Browse All : Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language.

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Der in der Buchdruckerei wohl unterrichtete Lehr-Junge, oder: Bey der löblichen Buchdruckerkunst nöthige und nüzliche Anfangsgründe, : darinnen alles, was bey selbiger in Acht zu nehmen und zu lernen vorfällt, von einem Kunstverwandten mitgetheilet wird.
Der in der Buchdruckere...
Gessner, Christian Frie...
CF Gessner
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Biblioteca Posoniensis. former owner.]
[Printing., Type and type-founding., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokonchi language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Imprint 1743.]
A new survey of the West-Indies: or, The English American his travel by sea and land: : containing a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America; wherein is set forth his voyage from Spain to S. John de Ulhua; and thence to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the City of Angels, and forward to Mexico: with the description of that great city, as it was in former times, and also at this present. Likewise his journey from Mexico, through the provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua, with his abode XII. years about Guatemala, especiall [sic] in the Indian town of Mixco, Pinola, Petapa, Amatitlan. As also his strange and wonderful conversion and calling from those remote parts to his native countrey: with his return through the province of Nicaragua and Costa Rica, to Nicoya, Panama, Porto Bello, Cartagena and Havana, with divers occurents and dangers that did befal in the said journey. Also a new and exact discovery of the Spanish navigation to those parts: and of their dominions, government, religion, forts, castles, ports, havens, commodities, fashions, behavior of Spaniards, priests and friers, black-moors, mulatto's, mestitso's, Indians; and of their feasts and solemnities. With a grammar, or some of few rudiments of the Indian tongue, called Poconchi or Pocoman. /
A new survey of the Wes...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Printed by A Clark and ...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Imprint 1677., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
A new survey of the West-Indies: being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America: /
A new survey of the Wes...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Printed by M Clark for ...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Love, Herbert., Marlow, M., Fry, Thomas, -1769]
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Imprint 1699., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
A new survey of the West-India's [sic]: or, The English-American his travail by sea and land: : containing a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America. Wherein is set forth his voyage from Spain to St. John de Ulhua; and from thence to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the City of Angeles, and forward to Mexico; with the description of that great city, as it was in former times, and also at this present. Likewise, his journey from Mexico, through the provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua; with his abode twelve years about Guatemala, and especially in the Indian-towns of Mixco, Pinola, Petapa, Amatitlan. As also his strange and wonderfull conversion and calling from those remote parts, to his native countrey. With his return through the province of Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, to Nicoya, Panama, Portobelo, Cartagena, and Havana, with divers occurrents and dangers that did befal in the said journey. Also, a new and exact discovery of the Spanish navigation to those parts: and of their dominions, government, religion, forts, castles, ports, havens, commodities, fashions, behaviour of Spaniards, priests and friers, blackmores, mulatto's, mestiso's, Indians; and of their feasts and solemnities. With a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue, called Poconchi, or Pocoman. /
A new survey of the Wes...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
printed by E Cotes and ...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Edgcumbe, R., Chaloner, Thomas, 1595-1661.]
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Imprint 1655., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
Nieuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige reyse door de Spaensche West-Indien van Thomas Gage; : met seer curieuse soo land-kaerten als historische figueren verciert ende met twee registers voorsien. /
Nieuwe ende seer naeuwk...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
By Willem de Coup Wille...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Quellenburg, Henrick van.]
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Imprint 1700., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
Oratio Dominica [polyglottos, polymorphos]. : Nimirum, plus centum linguis, versionibus, aut characteribus reddita & expressa.
Oratio Dominica [polygl...
Prostant apud Dan Brown...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Holbech, Caroline., Erskine, Mary., Lippitt, Frederick.]
[Polyglot texts, selections, quotations, etc., Nahuatl language--Texts., Pokonchi language--Texts., Delaware language--Texts., Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Delaware language.]
Nouvelle relation, contenant les voyages de Thomas Gage dans la Nouvelle Espagne, : ses diverses avantures; & son retour par la province de Nicaragua, jusques à la Havane. Avec la description de la ville de Mexique telle qu'elle estoit autrefois, & comme elle est à present. Ensemble vne description exacte des terres & provinces que possedent les Espagnols en toute l'Amerique, de la forme de leur gouvernement ecclesiastique & politique, de leur commerce, de leurs moeurs, & de celles de criolles, des metifs [sic], des mulatres, des indiens, & des negres. Et un traité de la langue poconchi ou pocomane. Dedié à Monseigneur Colbert secretaire d'etat. /
Nouvelle relation, cont...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Chez Gervais Clouzier a...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bromsen, Maury A., Baillet, Adrien, 1649-1706.]
