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[Title page]
[Title page]
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Title page]
Spanish America
[Title page]
Simon, Pedro, b. 1565
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
En Cuenca
Source date
Abriss der Baya und Meerbusems de Todos os Sanctos und o Statt S Salvador von Hollandern eingenomen.
Abriss der Baya und Mee...
South America
Map title
Abriss der Baya und Meerbusems de Todos os Sanctos und o Statt S Salvador von Hollandern eingenomen.
The Summer Ils.
Caribbean Islands
The Summer Ils.
Smith, John, 1580-1631
Image title
The Summer Ils.
Source place of publication
Source date
[How the chiefs assembled in the evening by moonlight.]
[How the chiefs assembl...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[How the chiefs assembled in the evening by moonlight.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Native American women prepare a beverage]
[Native American women ...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[Native American women prepare a beverage]
Source place of publication
Source date
[How a French ship arrived and traded with the natives but Staden was not able to escape on it.]
[How a French ship arri...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[How a French ship arrived and traded with the natives but Staden was not able to escape on it.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Title page]
[Title page]
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
[What appearance the savages have.]
[What appearance the sa...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[What appearance the savages have.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[European stands before a dwelling]
[European stands before...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[European stands before a dwelling]
Source place of publication
Source date
[How their fortifications were constructed, and how they fought against us.]
[How their fortificatio...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[How their fortifications were constructed, and how they fought against us.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[How we sailed from Prannenbucke to a country called Buttugaris, came upon a French ship, and engaged it.]
[How we sailed from Pra...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[How we sailed from Prannenbucke to a country called Buttugaris, came upon a French ship, and engaged it.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[How some of us sailed with the boat to examine a harbor and found a crucifix standing on a rock.]
[How some of us sailed ...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[How some of us sailed with the boat to examine a harbor and found a crucifix standing on a rock.]
Source place of publication
Source date
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
[How I was captured by the savages, and the way in which this happened.]
[How I was captured by ...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[How I was captured by the savages, and the way in which this happened.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[What happened on the return voyage to their country.]
[What happened on the r...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[What happened on the return voyage to their country.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[How both my masters came to me and told me that they had presented me to one of their friends who was to keep, kill, and eat me.]
[How both my masters ca...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[How both my masters came to me and told me that they had presented me to one of their friends who was to keep, kill, and eat me.]
Source place of publication
Source date
[How they danced with me before the huts where they keep their idols, called Tamerka.]
[How they danced with m...
Staden, Hans, ca. 1525-...
Image title
[How they danced with me before the huts where they keep their idols, called Tamerka.]
Source place of publication
Source date
Sermon del Espiritu Santo : predicado martes veynte y cinco de mayo de mil y seyscientos y veynte y siete, en el Espital de los Mareantes, en su iglesia del Espiritu Santo de la ciudad de los Reyes, en que se celebrô iubileo  de quarenta horas, y su fiesta. Assistieron el excelentissimo señor do[n] Diego Fernandez de Cordoua, marques de Guadalcaçar, virrey del Pirù, toda la Real Audiencia, y el cabildo, y regimiento con toda la nobleza de la ciudad. /
Sermon del Espiritu San...
Palma Fajardo, Francisc...
Por Geronymo de Contrer...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Holy Spirit--Sermons., Sermons, Spanish--Peru., Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1627.]
Imagen del mundo, sobre la esfera, cosmographia, y geografia, teorica de planetas, y arte de nauegar. ... /
Imagen del mundo, sobre...
Ferrer Maldonado, Loren...
Por Iuan Garcia y Anton...
[Cosmography., Navigation.]
Tabulæ Rudolphinæ, : quibus astronomicæ scientiæ, temporum longinquitate collapsæ restauratio continetur; /
Tabulæ Rudolphinæ, : qu...
Kepler, Johannes, 1571-...
prælo Jonæ Saurii reip ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Brahe, Tycho, 1546-1601.]
[Astronomy., Astronomy--Tables., Ephemerides., Imprint 1627., Imprint 1628.]
Hans Staden van Homborgs Beschrijvinghe van America, wiens inwoonders, wilt, naeckt, seer godtloos ende wreede menschen-eters zijn, hoe hy selve onder de Brasilianen langhe ghevangen gheseten heest .
Hans Staden van Homborg...
Staden, Hans, approxima...
Ghedruckt by Broer Ians...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Tupinamba Indians., Indians of South America--Brazil., Brazil--Description and travel., Imprint 1627.]
Voyages et descouuertures faites en la Nouuelle France, depuis l'année 1615. iusques à la fin de l'année 1618. /
Voyages et descouuertur...
Champlain, Samuel de, 1...
chez Claude Collet au P...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America--Canada., New France--Discovery and exploration., Imprint 1627.]
Zwölffte Schiffahrt oder Kurtze Beschreibung der newen Schiffahrt gegen Nord Osten, vber die Amerische Inseln in Chinam vnd Japponiam, von einem Engelländer Heinrich Hudson newlich erfunden, beneben einem Discurss an J. Kön. Maj. in Spanien, wegen dess fünfften Theils der Welt, Terra Australis incognita genand, auch kurtze Beschreibung der Länder der Samojeden vnd Tingoesen in der Tartarey gelegen. /
Zwölffte Schiffahrt od...
