Browse All : Images from 1696

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Mare del Sud detto altrimenti Mare Pacifico
Mare del Sud detto altr...
Western hemisphere
Map title
Mare del Sud detto altrimenti Mare Pacifico
Vincenzo Maria Coronelli
Recentissima novi orbis, Sive Americae septentrionalis et meridionalis tabula
Recentissima novi orbis...
Western hemisphere
Map title
Recentissima novi orbis, Sive Americae septentrionalis et meridionalis tabula
[Gilliam van der Gouwen, Phillip Tideman]
Le Canada ou partie de la Nouvelle France
Le Canada ou partie de ...
North America
Map title
Le Canada ou partie de la Nouvelle France
Alexis-Hubert Jaillot
The principall islands in America belonging to the English Empire viz Iamaica, Barbados, Antegoa, St. Christophers, & Bermudos
The principall islands ...
Map title
The principall islands in America belonging to the English Empire viz Iamaica, Barbados, Antegoa, St. Christophers, & Bermudos
L'Amerique Meridionale Divisée en ses Principales Parties ou sont distingués les uns des autres Les Estats suivant quils appartiennent présentement aux François, Castillans, Portugais, Hollandois, &c. Tiré de toutes les Relations qui ont paru jusques a present: Par le Sr. Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy. Presentée a Monseigneur le Dauphin
L'Amerique Meridionale ...
South America
Map title
L'Amerique Meridionale Divisée en ses Principales Parties ou sont distingués les uns des autres Les Estats suivant quils appartiennent présentement aux François, Castillans, Portugais, Hollandois, &c. Tiré de toutes les Relations qui ont paru jusques a present: Par le Sr. Sanson, Geographe Ordinaire du Roy. Presentée a Monseigneur le Dauphin
Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712
Constitutions agreed upon by the committee of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. : Edinburgh, 13 April 1696..
Constitutions agreed up...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Imprint 1696., Trading companies--Scotland., Broadsides, etc.--Scotland--Edinburgh., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
Constitutions of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies..
Constitutions of the Co...
Company of Scotland Tra...
G Mosman?
Author (contributor)
Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony), Imprint 1696.]
Los hercules seraphicos. : Excellentissimos señores Condes de Chinchon; patronos de toda la orden de S. Francisco. Sermon que en el convento de Victoria, en las exequias, que todos los capitulos generales, la orden de S. Francisco hazerlos acostumbra; concluyendo la funcion con la celebracion de sus honras. /
Los hercules seraphicos...
Avila, Juan de, active ...
Por doña Maria de Bena...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Franciscans., Nobility--Spain--Sermons., Sermons--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1696.]
Lutheri Catechismus, /
Lutheri Catechismus, /
Luther, Martin, 1483-15...
tryckt vthi thet af Kon...
Author (contributor)
[German Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Campanius, Johannes, Holmiensis, 1601-1683.]
[Lutheran Church--Catechisms--Delaware., Indian linguistics--Delaware language., Indian linguistics--Mohawk language., Imprint 1696.]
Biblia ectypa minora, veteris testamenti historias sacras et res maximi momenti exhibentia, /
Biblia ectypa minora, v...
Weigel, Christoph, 1654...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Binney, William, junior. former owner., Saviotti, Damiano. former owner.]
[Bible Picture Bibles., Imprint 1696.]
A perfect list of the several persons residenters in Scotland, who have subscribed as adventurers in the joynt-stock of the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. : Together with the respective sums which they have severally subscribed in the books of the said company, amounting in the whole to the sum of 400000 lib. sterling..
A perfect list of the s...
Company of Scotland Tra...
Printed and sold by the...
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies--Registers., Imprint 1696., Trading companies--Scotland--Registers., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1696., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
At Edinburgh, the 15 of June, 1696. : The council general of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies: do not appoint and ordain, that the manner of transferring and alienating the joynt-stock, or capital-fund of this company, shall be an entry in some one or other of the books of the company ...
At Edinburgh, the 15 of...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Mackenzie, Roderick, Esq.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies--Finance., Imprint 1696., Trading companies--Scotland., Broadsides, etc.--Scotland--Edinburgh., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
At Edinburgh, the 9th day of July, 1696. : Whereas the books of subscription to the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies, have continued open at Edinburgh for the twenty sixth day of February last, to this instant; ...
At Edinburgh, the 9th d...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Mackenzie, Roderick, Esq.]
