Browse All : Imprint 1756.

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Noticia certa da grande batalha, que houve na America entre os francezes, e inglezes, : em cujo conflicto foraõ estes derrotodas; refere-se o numero dos mortos, o dos feridos, e o ãos prisioneiros: assaltos, emboscadas, e encontros, que tem havido naquellas partes entre estes inimigos; combates navaes, e tomadas de náos entre os mesmos. Importantissima expediçaõ, que intenta a França contra Inglaterra, e outras cousas concernentes á presente guerra.
Noticia certa da grande...
Na offic de Domingos Ro...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763., CPJCB., Imprint 1756.]
Noticia verdadeira da embaixada, que na Corte de Vienna deu o cavalleiro monsieur Keith, enviado extraordinario, e ministro plenipotenciario da Corte de Inglaterra á Corte de Ungria. : Na qual fez sua despedida, e allegou as razões incontrastaveis, que moveraõ á Graõ Bretanha para declarar a guerra, convencendo de insubsistentes as razões, que a França allegou em sua declaraçaõ, e outras noticias.
Noticia verdadeira da e...
Keith, Robert, -1774.
Na Officina de Domingos...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Braddock, Edward,--1695?-1755., Braddock's Campaign, 1755., CPJCB., Imprint 1756.]
Tratado de conservaçaô da saude dos povos: : obra util, e igualmente necessaria a os magistrados, capitaens generais, capitaens de mar, e guerra, prelados, abbadessas, medicos, e pays de familias: com hum appendix consideraçoins sobre os terremotos, com a noticia dos mais consideraveis, de que fas mençaô  a historia, e dos ultimos que se sintiraô na Europa desde o 1 de Novembre 1755.
Tratado de conservaçao...
Sanches, António Nunes ...
Em casa de Bonardel e d...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Public health., Hygiene., Air quality., Earthquakes--Portugal--Lisbon., Earthquakes--Peru--Lima., Earthquakes--Jamaica., Imprint 1756.]
Carta pastoral exortatoria a penitencia, /
Carta pastoral exortato...
Catholic Church. Archdi...
En la Imprenta de Joach...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Parreño, Albert J., Figueredo y Victoria, Francisco José de.]
[Repentance., CSAIP., Earthquakes--Portugal--Lisbon--1755., Imprint 1756.]
Carta pastoral, que el Illmo. S.D.D. Pedro Antonio de Barroeta y Angel, arzobispo de los Reyes, dirige al venerable clero, y amado pueblo de su diocessis, : con ocasion de las noticias, que se han participado de España del gran terremoto, que el dia primero de noviembre de 1755. se experimentó con grandes estragos en la Europa, y otras partes, para que con la prompta penitencia aplaquen la divina justicia, que allá castiga, y acà nos amenaza.
Carta pastoral, que el ...
Catholic Church. Archdi...
En la Plazuela de San C...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Barroeta y Angel, Pedro Antonio, -1775.]
[God--Wrath., CSAIP., Earthquakes--Portugal--Lisbon--1755., Imprint 1756.]
Considerations on the present state of affairs, with some reflections on the Dutch Observator.
Considerations on the p...
printed for S Hooper
Imprint 1756.
The conduct of the ministry impartially examined. In a letter to the merchants of London.
The conduct of the mini...
printed for S Bladon
Imprint 1756.
The conduct of the ministry impartially examined. In a letter to the merchants of London.
The conduct of the mini...
printed for S Bladon
Imprint 1756.
The conduct of the ministry impartially examined. In a letter to the merchants of London.
The conduct of the mini...
printed for S Bladon
Imprint 1756.
Manual para administrar los santos sacramentos, conforme al reformado de Paulo V. P.M. : Mandado sacar del por el illustrissimo, y reverendissimo señor Mrò. D. fray Payo de Rivera, del Orden de S. Augusin, por la Divina Gracia, y de la Santa Sede Apostolica, obispo de Goathemala, y Verapaz, del consejo de su Magestad. &c. Sacado, y trasumptadas las rubricas, y notas, de latin en romance, y añadidas algunas cosas, y ceremonias tocanes â la administracion de los santos sacramentos.
Manual para administrar...
Alvarez de Vega, Nicolá...
Impreso con nuevas lice...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), American Antiquarian Society., Kurtz, Alice W., Ribera, Payo de, 1612-1684.]
