Who What Where When



  1. Ackersdijck, Jan. (2)
  2. American Antiquarian Soci … (1)
  3. Anguita Sandoval y Rojas, … (1)
  4. Anquetil-Duperron, M. 173 … (1)
  5. Behrens, Karl Friedrich, … (1)
  6. Bibliotheca Conde Sucena. (1)
  7. Bromsen, Maury A. (2)
  8. Buffier, Claude, 1661-173 … (1)
  9. Catholic Church. Diocese … (1)
  10. Catholic Church. Diocese … (1)
  11. Copley, Joseph, Sir Bart. (1)
  12. Dominicans (Lima, Peru). (1)
  13. Díaz González, Egidio. (1)
  14. France. (1)
  15. France. Sovereign (1715-1 … (1)
  16. French Americana Digitiza … (1)
  17. French Americana Digitiza … (3)
  18. Galves Corral, Christobal … (1)
  19. Gemeling, Johann Georg, a … (1)
  20. George II, King of Great … (2)
  21. German Americana Digitiza … (1)
  22. German Americana Digitiza … (5)
  23. Great Britain. (1)
  24. Great Britain. Sovereign … (4)
  25. Grey, Zachary, 1688-1766. (2)
  26. Haiti Digitization Projec … (1)
  27. Hales, Stephen, 1677-1761 … (1)
  28. Hartmann, Johann Adolph, … (1)
  29. Hennepin, Louis, active 1 … (1)
  30. Heras, Manuel de las. (1)
  31. Hertel, Johann Friedrich, … (1)
  32. Hincapié Meléndez, Cristó … (1)
  33. Indigenous Languages Digi … (2)
  34. Ladrón de Guevara, Antoni … (1)
  35. Lahontan, Louis Armand de … (2)
  36. León, Nicolás, 1859-1929 (1)
  37. Mascarenhas, José Freire … (2)
  38. Montt, Luis, 1848-1909 (1)
  39. Moya y Melgar, Manuel de. (1)
  40. Nalson, John, 1638?-1686. (2)
  41. Navarrete, Francisco Anto … (1)
  42. Palmella, duque de, 1781- … (1)
  43. Peralta Barnuevo, Pedro d … (1)
  44. Peru Digitization Project … (3)
  45. Philip V, King of Spain, … (1)
  46. Picolo, Francesco Maria, … (1)
  47. Portugal and Brazil Digit … (4)
  48. Rodriguez Guillen, Pedro. (1)
  49. Rodríguez Delgado, Agust … (1)
  50. Rodríguez, Agustín, fray (1)
  51. Spain. (1)
  52. Spain. Sovereign (1700-17 … (3)
  53. Spanish America Digitizat … (8)
  54. Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1 … (1)
  55. Urlsperger, Samuel, 1685- … (1)
  56. Vale, Manuel Alvares Sola … (1)
  57. Weissbach, Christian, 168 … (1)
  58. Westerwyk, Gerard. (2)
  59. Williams, Philip, 1694 or … (2)

Browse All : Imprint 1739.

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Virtudes de la habilla del Dariel, que llaman de Guathemala.
Virtudes de la habilla ...
En la Imprenta del Lic ...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Hincapié Meléndez, Cristóbal de.]
[Ipecac (Drug), Medicinal plants., CSAIP., Broadsides, etc.--Guatemala., Imprint 1739.]
Memoria genial, y academica del triumpho mayor por menor del laurel seraphico, : con que cinó la mas esclarecidat [sic] Minerva en su Athanèo famoso, y sublime por su estrella sacro regia, las cienes de cinco religiosos del Orden de N.S.P.S. Francisco; /
Memoria genial, y acade...
En la Imprenta que esta...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, Rodriguez Guillen, Pedro.]
[Franciscans--Peru--History--Sources., Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos--History--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1739.]
Philosophical experiments: : containing useful, and necessary instructions for such as undertake long voyages at sea : Shewing how sea-water may be made fresh and wholsome : and how fresh water may be preserv'd sweet : How biscuit, corn, &c. may be secured from the weevel, meggots, and other insects : And flesh preserv'd in hot climates, by salting animals whole : To which is added, an account of several experiments and observations on chalybeate or steel-waters : with some attempts to convey them to distant places, preserving their virtue to a greater degree than has hitherto been done. Likewise a proposal for cleansing away mud, &c. out of rivers, harbours, and reservoirs. /
Philosophical experimen...