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies--Finance., Imprint 1696., Trading companies--Scotland., Broadsides, etc.--Scotland--Edinburgh., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
Annales mundi, : sive Chronicon universale secundum optimas chronologorum epochas ab orbe condito ad annum Christi, millesimum sexcentesimum sexagesimum perductum. /
Annales mundi, : sive C...
Briet, Philip, 1601-166...
Sumptibus Joannis Caspa...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Homer, Jonathan, 1759-1843, former owner., Freschot, Casimir, -1720.]
[Bible. Old Testament Chronology., History, Ancient., World history., Chronology, Historical., America--Discovery and exploration., Imprint 1696.]
Angelographia, or A discourse concerning the nature and power of the holy angels, and the great benefit which the true fearers of God receive by their ministry: delivered in several sermons. : To which is added, a sermon concerning the sin and misery of the fallen angels: also A disquisition concerning angelical-apparitions. /
Angelographia, or A dis...
Mather, Increase, 1639-...
Printed by B Green & J ...
Author (contributor)
White, Robert, 1645-1703.
[Angels., Demonology., Apparitions., Sermons--Massachusetts., Imprint 1696.]
Act for a company tradeing to Affrica, and the Indies. June 26. 1695..
Act for a company trade...
Printed by the heirs an...
Author (contributor)
Scotland. Parliament.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Imprint 1696., Trading companies--Scotland., Trading companies--Law and legislation., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
A letter from a gentleman in the country to his friend at Edinburgh: : wherein it is clearly proved, that the Scottish African, and Indian company, is exactly calculated for the interest of Scotland..
A letter from a gentlem...
Printed by George Mosma...
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony), Imprint 1696.]
Gerhard Croesens Quaker-Historie, von deren Ursprung, biss auf jüngsthin entstandene Trennung; darinnen vornemlich von den Hauptstiftern dieser Secte, derselben Lehrsätzen, und anderen ihres gleichen zu dieser Zeit aufgebrachten Lehren, erzehlet wird.
Gerhard Croesens Quaker...
Croese, Gerardus, 1642-...
bey Johann Michael Rüd...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
Sermon panegirico moral, que en la fiesta annual, que acostumbra celebrar el convento de religiosos predicadores de Santo Domingo de Zacatecas en el dia de su santo patriarcha. /
Sermon panegirico moral...
Castro, José de, -1711.
Por doña Maria de Bena...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Dominic,--Saint,--1170-1221--Sermons., Sermons--Mexico--Zacatecas., Imprint 1711.]
Sermam segundo da gloriosissima virgem Maria N.S. com o titulo da Divina Providencia, : prégado na sua mesma casa, estando exposto o santissimo sacramento, /
Sermam segundo da glori...
Bequeman, Thomás, 1660-...
Na Officina de Miguel D...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Mary,--Blessed Virgin, Saint--Sermons., Sermons--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1696.]
Sermoens do P. Antonio Vieyra, da Companhia de Jesu, prègador de Sua Magestade. Undecima parte,
Sermoens do P. Antonio ...
Vieira, António, 1608-1...
Na officina de Miguel D...
[CPJCB., Sermons--Brazil--Bahia (State), Imprint 1696.]
Sermon de la purissima concepcion de Maria /
Sermon de la purissima ...
Quesada y Sotomayor, Gr...
En la Imprenta de Josep...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Consulado de Lima (Peru)]
[Immaculate Conception., CSAIP., Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1696.]
Edinburgh the 20 of May 1696. : At a court of Directors of the Company of Scotland, trading to Africa and the Indies..
Edinburgh the 20 of May...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Mackenzie, Roderick, Esq.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Imprint 1696., Trading companies--Scotland., Broadsides, etc.--Scotland--Edinburgh., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
Ein Brieff von dem glücklichen Fortgang des Evangelii bey den West-Indianern in Neu-Engeland an den berühmten Herrn Johann Leusden, : der H. Sprache Professor auff der hohen Schule zu Utrecht geschrieben /
Ein Brieff von dem glü...
Mather, Increase, 1639-...
Gedruckt bey Christoph ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Leusden, Johannes, 1624-1699.]
[Conversion--Christianity., Indians of North America--Missions--Massachusetts., New England--Church history., Imprint 1696.]
Some seasonable and modest thoughts, partly occasioned by, and partly concerning the Scots East-India Company. : Humbly offered to R.H. Esq; a member of the present Parliament. /
Some seasonable and mod...
C. K., Unfeigned and he...
publisher not identifie...
