Browse All : Conversion.

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A call to the unconverted, : to turn and live; and accept of mercy, while mercy may be had; as ever they will find mercy, in the day of their extremity, from the living God. /
A call to the unconvert...
Baxter, Richard, 1615-1...
by William Greenough fo...
Wohl angefüllter Wein-Keller, in welchem manche durstige Seel sich mit einem geistlichen Geseng-Gott erquicken kan: : nach dem Exempel der himmlischen Braut in dem hohen Lied Salomonis die sich berühmet, dass ihr Liebster sie in den Wein-Keller geführt habe, introduxit me in Cellam vinarium, Cant. 2. Ein solcher Keller ist gegenwärtiger Tractat, in welchem süsse und saure Trunck nach Belieben zu finden. /
Wohl angefüllter Wein-...
Abraham a Sancta Clara,...
Gedruckt bey Frantz Mar...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Prinz, Friedrich, 1928-2003, former owner., Hauser, former owner., Weigel, Johann Christoph, 1661-1726.]
[Sermons, German., Christian literature, German., Emblem books, German., Tobacco., Conversion., Idols and images--Mexico., Imprint 1710.]
The sincere convert. : Discovering the small number of true beleevers, and the great difficulty of saving conversion. Wherein is excellently and plainly opened these choice and divine principles: viz. 1. That there is a God, and this God is most glorious. 2. That God made man in a blessed estate. 3. Mans misery by his fall. 4. Christ the only redeemer by price. 5. That few are saved, and that with difficulty. 6. That mans perdition is of himself. Whereto is now added the Saints jewel, shewing how to apply the promise; and the Souls invitation unto Jesus Christ. /
The sincere convert. : ...
Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1...
Printed by G Dawson? fo...
Author (contributor)
[Stevens, Henry, Jr., 1819-1886, Greenhill, William, 1591-1671.]
[Conversion., Redemption., Salvation., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1659., Imprint 1659.]
The sincere convert. : Discovering the small number of true beleevers, and the great difficulty of saving conversion. Wherein is excellently and plainly opened these choice and divine principles: viz. 1. That there is a God, and this God is most glorious. 2. That God made man in a blessed estate. 3. Mans misery by his fall. 4. Christ the only redeemer by price. 5. That few are saved, and that with difficulty. 6. That mans perdition is of himself. Whereto is now added the Saints jewel, shewing how to apply the promise; and the Souls invitation unto Jesus Christ. /
The sincere convert. : ...
Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1...
Printed by G Dawson? fo...
Author (contributor)
[Stevens, Henry, Jr., 1819-1886, Greenhill, William, 1591-1671.]
[Conversion., Redemption., Salvation., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1659., Imprint 1659.]
The sincere convert: : discovering the small number of true beleevers, and the great difficulty of saving conversion. Wherein is excellently and plainly opened these choice and divine principles; viz. 1. That there is a God, and this God is most glorious. 2. That God made man in a blessed estate. 3. Mans misery by his fall. 4. Christ the only Redeemer by price. 5. That few are saved, and that with difficulty. 6. That mans perdition is of himself. Whereto is now added the Saints jewell, shewing how to apply the promises; and the souls invitation unto Jesus Christ. /
The sincere convert: : ...
Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1...
Printed by E Cotes for ...
Author (contributor)
[William., Greenhill, William, 1591-1671.]
[Conversion., Redemption., Salvation., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1655., Imprint 1655.]
The sound beleever. : A treatise of evangelicall conversion. Discovering the work of Christ's Spirit in reconciling of a sinner to God. /
The sound beleever. : A...
Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1...
[Evangelistic work--England., Conversion., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1652., Imprint 1652.]
The sound beleever. : A treatise of evangelicall conversion. Discovering the work of Christs spirit, in reconciling of a sinner to God. /
The sound beleever. : A...
Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1...
printed for Andrew Croo...
Author (contributor)
[Stevens, Henry, Jr., 1819-1886, William.]
[Evangelistic work--England., Conversion., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1653., Imprint 1653.]
The sound beleever. : A treatise of evangelicall conversion. Discovering the work of Christs spirit, in reconciling of a sinner to God. /
The sound beleever. : A...
Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1...
printed for Andrew Croo...
Author (contributor)
[Stevens, Henry, Jr., 1819-1886, William.]
[Evangelistic work--England., Conversion., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1653., Imprint 1653.]
Glaubwürdige Nachricht von dem herrlichen Werck Gottes, : welches sich in Bekehrung vieler hundert Seelen zu Northampton und an andern Orten in Neu-Engeland geäussert hat, /
Glaubwürdige Nachricht...
Edwards, Jonathan, 1703...
in Verlegung sel Christ...
Author (contributor)
[German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library), Steinmetz, Johann Adam, 1689-1762., Guyse, John, 1680-1761., Watts, Isaac, 1674-1748.]
[Colman, Benjamin,--1673-1747., Conversion., Great Awakening., Revivals--Massachusetts--Northampton., Massachusetts--Church history.]
The sincere convert: : discovering the small number of true beleevers, and the great difficulty of saving conversion. Wherein is excellently and plainly opened  these choice and divine principles; viz. 1. That there is a God, and this God is most glorious. 2. That God made man  in a blessed estate. 3. Mans misery by his fall. 4. Christ in a blessed estate. 3. Mans misery by his fall. 4. Christ the only Redeemer by price. 5. That few are saved, and that with difficulty. 6. That mans perdition is of himself. Whereto is now added the Saints jewel, shewing how to apply the promises; and the souls invitation unto Jesus Christ. /
The sincere convert: : ...
Shepard, Thomas, 1605-1...
Printed by J Macock for...
Author (contributor)
Greenhill, William, 1591-1671.
[Conversion., Redemption., Salvation., Booksellers' catalogs--Great Britain--1657., Imprint 1657.]
The soules implantation into the naturall olive. /
The soules implantation...
Hooker, Thomas, 1586-16...
Printed by R Young and ...
[Conversion., Salvation., Spiritual life--Christianity., Imprint 1640.]
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