[Catholic Church--Liturgy., Sacraments (Liturgy), CSAIP., Imprint 1756.]
A serious defence of some late measures of the administration; particularly with regard to the introduction and establishment of foreign troops.
A serious defence of so...
Douglas, John, 1721-180...
printed for J Morgan
Imprint 1756.
Roman politique sur l'état présent des affaires de l'Amerique, ou Lettres de M***. a M***. : Sur les moyens d'établir une paix solide & durable dans les colonies, & la liberté générale du commerce extérieur.
Roman politique sur l'e...
Saintard, P., -approxim...
Chez Duchesne libraire ...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Colonies--America., Europe--Politics and government--1648-1789., America--History--Sources.--To 1810, Imprint 1756.]
Cathecismo breve en lengua tarasca, y recopilacion de algunos verbos los mas communes para el uso de la misma lengua. /
Cathecismo breve en len...
Botello Movellan, Josep...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), León, Nicolás, 1859-1929, Castaño, Bartolomé, 1601-1672.]
[Catholic Church--Catechisms--Tarascan., Imprint 1756., Imprint 1758., Catholic Church--Creeds., Manuscripts, Mexican., Manuscripts, Purépecha., Purépecha language--Grammar., Purépecha language--Glossaries, vocabularies, etc., Purépecha language--Texts., Indian linguistics--Tarascan language., Manuscripts--Indian languages.]
The case of the importation of bar-iron, from our own colonies of North America; humbly recommended to the consideration of the present Parliament, by the iron manufacturers of Great Britain.
The case of the importa...
printed for Thomas Trye
Imprint 1756.
Ley, em que se accrescentaõ as penas impostas contra os mulatos, e pretos escravos do Brasil, que uzarem de armas prohibidas. De 24 de Janeiro de 1756.
Ley, em que se accresce...
foi reimpressa na offic...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Slavery--Law and legislation--Brazil., Imprint 1756.]
Ley, em que se accrescentaõ as penas impostas contra os mulatos, e pretos escravos do Brasil, que uzarem de armas prohibidas. De 24 de Janeiro de 1756.
Ley, em que se accresce...
Foi reimpressa na offic...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Slavery--Law and legislation--Brazil., Imprint 1756.]
A brief narrative of the case and trial of John Peter Zenger, printer of the New-York weekly-journal.
A brief narrative of th...
Zenger, John Peter, 169...
New-York printed Lancas...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Library Company of Philadelphia., New York (State). Supreme Court., Zinman, Michael., Alexander, James, 1691-1756., Hamilton, Andrew, 1691-1741.]
[Zenger, John Peter,--1697-1746--Trials, litigation, etc., Trials (Seditious libel)--New York (State)--New York., Freedom of the press--New York (State), Imprint 1756.]
A brief state of the province of Pennsylvania, in which the conduct of their assemblies for several years past is impartially examined, ... In a letter from a gentleman who has resided many years in Pennsylvania to his friend in London.
A brief state of the pr...
Smith, William, 1727-18...
printed for R Griffiths
Imprint 1756.
La conduite des François justifiée, ou Observations sur un ecrit anglois, : intitulé: Conduite des françois à l'égard de la Nouvelle-Ecosse, depuis son premier etablissement jusqu'à nos jours. /
La conduite des Franço...
Lagrange de Checieux, G...
Chez Le Breton imprimeu...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Jefferys, Thomas,---1771.--Conduct of the French with regard to Nova Scotia., Treaty of Utrecht (1713-1715), Canada--History--To 1763 (New France), Acadia--Boundaries., Great Britain--Foreign relations--France., France--Foreign relations--Great Britain., Imprint 1756.]
An answer to a pamphlet call'd, The conduct of the ministry impartially examined. In which it is proved, that neither imbecillity nor ignorance in the M-r have been the causes of the present unhappy situation of this nation. By the Author of the Four Letters to the people of England.
An answer to a pamphlet...
Shebbeare, John, 1709-1...
printed for M Cooper
Imprint 1756.
Año santificado con la memoria de la Passion de Christo nuestro redemptor. /
Año santificado con la...
Fernández de la Cavada,...
Y por su original por I...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Jesus Christ--Passion--Prayers and devotions., CSAIP., Imprint 1756.]
An appeal to the sense of the people, on the present posture of affairs. Wherein the nature of the late treaties are inquired into, and the conduct of the m---i---y with regard to M--n--ca, A--r--ca, &c. is considered; .