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Imprint 1696., Plantations--America., Foreign trade regulation--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
RR. PP. Antonii Sepp, und Antonii Böhm, der Societät Jesu Priestern teutscher Nation, deren der erste aus Tyrol an der Etsch, der ander aus Bayrn gebürtig, Reissbeschreibung wie dieselbe aus Hispanien in Paraquariam kommen. : Und kurtzer Bericht der denckwürdigsten Sachen selbiger Landschafft, Völckern, und Arbeitung der sich alldort befindenten PP Missionariorum. /
RR. PP. Antonii Sepp, u...
Sepp, Antonio, 1655-173...
in Verlegung Joh Hoffma...
Author (contributor)
[German Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sepp von Rechegg, Gabriel., Böhm, Anton Wilhelm, 1673-1722.]
[Jesuits--Missions--Paraguay., Guarani Indians., Guarani Indians--Missions., Guarani language--Texts., Indians of South America--Paraguay., Indians of South America--Missions--Paraguay., Indian linguistics--Guarani language., Imprint 1696.]
Oracion funebre en las annuales honras, que por mandado, y reales expensas de nuestro catholico rey, y señor Carlos II. Se celebraron en las casa professa de la Compañia de Jesus de Mexico, por los soldados, que han muerto en defensa de las catholicas armas de España. /
Oracion funebre en las ...
Martínez de la Parra, J...
Por Juan Joseph Guillen...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Brizuela, Juan Joseph de, active 1696., León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[Funeral sermons--Mexico--17th century., Soldiers--Spain--Sermons., Spain--History--Charles II, 1665-1700., Sermons--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1696.]
A list of the subscribers to the Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies. : Taken in Edinburgh, &c. until the 21 of April inclusive 1696..
A list of the subscribe...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies--Registers., Trading companies--Scotland--Registers., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony), Imprint 1696.]
A letter from a member of the parliament of Scotland to his friend at London, : concerning their late act, for establishing a company of that kingdom, tradeing to Africa and the Indies..
A letter from a member ...
Printed at London and r...
Author (contributor)
Verax, Philanax.
[Scotland.--Act for a company trading to Africa and the Indies, New Caledonia (Colony), Imprint 1696., Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Trading companies--Law and legislation., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland.]
A letter to a member of Parliament concerning the Bank of Scotland and the lowering of interest of money..
A letter to a member of...
Printed by John Reid an...
Author (contributor)
Bank of Scotland.
[Bank of Scotland., Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Interest rates--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony), Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., Scotland--Economic conditions--17th century., Imprint 1696.]
G[odofredi] G[uilielmi] L[eibnitii] Relatio ad inclytam Societatem Leopoldinam Naturae Curiosorum, de novo antidysenterico Americano magnis successibus comprobato.
G[odofredi] G[uilielmi]...
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilh...
Sumptibus Gothofredi Fr...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Brown, John Nicholas, 1900-1979, former owner.]
[Dysentery., Ipecac (Drug), Medicinal plants., Imprint 1696.]
Dilucidationes quaedam valde necessariae in Gerardi CroesI Historiam Quakerianam /
Dilucidationes quaedam ...
Kohlhans, Tobias Ludwig...
Typis impressae pro Jac...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sewel, William, 1653-1720.]
[Croese, Gerardus,--1642-1710.--Historia Quakeriana., Imprint 1696., Penn, William,--1644-1718., Society of Friends--Controversial literature., Society of Friends--Pennsylvania., Society of Friends--New York (State)., Society of Friends--New England., Quakers--Pennsylvania., Quakers--New York (State)., Quakers--New England.]
Edinburgh the 12 of May 1696. : At a general meeting of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies. The viscount of Tarbat chosen praeses.
Edinburgh the 12 of May...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony), Imprint 1696.]
A short discourse on the present temper of the nation with respect to the Indian and African company; and of the Bank of Scotland. : Also, of Mr. Paterson's pretended fund of credit, /
A short discourse on th...
Holland, John, -1722.
Printed by John Reid an...
[Paterson, William,--1658-1719.--Proposals made by William Paterson of London, Esq., New Caledonia (Colony), Imprint 1696., Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Bank of Scotland., Trading companies--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland.]
Relacion de la mission apostolica de los Moxos en la provincia del Peru, de la Compañia de Jesus, /
Relacion de la mission ...
Eguiluz, Diego de, 1625...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Argandoña, José Gonsalez., Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Jesuits--Missions--Peru., Mojo Indians., Indians of South America--Missions., Imprint 1696.]
Edinburgh, the 17th day of April, 1696. : At a general meeting of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies. My Lord Tarbat chosen praeses.