Hales, Stephen, 1677-17...
Printed for W Innys and...
Author (contributor)
Copley, Joseph, Sir Bart.
[Seawater--Distillation., Food--Preservation., Mineral waters., Imprint 1739.]
Ad religiosos lectores ordinis praedictorum.
Ad religiosos lectores ...
Rodríguez, Agustín, fra...
Y por su original en la...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), American Antiquarian Society.]
[Dominicans--Guatemala--History--Sources., Dominicans.--Provincia de San Vicente Ferrer de Chiapa y Guatemala--History--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1739.]
Tabla para saber lo que reddituan al año al mes, y al dia, â razon de cinco por ciento, desde la cantidad de mil pesos de principal, hasta la de dies, en que se evita mucho trabajo. /
Tabla para saber lo que...
Galves Corral, Christob...
En la imprenta de Lic D...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Interest--Guatemala., Interest--Tables., Broadsides, etc.--Guatemala--Guatemala., Imprint 1739.]
Relacion de la sacra festiva pompa : que en reverente accion de gracias de la exaltacion à la cardinalicia dignidad del eminentissimo señor D. Fr. Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo, obispo de Malaga, presidente del Real y Supremo Consejo de Castilla, commissario general de la Santa Cruzada, y governador del Arzobispado de Toledo. Solemnizo afectuoso y consagro humilde, en nombre de su Augustiniana Religion y Provincia del Perù, y por su persona, el M.R.P.M. Fr. Phelipe Machin de Velasco, siendo provincial de ella. /
Relacion de la sacra fe...
Peralta Barnuevo, Pedro...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864, Díaz González, Egidio.]
[Molina y Oviedo, Gaspar de., Festivals--Peru--Lima., CSAIP., Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1739.]
Relacion peregrina de la agua corriente, que para beber, y vivir goza la muy noble, leal, y florida ciudad de Santiago de Querétaro: /
Relacion peregrina de l...
Navarrete, Francisco An...
Por Joseph Bernardo de ...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929, Heras, Manuel de las.]
[Water-supply--Mexico--Querétaro., Querétaro (Mexico), CSAIP., Sermons--Mexico., Imprint 1739.]
Novena. De Nuestra Señora de Loreto, : venerada con especial culto, en la Iglesia de la Compañia de Jesus de Popayán. /
Novena. De Nuestra Señ...
En la Imprenta de la Co...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bromsen, Maury A., Moya y Melgar, Manuel de.]
[Jesuits--Colombia--Popayán--History--Sources., Loreto, Our Lady of--Prayers and devotions--Spanish., Novenas., CSAIP., Imprint 1739., Colombia--Colombia--Bogotá--1739.]
Warhaffte und gründliche Cur aller dem menschlichen Leibe zustossenden Kranckheiten, : nach der Vernünfftigen und unverrückten Methode der Natur, samt einem Physico-moralischen Vorbericht von dem menschlichen Leibe, und der darinn würckenden Seele, entworffen, und mit vielen Medicamentis specificis versehen, /
Warhaffte und gründlic...
Weissbach, Christian, 1...
Verlegts Joh Reinhold D...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Botany, Medical., Sarsaparilla., Sassafras., Syphilis., Imprint 1739., Materia medica, Vegetable., Pharmacopoeias--Germany., Medicine--Formulae, receipts, prescriptions., Tobacco., Snuff., Jalap., Balsam poplar., Guaiac.]
Zweyte Continuation der Ausführlichen Nachricht von denen saltzburgischen Emigranten, die sich in America niedergelassen haben. : Worin enthalten sind I. Das Tage-Register der beyden Prediger zu EbenEzer in Georgien vom Jahr 1736. II. Des Herrn von Reck Reise-Diarium, als derselbe anno 1735. mit dem dritten Transport evangelischer Emigranten nach America gegangen, nebst zweyen Briefen aus Neu-England. III. Der Prediger in EbenEzer Briefe vom Jahr 1735 und 1736. IV. Einige Briefe der Saltzburger in EbenEzer vom Jahr 1735, 1737, and 1738. /
Zweyte Continuation der...
