Browse All : Imprint 1641.

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Den Portugaelsen donder-slagh, tot ontwakinge van alle trouhertighe Neder-landtsche regenten ende ondersaten. : Om de balance van den gheunieerden staet wel te maken, tot voor-cominghe van alle onheyl, en bevestinghe van onse groot-beroemde republijcke. /
Den Portugaelsen donder...
Anti-pater, Theophilus.
By de erffghenamen van ...
[Dutch--Brazil., Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Imprint 1641.]
A coppy of a letter of Mr. Cotton of Boston, in New England, sent in answer of certaine objections made against their discipline and orders there, directed to a friend. : VVith the questions propounded to such as are admitted to the church-fellowship, and the covenant it selfe..
A coppy of a letter of ...
Cotton, John, 1584-1652...
publisher not idetified
[Williams, Roger,--1604?-1683., New England--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1641., Covenants (Church polity)--Puritans., Congregational churches--Discipline., Congregational churches--Massachusetts., Congregational churches--New England., Congregational churches--Government., Massachusetts--History--New Plymouth, 1620-1691., Massachusetts--Politics and government--1620-1691., New England--Church history.]
Señor. Geronimo Garauito procurador general del gremio de los azogueros y mineros de la villa Imperial de Potosi del Pirù, dize, : que teniendo noticia que don Iuan Carauajal y Sande, del Consejo de Ordenes, queria entrar por consejero de Indias .
Señor. Geronimo Garaui...
Garavito, Jerónimo.
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Caravuajal y Sande, Juan., Gremio de Azogueros y Mineros de Potosí (Bolivia), Imprint 1641.]
Nuevo descubrimiento del gran rio de las Amazonas. /
Nuevo descubrimiento de...
Acuña, Cristóbal de, ...
en la Imprenta del Reyn...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Ternaux-Compans, Henri, 1807-1864]
[Indians of South America--Amazon River Valley., Amazon River--Discovery and exploration., Brazil--Description and travel., Imprint 1641.]
Assento /
Assento /
Portugal. Cortes.
Con licenças necessari...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Portugal. Sovereign (1640-1656 : John IV), Meneses, Sebastião Cesar de.]
[John--IV,--King of Portugal,--1604-1656., Heirs--Portugal., Portugal--History--John IV, 1640-1656., Imprint 1641.]
Hadriani a Mynsicht, medici Germani praestantissimi, Thesaurus et armamentarium medico-chymicum. : In quo selectissimorum contra quosuis morbos pharmacorum conficiendorum secretissima ratio aperitur, vnà cum eorumdem virtute, vsu, & dosi. Cui in fine adiunctum est Testamentum Hadrianeum de aureo philosophorum lapide.
Hadriani a Mynsicht, me...
Mynsicht, Adrian von, 1...
Sumpt Ioan Antonii Hugu...
Author (contributor)
French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Botany, Medical., Imprint 1641., Medicinal plants., Materia medica, Vegetable., Tobacco., Quinine., Guaiac., Sassafras., Balsam poplar--Peru., Alchemy--Poetry.]
t Geestelyck roer van't coopmans schip, : dat is: trouwbericht, hoe dat een coopman, en coopvaerder, hem selven dragen moet in syne handelinge, in pays, ende in oorloge, voor God, ende de menschen, te water ende te lande, insonderheydt onder de heydenen in Oost ende West-Indien: ter eeren Gods, stichtinge syner gemeynten, ende saligheyt syner zielen: mitsgaders tot het tijtlick welvaren van het vaderlandt, ende syne familie, /
t Geestelyck roer van't...
Udemans, Godefridus, ap...
Voor Françoys Boels bo...
[West-Indische Compagnie (Netherlands), Nederlandsche Oost-Indische Compagnie., Business ethics., War., Netherlands--Commerce., Imprint 1641.]
R.P. Stephani Fagundez, è Societate Iesu, S. theologiae professoris Viannensis, è regione interamnensi, De Iustitia, & contractibus, & de acquisitione, & translatione dominij, libri septem, : cum Summariis & duplici Indice, vno librorum, & capitum, altero rerum singularium copiosissimum.
R.P. Stephani Fagundez,...
Fagundes, Estêvão, 1577...
Sumpt Laurentii Anisson...
Author (contributor)
[Mt. St. Alphonsus (Esopus, N.Y.). Library., Domus Genuae Societatis Jesu.]
[Contracts., Property., Slavery., Civil law., Imprint 1641.]
