Browse All : Imprint 1765.

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A defence of the Letter from a gentleman at Halifax, to his friend in Rhode-Island.
A defence of the Letter...
Howard, Martin, approxi...
Printed and sold by Sam...
Author (contributor)
Brown, John Nicholas, 1861-1900
[Hopkins, Stephen,--1707-1785.--Rights of the colonies examined., Otis, James,--1725-1783.--Vindication of the British colonies., Howard, Martin,--approximately 1730-1781.--Letter from a gentleman at Halifax., United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1765.]
A defence of the Letter from a gentleman at Halifax, to his friend in Rhode-Island.
A defence of the Letter...
Howard, Martin, approxi...
Printed and sold by Sam...
Author (contributor)
Brown, John Nicholas, 1861-1900
[Hopkins, Stephen,--1707-1785.--Rights of the colonies examined., Otis, James,--1725-1783.--Vindication of the British colonies., Howard, Martin,--approximately 1730-1781.--Letter from a gentleman at Halifax., United States--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1765.]
A defence of the majority in the House of Commons, on the question relating to general warrants. In answer to the Defence of the minority.
A defence of the majori...
Lloyd, Charles, 1735-17...
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1765.
A critical review of the new administration.
A critical review of th...
Lloyd, Charles, 1735-17...
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1765.
Ministros despachados para a America, : por decreto do primeiro de fevereiro de mil setecentos sessenta e sinco.
Ministros despachados p...
Na Officina de Miguel R...
[Portugal--Colonies--Administration.--America, Brazil--Officials and employees., Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)--Officials and employees., Vila Rica (Brazil)--Officials and employees., Broadsides, etc.--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1765.]
Some thoughts on the method of improving and securing the advantages which accrue to Great-Britain from the Northern colonies.
Some thoughts on the me...
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1765.
Considerations on the propriety of imposing taxes in the British colonies, for the purpose of raising a revenue, by act of Parliament. [Two lines of quotation in Latin]
Considerations on the p...
Dulany, Daniel, 1722-17...
Printed by a North-Amer...
Imprint 1765.
Considerations on behalf of the colonists. In a letter to a noble lord.
Considerations on behal...
Otis, James, 1725-1783.
printed for J Almon
Imprint 1765.
Considerations on behalf of the colonists. In a letter to a noble lord.
Considerations on behal...
Otis, James, 1725-1783.
printed for J Almon
Imprint 1765.
Considerations relative to the North American colonies.
Considerations relative...
Fothergill, John, 1712-...
printed by Henry Kent
Imprint 1765.
A compleat history of the late war, or annual register of its rise, progress, and events, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. ... Illustrated with a variety of heads, plans, maps, and charts. By J. Wright, Gent. In two volumes. .
A compleat history of t...
Wright, J. active 1761-...
printed for David Steel...
Author (contributor)
Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797.
Imprint 1765.
Doctrina christiana, y platicas doctrinales, /
Doctrina christiana, y ...
Aguirre, Manuel, 1715-1...
Impressas en la Imprent...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[Catholic Church--Missions--Mexico., Catholic Church--Doctrines., Opata language--Texts., Teaching sermons., CSAIP., Indian linguistics--Opata language., Imprint 1765.]
The claim of the colonies to an exemption from internal taxes imposed by authority of Parliament, examined: in a letter from a gentleman in London, to his friend in America.
The claim of the coloni...
Knox, William, 1732-181...
printed for W Johnston
Imprint 1765.
Remarks on the importance of the study of political pamphlets, weekly papers, periodical papers, daily papers, political music, &c.
Remarks on the importan...
printed for W Nicoll
Imprint 1765.
A brief state of the services and expences of the Province of the Massachusett's Bay, in the common cause.
A brief state of the se...
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1765.
Brief remarks on the Defence of the Halifax libel, on the British-American colonies.
Brief remarks on the De...
Otis, James, 1725-1783.
Printed and sold by Ede...
Author (contributor)
Hopkins, Stephen, 1707-1785.
[Howard, Martin,--approximately 1730-1781.--Defence of the Letter from a gentleman at Halifax to his friend in Rhode-Island., United States--Politics and government--1775-1783., Imprint 1765.]
An historical account of the expedition against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764. : Under the command of Henry Bouquet, Esq; colonel of foot, and now brigadier general in America. Including his transactions with the Indians, relative to the delivery of their prisoners, and the preliminaries of peace. With an introductory account of the preceeding campaign, and battle at Bushy-Run. To which are annexed military papers, containing reflections on the war with the savages; a method of forming frontier settlements; some account of the Indian country, with a list of nations, fighting men, towns, distances and different routs. The whole illustrated with a map and copper-plates. /
An historical account o...