Urlsperger, Samuel, 168...
In Verlegung der Wäyse...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Salzburgers--Georgia., Lutherans--Georgia., German Americans--Georgia., Salzburgers--Emigration, 1731-1735., Protestants--Georgia., Religious refugees--Georgia., Ebenezer (Effingham County, Ga.)--History., Georgia--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1739.]
Reizen van den baron van la Hontan in het noordelyk Amerika, : vervattende een verhaal van verscheide volkeren die het bewoonen; den aart hunner regeering, hun koophandel, hun gewoontens, hun godsdienst, en hun wys van oorloogen. Neevens het belang der Franschen en der Engelschen in hun koophandel met die volkeren; en 't voordeel dat Engeland, met Vrankryk in oorlog zynde, van dat land kan trekken. Alles met verscheide aantekeningen vermeerdert en opgeheldert, en met kaarten en plaaten verciert. Eerste deel. /
Reizen van den baron va...
Lahontan, Louis Armand ...
By Isaac Beauregard
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ackersdijck, Jan., Westerwyk, Gerard.]
[Indians of North America--Canada., Imprint 1739., Indians of North America--Canada--Social life and customs., Natural history--Canada., Algonquian languages--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Wyandot language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Indian linguistics--Algonquin languages., Indian linguistics--Wyandot language., Canada--Description and travel., Canada--History--To 1763 (New France)]
Reizen van den baron van la Hontan in het noordelyk Amerika, : vervattende een verhaal van verscheide volkeren die het bewoonen; den aart hunner regeering, hun koophandel, hun gewoontens, hun godsdienst, en hun wys van oorloogen. Neevens het belang der Franschen en der Engelschen in hun koophandel met die volkeren; en 't voordeel dat Engeland, met Vrankryk in oorlog zynde, van dat land kan trekken. Alles met verscheide aantekeningen vermeerdert en opgeheldert, en met kaarten en plaaten verciert. Eerste deel. /
Reizen van den baron va...
Lahontan, Louis Armand ...
By Isaac Beauregard
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ackersdijck, Jan., Westerwyk, Gerard.]
[Indians of North America--Canada., Imprint 1739., Indians of North America--Canada--Social life and customs., Natural history--Canada., Algonquian languages--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Wyandot language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Indian linguistics--Algonquin languages., Indian linguistics--Wyandot language., Canada--Description and travel., Canada--History--To 1763 (New France)]
Declaration du Roy, : Concernant les négres esclaves des colonies. Donnée à Versailles le 15. décembre 1738. Registrée en Parlement le 17. fevrier 1739.
Declaration du Roy, : C...
chez Jean-Baptiste Laco...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Sovereign (1715-1774 : Louis XV)]
[Slavery--Law and legislation--West Indies, French--18th century., France--Colonies--Race relations--18th century., Imprint 1739.]
Neue Reise-Beschreibung nach America, : und derer bisher noch unbekandten Länder und Völcker, vornemlich von der Landschafft Louisiana, und den Sitten und Lebens-Art der Wilden in selbiger Landschafft. /
Neue Reise-Beschreibung...
Hennepin, Louis, active...
In Verlag Christ Friedr...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Joliet, Louis,--1645-1700., Marquette, Jacques,--1637-1675., La Salle, Robert Cavelier,--sieur de,--1643-1687., Indians of North America--Mississippi River Valley., Louisiana--Description and travel., New France--Discovery and exploration., Mississippi River--Discovery and exploration., Imprint 1739.]
Declaraçam /
Declaraçam /
Spain. Sovereign (1700-...
Na Officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Great Britain. Sovereign (1727-1760 : George II), Bibliotheca Conde Sucena.]
[Spain--Foreign relations--Great Britain., Great Britain--Foreign relations--Spain., CPJCB., Imprint 1739.]
Declaraçam de guerra, feita pelo serenissimo principe Jorze II. rey da Gram Bretanha contra o serenissimo principe Filippe V. rey de Hespanha, &c. /
Declaraçam de guerra, ...
Great Britain. Sovereig...
Na Officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Spain. Sovereign (1700-1746 : Philip V), Palmella, duque de, 1781-1850, Mascarenhas, José Freire de Monterroyo, 1670-1760., Philip V, King of Spain, 1683-1746., George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760.]