An appeal to the sense ...
printed for David Hookh...
Imprint 1756.
Idée de la vie et des écrits de M.G. de Witte : pasteur & doyen de l'eglise collégiate & parochiale de Notre-Dame au de là de la Dille, dans la ville de Malines. Suivie d'un Appendix très curieux au sujet des Jésuites. Voyés en le sujet dans la page suivante.
Idée de la vie et des ...
Le Clerc de La Pierre, ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Roy, Elie, 1828-1912., Witte, Gilles de, 1648-1721.]
[Witte, Gilles de,--1648-1721., Jesuits--Paraguay., Inquisition--History., Imprint 1756.]
[Memorandum book]
[Memorandum book]
Engs, William, active 1...
Author (contributor)
JCB Redwood Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Account books--Rhode Island., Merchant mariners--Rhode Island., Louisbourg (N.S.)--History--Siege, 1745., Nova Scotia--History--1713-1763., Canada--History--To 1763 (New France), Rhode Island--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Manuscripts--English., Imprint 1741., Imprint 1756.]
Acta capituli provincialis, a Mexicea S[ancti] Jacobi Eparchia habiti, ac celebrati in imperiali S[ancti] p[atris] n[ostri] Dominici ipsius coenobio /
Acta capituli provincia...
Dominicans. Provincia d...
Ex sacrorum librorum ty...
[Dominicans.--Provincia de Santiago de México, Dominicans--Mexico., Marcas de fuego., Imprint 1756.]
An address to the British army and navy. Intended to remind our brave warriors of the important interests, in which they are engaged, .
An address to the Briti...
printed for J Buckland ...
Imprint 1756.
An account of conferences held, and treaties made, between Major-General Sir William Johnson, bart. : and the chief sachems and warriours of the Mohawks, Oneidas, Onandagas, Cayugas, Senekas, Tuskaroras, Aughquageys, Skaniadaradighronos, Chugnuts, Mahickanders, Shawanese, Kanuskagos, Toderigbronos, and Oghquagoes, Indian nations in North America, at their meetings on different occasions at Fort Johnson, in the county of Albany, in the colony of New York, in the years 1755 and 1756. With a letter from the Rev. Mr. Hawley to Sir William Johnson, written at the desire of the Delaware Indians. And a preface giving a short account of the Six Nations, some anecdotes of the life of Sir William, and notes illustrating the whole. Also an appendix containing an account of conferences between several Quakers in Philadelphia, and some of the heads of the Six Nations, in April 1756.
An account of conferenc...
Great Britain.
Printed for A Millar in...
Author (contributor)
[Colden, Cadwallader, 1688-1776., Hawley, Benjamin, 1703-1782., Johnson, William, 1715-1774.]
[Johnson, William,--1715-1774., Delaware Indians., Indians of North America--Treaties., Indians of North America--New York (State)--Treaties., United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763., New York (State)--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1756., Six Nations--Treaties., Mohawk Indians--Treaties., Oneida Indians--Treaties., Onondaga Indians--Treaties., Cayuga Indians--Treaties., Seneca Indians--Treaties., Tuscarora Indians--Treaties., Iroquois Indians--Treaties.]
An account of a useful discovery to distill double the usual quantity of sea-water, by blowing showers of air up through the distilling liquor; : and also to have the distilled water perfectly fresh and good by means of a little chalk. And an account of the great benefit of ventilators in many instances, in preserving the health and lives of people, in slave and other transport ships; which were read before the Royal Society. Also an account of the good effect of blowing showers of air up through milk, thereby to cure the ill taste which is occasioned by some kinds of food of cows. /
An account of a useful ...
Hales, Stephen, 1677-17...
Printed for Richard Man...
Author (contributor)
Goethe, G., doctor.
[Seawater--Distillation., Naval hygiene., Ships--Heating and ventilation., Water--Aeration., Milk hygiene., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1756., Imprint 1756.]
Le patriote anglois, ou Reflexions sur les hostilités que la France reproche à l'Angleterre, et sur la réponse de nos ministres au dernier Mémoire de Sa M. T. C.. /
Le patriote anglois, ou...
