Browse All : Imprint 1761.

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Der Hoch-deutsch americanische Calender, auf das Jahr nach der gnadenreichen Geburt unsers Herrn und Heylandes Jesu Christi 1762. : (Welches ein gemein Jahr von 365 Tagen ist.) In sich haltende: die Wochen-Tage; den Tag des Monats; Tage welche bemerckt werden; des Mons Auf- und Untergang; des Monds Zeichen und Grad; des Monds Virtel; Aspecten der Planeten samt fer Witterung; des 7 Gestirns Aufgang, Sud-Platz und Untergang; der Son[n]en Auf- und Untergang; der Venus, (des Morgen-oder Abend-Sterns) Auf- und Untergang. Nebst verschiedenen andern Berichten; Erklärung der Zeichen, Aderlass-Täfflein, Anzeigung der Finsternüsse, Courten, Fären, &c. &c. Eingerichtet von 40 Grad Norter-Breite, sonderlich vor Pensylvanien jedoch in denen angrentzenden Landen ohne mercklichen Unterschied zu gebrauchen. Zum vier und zwantzigsten Mal heraus gegeben.
Der Hoch-deutsch americ...
Gedruckt und zu finden ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sower, Christopher, 1721-1784.]
[Almanacs, American--Pennsylvania., Almanacs--Pennsylvania--1762., Catalogs, Booksellers'--United States--1761., Imprint 1761.]
Der wahre und erste Entdecker der Neuen Welt, Christoph Colon, gegen die ungegr̤undeten Ansprüche, welche Americus Vespucci und Martin Behaim auf diese Ehre machen, vertheidiget /
Der wahre und erste Ent...
Toze, Eobald, 1715-1789...
verlegts Victorin Bossi...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Columbus, Christopher., Vespucci, Amerigo,--1451-1512., Behaim, Martin,--1459-1507., America--Discovery and exploration., Imprint 1761.]
Mémoire à consulter, et consultation, : pour Jean Lioncy créancier et syndic de la masse de la raison de commerce établie à Marseille, sous le nom de Lioncy frères et Gouffre. Contre le corps et société des pp. Jésuites.
Mémoire à consulter, ...
Lalourcé, Jean Charlema...
De l'Imprinerie de P Al...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Lioncy, Jean., La Valette, Antoine de--(1708-1767), Jesuits--Controversial literature., France--Commerce--Martinique., Martinique--Commerce--France., France--Commerce--West Indies., West Indies--Commerce--France., Imprint 1761.]
Thoughts on the present war: with remarks on a pamphlet, called, Considerations on the present German War. In a letter from a country gentleman to his friend in town.
Thoughts on the present...
Country gentleman.
printed for M Cooper
Imprint 1761.
Considerations on the present German war.
Considerations on the p...
Mauduit, Israel, 1708-1...
printed for John Wilkie
Imprint 1761.
Considerations on the present German war.
Considerations on the p...
Mauduit, Israel, 1708-1...
printed for John Wilkie
Imprint 1761.
Considerations on the present German war.
Considerations on the p...
Mauduit, Israel, 1708-1...
printed by George Faulk...
Imprint 1761.
Considerations on the expediency of a Spanish war: containing reflections on the late demands of Spain; and on the negociations of Mons. Bussy.
Considerations on the e...
printed for R Griffiths
Imprint 1761.
Comentarios a las ordenanzas de minas ... /
Comentarios a las orden...
Gamboa, Francisco Javie...
En la Oficina de Joachi...
[Mining law--Spain., Mining law--New Spain., Imprint 1761.]
A complete history of the present war, from its commencement in 1756, to the end of the campaign, 1760. In which, all the battles, sieges, and sea-engagements; with every other transaction worthy of public attention, are faithfully recorded; with political and military observations.
A complete history of t...
printed for W Owen L Da...
Imprint 1761.
The conduct of a Rt. Hon. gentleman in resigning the seals of his office justified, by facts, and upon the principles of the British constitution. By a Member of Parliament.
The conduct of a Rt. Ho...
Member of Parliament.
printed for J Newbery
Imprint 1761.
The conduct of a Rt. Hon. gentleman in resigning the seals of his office justified, by facts, and upon the principles of the British constitution. By a Member of Parliament.
