Browse All : Egypt--Description and travel.

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Reisen nach Peru, Acadien und Egypten, : worin die Merkwürdigkeiten der Natur und Kunst in diesen Ländern, nebst den Sitten und Gewohnheiten der Einwohner beschrieben werden, /
Reisen nach Peru, Acadi...
Verlegts Abram Vandenho...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Granger, -1737., Diéreville., Bouguer, M. 1698-1758. (Pierre),]
[Peru--Description and travel., Egypt--Description and travel., Acadia--Description and travel., Imprint 1751.]
The present state of Egypt; or, A new relation of a late voyage into that kingdom. : Performed in the years 1672. and 1623. By F. Vansleb, R. D. Wherein you have an exact and true account of many rare and wonderful particulars of that ancient kingdom. /
The present state of Eg...
Wansleben, Johann Micha...
printed by Robert Everi...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Little Compton Historical Society, former owner., Simonds, Philip, film producer., Wilbour, Charles E. 1833-1896, former owner. (Charles Edwin),, D'Assigny, Marius, 1643-1717.]
[Coptic Church., Natural history--Pre-Linnean works., Egypt--Antiquities., Egypt--Description and travel., Catalogs, Booksellers'--Great Britain--1678., Imprint 1678.]
P. Martyris Angli Mediolanensis Opera : Legatio Babylonica ; Occeani decas ; Poemata ; Epigrammata.
P. Martyris Angli Medio...
Anghiera, Pietro Martir...
cum summa diligencia pe...
Author (contributor)
[Ternaux-Compans, Henri, ǂd 1807-1864., Nebrija, Antonio de, 1444?-1522.]
[America--Discovery and exploration., Egypt--Description and travel., Imprint 1511.]
Die ritterliche vnnd lobwirdige Reyss, des gestrengen vnd vber all ander weit erfarne Ritter, vnnd Landtfahrer, Herrn Ludovico Vartomans von Bolonia, sagend von den Landen Egypto, Syria, von beiden Arabia, Persia, India, vnd Ethiopia .
Die ritterliche vnnd lo...
Varthema, Lodovico de, ...
durch Hermann Gülfferi...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Herr, Michael, -approximately 1550.]
[Arabrian Peninsula--Description and travel., India--Description and travel., Middle East--Description and travel., Egypt--Description and travel., East Indies--Description and travel., Asia--Description and travel., Africa--Description and travel., Imprint 1548.]
Seer aenmerkelyke reys-beschryving na Constantinopolen, en Egypten, gedaan in 't jaar 1605, en vervolgens, door Nicolaus Schmidt. : Waar in van sijne veelvoudige togten, en seldsame ontmoetingen door de Egeische Zee;  van de eylanden in deselve gelegen; van de zeden, gewoontens, en van de regeering der volkeren, gelegen aan de Middelandsche Zee langs de kusten van Africa en Egypten, seer naaukeurig gehandeld word. Nevens een destige beschrijving van de keyserlijke residentie-stad Constantinopolen in 't bysonder, van het paleys, de kerken, en andere voorname gebouwen aldaar, &c. /
Seer aenmerkelyke reys-...
Schmidt, Nicolaus, of D...
By Pieter vander Aa boe...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733.]
[Disoveries in geography--German., Istanbul (Turkey)--Description and travel., Turkey--Description and travel., Egypt--Description and travel., Imprint 1706.]
Relations veritables et curieuses de l'isle de Madagascar, et du Bresil. : Auec l'histoire de la derniere guerre faite au Bresil, entre les Portugais et les Hollandois. ; Trois relations d'Egypte, & vne du royaume de Perse.
Relations veritables et...
Chez Augustin Courbé a...
Author (contributor)
[French Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Courbé, Augustin., Compagnie des Indes occidentales., Seguezzi, Santo., Albert, Jacques, active 17th century., Lambert, César., Moreau, Pierre, active 1651-1652., Baro, Roulox., Cauche, François, 1616?-, Morisot, Claude-Barthélemy, 1592-1661.]
[Natural history--Madagascar., Indians of South America--Brazil., Madagascar--Description and travel., Brazil--Description and travel., Brazil--History--Dutch Conquest, 1624-1654., Portugal--Foreign relations--Netherlands--17th century., Egypt--Description and travel., Iran--Description and travel., Imprint 1651.]
Ongelukkige voyagie van Michiel Heberer, van Bretten: door verscheyde gedeeltens van Asia en Africa, in het jaar 1582, en vervolgens. : Verhalende het gevangen nemen, mitsgaders de harde en slaafse dienstbaarheyd des schrijvers, onder het wreede jok der Turken en Egypten, en hoe hy eyndelijk, na veele uytgestane ongemakken, in sijn vryheyd is hersteld. Als mede een beschrijving van verscheyde eylanden, steeden, zeehavens, oudheeden van Egypten, Turkyen en het Heylige Land: ook de gewoontens, zeden en straf-oeffeningen deser volkeren. /
Ongelukkige voyagie van...
Heberer, Michael.
By Pieter vander Aa boe...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733.]
[Discoveries in geography--German., Palestine--Description and travel., Middle East--Description and travel., Turkey--Description and travel., Egypt--Description and travel., Imprint 1706.]
Ioannes Ruffus Foroliuiensis Archiep[iscop]us Co[n]sentin[us]: legat[us] apo. ad lectore[m] De orbe nouo. ... .
Ioannes Ruffus Foroliui...
Anghiera, Pietro Martir...
Impressæ in contubernio...
Author (contributor)
[Indigenous Languages Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Anghiera, Pietro Martire d', 1457-1526., Nebrija, Antonio de, 1444?-1522.]
[America--Discovery and exploration., Egypt--Description and travel., Indian linguistics., Imprint 1516.]
Die ritterlich vn[d] lobwirdig Rayss des gestrengen vn[d] über all ander weyt erfarnen Ritters vnd Lantfarers Herren Ludowico Vartomans vo[n] Bolonia sagent vo[n] den Landen, Egypto, Syria vo[n] bayden Arabia Persia India un[d] Ethiopia .
Die ritterlich vn[d] lo...
Varthema, Lodovico de, ...
In Kostung vnd Verlegun...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Huth, Henry., Herr, Michael, -approximately 1550.]
[Arabrian Peninsula--Description and travel., India--Description and travel., Middle East--Description and travel., Egypt--Description and travel., East Indies--Description and travel., Asia--Description and travel., Africa--Description and travel., Imprint 1515.]
The travels of Ludovico di Varthema in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, A.D. 1503 to 1508 /
The travels of Ludovico...
Varthema, Lodovico de, ...
Printed for the Hakluyt...
Author (contributor)
[Badger, George Percy, 1815-1888., Jones, John Winter, 1805-1881.]
[Voyages and travels., Egypt--Description and travel., Syria--Description and travel., Arabian Peninsula--Description and travel.]
Die ritterlich vnd lobwirdig Raiss des gestre[n]gen vnd über all ander weyt erfarnen Ritters vn[d] Landtfarers, Herren Ludowico Vartomans von Bolonia. Sagent vo[n] den Landen Egipto. Syria, vo[n] bayden Arabia. Persia. India. vn[d] Ethiopia .
Die ritterlich vnd lobw...
Varthema, Lodovico de, ...
Erhard Öglin?
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Herr, Michael, -approximately 1550.]
[Arabrian Peninsula--Description and travel., India--Description and travel., Middle East--Description and travel., Egypt--Description and travel., East Indies--Description and travel., Asia--Description and travel., Africa--Description and travel.]
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