Edinburgh, the 17th day...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Trading companies--Scotland., Broadsides, etc.--Scotland--Edinburgh., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
Edinburgh, April 3d. 1696. : At a general meeting of the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa, and the Indies. My Lord Belhaven chosen praeses..
Edinburgh, April 3d. 16...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
Belhaven, John Hamilton, Baron, 1656-1708.
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Imprint 1696., Trading companies--Scotland., Broadsides, etc.--Great Britain--1696., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
Chemia rationalis, das ist Vernunfftmässige Anweisung, wie vermittelst der spagyrischen Kunst, aus den drey Reichen der Natur die itziger Zeit gebräuchlichsten Artzeney-Mittel bereitet werden sollen. : Welcher beygefüget ist Praxis Chimiatrica, oder Kurtzer doch deutlicher Unterricht, wie die vornehmsten Kranckheiten des menschlichen Leibes, aus ihren Ursachen und Zeichen sattsam erkant, und mit vorhero gezeigten Medicamentis glücklich curiret werden können. Alles nach den Grund-Sätzen de neuen Philosophiae ausgearbeitet, und aus den [sic] Englischen, in das Hochteutsche übersetzt, auch mit nützlichen Registern versehen.
Chemia rationalis, das ...
Verlegts Johann Justus ...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Medicine., Sassafras., Imprint 1696., Alchemy., Materia medica, Vegetable., Botany, Medical., Dyes and dyeing., Quinine., Cecropia peltata., Jalap., Sarsaparilla.]
Eliae Beynon dess Jüngern, V. D. M. Barmhertziger Samariter, oder: Freund-Brüderlicher Raht, allerhand Kranckheiten und Gebrechen dess menschlichen Leibs innerlich und eufferlich zu heilen, mit geringen und verachteten Mitteln und Artzneyen, die eine lange Zeit daher bewährt erfunden worden, und nunmehr aus schuldiger Christlicher Lieb, aufrichtig dem gemeinen Mann an das Tages-Licht gebracht worden. : Auch einen sehr nutzlichen Unterricht vor die Hebammen, in allen zustoffenden Fällen, nebst einem neuen Anhang von der Pest, wie man sich in solcher Zeit verhalten soll. Jedermänniglich zu sonderbarem Nutzen mitgetheilet.
Eliae Beynon dess Jüng...
Beynon, Elias, active 1...
Zu finden bey Johann Ho...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Felgenhauer, Paul.]
[Medicine, Popular., Plague., Imprint 1696., Medicine--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions., Materia medica, Vegetable., Botany, Medical., Medicinal plants., Tobacco., Jalap., Ipomoea., Syphilis.]
Edinburgh, March 24th 1696. : At a meeting of the subscribers to the Company of Scotland, Trading to Africa and the Indies.
Edinburgh, March 24th 1...
Company of Scotland Tra...
publisher not identifie...
[Company of Scotland Trading to Africa and the Indies., Imprint 1696., Trading companies--Scotland., Broadsides, etc.--Scotland--Edinburgh., Scotland--Commerce--17th century., Scotland--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Scotland., Scotland--Commerce--Africa., Africa--Commerce--Scotland., New Caledonia (Colony)]
Theatrum botanicum, das ist: Neu vollkommenes Kräuter-Buch, : worinnen allerhand Erdgewächse der Bäumen, Stauden und Kraütern, welche in allen vier Theilen der Welt, sonderlich aber in Europa herfür kommen, neben ihren sonderbahren Eigenschafften, Tugenden, und fürtrefflichen Würckungen, auch vielen herrlichen Artzney-Mittlen und deren Gebrauch, wider allerley Kranckheiten an Menschen und Vieh, mit sonderbahrem Fleiss auff eine gantz neue art und Weise, dergleichen bissher in keinem Kräuter-Buch gesehen noch gefunden worden, beschrieben, auch mit schönen, theils neuen Figuren gezieret, und neben denen ordentlichen, so wohl Kräuter- als Kranckheit-Registern, mit nutzlichen Marginalien vorgestellet sind. Allen Aertzten, Wund-Ärtzten, Apotheckern, Gärthern, Hausz-Vättern und Hauss-Müttern, sonderlich auch denen auff dem Land wohnenden Krancken und presthafften Persohnen höchst nutzlich und ergetzlich. /
Theatrum botanicum, das...
Zwinger, Theodor, 1658-...
zu finden bey Joh Phili...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Verzascha, Bernhard, 1629-1678., Mattioli, Pietro Andrea, 1501-1577.]
[Herbals., Botany, Medical., Imprint 1696.]
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