The conduct of a Rt. Ho...
Member of Parliament.
printed for J Newbery
Imprint 1761.
The conduct of a Rt. Hon. Gentleman in resigning the seals of his office justified, by facts, ... By a Member of Parliament.
The conduct of a Rt. Ho...
Member of Parliament.
printed for J Newbery
Imprint 1761.
Coleccion legal de cartas, dictámenes y otros papeles en derecho. /
Coleccion legal de cart...
En la Oficina de los Hu...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Museo del Montino., Brown, John Nicholas, 1861-1900, Bingham, Hiram, 1875-1956, Colmenares Fernández de Córdoba, Felipe Urbano, marqués de Zelada de la Fuente, 1723-1807., Bravo de Lagunas y Castilla, Pedro José, 1704?-1765.]
[Herboso y Figueroa, Francisco de., Cueva Ponce de León, Alonso de la,--1684-1754.--Concordia de la discordia., Law--Peru., Ecclesiastical law--Peru., Imprint 1761.]
The case of the British troops serving in Germany. Humbly submitted to the consideration of Parliament. .
The case of the British...
printed for G Kearsly
Imprint 1761.
Llanto de la fama. Reales exequias de la serenissima señora Da. Maria Amalia de Saxonia, Reyna de las Españas, : celebradas en la Santa Iglesia Cathedral de la imperial corte mexicana, los dias 17. y 18. de julio de 1761. Dispuestas por los Sres. comissarios Lic. D. Joseph Rodriguez del Toro, caballero del Orden de Calatrava, y Lic. D. Felix Venancio Malo, del Consejo de Su Magestad, y sus oydores en esta Real Audiencia.
Llanto de la fama. Real...
Rodriguez del Toro, Jos...
Con las licencias neces...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Malo, Félix Venancio, active 18th century.]
[Maria Amalia,--of Saxony, Queen, consort of Charles III, King of Spain,--1724-1760., Funeral rites and ceremonies--Mexico., Funeral sermons--Mexico., Sermons--Mexico--Mexico City., Imprint 1761.]
Lettre au comte du Bute, : a l'occasion de la retraite de M. Pitt, & sur ce qui peut en résulter par rapport à la paix. /
Lettre au comte du Bute...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Genet, Edme Jacques, -1781., Bute, John Stuart, Earl of, 1713-1792., Guthrie, William, 1708-1770.]
[Seven Years' War, 1756-1763--Sources., Imprint 1761.]
Breve practica, y regimen del confessonario [sic] de Indios, en mexicano, y castellano; para instruccion del confessor principiante, habilitacion, y examen del penitente, /
Breve practica, y regim...
Velázquez de Cárdenas, ...
en la Imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Catholic Church--Missions--Mexico., Confession., Nahuatl language--Terms and phrases., Indians of Mexico--Languages., Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language., CSAIP., Imprint 1761.]
The art of speaking, and holding one's tongue, in and out of doors; earnestly recommended at this time to the serious perusal of all candidates and electors.
The art of speaking, an...
printed for C G Seyffer...
Imprint 1761.
Auf Befehl eines hochlöblichen Magistrats und um denen Armen, zumahl auf dem Lande, welche von Medicis allzusehr entfernet wohnen, mit einem nöthigen Unterricht und wolfeylen Arznenen an Handen zu gehen, ist folgender kurze Bericht aufgesetzt und die unentbehrlichste Medicamenten beygefüget worden, jedoch so, dass solche in denen nächsten Apothecken müssen gehohlet werden, weil die Erfahrung lehret, dass sonsten die armen Leuthe mit untauglichen Dingen versehen werden, und zu schädlichen Stümpeleyen und Betrug Gelegenheit gegeben wird; man kan demnach bey sich ereignender Notdurfft jemand mit diesem Unterricht in die Apotheckten schicken, wo nach Erzählung der Umstände des Kranken ihm das dienlichste davon in gehöriger Proportion gegeben wird.
Auf Befehl eines hochlo...
Nuremberg (Germany)
Gedruckt bey Johann Jos...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Medicine., Dysentery--Germany--Nuremberg., Ipecac (Drug), Public health--Germany--Nuremberg., Imprint 1761.]