[Great Britain--Foreign relations--Spain., Spain--Foreign relations--Great Britain., CPJCB., Imprint 1739.]
Cotejo de la conducta de S.M. con la de el rey britanico, : assi en lo acaecido antes de la convencion de 14. de enero de este año de 1739. como en lo obrado despues, hasta la publicacion de represalias, y declaracion de guerra. Con licencia en Madrid.
Cotejo de la conducta d...
En la Imprenta de Anton...
Author (contributor)
[Great Britain. Sovereign (1727-1760 : George II), Great Britain., Spain. Sovereign (1700-1746 : Philip V)]
[Anglo-Spanish War, 1739-1748., Spain--Foreign relations--Great Britain., Great Britain--Foreign relations--Spain., Imprint 1739.]
An impartial examination of the fourth volume of Mr. Daniel Neal's History of the Puritans. : In which his too great attachment to the usurpations of the Rump Parliament and Oliver Cromwell is discovered; his misrepresentations of the conduct of some of our English prelates detected; and many of his mitakes in history exposed to the publick view. /
An impartial examinatio...
Grey, Zachary, 1688-176...
and sold by A Betteswor...
Author (contributor)
[Williams, Philip, 1694 or 1695-1749., Nalson, John, 1638?-1686.]
[Neal, Daniel,--1678-1743.--History of the Puritans or Protestant non-conformists from the Reformation to the death of Queen Elizabeth., Church of England--Apologetic works., Puritans--Controversial literature., Imprint 1739.]
An impartial examination of the fourth volume of Mr. Daniel Neal's History of the Puritans. : In which his too great attachment to the usurpations of the Rump Parliament and Oliver Cromwell is discovered; his misrepresentations of the conduct of some of our English prelates detected; and many of his mitakes in history exposed to the publick view. /
An impartial examinatio...
Grey, Zachary, 1688-176...
and sold by A Betteswor...
Author (contributor)
[Williams, Philip, 1694 or 1695-1749., Nalson, John, 1638?-1686.]
[Neal, Daniel,--1678-1743.--History of the Puritans or Protestant non-conformists from the Reformation to the death of Queen Elizabeth., Church of England--Apologetic works., Puritans--Controversial literature., Imprint 1739.]
Emmanuelis Alvarez Solani à Valle, J.C. Lusitani olim in Helvensi civitate patria sua, nunc verò in hac curia, ejusque supplicationis senatu advocati celeberrimi. Commentaria ad fodinarum regimen. : in quibus, quÆ de fodinis necessaria, ac utilia sunt ad controversias forenses decidendas, plenè discutiuntur, multaque alia obiter explanatur, prout elenchus materiarum, omniumque gnomologia indicant.  Opus sane advocatis, caeterisque in foro versantibus admod'um utile.
Emmanuelis Alvarez Sola...
Vale, Manuel Alvares So...
Ex thypographia Antonii...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Mines and mineral resources--Brazil., Mining law--Portugal--Colonies., Imprint 1739.]
Disputatio geographica De vero Californiae situ et conditione, : quam auspiciis serenissimi principis ac domini Dn. Friderici, Hassiae Landgravii Reliq. Academiae rectoris magnificentissimi, /
Disputatio geographica ...
Hartmann, Johann Adolph...
Typis Phil Casimir Mül...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Picolo, Francesco Maria, 1658-1729., Gemeling, Johann Georg, active 1739.]
[Marco,--da Nizza,--approximately 1495-1558., Noguerol de Ulloa, Francisco,--active 16th century., Cabrillo, Juan Rodríguez,--1497?-1543., Coronado, Francisco Vásquez de,--1510-1554., California--History--To 1846., Baja California (Mexico : Peninsula), Baja California (Mexico : Peninsula)--Maps., Baja California (Mexico : Peninsula)--Description and travel., Imprint 1739.]
Albani de Spinetto, Apothecario di Venetia, politische Schnupf-Tobacs-Dose vor die wächserne Nase der Justitz : in sich fassend juristische Streit-Fragen in Handel und Wandel von denen Kauf- und Mieth- oder Pacht- auch andern Contracten, mit satryrischer Feder entworfen, /
Albani de Spinetto, Apo...
Hertel, Johann Friedric...
