Browse All : Indonesia--Commerce--Netherlands.

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Missive. Daer in kortelijck en[de] grondigh wert veerthoont, hoe veel de Vereenighde Nederlanden gelegen is aen de Oost ende West-Indische navigatie. : Mitsgaders 't profijt, datmen van de Oost-Indische Compagnie, geduyrende den tijdt van 24. jaren herwaerts, daer uyt heeft ghetrocken. Ende met fondamentale redenen werdt bewesen, dat door de gheoctroyeerde West Indische navigatie, meer voordeel voor de participanten met meerder dienste voor de Nederlantsche Provintien, grooter schade ende afbreuck voor den Coninck van Spaengten zy te verwachten. /
Missive. Daer in kortel...
Eerst tot Aarnhem by Ia...
[Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Netherlands--Commerce--History., Netherlands--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Netherlands., Netherlands--Commerce--Indonesia., Indonesia--Commerce--Netherlands., Imprint 1621.]
More excellent observations of the estate and affaires of Holland. : In a discourse, shewing how necessarie and conuenient it is for their neighbouring countries, as well as the Netherland prouinces, to trade into the West Indies. And by most vrgent and good reasons, prouing that by the West Jndian trade now erected in Holland, the said company shall receiue great benefit, the Hollanders greater seruice, and the Spaniard more hurt, and greater disaduantage then (sic) euer be receiued before. As also the great profit and commodity the said Netherlands haue reaped and receiued, during the time of 24. yeares that the said company hath traded into the East Indies.  /
More excellent observat...
By E A for Nicholas Bou...
Author (contributor)
[Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, Earl of, 1694-1773, Usselincx, Willem, 1567-approximately 1647.]
[Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Netherlands--Commerce--History., Netherlands--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--Netherlands., Netherlands--Commerce--Indonesia., Indonesia--Commerce--Netherlands., Imprint 1622.]
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