Browse All : Imprint 1660.

1-22 of 22
Conocimiento de Dios : primera parte. /
Conocimiento de Dios : ...
Cruz, Francisco de la.
Por Luys de Lyra
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Cascajares, José., González, Antonio.]
[God--Knowableness., CSAIP., Imprint 1660.]
Lunario perpetuo anadido, y restituido a su verdadero original, /
Lunario perpetuo anadid...
Quirós, Francisco de, C...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library
[Lunar eclipses., Solar eclipses., CSAIP., Imprint 1660.]
Auto, y manutenencia del Real Acuerdo en fauor de N.M.R.P.M. Fr. Martin Melendez, : calificador del Santo Oficio, prior del Conuento de N. Señora del Rosario de Lima, y vicario general de la Prouincia de San Iuan Baptista del Peru del Orden de Predicadores.
Auto, y manutenencia de...
Peru (Viceroyalty). Rea...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Flores, Francisco.]
[Melendez, Martín., Convento de Nuestra Señora del Rosario (Lima, Peru)--History--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1660.]
Navigatio Salomonis ophiritica illustrata /
Navigatio Salomonis oph...
Lipen, Martin, 1630-169...
Impensis Andrea Hartman...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Solomon,--King of Israel, Navigation--History., Ophir., Africa--Discovery and exploration., America--Discovery and exploration., Imprint 1660.]
Guia de confessores, practica de administrar los sacramentos, en especial el de la penitencia. : En que se facilita el vso de ella; tanto à los confessores, como à los penitentes. : Sacada de la doctrina de Santo Thomas, y de otros muy graves autores. : Impressa de orden del ilustrissimo, y reuerendissimo señor don Andres Manca, arçobispo metropolitano turritano, primado de Cerdẽna, y Corcega, y del consejo del rey nuestro señor. /
Guia de confessores, pr...
Carta, Gabino, 1604?-16...
Año de 1660 Con licenci...
[Sacraments--Catholic Church., Penance., Imprint 1660.]
Teorica, y practica de esquadrones, deducida del tesoro militar /
Teorica, y practica de ...
Heredia y Estupiñan, An...
por Ioseph de Contreras
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Cadaval family.]
[Spain.--Ejército.--Infantería--Drill and tactics., Spain.--Ejército.--Infantería--Drill and tactics--Handbooks, manuals, etc., Military art and science., Military art and science--Handbooks, manuals, etc., Military education--Peru., Imprint 1660.]
Idea principis christiano-politici : symbolis CI. expressa, /
Idea principis christia...
Saavedra Fajardo, Diego...
Apud Fridericum Leonard...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Sadeler, Johann, -1665.]
[Emblems., Political science., Kings and rulers--Duties., Imprint 1660.]
Epanaphoras de varia historia portugueza. : A el Rey Nosso Senhor D. Afonso VI. Em cinco relaçoens de sucessos pertencentes a este reyno. Que contem negocios publicos, politicos, tragicos, amorosos, belicos, triunfantes. /
Epanaphoras de varia hi...
Mello, Francisco Manuel...
Con todos as licenças ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Alcoforado, Francisco.]
[Portugal--History, Military., Madeira Islands--Discovery and exploration., Brazil--History--1549-1762., Pernambuco (Brazil)--History, Military., Recife (Brazil)--History, Military., Imprint 1660.]
El Rey. Conde de Alba de Aliste, primo gentil hombre de mi camara, mi virrey, gouernador, y capitan general de las prouincias del Perù, o la persona, o personas a cuyo cargo fuere el gouierno de ellas.. Auiendose ajustado el tratado de la paz entre mi, y el Rey Christianissimo de Francia, .
El Rey. Conde de Alba d...
Spain. Sovereign (1621-...
Author (contributor)
Philip IV, King of Spain, 1605-1665.
[Franco-Spanish War, 1635-1659., France--Foreign relations--Spain., Spain--Foreign relations--France., CSAIP., Imprint 1660.]
A sommary description, manifesting that greater profits are to bee done in the hott then in the could parts off the coast off America: : and how much the public good is concerned therein referring to the annexed advertissement, for men inclined to plantations.
A sommary description, ...
Gerbier, Balthazar, Sir...
Printed for Sir Balthaz...
[Guyana--Description and travel., Imprint 1660.]
A declaration from the harmles & innocent people of God, called Quakers, against all plotters and fighters in the world. : For the removing of the ground of jealousie and suspition from both magistrates and people in the kingdoms, concerning vvars and fightings. And also something in answer to that clause of the King's late proclamation, which mentions the Quakers, to clear them from the plot and fighting, which therein is mentioned, and for the clearing their innocency: This declaration was given unto the King, upon the 21. day of the 11th. month, 1660..
A declaration from the ...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
[England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), Roberts, Charles., Fox, George, 1624-1691., Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.]
[Quakers., Society of Friends--Apologetic works., War--Religious aspects--Society of Friends., Imprint 1660.]