Le Blanc, Jean-Bernard,...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Anglo-French War, 1755-1763--Sources., Seven Years' War, 1756-1763--Sources., Europe--Politics and government--1648-1789., France--Foreign relations--Great Britain., Great Britain--Foreign relations--France., Imprint 1756.]
Vida prodigiosa de la venerable virgen Juana de Jesus de la Tercera Orden de Penitencia de Nuestro Seraphico Padre San Francisco. : Que florecio en el monasterio de Santa Clara de Quito. /
Vida prodigiosa de la v...
Santa Maria, Francisco ...
En la calle del tigre p...
Author (contributor)
[Women of the Page Exhibition (John Carter Brown Library), Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library]
[Franciscans.--Provincia de San Francisco de Quito, Franciscans--Ecuador., Imprint 1756.]
Sustos da vida nos perigos da cura, ou Carta, que hum amigo escreveo a outro, estando convalescendo, depois de huma enfermidade.
Sustos da vida nos peri...
Morganti, Bento, 1709-
Na Officina de Miguel M...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Physicians--Portugal., Physicians--Malpractice--Brazil., Medical personnel--Malpractice--Portugal., Medical personnel--Malpractice--Brazil., Quacks and quackery--Portugal., Quacks and quackery--Brazil., Imprint 1756., Physicians--Brazil., Surgeons--Portugal., Surgeons--Brazil., Pharmacists--Portugal., Pharmacists--Brazil., Medicine--Portugal., Medicine--Brazil., Physicians--Malpractice--Portugal.]
Tarifa y puntual aprecio, que para el seguro expendio de los medicamentos galenicos, y chymicos màs usuales en las oficinas pharmaceuticas de este reyno, /
Tarifa y puntual apreci...
Peru (Viceroyalty)
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Peru. Real Tribunal del Protomedicato., Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864., Castillo, Juan José del.]
[Prescription pricing--Law and legislation--Peru., CSAIP., Imprint 1756.]
Tendo consideraçaõ a que os meus vassallos, que navegaõ para o estado do Brasil, devendo expedir as respectivas frotas nos precisos tempos que lhes tenho ordenado .
Tendo consideraçaõ a ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Maritime law--Portugal., Broadsides, etc.--Portugal.--Lisbon., Imprint 1756.]
Sentencias de vista, y revista /
Sentencias de vista, y ...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Peru (Viceroyalty). Real Acuerdo de Justicia (Lima), Peru (Viceroyalty). Viceroy (1745-1761 : Manso de Velasco), Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Protectionism--Peru., Wheat trade--Peru., Wheat trade--Chile., CSAIP., Imprint 1756.]
Relaçam da declaraçam da guerra dos inglezes contra os francezes, publicada em dezoito do mez de mayo em a corte de Londres. : Notavel sitio da praça de Porto Mahon, e combate horroroso, que junto à mesma praça teve hũa esquadra ingleza, e outra franceza, que tudo traduzido da lingoa britanica offerece ao publico hum curioso.
Relaçam da declaraçam...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Anglo-French War, 1755-1763., Mahón (Spain)--History--Siege, 1756., CPJCB., Imprint 1756.]
Relaçam do combate, que tiveraõ os francezes com os inglezes, : aonde se referem as proezas, que estes tem feito; com algũas noticias da América, e tomada do Forte Bull. : E se dá cabal noticia do rendimento da praça de Porto Mahon, expondo-se, e declarando-se alguns capitulos de sua entrega, que por falta de noticias se omittiraõ na primeira relaçaõ e outras cousas notaveis.
Relaçam do combate, qu...
Na officina de Domingos...
Author (contributor)
Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Anglo-French War, 1755-1763., United States--History--French and Indian War, 1754-1763., Mahón (Spain)--History--Siege, 1756., CPJCB., Imprint 1756.]
Relacion de lo acaecido en la ciudad de Granada el dia primero de Noviembre de 1755, con el terremoto que principió entre nueve y diez de la mañana, y durò diez minutos. : A continuacion de esta iràn saliendo las subsequentes, expressandose en ellas los daños que de este formidable terremoto resultaron en las ciudades y lugares, que por los numeros con que vàn foliadas, y nombres propios, se sabrà las que fueron.
Relacion de lo acaecido...