Relaçaõ de tudo o que passou na felice aclamaçaõ do mui alto, & mui poderoso rey dom Joaõ o. IV. Nosso Senhor, cuja monarquia prospere Deos por largos annos. : Dedicada aos fidalgos de Portugal.
Relaçaõ de tudo o que...
Azevedo, Nicolau da Mai...
Acusta de Lourenço de ...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Gallegos, Manuel de, 1597-1665.]
[John--IV,--King of Portugal,--1604-1656., Portugal--History--John IV, 1640-1656., Imprint 1641.]
A pack of Puritians, maintayning the vnlawfulnesse, or vnexpediencie or both. : Of pluralities and nonresidency. Unpreaching prelates and ministers. Sole ordination, and election, excommunication. The clergies pomp, ambition, lordlinesse, riches. Misimploying the temporalities of the church, the clergyes medling with temporall offices and affaires. The oath ex officio. As also a defence of authority of princes and parliaments to intermeddle with matters of religion, and a short discourse whether things consecrated may be alienated..
A pack of Puritians, ma...
Wentworth, Peter, Sir, ...
Printed for William She...
Author (contributor)
British Library. Department of Printed Books
[Church of England--Clergy., Church and state--Great Britain., Great Britain--Church history--17th century., Imprint 1641.]
A petition of W.C. exhibited to the high court of Parliament now assembled, for the propagating of the gospel in America, and the West Indies; : and for the setling of our plantations there; which petition is approved by 70 able English divines. Also by Master Alexander Henderson, and some other worthy ministers of Scotland..
A petition of W.C. exhi...
Castell, William, -1645...
publisher not identifie...
Author (contributor)
[England and Wales. Parliament., Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646.]
[Missions--America., America--Colonization., America--Emigration and immigration, North America--History--Colonial period, ca. 1600-1775., Imprint 1641.]
Carta. Que o visorrey do Brasil dom Iorge Mascarenhas marquez de Montaluão escreueo ao excellentissimo conde de Nassau general dos Ola[n]deses em Perna[m]buco.
Carta. Que o visorrey d...
Montalvão, Jorge Mascar...
Por Iorge Rodriguez Ann...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Montalvão, Jorge Mascarenhas, Marquês de, -1652., Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, 1584-1647.]
[Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Spain--History--Philip IV, 1621-1665., CPJCB., Imprint 1641.]
Segunda carta /
Segunda carta /
Montalvão, Jorge Mascar...
Por Iorge Rodriguez Ann...
Author (contributor)
[Montalvão, Jorge Mascarenhas, Marquês de, -1652., Frederick Henry, Prince of Orange, 1584-1647.]
[Spain--History--Philip IV, 1621-1665., Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Imprint 1641.]
Semanas espirituales. /
Semanas espirituales. /
Palafox y Mendoza, Juan...
Por la Viuda de Bernard...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Devotional literature, Spanish., Imprint 1641.]
The retractation of Mr. Charles Chancy formerly minister of Ware in Harfordshire. : Wherein is proved the unlawfulnesse and danger of rayling in altars or communion tables, /
The retractation of Mr....
Chauncy, Charles, 1592-...
publisher not identifie...
[Communion table., Church architecture--England., Imprint 1641.]
Manifest van 't koninghrijck van Portugael. : In d'welcke verklaert wort de gerechte oorsake ende reden waerom de inwoonders sich hebben getrocken uyt de gehoorsaemheyt des konings van Castilien, en nu aenghenomen den Serenissimo Heer Don Joan de IIII. van dien name, wesende den XVIII. gerechten koningh van dit koninghrijck.
Manifest van 't koningh...
Viegas, António Pais, -...
En worden nu uytgegeven...
[John--IV,--King of Portugal,--1604-1656., Portugal--History--Spanish dynasty, 1580-1640., Portugal--Kings and rulers--Succession., Portugal--History--John IV, 1640-1656., Imprint 1641.]
A discourse concerning Puritans. : A vindication of those, who uniustly suffer by the mistake, abuse, and misapplication of that name. A tract necessary and usefull for these times..
A discourse concerning ...
Printed for Robert Bost...
Author (contributor)
[Parker, Henry, 1604-1652., Ley, John, 1583-1662.]
[Puritans--England., Great Britain--Church history--17th century., Imprint 1641.]
Secrets publichs, pedra de toch, de les intencions del enemich, y llum de la veritat. : Que manifeste los enganys y cauteles de vns papers volants que va distribuint lo enemich per lo principat de Catalunya. Va en vltima impressio sinch cartas, las tres del rey christianissim y las dos de la entrada naual en Catalunya, y la victoria de dita armada naual, y vna prouisio del rey de Portugal en fauor dels Catalans.