Verlegts Christian Frie...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Law--Germany--Humor., Snuff--Humor., Imprint 1739.]
Noticias de los poblados de que se componen el nuevo reyno de Leon, provincia de Coaguila, Nueva-Estremadura, y la de Texas, Nuevas Philipinas : despoblados que ay en sus cercanìas, y los indios que las habitan, y causa de los pocos, ò ningunos aumentos. Dedicadas al excelentissimo señor D. Pedro de Castro, Figueroa y Salazar, Duque de la Conquista, marqués de gracia real, cavallero del avito de Santiago, comendador de castilseràs en la de Calatrava, capitan general de los exercitos de Su Mag. Sargento mayor, è inspector del regimiento de guardias de infanteria españolas, gentilhombre de camara de entrada de Su Mag. Siciliana, de su Consejo Supremo, y del de guerra, cavallero del cèlebre orden de S. Genaro, virrey, governador, y capitan general de Nueva España, y presidente de su Real Audiencia, y Chancilleria. /
Noticias de los poblado...
Ladrón de Guevara, Anto...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Texas--History., Nuevo León (Mexico : State)--History., Coahuila (Mexico : State)--History., Nuevo León (Mexico : State)--Description and travel., Texas--Description and travel., Coahuila (Mexico : State)--Description and travel., Imprint 1739.]
Novena al Sacratissimo Corazon de Jesus. : Sacada de las solidas practicas de vn librito con titulo de Thesoro escondido en el corazon de Jesus, /
Novena al Sacratissimo ...
En la Imprenta de la Co...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Bromsen, Maury A.]
[Jesus Christ--Devotional literature--Spanish., Novenas., Sacred Heart, Devotion to., CSAIP., Imprint 1739., Colombia--Colombia--Bogotá--1739.]
Parallele de la conduite de Sa Majesté avec celle du roi britannique, : tant en ce qui a precedé la Convention du 14. janvier 1739, qu'en ce qui est arrivé ensuite jusgu'á la publication de représailles, & à la declaration de la guerre. /
Parallele de la conduit...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Anglo-Spanish War, 1739-1748., Imprint 1739.]
Histoire de l'expédition de trois vaisseaux, : envoyés par la Compagnie des Indes Occidentales des Provinces-Unies, aux terres australes en MDCCXXI. /
Histoire de l'expéditi...
Behrens, Karl Friedrich...
aux depens de la Compag...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Anquetil-Duperron, M. 1731-1805 (Abraham-Hyacinthe),]
[Roggeveen, Jacob,--1659-1729., Voyages around the world., Imprint 1739.]
Proclamaçam /
Proclamaçam /
Great Britain. Sovereig...
Na officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Mascarenhas, José Freire de Monterroyo, 1670-1760., George II, King of Great Britain, 1683-1760.]
[Anglo-Spanish War, 1739-1748., Great Britain--History--George II, 1727-1760., Spain--History--Philip V, 1700-1746., Imprint 1739.]
La imagen milagrosa de la vida, a quien entre sombras le hace lejos la tiniebla de la muerte : sermon panegyrico, que en el solemne juramento, que hizo de patrona contra las pestes a Maria Señora Nuestra de Guadalupe en el dia de su patrocinio, la Santa Iglesia Cathedral de Valladolid, /
La imagen milagrosa de ...
Anguita Sandoval y Roja...
por Joseph Bernardo de ...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Guadalupe, Our Lady of--Sermons--18th century., Sermons--Mexico--Morelia (Michoacán de Ocampo), Imprint 1739.]
Constituciones synodales /
Constituciones synodale...
Catholic Church. Dioces...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Dominicans (Lima, Peru)., Catholic Church. Diocese of La Paz (Bolivia). Bishop (1732-1742 : Rodríguez Delgado), Rodríguez Delgado, Agustín, -1746.]
[Bolivia--Church history--18th century--Sources., CSAIP., Councils and synods, Diocesan--Bolivia--La Paz., Imprint 1739.]
Geographie universelle, exposée dans les diferentes métodes qui peuvent abréger l'étude & faciliter l'usage de cette sience [sic]. : Avec le secours des vers artificiels. /
Geographie universelle,...
Buffier, Claude, 1661-1...
chez Pierre-François G...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Geography--Early works to 1800., Imprint 1739.]
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