Browse All : Comets.

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Conjectures upon the nature and motion of meteors, : which are above the atmosphere. /
Conjectures upon the na...
Clap, Thomas, 1703-1767...
Printed by John Trumbul...
Author (contributor)
Hinckley, Dyar J., active 1782.
[Comets., Meteors., Imprint 1781.]
Astronomicum caesareum.
Astronomicum caesareum.
Apian, Peter, 1495-1552...
Factum et actum Ingolst...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Charles--V,--Holy Roman Emperor,--1500-1558., Ferdinand--I,--Holy Roman Emperor,--1503-1564., Astronomy., Comets., Imprint 1540.]
A short account of the solar system and of comets in general: : together with a particular account of the comet that will appear in 1789. /
A short account of the ...
Burges, Bartholomew.
Printed and sold by B E...
Author (contributor)
Norman, John, 1748?-1817.
[Comets., Solar system., Catalogs, Booksellers'--United States--1789., Imprint 1789.]
Erhardi VVeigelii, mathem. prof. publ. Speculum terrae, das ist, Erd-Spiegel, : darinnen der Erd-Creis nach seinen Eigenschafften an Land und Wasser: nach denen Völckern und Einwohnern seiner Länder: nach der Figur und Grösse seines Cörpers: nach der Länge und Breite seiner Fläche: nach der Lage seiner Theile, so wohl gegen einander und in gewissen Gegenden; als unter denen Sternen in gewissen Zonen und Climen: samt andern geographischen Anmerckungen, abgebildet, und zugleich der helleuchtende Comet welcher im Mertz und April des 1665sten Jahres erschienen, ausführlich beschrieben wird. Zum andernmal gedruckt.
Erhardi VVeigelii, math...
Weigel, Erhard, 1625-16...
Verlegts Johann Meiers ...
Author (contributor)
German Americana Digitization Project (John Carter Brown Library)
[Comets., Geography., Astronomy., Imprint 1713.]
The true nature and cause of the tails of comets. : Elucidated in a rationale agreeing with their several phanomena [sic]. /
The true nature and cau...
Perkins, John, 1698-178...
Printed and sold by Ede...
[Comets., Astronomy., Imprint.]
Discurso cometologico, y relacion del nuevo cometa: : visto en aqueste hemispherio mexicano, y generalmente en todo el mundo: el año de 1680; y extinguido en este de 81: observado, y regulado en este mismo horizonte de Mexico. /
Discurso cometologico, ...
Escobar Salmeron y Cast...
Por la viuda de Bernard...
Author (contributor)
León, Nicolás, 1859-1929
[Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de,--1645-1700.--Manifiesto filosófico contra los cometas., Comets., Astronomy., Kirch comet., Imprint 1681.]
Komētographia. Or A discourse concerning comets; : wherein the nature of blazing stars is enquired into: with an historical account of all the comets which have appeared from the beginning of the world unto this present year, M. DC. LXXXIII. Expressing the place in the heavens, where they were seen, their motion, forms, duration; and the remarkable events which have followed in the world, so far as they have been by learned men observed. As also two sermons occasioned by the late blazing stars. /
Komētographia. Or A di...
Mather, Increase, 1639-...
And sold by J Browning ...
Author (contributor)
Sherman, John, 1613-1685.
[Astronomy., Comets., Comets--Religious aspects., Sermons, American--Massachusetts--Boston., Halley's comet., Kirch comet., Sermons--Massachusetts--Boston., Imprint 1683.]
An essay on comets, in two parts. : Part I. Containing an attempt to explain the phaenomena of the tails of comets, and to account for their perpetual opposition to the sun, upon philosophical principles. Part II. Pointing out some important ends for which these tails were probably designed: wherein it is shewn, that, in consequence of these curious appendages, comets may be inhabited worlds, and even comfortable habitations; notwithstanding the vast excentricities of their orbits. The whole interspersed with observations and reflections on the sun and primary planets. /
An essay on comets, in ...
Oliver, A. 1731-1799. (...
Printed and sold by Sam...
Author (contributor)
[Brown, Moses, 1738-1836, Brown, Nicholas, 1769-1841]
[Comets., Comets--Orbits., Planets., Astronomy., Sun., Imprint 1772.]
An essay on comets, in two parts. : Part I. Containing an attempt to explain the phaenomena of the tails of comets, and to account for their perpetual opposition to the sun, upon philosophical principles. Part II. Pointing out some important ends for which these tails were probably designed: wherein it is shewn, that, in consequence of these curious appendages, comets may be inhabited worlds, and even comfortable habitations; notwithstanding the vast excentricities of their orbits. The whole interspersed with observations and reflections on the sun and primary planets. /
An essay on comets, in ...
Oliver, A. 1731-1799. (...
Printed and sold by Sam...
Author (contributor)
[Brown, Moses, 1738-1836, Brown, Nicholas, 1769-1841]
[Comets., Comets--Orbits., Planets., Astronomy., Sun., Imprint 1772.]
Especulacion astrologica, y physica de la naturaleza de los cometas, y juizio del que este año de 1682. se vè en todo el mundo. /
Especulacion astrologic...
Evelino, Gaspar Juan, a...
Por la viuda de Bernard...
Author (contributor)
León, Nicolás, 1859-1929
[Comets., Astronomy., Halley's comet., Imprint 1682.]
L. Annei Senecae naturalium quaestionum libri VII. : Matthæi Fortunati in eosdem libros annotationes. : Index rerum notatu dignarum in calce operis appositus.
L. Annei Senecae natura...
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus,...
in aedibus Aldi et Andr...
Author (contributor)
Fortunatus, Matthaeus.
[Meteorology., Earthquakes., Comets., Meteorology--Early works to 1800.]
L. Annei Senecae naturalium quaestionum libri VII. : Matthæi Fortunati in eosdem libros annotationes. : Index rerum notatu dignarum in calce operis appositus.
L. Annei Senecae natura...
Seneca, Lucius Annaeus,...
in aedibus Aldi et Andr...
Author (contributor)
Fortunatus, Matthaeus.
[Meteorology., Earthquakes., Comets., Meteorology--Early works to 1800.]
Discurso mathematico, sobre los dos cometas que se han parecido, en las quales se declaran los efectos que muestran por los signos y señales, a donde se vieron primero. : El vno desde doze de nouiembre deste presente año de 1618. Y e otro desde 24. de dicho mes. Ponense sus generales significaciones. /
Discurso mathematico, s...
Luciano, Antonio, activ...
I con licencia de el ex...
[Comets., Eclipses., Solar eclipses., Astronomy., Imprint 1619.]
Exposicion astronomica de el cometa, que el año de 1680. por los meses de noviembre, y diziembre, y este año de 1681. por los meses de enero y febrero, se ha visto en todo el mundo, y le ha observado en la ciudad de Cadiz, /
Exposicion astronomica ...
Kino, Eusebio Francisco...
Por Francisco Rodriguez...
Author (contributor)
[León, Nicolás, 1859-1929, Ysarti, Antonio., Sigüenza y Góngora, Carlos de, 1645-1700.]
[Comets., Astronomy., Kirch comet., Imprint 1681.]
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