Browse All : Mahican language--Texts.

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Observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians; : in which the extent of that language in North-America is shewn; its genius is grammatically traced; some of its peculiarities, and some instances of analogy between that and the Hebrew are pointed out. /
Observations on the lan...
Edwards, Jonathan, 1745...
New-Haven printed by Jo...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences.]
[Mohegan language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Stockbridge Indians., Mahican Indians., Indian linguistics--Mohegan language., Indian linguistics--Mahican language., Indian linguistics--Shawnee language., Indian linguistics--Ojibwa language., Indian linguistics--Mohawk language., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1789., Imprint 1789., Mohegan language--Grammar., Mohegan language--Texts., Shawnee language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Ojibwa language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Mohawk language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Mahican language--Texts., Algonquian languages--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Algonquian languages--Grammar, comparative.]
Observations on the language of the Muhhekaneew Indians; : in which the extent of that language in North-America is shewn; its genius is grammatically traced: some of its peculiarities, and some instances of analogy between that and the Hebrew are pointed out. Communicated to the Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences, and published at the request of the Society. /
Observations on the lan...
Edwards, Jonathan, 1745...
Printed by Josiah Meigs
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Brown University. Library, Connecticut Society of Arts and Sciences.]
[Mohegan language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Stockbridge Indians., Mahican Indians., Indian linguistics--Mohegan language., Indian linguistics--Mahican language., Indian linguistics--Shawnee language., Indian linguistics--Ojibwa language., Indian linguistics--Mohawk language., Imprint 1788., Mohegan language--Grammar., Mohegan language--Texts., Shawnee language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Ojibwa language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Mohawk language--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Mahican language--Texts., Algonquian languages--Glossaries, vocabulary, etc., Algonquian languages--Grammar, comparative.]
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