Browse All : Rhode Island, Battle of, R.I., 1778.

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Rélation de la prise faite par les François sur les Anglais, de l'isle de la Dominique, : située entre la Martinique & la Guadeloupe, le 7 septembre 1778; : suivie de l'expédition de l'isle de Rhode-Island.
Rélation de la prise f...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Rhode Island, Battle of, R.I., 1778., United States--History--Campaigns.--Revolution, 1775-1783, Imprint 1778.]
Memorandum of sundry transactions from my leaving Rhinebeck in the state of New York till my arrival on board the Hector of 74 guns commanded by Capt. Mories.
Memorandum of sundry tr...
Lawrence, Jonathan, 173...
Author (contributor)
JCB Redwood Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Lawrence, Jonathan,--1737-1812., Hamilton, Alexander,--1757-1804., Estaing, Charles Henri,--comte d',--1729-1794., Rhode Island, Battle of, R.I., 1778., United States--History--Campaigns.--Revolution, 1775-1783, Rhode Island--History--Revolution, 1775-1783., Manuscripts--English., Imprint 1778.]
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