An answer to a letter to the Right Honourable the Earl of B***, in which the false reasoning, and absurd conclusions, in that pamphlet, are fully detected and refuted: addressed to the Right Hon. Earl T-mple.
An answer to a letter t...
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1761.
Ilustracion de las pinturas del arco de triunfo, que para la entrada publica y solemne del excmô Señor don Joachin de Monserrat Ciurana Cruillas Crespi de Valdaura Sanz de la Llosa Alfonso y Calatayud, Marques de Cruillas, Caballero Gran Cruz, Clavero, Comendador de Monroy y Burriana, y Baylio de Sueca en la Orden de Montesa, Teniente General de los Reales Exercitos, Teniente Coronel del Regimiento de Reales Guardias Españolas de Infanteria, Virrey Gobernador y Capital General de esta Nueva España, y Presidente de la Real Audiencia de ella : Erigio esta nobilissima ê imperial ciudad de Mexico el dia 25 de enero de 1761, /
Ilustracion de las pint...
Velázquez Cárdenas y Le...
En la imprenta de la Bi...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), New Spain. Viceroy (1760-1766 : Cruillas)]
[Cruillas, Joaquín de Montserrat,--marqués de,--1700-1771., Triumphal arches--Mexico., Triumphal arches--Poetry., Imprint 1761.]
Acta capituli provincialis, celebrati in hoc s[ancti] p[atris] n[ostri] Dominici imperiali mexicano coenobio, die vigesima quinta mensis aprilis anni millesimi septingentesimi sexagesimi primi.  /
Acta capituli provincia...
Dominicans. Provincia d...
Ex Novae Antuerp Offici...
[Dominicans.--Provincia de Santiago de México, Dominicans--Mexico., Marcas de fuego., Imprint 1761.]
A letter to a great M---------r, on the prospect of a peace; wherein the demolition of the fortifications of Louisbourg is shewn to be absurd; the importance of Canada fully refuted; ... By an unprejudiced observer.
A letter to a great M--...
Unprejudiced observer.
printed for G Kearsly
Imprint 1761.
A letter to the right honourable author of a letter to a citizen, with animadversions on the answer thereto, and on the behaviour of the corporation of the City of London. .
A letter to the right h...
printed for J Hinxman
Imprint 1761.
A word to a right honourable commoner.
A word to a right honou...
printed for J Dixwell a...
Imprint 1761.
Health. : An essay on its nature, value, uncertainty, preservation and best improvement. /
Health. : An essay on i...
Grosvenor, B. 1676-1758...
Printed by D and J Knee...
[Hygiene., Health--Religious aspects., Luce grant., Imprint 1761.]
Voto consultivo, que ofrece al excelentissimo señor don Joseph Antonio Manso de Velasco, conde de superunda, cavallero del Orden de Santiago, gentil hombre de la camara de Su Magestad, teniente general de sus reales exercitos, virrey, governador, y capitan general de los Reynos del Perù. /
Voto consultivo, que of...
Bravo de Lagunas y Cast...
En la oficina de los hu...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (1745-1761 : Manso de Velasco), Rozas, Ramón de., Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Grain trade--Peru., Peru--Commerce--Chile., Chile--Commerce--Peru., CSAIP., Imprint 1761.]
The interest of Great Britain in the approaching congress considered. In a letter from a newly elected member to a noble minister of state.
The interest of Great B...
Newly Elected Member.
printed for W Bristow
Imprint 1761.
The importance of Canada considered. In two letters to a noble lord.
The importance of Canad...
printed for R and J Dod...
Imprint 1761.
Sermaõ em acçaõ de graças pelos felicissimos desposorios da serenissima senhora d[ona] Maria princeza do Brasil com o serenissimo senhor dom Pedro infante de Portugal, : prégado em igreja do mosteiro de Santa Clara de Evora da provincia dos Algarves em 3 de agosto de 1760, offerecido ao mesmo senhor /
Sermaõ em acçaõ de g...
Remedios, Filippe dos, ...
Na Offic da Antonio Vic...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Saad, Mony Maron.]
