Browse All : Imprint 1587.

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De materia medica Novae Hispaniae Philippi Secundi Hispaniarum ac Indiarum regis invictissimi iussu /
De materia medica Novae...
Hernández, Francisco, 1...
Author (contributor)
[Spain. Sovereign (1556-1598 : Philip II), Zelada, Cardinal de approximately 1717-1801 (Francesco Saverio),, Cesi, Federico, 1585-1630, Recchi, Nardo Antonio., Philip II, King of Spain, 1527-1598.]
[Manuscripts, Spanish., Materia medica, Vegetable--Mexico., Natural history--Mexico., Tobacco--Mexico., Indian linguistics--Nahuatl language., Manuscripts--Latin., Imprint 1577., Imprint 1587.]
Constitutiones Ordinis Frartum Eremitraum [sic] Sancti Augustini. : Nuper recognitae, & in ampliorem formam ac ordinem redactae.
Constitutiones Ordinis ...
Excudebat Petrus Ochart...
Author (contributor)
Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Augustinian monasteries--Mexico., Monasticism and religious orders., Rules--Augustinians., Augustinians--Missions--Mexico., CSAIP., Imprint 1587.]
Ordenliche Beschreibung vnd Verzeychniss, allerley fürnemer Händel, so sich in glaubens vnd anderen weltichen Sachen, bei Regierung dess grossmächtigsten Keyser Carls, dises Namens des Fünfften, : mehrerntheyls in teutscher Nation zugetragen vnd verlauffen haben: erstlich in lateinischer Sprache verfärtigt, vnd in sechs vnnd zwentzig Bücher getheylt.  /
Ordenliche Beschreibung...
Sleidanus, Johannes, 15...
Durch Theodosium Rihel
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Rodolph, Johann, active 1644., Betear, Bonaventura., Beuther, Michael, 1522-1587.]
[Reformation., Reformation--Germany., Europe--History--1517-1648., Germany--History--1517-1648., Holy Roman Empire--History--1517-1648., Imprint 1587.]
Instrucion nauthica, : para el buen vso, y regimiento de las naos, su traça, y y [sic] gouierno conforme à la altura de Mexico. /
Instrucion nauthica, : ...
García de Palacio, Dieg...
En casa de Pedro Ochart...
Author (contributor)
[Spanish America Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Saõ Vicente, Miguel Carlos da Cunha da Silveira e Lorena, Conde de, active 1791-1811.]
[Navigation., Navigation--Study and teaching., Navigation--Terminology., Shipbuilding--Mexico., CSAIP., Imprint 1587.]
A mirror for mathematiques: : a golden gem for geometricians: a sure safety for saylers, and an auncient antiquary for astronomers and astrologians. Contayning also an order howe to make an astronimicall instrument, called the astrolab, vvith the vse thereof. Also a playne and most easie instruction for erection of a figure for the 12. houses of the heauens. A work most profitable for all such as are students in astrenomie, & geometrie, and generally most necessarie for all learners in mathematicall artes. The contents of which booke you shall find in the next page. /
A mirror for mathematiq...
R. T. (Robert Tanner)
Imprinted at London by ...
Author (contributor)
Lanhydrock Library, Cornwall.
[Mathematics., Geometry., Nautical astronomy., Astrolabes., Imprint 1587.]
Nootelijcke consideratien die alle goede liefhebbers des vaderlandts behooren rijpelijck te ouerweghen opten voorgheslaghen tractate van peys met den Spaengiaerden.
Nootelijcke considerati...
Verheiden, Willem, 1568...
[Indians, Treatment of--America., Netherlands--History--Eighty Years' War, 1568-1648., Netherlands--Foreign relations--Spain., Spain--Foreign relations--Netherlands., Imprint 1587.]
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