Description d'Vkranie, qui sont plusieurs prouinces du royaume de Pologne. Contenuës depuis les confins de la Moscouie, iusques aux limites de la Transilvanie. Ensemble leurs moeurs, fącons de viures, & de faire la guerre.
Description d'Vkranie, ...
Beauplan, Guillaume Le ...
Chez Iacques Cailloüé...
[Ukraine--Description and travel., Imprint 1660.]
A declaration from the harmles & innocent people of God, called Quakers, against all plotters and fighters in the world. : For the removing of the ground of jealousie and suspition from both magistrates and people in the kingdoms, concerning vvars and fightings. And also something in answer to that clause of the King's late proclamation, which mentions the Quakers, to clear them from the plot and fighting, which therein is mentioned, and for the clearing their innocency: This declaration was given unto the King, upon the 21. day of the 11th. month, 1660..
A declaration from the ...
printed for Robert Wils...
Author (contributor)
[England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II), Roberts, Charles., Fox, George, 1624-1691., Charles II, King of England, 1630-1685.]
[Quakers., Society of Friends--Apologetic works., War--Religious aspects--Society of Friends., Imprint 1660.]
[Directorio espiritual en la lengua española, y quichua general del Inga]
[Directorio espiritual ...
Prado, Pablo de, 1576 o...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library
[Catholic Church--Catechisms--Quechua., CSAIP., Indian linguistics--Quechua language., Imprint 1660.]
Extraict des registres du Conseil privé du Roy, du 30. October 1660.
Extraict des registres ...
France Sovereign (1643-...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), France. Conseil privé, Hoüel, Charles.]
[Marinis, Jean-Baptiste de,--1597-1669., Dominicans--Guadeloupe., Dominicans.--Master General (1650-1669 : Marinis), Land titles--Guadeloupe., Imprint 1660.]
[Sermon evangelico i discurso alegorico : predicado en la santa iglesia catedral de Lima en la fiesta que celebraron los esclavos del santisimo sacramento el primer domingo del mes de junio /
[Sermon evangelico i di...
Andrade, Francisco de, ...
en la imprenta de Juan ...
Author (contributor)
Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Pentecost season--Sermons., Sermons, Spanish--Peru., Sermons--Peru--Cuzco., Imprint 1660.]
Sommier verhael, von sekere Amerikaensche voyagie,
Sommier verhael, von se...
Gerbier, Balthazar, Sir...
Gedruckt voor den authe...
[Murder--French Guiana., French Guiana--History--To 1814., Imprint 1660.]
Oracion funebre panegyrica en las honras que hizo el Conuento Grande de S[an] Francisco de Iesus de Lima. : A la exc[elentissi]ma s[eño]ra d[oña] Hypolita de Cordoua y Cardona, condesa de Alua de Aliste y de Villaflor, virreyna de la Nueua España, y del Peru. Dedicala al exc[elentissi]mo s[eñ]or don Luis Henriquez de Guzman, conde de Alua de Aliste, y Villaflor, grande de España, dignissimo virrey del Peru. /
Oracion funebre panegyr...
Bravo de Lagunas, Ferna...
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Dussaut, Ruben J.]
[Cordova y Cardona, Hypolita,--condesa de Alva de Aliste y de Villaflor,---1659?, Funeral sermons--Peru., Sermons, Spanish--Peru., Sermons--Peru--Lima., Imprint 1660.]
Por el padre maestro Fr. Martin Melendez, calificador del Sancto Oficio: : prior del Convento de Predicadores de Sancta Maria del Rosario de Lima: vicario general en la Provincia de San Iuan Bautista del Peru: por muerte del padre provincial maestro fray Iuan Lopez. Contra el padre fray Iuan Moreno, prior del Convento de la Magdalena: que pretende aver sucedido en dicho cargo.
Por el padre maestro Fr...
Meléndez, Martín.
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Montt, Luis, 1848-1909, León Pinelo, Diego, -1671., Moreno, Juan.]
[López, Juan., Dominicans--Peru--History--Sources., CSAIP., Imprint 1659., Imprint 1660.]
Le descrittioni vniuersali et particolari del mondo, & delle republiche. /
Le descrittioni vniuers...
Linda, Lucas de, 1625-1...
Per Combi & La Noù
Author (contributor)
[Olivieri, Domenico, of Parma., Piccini family, of Venice, approximately 1630-1692., Laet, Joannes de, 1581-1649., Avity, Pierre d', 1573-1635., Bisaccioni, Maiolino, 1582-1663.]
[Geography., Imprint 1660.]
Factum, /
Factum, /
Marinis, Jean-Baptiste ...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Boisseret, dame de, Hoüel, Charles.]
[Dominicans--Guadeloupe., Land titles--Guadeloupe., Guadeloupe--History., Imprint 1660.]
Factum, /
Factum, /
Versoris, André
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Breton, Raymond, 1609-1679., Boisseret, Jean, sieur de, Hoüel, Charles.]
[Dominicans--Guadeloupe., Land titles--Guadeloupe., Guadeloupe--History., Imprint 1660.]
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