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Imprint 1676., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
Nouvelle relation, contenant les voyages de Thomas Gage dans la Nouvelle Espagne, : ses diverses avantures; & son retour par la province de Nicaragua, jusques à la Havane. Avec la description de la ville de Mexique telle qu'elle estoit autrefois, & comme elle est à present. Ensemble vne description exacte des terres & provinces que possedent les Espagnols en toute l'Amerique, de la forme de leur gouvernement ecclesiastique & politique, de leur commerce, de leurs moeurs, & de celles de criolles, des metifs [sic], des mulatres, des indiens, & des negres. Et un traité de la langue poconchi ou pocomane. Dedié à Monseigneur Colbert secretaire d'etat. /
Nouvelle relation, cont...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Chez Gervais Clouzier a...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bromsen, Maury A., Baillet, Adrien, 1649-1706.]
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Imprint 1676., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
A survey of the Spanish-West-Indies. Being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles on the continent of America: /
A survey of the Spanish...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Printed for Thomas Horn...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Imprint 1702., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
Nieuwe ende seer naeuwkeurige reyse door de Spaensche West-Indien /
Nieuwe ende seer naeuwk...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
By Johannes Ribbius boe...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Quellenburg, Henrick van.]
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Imprint 1682., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
A new survey of the West-Indies. : Being a journal of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America. /
A new survey of the Wes...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Printed by Benj Motte f...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Imprint 1711., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
Thomas Gage Neue merckwürdige Reise-Beschreibung nach Neü Spanien, : was ihm daselbst seltsames begegnet, und wie er durch die Provintz Nicaragua wider zurück nach der Havana gekehret: in welcher zu finden ist ein ausführlicher Bericht von der Stadt Mexico, wie selbte so wol vor alters gewesen, als auch wie sie ietzo beschaffen sey: ingleichen eine vollkommene Beschreibung aller Länder und Provinzen, welche die Spanier in gantz America besitzen; von ihrem Kirchen- und Policey-Regiment; ihrem Handel; wie auch von ihren und der Criollen, Mestifen [sic], Mulaten, Indianer und Schwartzen, Sitten und Lebens-Art. Deme allem zum Beschluss noch beygefüget ist ein kurtzer Unterricht von der Poconchischen oder Pocomanischen Sprache. /
Thomas Gage Neue merckw...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
Verlegts Johann Herbord...
Author (contributor)
[German Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)]
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Imprint 1693., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
Orientalisch- und occidentalischer Sprachmeister, : welcher nicht allein hundert Alphabete nebst ihrer Aussprache, so bey denen meisten europäisch- asiatisch- africanisch- und americanischen Völckern und Nationen gebräuchlich sind, : auch einigen Tabulis Polyglottis verschiedener Sprachen und Zahlen vor Augen leget, : sondern auch das Gebet des Herrn, in 200 Sprachen und Mund-Arten mit dererselben Characteren und Lesung, nach einer geographischen Ordnung mittheilet. /
Orientalisch- und occid...
Fritz, Johann Friedrich...
zu finden bey Christian...
Author (contributor)
[German Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Schultze, Benjamin, 1689-1760.]
[Alphabet., Language and languages., Numerals., Indian linguistics--Cariban languages., Indian linguistics--Delaware language., Indian linguistics--Guarani language., Indian linguistics--Kariri language., Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language.]
The English-American his travail by sea and land: or, A new survey of the West-India's [sic], : containing a journall of three thousand and three hundred miles within the main land of America. Wherin is set forth his voyage from Spain to St. Iohn de Ulhua; and from thence to Xalappa, to Tlaxcalla, the City of Angeles, and forward to Mexico; with the description of that great city, as it was in former times, and also at this present. Likewise his journey from Mexico through the provinces of Guaxaca, Chiapa, Guatemala, Vera Paz, Truxillo, Comayagua; with his abode twelve years about Guatemala, and especially in the Indian-towns of Mixco, Pinola, Petapa, Amatitlan. As also his strange and wonderfull conversion, and calling from those remote parts to his native countrey. With his return through the province of Nicaragua, and Costa Rica, to Nicoya, Panama, Portobelo, Cartagena, and Havana, with divers occurrents and dangers that did befal in the said journey. Also, a new and exact discovery of the Spanish navigation to those parts; and of their dominions, government, religion, forts, castles, ports, havens, commodities, fashions, behaviour of Spaniards, priests, and friers, blackmores, mulatto's, mestiso's, Indians; and of their feasts and solemnities. With a grammar, or some few rudiments of the Indian tongue, called, Poconchi, or Pocoman. /
The English-American hi...
Gage, Thomas, 1603?-165...
printed by R Cotes and ...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Chaloner, Thomas, 1595-1661.]
[Missions--Latin America., Pokomam language--Grammar., Mexico--Description and travel., West Indies--Description and travel., Central America--Description and travel., South America--Description and travel., Indian linguistics--Pokonchi language., Indian linguistics--Pokomam language., Imprint 1648., Chocolate--Mexico., Chocolate drinks--Mexico., Cocoa--Mexico., Mayas--Social life and customs., Indians of Central America--Social life and customs., Pokonchi language., Pokonchi language--Grammar., Pokomam language.]
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