Reimpressa en la Impren...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Lisbon Earthquake, Portugal, 1755., Earthquakes--Spain--Granada--1755., Imprint 1756.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a quantos este alvará em fórma de ley virem, que por justas cauzas, que me foraõ prezentes: sou servido extinguir os officios de executores da Alfandega Grande, e da Alfandega do Tabaco da cidade de Lisboa .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Tobacco--Taxation--Portugal., Portugal--Officials and employees., CPJCB., Imprint 1756.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará de declaraçaõ virem que attendendo ao favor de que se fazem dignos os officiaes, mestres, marinheiros, e mais homens do mar, que navegaõ para os meus dominios ultramarinos .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Maritime law--Brazil., Brazil--Commerce--Portugal., Portugal--Commerce--Brazil., CPJCB., Imprint 1756.]
Eu Elrey. Faço saber aos que este alvará virem, que sendome presente a desigualdade, : com que se arbitraõ os fretes das mercadorias liquidas, e volumosas, que se transportaõ da cidade de Lisboa para os differentes pórtos de America, e delles para este Reyno; computando-se o preço dos mesmos fretes, ou o numero das toneladas, de que elle depende, pela estimaçaõ dos contra-mestres, que ordinariamente saõ distituidos de todas as instrucçoens necessarias para fazerem arbitramentos taõ importantes aos communs interesses do commercio, e da navegaçaõ dos meus vassallos .
Eu Elrey. Faço saber a...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Portugal--Commerce., Brazil--Commerce., CPJCB., Imprint 1756.]
Geschichte Nicolai des Ersten, Königs von Paraguai, und Kaysers der Mameluken.
Geschichte Nicolai des ...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Jesuits--Paraguay--Fiction., Guarani Indians--Fiction., Seven Reductions, War of the, 1754-1756--Fiction., Brazil--In literature., Imprint 1756.]
Eu Elrei. Faço saber aos que este alvará com força de lei virem, que, tendo consideraçaõ aos prejuizos, que sentíraõ os meus vassallos, que habitaõ nos lugares das costas destes reinos .
Eu Elrei. Faço saber a...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Wood--Taxation--Portugal., Broadsides, etc.--Portugal.--Lisbon., Imprint 1756.]
Eu Elrei. Faço saber aos que este alvará virem, que sendo-me presente, que na Mesa do Paço da Madeira se duvída dar livres dos direitos da dizima as madeiras .
Eu Elrei. Faço saber a...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1750-1777 : Joseph), Joseph, King of Portugal, 1714-1777.]
[Wood--Taxation--Portugal., Broadsides, etc.--Portugal--Lisbon., Imprint 1756.]
A fourth letter to the people of England, : on the conduct of m------rs, in alliances, fleets, and armies, since the first differences on the Ohio, to the taking of Minorca by the French. ... To which are added, numbers LII and LIII of the Monitor, applicable to the letter.
A fourth letter to the ...
Shebbeare, John, 1709-1...
Printed for M Collier b...
[Anglo-French War, 1755-1763., Great Britain--Foreign relations--France., France--Foreign relations--Great Britain., Imprint 1756.]
A full and particular answer to all the calumnies, misrepresentations, and falsehoods, contained in a pamphlet, called A fourth letter to the people of England.
A full and particular a...
printed for T Harris
Imprint 1756.
The real Christians hope in death; or An account of the edifying behaviour of several persons of piety in their last moments, : with a preface recommendatory by the Rev. Mr. Clarke, Rector of St. Philips Charlestown, /
The real Christians hop...
Zubly, John Joachim, 17...
Printed by Christopher ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Case, Esther. former owner., Newins, Catherine. former owner., Clarke, Richard, 1723-approximately 1780.]
[Christian biography., Death., Imprint 1756.]
A first letter to the people of England. On the present situation and conduct of national affairs.
A first letter to the p...
Shebbeare, John, 1709-1...
Imprint 1756.
Ephemeris calculada al meridiano de Mexico, para el año de el Señor de 1757. /
Ephemeris calculada al ...
Gonzaga del Castillo, M...
En la Imprenta de los h...
[Ephemerides., Almanacs, Mexican., Almanacs--Mexico--1757., Imprint 1756.]
An essay on the times.
An essay on the times.
printed for C Henderson...
Imprint 1756.
An essay on ways and means for raising money for the support of the present war, without increasing the public debts. Inscribed to the Right Honourable George Lord Anson, ... By Francis Fauquier.
An essay on ways and me...
Fauquier, Francis, 1704...
printed for M Cooper an...
Imprint 1756.
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