Gerritsz, Hessel, appro...
Bey Hieronymo Gallern i...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hulsius, Levinus, -1606., Arthus, Gotthard, 1568-]
[Linschoten, Jan Huygen van,--1563-1611., Hudson, Henry,---1611., Massa, Isaac,--1587-1635., Queirós, Pedro Fernandes de,---1615., Samoyeds., Northeast Passage., Northwest Passage., Arctic regions--Discovery and exploration--Dutch., Imprint 1627.]
Primera parte de las noticias historiales de las conquistas de Tierra Firme, en las Indias Occidentales. /
Primera parte de las no...
Simón, Pedro, 1565-
en casa de Domingo de l...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of South America., El Dorado., Latin America--History--To 1600., Venezuela--History--To 1810., Spanish Main., Indian linguistics--South American languages., Imprint 1627.]
Continuatio Americae, das ist: Forsetzung der Historien von der Newen Welt, oder Nidergängischen Indien, waran es auff diese Zeit noch anhero ermangelt. : Darinnen erstlich ein sattsame vnd gründtliche Beschreibung dess Newen Engellandts, welches die Englische das new erfundene Landt nennen, so bisscher noch nicht an Tag kommen. Zum andern, ein aussführlichere Erzehlung von Beschaffenheit der Landtschafften Virginia, Brasilia, Guiana, vnd Insul Bermuda, deren man bisshero schlechte vnd vnvollkommene Wissenschafft gehabt. Drittens, gantz newer aber doch warhafftiger Bericht, von dem bissher noch vnerkanten grossen Theil dess Erdekreises, Terra Australis oder Incognita, daruon noch in keiner Reise Schiffarth meldung beschehen. Sampt allem dem jenigen, was in einer vnd andern beschriebenen Landtschafft, nichts auss gescheiden, denckwürdigs zu sehen, vnd mit Luft vnd Verwunderung anzuhören. Am Ende ist vmb Gleichheit der Materien willen, hierbey gefügt ein weitläufftiger Discurs, wie die Statt S. Saluator vnnd Baia in gewunnen worden. Alles mit beygefügten Kupfferstücken vnd zu gehörigen gantz newen luftigen Landtschafften, erläutert vnd geziert, auch biss auff das 1627. Jahr continuirt.
Continuatio Americae, d...
Theodor de Bry (Firm)
Gedruckt bey Caspar Rö...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bry, Johann Israel de, -1611., Bry, Johann Theodor de, 1561-1623., Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598., Aldenburgk, Johannes Gregorius., Queirós, Pedro Fernandes de, -1615., Harcourt, Robert, 1574?-1631., Léry, Jean de, 1534-1611., Staden, Hans, approximately 1525-approximately 1576., Hamor, Ralph, -1626., Whitbourne, Richard, 1561-1635., Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650.]
[Pocahontas,---1617., Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Bermuda Islands--Description and travel., Brazil--History--To 1822., Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Guyana--Description and travel., Oceania--Description and travel., Australia--Discovery and exploration., Salvador (Brazil)--Description and travel., Salvador (Brazil)--History--Capture by the Spanish, 1625., Imprint 1627., Cabot, Sebastian,--approximately 1474-1557., Smith, John,--1580-1631., Hudson, Henry,---1611., Indians of North America--Virginia., Indians of North America--New Mexico., New England--Description and travel., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Virginia--Description and travel.]
A thousand notable things of sundrie sortes: : whereof some are wonderfull, some strange, some pleasant, diuers necessary, a great sort profitable, and many very precious.
A thousand notable thin...
Lupton, Thomas.
Printed by E All-de for...
Author (contributor)
[White, Henry, active 1815., Lippitt, Fred.]
[Formulas, recipes, etc., Imprint 1627.]
The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governours from their first beginning an[n]o 1584. to this present 1626. : With the procedings of those severall colonies and the accidents that befell them in all their journyes and discoveries. Also the maps, and descriptions of all those countryes, their commodities, people, government, customes, and religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe bookes. /
The generall historie o...
Smith, John, 1580-1631.
Printed by Iohn Dawson ...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685, Vaughan, Robert, active 17th century., Pass, Simon van de, 1595?-1647., Hole, William, -1624., Barra, John, approximately 1574-1634., Symonds, William, 1556-1616?, Purchas, Samuel, 1577?-1626.]
[Indians of North America--Virginia., Powhatan language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Virginia--Description and travel., Virginia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Bermuda Islands--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Powhatan language., Imprint 1627.]
West-Indianische Reisse, vnd Beschreibung der Beläg- vnd Eroberung der Statt S. Salvador in der Bahie von Todos os Sanctos inn dem Lande von Brasilia. Welches von Anno i623. bis ins i626. verrichtet worden. /
West-Indianische Reisse...
Aldenburgk, Johann Geor...
in Verlegung Friderich ...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Brazil--History--Dutch conquest,1624-1654., Salvador (Brazil)--History.]
Le voyage de l'illustre seigneur et cheualier François Drach, admiral d'Angleterre, à l'entour du monde.
Le voyage de l'illustre...
chez Iean Gesselin ruë...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Drake, Francis,--approximately 1540-1596., Voyages around the world., Explorers--England--Biography.]
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