Smith, William, 1727-18...
Printed and sold by Wil...
Author (contributor)
[Marshall, James., Hutchins, Thomas, 1730-1789.]
[Bouquet, Henry,--1719-1765., Indians of North America--Ohio., Imprint 1765.]
Acta capituli provincialis provinciae S[ancti] Jacobi de Mexico, celebrati in imperiali sancti p[atris] n[ostri] Dominici ejusdem civitatis conventu, die undecima maij anni millesimi septingentesimi sexagesimi quinti. /
Acta capituli provincia...
Dominicans. Provincia d...
Ex typographia haeredum...
[Dominicans.--Provincia de Santiago de México, Dominicans--Mexico., Marcas de fuego., Imprint 1765.]
An address to the remaining members of the coterie.
An address to the remai...
printed for J Wilkie an...
Imprint 1765.
Arte, vocabulario y confessionario en el idioma mexicano, : como se usa en el Obispado de Guadalaxara, /
Arte, vocabulario y con...
Cortés y Zedeño, Jeróni...
En la Imprenta del Cole...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Catholic Church--Missions--Mexico., Confession--Catholic Church--Handbooks, manuals, etc., Nahuatl language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Indians of Mexico--Nahuatl language., CSAIP., Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language., Imprint 1765.]
A humble attempt at scurrility : : in imitation of those great masters of the art, the Rev. Dr. S--th, the Rev. Dr. Al----n; the Rev. Mr. Ew-n, the irreverend D.J. D-ve and the heroic J--n D-------n, Esq; being a full answer to the observations on Mr. H----s's advertisement. /
A humble attempt at scu...
Hunt, Isaac, approximat...
Printed by Anthony Armb...
Author (contributor)
Franklin, William, 1731-1813.
[Franklin, Benjamin,--1706-1790., Smith, William,--1727-1803., Alison, Francis,--1705-1779., Ewing, John,--1732-1802., Dove, David James,--1696?-1769., Dickinson, John,--1732-1808., Hughes, John,--d.1772., Imprint 1765.]
Arte de la lengua general del Reyno de Chile, con un dialogo chileno-hispano muy curioso: : a que se añade la doctrina christiana, esto es, rezo, catecismo, coplas, confesionario, y plàticas; lo mas en lengua chilena y castellana: y por fin un vocabulario hispano-chileno, y un calepino chileno-hispano mas copioso. /
Arte de la lengua gener...
Febrés, Andrés, 1734-17...
En la calle de la Encar...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Catholic Church., Bromsen, Maury A., Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Mapuche language--Grammar., Mapuche language--Texts., Mapuche language--Dictionaries--Spanish., Spanish language--Dictionaries--Mapuche., CSAIP., Indian linguistics--Mapuche language., Imprint 1765.]
Arte de gramatica en compendio: : contiene sus quatro partes syntaxis, prosodia, etymologia, y orthographia: dividese en seis libros, y el ultimo trahe reglas de pronunciar debidamente los vocablos accentuados en breviarios, missales &c. utilissimo para las monjas, y eclesiasticos, que con el transcurso del tiempo olvidaron la prosodia. Incluye un tratado, que da reglas de poner accentos en las dicciones latinas, y castellanas: otro de anagrammas: un indice de vocablos largos, breves, indiferent. y ultimamente reg. de saber que año es comun,  ̣bissiesto. /
Arte de gramatica en co...
Reyes, Xavier Nicasio d...
En la Oficina de la cal...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Ayllón, Juan Bautista.]
[Spanish language--Grammar., CSAIP., Imprint 1765.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará virem: que havendo cessado em grande parte pela liberdade da Navegaçaõ, concedida aos meus vassallos no alvará de dez do corrente mez de Setembro .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Na officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Maritime law--Portugal., Broadsides, etc.--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1765.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que alvará com força de ley virem: : qne [sic] havendo chegado á minha real presença multiplicadas, e successivas queixas dos meus fiéis vassallos habitantes nos territorios das partes interiores do estado do Brasil; manifestando nellas por hum grande numero de factos evidentes, que o meio dos recursos para os juizos da coroa da Bahia, e Rio de Janeiro, tinha demonstrado huma triste, e ruinosa experiencia, que já naõ podia soccorrellos, util, e opportunamente; porque sendo vexados em partes distantes das mesmas relações muitos centos de legoas por caminhos pouco praticaveis, e trilhados, e com as passagens de rios em grande parte excessivamente caudalosos: .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Impresso na Officina de...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Judges--Brazil., CPJCB., Imprint 1765.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará com força de ley virem: que havendo chegado á minha real presença multiplicadas, e successivas queixas dos meus fiéis vassallos habitantes nos territorios das partes interiores do estado do Brasil .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Impresso na officina de...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Judges--Brazil., CPJCB., Imprint 1765.]
