Browse All : Indians of North America--Tobacco use.

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Tabacologia: hoc est tabaci, seu Nicotianae descriptio medico-chirurgico-pharmaceutica vel ejus praeparatio et usus in omnibus fermè corporis humani incom[m]odis. /
Tabacologia: hoc est ta...
Neander, Johann, approx...
Ex officina Isaaci Elze...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bailly, David, 1584-1657., Delff, Willem Jacobsz., 1580-1638.]
[Tobacco., Tobacco--Physiological effect., Indians of North America--Tobacco use., Imprint 1626.]
Ioyfull newes out of the newfound world, : wherein are declared the rare and singular vertues of diuers and sundrie herbs, trees, oyles, plants, & stones, with their applications, as well to the vse of phisicke, as chirurgery: which being wel applied, bring such present remedy for all diseases, as may seeme altogether incredible: notwithstanding by practize found out, to be true. Also the portrature of the sayde herbes, very aptly described: /
Ioyfull newes out of th...
Monardes, Nicolás, appr...
in Paules Churchyard at...
Author (contributor)
[King, Edward., Monardes, Nicolás, approximately 1512-1588., Frampton, John, active 1577-1596.]
[Materia medica--Latin America., Imprint 1580., Botany, Medical--America., Indians of North America--Tobacco use., Bezoars., Tobacco--Therapeutic use., Cacao--Therapeutic use., Iron--Therapeutic use., Steel--Therapeutic use., Snow--Therapeutic use.]
Tabacologia: hoc est, tabaci, seu Nicotianae descriptio medico-cheirurgico-pharmaceutica: vel eius praeparatio & usus in omnibus corporis humani incommodis ... /
Tabacologia: hoc est, t...
Neander, Johann, approx...
ex officinâ Isaaci Elz...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Tobacco., Tobacco--Physiological effect., Indians of North America--Tobacco use.]
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