose...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Lelarge de Lignac, Joseph Adrien, 1710-1762.]
[Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc,--comte de,--1707-1788.--Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière., Needham, John Turberville,--1713-1781.--Observations microscopiques., Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de,--1714-1780.--Traité des animaux., Natural history--History and criticism.]
Lettres a un Amériquain, : sur l'Histoire naturelle de M. de Buffon, & sur les Observations microscopiques de M. Needham. Quatrieme [-Neuviéme] partie.
Lettres a un Amériquai...
Lelarge de Lignac, Jose...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Lelarge de Lignac, Joseph Adrien, 1710-1762.]
[Buffon, Georges Louis Leclerc,--comte de,--1707-1788.--Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière., Needham, John Turberville,--1713-1781.--Observations microscopiques., Condillac, Etienne Bonnot de,--1714-1780.--Traité des animaux., Natural history--History and criticism.]
La vie du vénérable père Pierre Claver, de la Compagnie de Jesus, apôtre de Cartagene et des Indes occidentales. /
La vie du vénérable p...
Fleuriau, Bertrand Gabr...
Chez Bordelet rue saint...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sulpician Seminary (Paris, France}. former owner., Catholic Church. Pope (1740-1758 : Benedict XIV).]
[Claver, Pedro,--Saint,--1580-1654., Jesuits--Biography., Jesuits--Missions--Colombia., Jesuits--Missions--Latin America., Christian saints--Biography., Christian saints--Colombia--Biography., Christian saints--Latin America--Biography., Imprint 29637.]
Chronica da provincia da Piedade, : primeira capucha de toda a ordem, e regular observancia de nosso serafico padre S. Francisco, dedicada na primeira impressão ao serenissimo senhor dom João, principe de Portugal, e duque da real casa de Bragança. /
Chronica da provincia d...
Manuel, de Monforte, -1...
Na officina de Miguel M...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Capuchins.--Província Nossa Senhora da Piedade--History., Capuchins--Portugal--History., Capuchins--Brazil--History., Capuchins--Missions--South America., Imprint 1751.]
Des ehrwürdigen Pater Emanuel Crespels Merkwürdige Reisen nach Canada, daselbst gehabte Begebenheiten, und erlittener Schifbruch bey seiner Heimreise nach Franckreich; /
Des ehrwürdigen Pater ...
Crespel, Emmanuel.
bey Georg Peter Monath
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Recollets (Franciscan), Shipwrecks., Canada--Description and travel., Anticosti Island (Québec)]
Warhaffte und gründliche cur aller dem menschlichen Leibe zustossenden Kranckheiten, : nach der Vernünfftigen und unverrückten Methode der Natur, samt einem Physico-moralischen Vorbericht von dem menschlichen Leibe, und der darinn würckenden Seele entworffen und mit vielen Medicamentis specificis versehen, /
Warhaffte und gründlic...
Weissbach, Christian, 1...
Zu finden bt Johann Dan...
Author (contributor)
Stake, Eduard.
[Pharmacopoeias--Germany., Sassafras., Imprint 1751., Materia medica, Vegetable., Medicine--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions., Syphilis., Tobacco., Balsam poplar., Jalap., Guaiac., Sarsaparilla.]
Histoire de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Quebec.
Histoire de l'Hôtel-Di...
Juchereau, Jeanne-Franç...
Chez Jerosme Legier Et ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Duplessis, Marie-Andrée, 1687-1760.]
[Hôtel-Dieu de Québec., Canada--History--To 1763 (New France), Imprint 1751., Imprint 1752.]
Description et usage d'un nouvel instrument pour observer la latitude sur mer, appellé: le nouveau quartier anglois. /
Description et usage d'...
Après de Mannevillette,...
Chez Hippolyte-Louis Gu...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Gabbani, Roberto., Bory, Gabriel de, 1720-1801.]
[Quadrants (Astronomical instruments), Naval art and science., Aids to navigation., Navigation--Handbooks, manuals, etc., Catalogs, Booksellers'--France--1751., Imprint 1751.]
Lettera apologetica dell'Esercitato accademico della Crusca : contenente la difesa del libro intitolato Lettere d'una peruana per rispetto alla supposizione de'quipu scritta alla duchessa di S**** e dalla medesima fatta pubblicare.
Lettera apologetica del...
Sansevero, Raimondo di ...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Grafigny,--Mme de--(Françoise d'Issembourg d'Happoncourt),--1695-1758.--Lettres d'une Péruvienne., Quipu., Indian linguistics--Quechua language., Imprint 1751.]
Dissertaçaõ apologetica, historica, liturgica, dogmatica, e politica, : publicada para intelligencia, e segura observancia das primeiras leys municipaes da nossa provincia Carmelitana portugueza; e das outras, que nos dominios desta coroa se fundáraõ. Comprehende huma grande parte da historia ecclesiastica, de cujas especiaes noticias se pódem utilizar, naõ so os Carmelitas, mas geralmente todos, os que se empregaõ no sagrado ministerio do culto divino. /
Dissertaçaõ apologeti...
Santana, José Pereira d...
Na officina dos herdeir...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Convento do Carmo (Lisbon, Portugal), Santana, José Pereira de, 1696-1759.]
[Carmelites--History--Portugal., Carmelites--History--Brazil., Carmelites--Missions--Brazil., Imprint 1751.]
The knowlege [sic] and practice of Christianity made easy to the meanest capacities: or, An essay towards an instruction for the Indians; ... /
The knowlege [sic] and ...
Wilson, Thomas, 1663-17...
printed and sold by J O...
Author (contributor)
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge (Great Britain)
[Church of England--Catechisms., Catechisms, English.]
Essais sur la construction et comparaison des thermometres, : sur la communication de la chaleur, & sur les différens degrés de la chaleur des corps. /
Essais sur la construct...
Martine, George, 1702-1...
Chez Durand rue S Jacqu...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Temperature measurements., Heat--Conduction., Temperature measurements--History., Imprint 1751.]
Des hocherleuchteten Theologi, Herrn Johann Arndts, weiland General-Superintendenten des Fürstenthums Lüneburg, &c. Sämtliche sechs geistreiche Bücher vom wahren Christenthum, : das ist: Von heilsamer Busse, hertzlicher Reue und Leid über die Sünde, wahrem Glauben, auch heiligem Leben und Wandel der rechten wahren Christen.
Des hocherleuchteten Th...
Arndt, Johann, 1555-162...
gedruckt und verlegt be...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Varenius, August, 1620-1684.]
[Arndt, Johann,--1555-1621.--Biography., Christianity., Christian life.]
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