Secrets publichs, pedra...
Sala, Gaspar, -1670.
Author (contributor)
[Portugal. Sovereign (1640-1656 : John IV), France. Sovereign (1610-1643 : Louis XIII), Sourdis, Henri d'Escoubleau de, 1593-1645., John IV, King of Portugal, 1604-1656., Louis XIII, King of France, 1601-1643.]
[Casas, Bartolomé de las,--1484-1566., Franco-Spanish War, 1635-1659., Indians, Treatment of--West Indies., Tobacco., Catalonia (Spain)--History., Catalonia (Spain)--History--Reapers' War, 1640-1659., Spain--Colinies--America., Imprint 1641.]
Segredos publicos, pedra de toque dos intendos do inimiguo, & luz da verdade : que manifestaos enganos, e cautelas de huns papeis volantes, que vai espalbando o inimigo por o principado de Catalunha com tres cartas del  rey Christianissimo, & duas do arcebispo de Burdeos, que co[n]tem a entrada naual em Catalunha, & a victoria dadita armada, & hu[m]a provisão do serenissimo rey de Portugal em fauor dos Catalães. Por mandado, & ordem dos muyto illustres senhores deputados, & ouuidores traduzido de Catalão em Portugues.
Segredos publicos, pedr...
Sala, Gaspar, -1670.
Na Officina de Lourenç...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal. Sovereign (1640-1656 : John IV), France. Sovereign (1610-1643 : Louis XIII), Sourdis, Henri d'Escoubleau de, 1593-1645., Casas, Bartolomé de las, 1484-1566., John IV, King of Portugal, 1604-1656., Louis XIII, King of France, 1601-1643.]
[Franco-Spanish War, 1635-1659., Indians, Treatment of--West Indies., Tobacco., Catalonia (Spain)--History., Catalonia (Spain)--History--Reapers' War, 1640-1659., Spain--Colinies--America., Imprint 1641.]
Santuario de N. Señora de Copacabana en el Peru. : Poema sacro. /
Santuario de N. Señora...
Valverde, Fernando de.
Por Luis de Lyra
Author (contributor)
[Peru Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library, Bejarano, Francisco de, -1659.]
[Nuestra Señora de Copacabana--Art., Nuestra Señora de Copacabana--Poetry., CSAIP., Imprint 1641.]
New Englands teares, for old Englands feares. : Preached in a sermon on July 23, 1640 being a day of publike humiliation, appointed by the churches in behalfe of our native countrey in time of feared dangers. /
New Englands teares, fo...
Hooke, William, 1600 or...
Printed by EGriffin for...
[Fast-day sermons--Massachusetts--Taunton., Sermons--Massachusetts--Taunton., Great Britain--Church history., New England--Church history., Great Britain--History--Charles I, 1625-1649--Sermons., Imprint 1641.]
New Englands teares, for old Englands feares. : Preached in a sermon on July 23, 1640 being a day of publike humiliation, appointed by the churches in behalfe of our native countrey in time of feared dangers. /
New Englands teares, fo...
Hooke, William, 1600 or...
Printed by EGriffin for...
[Fast-day sermons--Massachusetts--Taunton., Sermons--Massachusetts--Taunton., Great Britain--Church history., New England--Church history., Great Britain--History--Charles I, 1625-1649--Sermons., Imprint 1641.]
New Englands teares, for old Englands feares. : Preached in a sermon on July 23. 1640. being a day of publike humiliation, appointed by the churches in behalfe of our native countrey in time of feared dangers. /
New Englands teares, fo...
Hooke, William, 1600 or...
Printed by TPayne for I...
[Fast-day sermons--Massachusetts--Taunton., Sermons--Massachusetts--Taunton., Great Britain--Church history., New England--Church history., Great Britain--History--Charles I, 1625-1649--Sermons., Imprint 1641.]
Eu el rey faço saber aos que este regimento virem q[ue] eu mandei passar hoje hum aluará, pello qual ordenei as co[n]tribuiçoẽs que se deuião fazer para o subsido da guerra, & defensaõ destes reynos
Eu el rey faço saber a...
Portugal. Sovereign (16...
Por Antonio Aluarez imp...
Author (contributor)
[Portugal and Brazil Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), John IV, King of Portugal, 1604-1656.]
[Portugal.--Junta dos Três Estados, Taxation--Portugal., Taxation--Law and legislation--Portugal., Portugal--Commerce--Brazil., Brazil--Commerce--Portugal., Imprint 1641.]
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