[Maria--I,--Queen of Portugal,--1734-1816--Sermons., Pedro--III,--King, consort of Maria I, Queen of Portugal,--1717-1786--Sermons., Marriage--Sermons., Wedding sermons--Portugal--Évora., Sermons--Portugal--Evora., Imprint 1761.]
The Right Honourable annuitant vindicated. With a word or two in favour of the other great man, ... In a letter to a friend in the country.
The Right Honourable an...
printed for JMorgan
Imprint 1761.
The seasonable address of a militia-man, to those of his fraternity, on the prospect of a peace, and that of their dissolution, .
The seasonable address ...
Young, Militia-man
printed for J Wilkie
Imprint 1761.
Second thoughts on the German war: or a full and complete answer to a late pamphlet entitled Occasional thoughts on the present German war. By the author of the Considerations on the same subject.
Second thoughts on the ...
printed for G Burnet
Imprint 1761.
Relaçaõ dos livros auxiliares, que Sua Magestade manda estabelecer para a regular administraçaõso do seu real erario pelo titulo XII. da ley de 22. de dezembro de 1761., que determinou a instituçaõ do sobredito erario.
Relaçaõ dos livros au...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Moura, Jayme de., Pombal, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Marquês de, 1699-1782.]
[Taxation--Portugal., Finance, Public--Portugal., Portugal--History--Joseph, 1750-1777., Imprint 1761.]
Relacion de los autos de residencia, /
Relacion de los autos d...
Amat y Junient, Manuel ...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Rodríguez, José M.]
[Amat y Junient, Manuel de,--1707-1782., Chile--Politics and government--1565-1810., CSAIP., Imprint 1761.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará com força de ley virem, que sendo informado dos muitos, e grandes inconvenientes, que resultam do excesso, e devassidaõ, com que contra as leys, e costumes de outras cortes polidas se transporta annualmente da Africa, America, e Asia .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Na Chancelleria mór da...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Slave trade--Portugal., CPJCB., Imprint 1761.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará de ley virem, que sendo-me presente que os siganos, que deste reyno tem hido degradados para o estado do Brazil .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Na Officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Romanies--Brazil., CPJCB., Imprint 1761.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará com força de ley virem, : que sendo informado dos muitos, e grandes inconvenientes, que resultaõ do excesso, e devassidaõ, com que contra as leys, e costumes de outras cortes polidas se transporta annualmente da Africa, America, e Asia .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Reimpresso na officina ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Slave trade., CPJCB., Imprint 1761.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará com força de ley virem, que sendo informado dos muitos, e grandes inconvenientes, que resultam do excesso, e devassidaõ, com que contra as leys, e costumes de outras cortes polidas se transporta annualmente da Africa, America, e Asia .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Na officina de Antonio ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Slave trade--Portugal., CPJCB., Imprint 1761.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará de ley virem, que sendo-me prezente que os siganos, que deste reyno tem hido degradados para o estado do Brazil .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Chancellaria Mór da Co...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Romanies--Brazil., CPJCB., Imprint 1761.]
Reasons for keeping Guadaloupe at a peace, preferable to Canada, explained in five letters, from a gentleman in Guadaloupe, to his friend in London.
Reasons for keeping Gua...
Gentleman in Guadaloupe...
printed for M Cooper
Imprint 1761.
Por quanto a extinçaõ dos contes do reino, e casa determinada pela minha ley de vinte e dous do corrente mez de dezembro, he justo, e necessario, que se execute sem prejuizo das contas dos almoxarises, thesoureiros, e recebederos, que actualmente estaõ exercitando; .
Por quanto a extinçaõ...
Portugal. Sovereign (17...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Moura, Jayme de., Pombal, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Marquês de, 1699-1782., Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Portugal.--Conselho da Fazenda, Taxation--Portugal., Lisbon Earthquake, Portugal, 1755., Portugal--History--Joseph, 1750-1777., Earthquakes--Portugal., Imprint 1761.]
Amorosa contienda de Francia, Italia, y España sobre la augusta persona de el señor don Carlos III. exaltado al trono español. : certamen poetico, metrica palestra, ingenioso combate, a que para decidirla con dèlphicos oràculos, mètricos alegatos, y minervales instrumentos, convoca las racionales musas de su docto floreciente Parnaso la real y pontificia Universidad de México, /
Amorosa contienda de Fr...
