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The appeal farther defended; : in answer to the farther misrepresentations of Dr. Chauncy. /
The appeal farther defe...
Chandler, Thomas Bradbu...
Printed by Hugh Gaine a...
[Chandler, Thomas Bradbury,--1726-1790.--Appeal to the public., Imprint 1771., Chandler, Thomas Bradbury,--1726-1790.--Appeal defended., Chauncy, Charles,--1705-1787.--Appeal to the public answered., Chauncy, Charles,--1705-1787.--Reply to Dr. Chandler's Appeal defended., Church of England--United States., Church of England--Apologetic works., Church polity., Episcopacy., Luce grant.]
A reply to Dr. Chandler's 'Appeal defended:' : wherein his mistakes are rectified, his false arguing refuted, and the objections against the planned American episcopate shewn to remain in full force, notwithstanding all he has offered to render them invalid. /
A reply to Dr. Chandler...
Chauncy, Charles, 1705-...
Printed by Daniel Kneel...
[Chandler, Thomas Bradbury,--1726-1790.--Appeal to the public., Chandler, Thomas Bradbury,--1726-1790.--Appeal defended., Chauncy, Charles,--1705-1787.--Appeal to the public answered., Church of England--United States., Church of England--Colonies--America., Episcopacy., Luce grant., Imprint 1770.]
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