Recueils de réglemens, édits, déclarations et arrêts, concernant le commerce, l'administration de la justice, & la police des colonies françaises de l'Amérique, & les engagés. Avec le Code noir, et l'addition audit code.
Recueils de réglemens,...
Chez les Librairies ass...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Haiti Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France., France. Sovereign (1715-1774 : Louis XV)]
[Slavery--Law and legislation--West Indies., France--Colonies--Commerce., France--Colonies--Administration., Imprint 1765.]
Reglamento de sueldos para el regimiento veterano de dragónes, que há de formarse en Nueva-España.
Reglamento de sueldos p...
[Spain.--Ejército--Pay, allowances, etc., Spain--Armed Forces., Broadsides, etc.--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1765.]
Eu elrey. Fąco saber aos que este alvará de ley virem: : que tendo-se manifestado por huma clara, e deciziva experiencia que de se fazer o commercio da Bahia, e Rio de Janeiro debaixo da sujeįcaõ das frotas, e esquadras, tem rezultado inconvenientes taõ grandes, como saõ por exemplo: primeiro; arruinarem se na humidade, e calor daquelles ardentes paîzes os frutos principaes da sua produc̨caõ .
Eu elrey. Fąco saber a...
Impresso na Officina de...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Brazil--Commerce--Portugal., Portugal--Colonies--America., CPJCB., Imprint 1765.]
Enchiridion canonico-morale de confessario ad inhonesta, & turpia solicitante: : nec non de decretis, & constitutionibus pontificijs ad hoc nefarium crimen exterminandum emanatis. /
Enchiridion canonico-mo...
Vilaplana, Hermenegildo...
ex typographiâ edition...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Confession., Penance., Imprint 1765.]
Précis sur le globe terrestre, ou Explication de la mappemonde; : ornée de détails historiques & de particularités recueillies de différentes relations de voyage, touchant divers peuples de la terre; avec des notions raisonnées pour servir d'introduction à la partie d'astronomie qui se combine, avec la géographie. /
Précis sur le globe te...
Maclot, M. 1728-approxi...
Chez Vente libraire rue...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Geography., America--Geography., Imprint 1765.]
The principles of the late changes impartially examined: in a letter from a Son of Candor to the Public Advertiser.
The principles of the l...
Temple, Richard Grenvil...
printed for J Almon
Imprint 1765.
A pair of spectacles for short sighted politicians; or, a candid answer to a late extraordinary pamphlet, entituled, An honest man's reasons for declining to take any part in the new administration.
A pair of spectacles fo...
Cooper, Grey, Sir, appr...
printed for J Williams
Imprint 1765.
El pretendiente de curatos instruido para si lograre su pretencion, y desengañado para que si no es unicamente la honra de Dios, y el bien de las almas, quien le mueve, desista de pretender, y no sea cura. /
El pretendiente de cura...
Pérez de Velasco, André...
En la Imprenta del Cole...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[Catholic Church--Missions--Mexico., Catholic Church--Clergy--Training of., Catholic Church--Clergy--Appointment, call, and election., Vocation (in religious orders, congregations, etc.), CSAIP., Imprint 1765.]
The objections to the taxation of our American colonies, by the legislature of Great Britain, briefly consider'd.
The objections to the t...
Jenyns, Soame, 1704-178...
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1765.
Thoughts on a question of importance proposed to the public, Whether is it probable that the immense extent of territory acquired by this nation at the late peace, will operate towards the prosperity, or the ruin of the Island of Great-Britain?
Thoughts on a question ...
Cato, active 1765.
printed and sold by J D...
Imprint 1765.
The rights of the British colonies asserted and proved. : By James Otis, Esq.
The rights of the Briti...
Otis, James, 1725-1783.
Boston New-England prin...
Imprint 1765.
The rights of the British colonies considered. The administration and regulation of the colonies exploded. And the best means recommended to make the colonies most useful to the mother country.
The rights of the Briti...
printed for W Flexney
Imprint 1765.