Real y Pontificia Unive...
Impressa en el Rl y mas...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Colegio de San Ildefonso (Mexico), Beye de Cisneros y Quijano, Manuel Ignacio, 1718-1787., Campos Martínez, Juan Gregorio de., León, Nicolás, 1859-1929]
[Charles--III,--King of Spain,--1716-1788--Poetry., Poetry--Competitions--Mexico., Mexican poetry., Imprint 1761.]
Eloge de René Duguay-Trouin, : lieutenant général des armées navales de France, commandeur de l'Ordre royal & militaire de Saint Louis. Discours qui a concouru pour le prix de l'Académie Françoise en 1761. /
Eloge de René Duguay-T...
Guys, M. 1721-1799. (Pi...
Chez la veuve de Bernar...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Académie française.]
[Du Guay-Trouin, René,--1673-1736., France--History, Naval--18th century., Imprint 1761.]
Orbe serafico novo brasilico, descoberto, estabelecido, e cultivado a influxos da nova luz de Italia, estrella brilhante de Hespanha, luzido sol de Padua, astro mayor do ceo de Francisco, o thaumaturgo portuguez S[an]to Antonio, : aquem vay consagrado, como theatro glorioso, e parte primeira da Chronica dos Frades Menores da mais estreita, e regular observancia da provincia do Brasil, /
Orbe serafico novo bras...
Jaboatão, Antônio de Sa...
Na Officina de Antonio ...
[Franciscans--Missions--Brazil., Brazil--History--To 1822., Brazil--Description and travel., Imprint 1761.]
Des Landmanns Advocat : Das ist: Kurzer Auszug aus solchen Gesetzen von Pennsylvania und England, welche daselbst in völliger Kraft, und einem freyen Einwohner auf dem Lande höchst nöthig und nützlich zu wissen sind. Enthaltend Anweisungen, welchergestalt der Landmann als ein Geschworner bey Verhören und Rechtssprüchen, oder Juryman; als ein Testamentsvollzieher, oder Executor; als ein Vormund, oder Guardian; als ein Friederhalter, oder Constable, als ein Armenpfleger, oder Overseer of the Poor, U. S. W. sich zu betragen hat. Nebst viel andern Dingen, durch deren Wissenschaft der gemeine Mann seinen Schaden verhüten und seinen Nutzen befördern kan. /
Des Landmanns Advocat :...
Gedruckt bey Henrich Mi...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Library Company of Philadelphia, former owner., Zinman, Michael, former owner., Buck, Daniel M. former owner., Henderson, David, active 1761.]
[Law--Pennsylvania., Criminal law--Pennsylvania., Pennsylvania--Politics and government--To 1775., Imprint 1761.]
Dom Joseph por graça de Deos rey de Portugal, e dos Algarves, dáquem, e dálem mar; em Africa senhor de Guiné, e da conquista, navegaçaõ, e commercio da Etiopia, Arabia, Persia, e da Indias, &c. Faço saber aos que esta minha carta de ley virem, que tendo o estabelecimento, conservaçaõ, e augmento das monarquias (depois da bençam da maõ omnipotente) huma essencial, e indispensavel dependencia da regular, e exacta arrecadaçaõ das rendas, que constituem o erario publico; .
Dom Joseph por graça d...
Portugal. Sovereign (17...
Impressa na Officina de...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Moura, Jayme de., Pombal, Sebastião José de Carvalho e Melo, Marquês de, 1699-1782.]
[Taxation--Portugal., Finance, Public--Portugal., Portugal--History--Joseph, 1750-1777., Imprint 1761.]
A seventh letter to the people of England, occasioned by a late resignation.
A seventh letter to the...
printed for W Nicoll
Imprint 1761.
Theatro comico portuguez, ou collecçaõ das operas portuguezas, que se representaraõ na Casa do Theatro Publico do Bairro Alto de Lisboa. Offerecidas á muito nobre senhora Pecunia Argentina /
Theatro comico portugue...
Na Of Patriarcal de Fra...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Pacheco, Pedro Borges., Silva, António José da, 1705-1739.]
[Portuguese drama--18th century., CPJCB., Imprint 1759., Imprint 1761.]
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