Browse All : Solar system.

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A short account of the solar system and of comets in general: : together with a particular account of the comet that will appear in 1789. /
A short account of the ...
Burges, Bartholomew.
Printed and sold by B E...
Author (contributor)
Norman, John, 1748?-1817.
[Comets., Solar system., Catalogs, Booksellers'--United States--1789., Imprint 1789.]
La theorique des cieulx et sept planetes, auec leurs mouuements, orbes & disposition tres utile & necessaire tant pour l'vsage & practique des tables astronomiques, que pour la cognoissance de l'vniuersité de ce hault monde celeste. /
La theorique des cieulx...
Fine, Oronce, 1494-1555...
Chez Guillaume Cauellat...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Merriam, Olin Lane.]
[Planetary theory., Solar system., Imprint 1558.]
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