Browse All : Indians

1-14 of 14
[Dugout canoe and adz]
Spanish America
[Dugout canoe and adz]
Fernández de Oviedo y V...
Image title
[Dugout canoe and adz]
Source place of publication
Sevilla [Seville]
Source date
[Mining gold]
Spanish America
[Mining gold]
Fernandez de Oviedo y V...
Image title
[Mining gold]
Source place of publication
Sevilla [Seville]
Source date
Britannia americana, of Beschryving der Engelsche colonien in West-Indien
Britannia americana, of...
Oldmixon, Mr. (John), 1...
Image title
Britannia americana, of Beschryving der Engelsche colonien in West-Indien
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
MDCCXXI [1721]
[Native Americans and the sugar trade]
[Native Americans and t...
Oldmixon, Mr. (John), 1...
Image title
[Native Americans and the sugar trade]
Source place of publication
Te Amsterdam
Source date
MDCCXXI [1721]
[Native Americans]
[Native Americans]
Pock, Johann Joseph, 16...
Image title
[Native Americans]
Source place of publication
Augspurg [Augsburg]
Source date
[Title page]
[North America, Spanish...
[Title page]
Gottfried, Johann Ludwi...
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
M.DC.LV. [1655]
[Indians offer their hands to Christopher Columbus]
Caribbean Islands
[Indians offer their ha...
[Querini, Alvise]
Image title
[Indians offer their hands to Christopher Columbus]
Source place of publication
Venezia [Venice]
Source date
MDCCLIX [1759]
Modo che tengono i medici nel medicare gl'infermi
Modo che tengono i medi...
Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 1...
Image title
Modo che tengono i medici nel medicare gl'infermi
Source place of publication
Venetia [Venice]
Source date
M D LXV. [1565]
Modo di fare il pane
Modo di fare il pane
Benzoni, Girolamo, b. 1...
Image title
Modo di fare il pane
Source place of publication
Venetia [Venice]
Source date
M D LXV. [1565]
[Caribbean Islands, Gui...
Wünsch, Christian Ernst...
Image title
Source place of publication
Source date
[Various heads]
[Various heads]
J. B. (John Bulwer), fl...
Image title
[Various heads]
Source place of publication
Source date
[Burning at the stake of a European]
[Burning at the stake o...
Chetwood,W.R. (William ...
Image title
[Burning at the stake of a European]
Source place of publication
Source date
Platani, che fanno le foglie larghe, & lunghe dieci & dodeci palmi
Platani, che fanno le f...
Ramusio, Giovanni Batti...
Image title
Platani, che fanno le foglie larghe, & lunghe dieci & dodeci palmi
Source place of publication
In Venetia [Venice]
Source date
M DCVI [1606]
[Title page]
[Title page]
Velenus, Ulrichus
Image title
[Title page]
Source place of publication
Source date
1-14 of 14