Opisanïe zemelʹ s︠i︡evernoĭ Ameriki, i tamoshnikh prirodnykh zhiteleĭ. /
Opisanïe zemelʹ s︠i︡ev...
Tip Sukhoputn kad korpu...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Indians of North America., North America--Description and travel., Nova Scotia--Boundaries., Acadia., United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763., Imprint 1765.]
A reply to a piece called The speech of Joseph Galloway, Esq; By John Dickinson.
A reply to a piece call...
Dickinson, John, 1732-1...
Philadelphia printed Lo...
Imprint 1765.
The report of an action of assault, battery and wounding, tried in the Supreme Court of Judicature for the Province of New-York, in the term of October 1764, between Thomas Forsey, plaintiff, and Waddel Cunningham, defendant.
The report of an action...
Cunningham, Waddel.
Printed by John Holt
Author (contributor)
New York (State). Supreme Court of Judicature.
[Cunningham, Waddel--Trials, litigation, etc., Forsey, Thomas--Trials, litigation, etc., Trials (Assault and battery)--New York (State)., Imprint 1764., Imprint 1765.]
Vida admirable, y penitente de la V. M. sor Sebastiana Josepha de la SS. Trinidad, : religiosa de coro, y velo negro en el religiosissimo Convento de Señoras Religiosas Clarisas de San Juan de la Penitencia de esta ciudad de Mexico. /
Vida admirable, y penit...
Valdés, Joseph Eugenio.
En la Imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
[Women of the Page Exhibition (John Carter Brown Library), Convento de Churubusco (Churubusco, Mexico City, Mexico)., Brown University. Library, Library of Congress., Bromsen, Maury A.]
[Sebastiana Josepha de la Santíssima Trinidad,--madre,--1709-1757., Poor Clares--Mexico--Biography., CSAIP., Imprint 1765.]
The political balance. In which the principles and conduct of the two parties are weighed.
The political balance. ...
printed for T Becket an...
Imprint 1765.
Prontuario historico de Espana antigua, y moderna, de sus reyes; y los de Portugal; con diferentes noticias muy utiles; recopiladas de varios autores; /
Prontuario historico de...
Minguet é Irol, Pablo,...
En la imprenta del auto...
Author (contributor)
Gómez de la Mata, Federico.
[Portugal--History., Spain--History., Portugal--Kings and rulers., Spain--Kings and rulers., Portugal--Maps., Spain--Maps., Broadsides, etc.--Spain--Madrid., Imprint 1765.]
The objections to the taxation of our American colonies, by the legislature of Great Britain, briefly consider'd.
The objections to the t...
Jenyns, Soame, 1704-178...
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1765.
Le manoeuvrier, ou Essai sur la théorie et la pratique des mouvements du navire et des évolutions navales. /
Le manoeuvrier, ou Essa...
Bourdé de Villehuet, Ja...
Chez HL Guerin & LF Dal...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Naval tactics., Naval art and science., Naval maneuvers., Naval strategy., Catalogs, Booksellers'--France--1765., Imprint 1765.]
A letter to the E- of B-
A letter to the E- of B...
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1765.
The history of the life and sufferings of Henry Grace, of Basingstoke in the county of Southampton. Being a narrative of the hardships he underwent during several years captivity among the savages in North America, ... Written by himself.
The history of the life...
Grace, Henry, approxima...
Printed for the author ...
Imprint 1765.
An honest man's reasons for declining to take any part in the new administration, in a letter to the Marquis of -
An honest man's reasons...
Lloyd, Charles, 1735-17...
printed for J Wilkie an...
Imprint 1765.
El Colegio Seminario del arcangel San Miguel de Escornalbou. : Manifestado en los tres estados, que ha tenido; en las vidas, del fundador, y otros padres missioneros; en los casos raros de las missiones; en un devoto, y tierno llanto de un pecador à los piès de un crucifixo; y en un delicioso ramillete de rarissimas flores, y frutos de la religion del serafico patiarcha [sic] San Francisco. /
El Colegio Seminario de...
Papió, Juan.
En la imprenta de los P...
Author (contributor)
Miro de Albertí, Ca.
[Colegio Seminario del Arcangel San Miguel de Escornalbou (Spain), Indians of Mexico--Missions., Indians of North America--Missions--Texas., Indians of North America--Missions--New Mexico., Imprint 1765., Franciscans--History., Franciscans--Biography., Franciscans--Texas., Franciscans--New Mexico., Franciscans--Mexico., Missions--Texas., Missions--New Mexico., Missions--Mexico.]
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